Wednesday 6 December 2023

Now They DO Want to Talk About the Vaccines. (But not Hospital Death protocols.) (Or faked pandemics.)

Why now, and why not back in 2021? When the shots were going in.

This is the guy that gets censored.

Wanna know what thread this is on?

Stay tuned for just a brief introduction as I explain my dilemma.

It wasn’t this thread.

It was months ago.

Just something nagging at me.

Shouting out News Detectives for this write up on the event that just went down in the UK.

On Monday, December 4, a meeting of the minds took place inside the United Kingdom’s halls of Parliament.

Called “For Democracy, Truth, and Freedom,” those attending are recognized as leading members of the growing skeptical community who question the COVID mRNA inoculations and warn people against using them. This group of doctors and scientists comprises predominantly Americans who have become household names across Substack—Steve KirschDr. Robert MaloneDr. Peter McCulloughDr. Pierre Kory, and other doctors and scientists now oppose the COVID-19 shots—most of these gentlemen have been pushing back on the COVID jabs for over two years.

The message from the Freedom Anointed Approved Thought Leaders is effectively:

Jabs BAD.


Here are the many ways that Jabs Bad courtesy of Approved Global Covid Summit thought leader and Steve Kirsch pal, Ryan Cole.

Reprinting Matthieu’s fine summary and formatting to block quote to make it clear that it is his work.

I found a five-minute video showing a presentation by Dr. Ryan Cole, who whisked through his slide presentation titled 15 Ways a COVID Shot Can Injure or Kill You.

I’ll embed the video for you below.

Here is his list of 15 potential health consequences from the mRNA “vaccines” and how they are harming people:

1. Nanoparticle Usage - “These are clearly stated as not to be for human or animal use. These were for research purposes only, yet they went into 5 billion people worldwide.”

2. Persistence of Synthetic RNA - at least two months after injection that we know of.

3. Circulation of Synthetic Spike Protein - at least 6 months after injection

4. The Spike Protein is a Harmful Agent. (Cole said, “The spike protein is the Swiss army knife of harm.)

5. Brain Accumulation and Impact - The RNA accumulates in the brain, causing the brain fog we hear about so much

6. Peripheral Nerve Damage

7. Organ Damage - causes liver damage within hours after injection

8. Myocarditis and Heart Issues — way too many cases

9. Impact on Adrenal Glands and Elastic Fibers — spike proteins accumulate in your adrenal glands and destroy the elastic fibers of your skin

10. Reproductive Harms - spike proteins accumulate in the placenta, uterus, and testes. Sperm counts plummet

11. Weakened Immune Systems - lowers T-cell response to pathogens

12. Vascular Damage and Clotting - those weird, grotesque blood clots are now well-documented

13. Abnormal Protein Accumulation - builds up in various body parts.

14. Immune Tolerance - you don’t want your body to tolerate pathogens.

15. Increased Cancer Risk - cancer rates have surged since the rollout of covid shots. Turbo cancers are being seen at much greater frequencies


Me no STEM.

I knew the jabs were bad after watching this video in Summer, 2021, and watching Geert Vanden Bossche over and over again explaining why mass “vaccinating” into an active “pandemic” was doomed to fail.

Red Flag #8: Seeking information, one had to go to the forbidden land of bitchute. Thankfully I stumbled upon a Dr. Peter McCullough video. This one:

And now I knew for sure. Just the relative risk vs. absolute trial risk misuse of stats was the reddest of red flags. It all came together.

Then I pulled up the NEJM Pfizer study, crunched the numbers and said Son of a Bitch…and then I looked at a VAERS Chart. 

It already looked like a hockey stick.

The novel shots were bad.

Thus began my journey.

And it is recalling that moment in time, my own brush with the Monster, and my appreciation for one goddamned human being who would shoot straight…Dr. Peter McCullough.

That makes this development particularly heartbreaking for me personally:

So yeah…

Mike showed up on that thread to McCullough McCullough, so to speak.

WTF happens to people?

Tap on the shoulder?

A “Foundation” and a handler?

The Anointed Thought Leaders have been remarkably consistent.

Malone. Kirsch. Kory. Cole.

All the way back to 2021, when a non-STEM was sorting out that Jabs Bad.

These Smarties, led by one Dr. Robert Malone were coming together

And, strangely, as the Psy Op was going bananas…it took them a while to get on board with Jabs Bad.

The Thought Leaders were not ready to upset the apple cart of Jabs Good just yet.

The Global Covid Summit happened four months after Dr. Robert Malone was unveiled to the greater world along with Steve Kirsch on this podcast.

June 9, 2021 Dark Horse Podcast with Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch

Malone does not mention in this podcast that he had almost died from the Moderna injections, which he describes in January, 2022.

A week later, Robert Malone publicly explains his work in inventing the technology, or being the “original discoverer” of said technology.

June 15, 2021

It would appear at this juncture in time that Dr. Robert Malone is staking his claim to the credit for the technology, which flash forwards two years, just won a Nobel Prize.

That Malone almost died from the shots, per his own subsequent testimony, would perhaps be deeply inconvenient as he is actively claiming credit.

A Linkedin post by wife Jill Glasspool-Malone also sought credit. It has been removed from Linkedin.

Now recall that this is the Jabs Bad Team.

That is not censored while Mike Yeadon is.

And look at Bob’s business partner and wife go in a distinctly JABS GOOD direction.

Some excerpts:

“A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.”

—Mark Twain.

As a young scientist, Robert saw into the future. He saw the future of RNA as a drug in 1987. Early in 1988, he foresaw the future of the use of mRNA for vaccination. He did this in the worst of situations. As a graduate student, without support of his thesis advisor and being in an abusive work/student environment. 

Robert is the inventor of mRNA vaccination. The documentation is clear. In 1986, while at the Salk Institute/UC San Diego as a MD (Northwestern)/PhD (Salk/UCSD) student, he worked with RNA for his dissertation. Early on this included structure and modeling analysis, but it soon expanded beyond that. In 1987, he invented naked and lipid mediated RNA transfection. in-vitro (1987) and in-vivo (1988) lipid mediated mRNA transfection were developed at the Salk/UCSD. But the situation in lab was not healthy, when the harassment got to the point, where Robert literally was diagnosed with severe PTSD from abuse at the hands of his thesis advisor and institutional attorneys, he knew he had to abandon his PhD and go back to Northwestern to finish his medical degree. His thesis advisor was the now infamous Dr. Inder Verma. Dr. Verma’s behavior abusing women and employees is now legendary and documented in both the scientific and lay press.

*Robert left the university knowing that what he had invented would change the world someday. That he has never doubted.

Fast forward 30 years…

So, imagine how disheartening it is over the course of the last year, to see others take credit for his work in the lay press. Then to see this article as the headliner by CNNyesterday was extremely upsetting:

Now proven against coronavirus, mRNA can do so much more

…The story of mRNA vaccines dates back to the early 1990s, when Hungarian-born researcher Katalin Kariko of the University of Pennsylvania started testing mRNA technology as a form of gene therapy. The idea is similar whether scientists want to use the mRNA molecule to cure disease or prevent it; send instructions to the cells of the body to make something specific.”

So, what does one do when someone’s work is not cited, when they are erased from history?

 It turns out there is nothing one can do. When a national newspaper gets it wrong, over the course of months – they won’t correct it. Even if one goes to the editor, the magazine, the newspaper or the journalist. Even if one writes about it on social media, etc. Yes, I and to some extent, Robert did all that. I have written, begged, pleaded, informed – all to no avail. Basically, we hit a stone wall. Either journalists denied it (“well, I said “others” worked on these technologies”) or we were ignored. But with time, each article seems to get more and more exaggerated about the Dr. Kariko “discoveries.”

So, why am I writing this? 

I guess at the very least to set the record straight with his friends. 

This was and is Robert’s work, his passion. *He is thrilled that all these technologies are working. He is thrilled for his part in that. He freely credits that other people have worked to develop this. But to have poured his heart and soul into this – *decades of work and to have someone else get credit for his work in the national press is demoralizing and disheartening. 

*Commentary: You may want to go ahead and let those others have “the credit” right about now.

So this is a very dicey tightrope of rhetoric in June, 2021.

On the one hand, “Look what Bob did!”

Then preaching lukewarm caution on Dark Horse a week later.

Four months later, Bob posted this Substack. Within it, Dr. Malone says the shots almost killed him

Writes Robert Malone:

Anyway, back to my story. I knew in the beginning of April, 2021, that I had to travel overseas and the word on the street was that the European Union was going to require full vaccination before entering any EU country by summer (that actually never happened BTW). I knew that a full vaccination protocol was a process of weeks - and that i had better get started! Furthermore, there was a lot of buzz around the idea that vaccination would help with “long-COVID.” I had already had COVID, and just couldn’t shake a number of chronic issues that I had developed after getting the disease. Frankly, I should have done more homework on that one- because this idea really didn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Be that as it may, in April, 2021, I got vaccinated. It was early enough in the cycle, that I had no choice but to take the Moderna vaccine, as that was available in my area The vaccine was distributed at a local college, with the Army Reserves administering the program.

The first shot was fine. No issues.

The second shot almost did me in. As in I almost died.

After the injection, I had the usual fatigue, muscle-ache and then the palpitations started, as well as shortness of breath. Within a couple days, it got worse - I am not someone who goes to the doctor easily, but luckily for me, I happened to have a routine appointment with my physician. She cuffed me and my systolic blood pressure was through the roof. As she is also a cardiologist, she had more tests run, started me on high blood pressure meds and we got it under control. I kind of feel like I owe her my life. A call out to the fantastic Dr. C. Bove.

People who almost die are likely to have an interest in warning others.

They may even mention it on a podcast about “saving the world” and discussing the experimental injections, which as I discovered…already had a hockey stick VAERS chart of damage and death.

Back to the Global Covid Summit back in Puerto Rico which gave us the same team that just spoke in the UK.

The focus back then is very clearly on Alternative Treatments, which Steve Kirsch was already working on and would later be buttressed with CHD materials.

“We are here not to discuss the vaccine”

From LifeSite News, September 13, 2021, regarding the Global Covid Summit.

(LifeSiteNews) — A newly formed group of physicians, the Pandemic Health Alliance insists on alternative ways of treating COVID-19. Instead of pointing to the vaccine as the most effective way to prevent death and disease, these medical doctors stress the importance of treating the virus early on, using effective medications such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Speaking with Steve Bannon, host of “War Room: Pandemic,” Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, and Dr. Ryan Coleexplained that some 15 physicians met a few days ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to discuss their experiences with early treatment and with different early treatment protocols, as well as writing a manifesto. Malone is the president of this new Pandemic Health Alliance. Gessling successfully treated about 1,500 patients with COVID-19, none of whom died. She is the group’s medical director. Cole is the director of research.

“We are here not to discuss the vaccine,”explained Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA technology. Instead they came together to defend “the freedom of physicians to practice.” Doctors are “being prevented from providing early treatments,” he said, referring to pharmacies blocking certain prescriptions. “We are in a situation where the government has seized control of the medical profession and this is causing death,” Malone continued.

Gessling later in the show explained that the doctors had “incredible success” with early treatment protocols “that have already been tried and have [been] found to work very well.” She said the world is dealing with a “pandemic of censorship” regarding ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. “We are being shut down,” Gessling added. “We cannot even tell people what has worked.”

The Pandemic Health Alliance’s manifesto says the doctors wish to strengthen the doctor-patient-relationship. “The profession of medicine as we know is at a crossroad,” the manifesto reads. “There has been an unprecedented and intentional assault on our ability to care for our patients. Physicians, and all health care providers, must have the freedom to practice the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, and disciplinary action to include possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts and interference from government entities and organizations — all further preventing us from caring for patients in need.”

The manifesto laments that patients in Europe are being blocked from going to their physicians, unless they take the “high risk, duplicative vaccine.” And this takes place even if patients already acquired natural immunity.

The manifesto insists that the blocking of early treatments that is taking place right now in the United States is “sentencing high risk patients to death.”

If Bob Malone had almost died from the vaccine which he also took after achieving natural immunity, would he not want to talk about the vaccine?

And warn people aggressively?


When the shots were going in en masse all over the world.

Now the uptake is low.

For the “boosters” of death, clots, and cancer.

Even hardcore Blue Pill Covidians are checking out.


Now it’s time to go full Jabs Bad to England GUB’MINT dipshits.

I think it was all planned out.

I think it was all SPARRED. 

Ron Johnson already did Jabs Bad…THREE TIMES.

Kirsch told us to donate to Ron Johnson so that he could ???

Gavin de Becker donated to Ron and Bobby both.

Mistakes were made.

One day we’ll learn that mistakes were made with Remdesivir and ventilators and Midazolam.

One day.

Dolts botching shit.

I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes. I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me.

Pierre Kory.

Global Covid Summit Hot Tub Team.

What do you do with this?

It was magnificently planned.

Plausible deniability all the way down.

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