Friday, 30 September 2022

Making Sense of 9-11 Disinformation

Making Sense of 9-11 Disinformation

July 3, 2013

The government claims that the Twin Towers simply collapsed due to fire although an explosive form of super-thermite was later found in the dust. This photo shows that a great deal of explosive energy was released during the pulverization of the towers. 

Are you confused by the different claims and explanations about the events of 9-11? If you areyou are certainly not alone. Whether you are new to the 9-11 truth movement or have been a skeptic since Day One, you have probably been confused more than once by the various claims and counter claims about what really happened.

For the average citizen the subject of 9-11 truth is bound to be confusing. 

The U.S. government and mass media have relentlessly pushed their unproven version, which is not supported by the laws of physical science or the evidence. On the other hand, a slew of “9-11 truthers” promote a variety of contrary explanations.  Truth seekers find themselves in a land of confusion. What’s one to believe?

The official version clearly fails to answer the most fundamental questions about 9-11, such as why the three towers fell. Even though the government’s seriously flawed explanation defies the laws of science it was nonetheless used to change the way we live and to instigate two wars of aggression in which hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed.

Even when we realize that we have been deceived on a massive scale, it’s not easy to accept that the government has lied about 9-11.  It’s very uncomfortable for an American to contemplate that their government would engage in a massive criminal cover-up and send thousands of Americans to fight and die in Afghanistan and Iraq based on nothing but a pack of lies.

When you discover that the U.S. government and mass media have indeed lied to us about 9-11, you realize that the whole War on Terror construct is nothing but a massive fraud. This means that the Bush and Obama administrations are criminal operations at the highest level of government.

PARTNERS IN CRIME - The fact that Barack Obama continued the criminal wars and surveillance programs started by George W. Bush indicates that Obama's campaign slogan "Change you can believe in" was a total lie. Five years later, he has not even closed Gitmo, something he could do with the stroke of a pen.

So, you see why 9-11 truth is a very painful subject to contemplate. It means either you believe the lies and support the fraudulent War on Terror or you basically divorce yourself from the federal government. This is certainly not an easy choice for any patriotic American.

Even if you have crossed that bridge and understand that the government is lying, the truth of 9-11 is not so easily found on the other side. The truth-seeker trying to make sense of the competing claims and understand who is responsible for 9-11 is likely to find this effort quite perplexing. There are different and contrary theories out there and they can’t all be true. So, how does one make sense of the different explanations?

It is essential to realize that the 9-11 truth movement is full of disinformation agents whose mission is to confuse people. To understand why there is so much disinformation, we need to think like a perpetrator and understand that the people behind the 9-11 cover-up see the truth movement as an enemy that needs to be neutralized.

For the perpetrators of 9-11, the truth movement is only a serious problem when it gets too close to the truth. Their strategy to neutralize the truth movement employs several tactics:  maligning the movement, confusing the issue, and attacking those who expose the truth.

As an investigative journalist who has researched 9-11 a great deal, I have personally seen how these tactics have been applied.

First, skeptics of the official version who raise serious questions about 9-11 are maligned as “conspiracy theorists” and, as George W. Bush told the United Nations, we should “never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.”

The mainstream media, working hand-in-glove with the Zionist war party, has completely maligned and ignored the 9-11 truth movement. When the BBC interviewed me in June 2005 their first question was, “Why are you the only American journalist who does not believe the official version of 9-11?”

I told them that if that were true it was probably because other journalists who questioned the official version had been fired.

Secondly, competing and contrary theories are promoted to confuse people about what caused the destruction at the World Trade Center.

The evidence indicates that sophisticated forms of super-thermite were used to pulverize the Twin Towers from the top down leaving nothing but steel and dust. Small chips of an explosive nano-composite of super-thermite were discovered in the dust of the destroyed towers by Dr. Steven E. Jones and an international team of scientists.

Fragments of the super-thermite explosive found in the dust of the demolished Twin Towers

Because this scientific discovery clearly exposes the 9-11 deception the perpetrators have attacked it by promoting theories that claim that mini-nuclear bombs or unknown energy beam weapons are responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers. 

While these competing theories are not supported by the evidence they are useful for the perpetrators because they confuse people and create a division in the truth movement that can be exploited to attack the one theory that has been proven – the use of explosives and super-thermite in the demolition.

And thirdly, the perpetrators attack those truth seekers who get too close to the truth. In my opinion, this is why Dr. Steven E. Jones and I were both attacked within a period of three weeks during the summer of 2006. We were both viciously slandered and prosecuted. We lost our jobs and primary sources of income. I was actually brutally attacked by three heavily-armed undercover police at my home and then maliciously prosecuted on charges that I had assaulted them.

We are the only two 9-11 researchers that I know of who have been attacked for our work.  The people who promote the competing theories which challenge the super-thermite theory apparently do not face any such threats.

I was, in fact, a working journalist when I was attacked at my home near Chicago yet not a single journalist or organization for the defense of journalists even contacted me about the brutal attack that left me TASERed with a broken elbow. The Chicago newspapers that reported the incident did so without even contacting me to get my side of the story.

The newspaper I wrote for, the supposedly patriotic American Free Press, suddenly fired me 6 weeks after the attack. I was set-up on a radio show and then accused of disloyalty. I was also accused of having filed false stories (although none were specified) and subsequently fired - after the paper had collected funds for my legal defense.

These then are the basic tactics that are used to neutralize the 9-11 truth movement: malign the movement, confuse the issue, and attack those who expose the truth. The strategy of the perpetrators is to use slander and disinformation to sow suspicion and doubt about those who have discovered the truth.

In this way the perpetrators try to marginalize the importance of the most crucial discoveries about 9-11. But it is the perpetrators and their disinformation agents who are fighting a losing battle because while they may temporarily delay their day of reckoning, in the end the truth will prevail. 

Why do ISIS Videos All come from Israeli Intelligence?

Why do ISIS Videos All come from Israeli Intelligence?

May 10, 2017

The grisly ISIS videos, like the most recent one supposedly showing the killing of a Russian soldier, all come to us through Israeli agents working for Israeli intelligence. How can it be that the ISIS media outlet "al Furat Media Foundation" is able to produce high quality videos, but does not even have a website? Nor is ISIS even able to send its nasty videos directly to its chosen audience, in this case the Russian government or media outlets. Why is it that ISIS videos all come to us from Israeli intelligence?

Let's look at the most recent ISIS video and examine how it came to Western media outlets:

First, the Israeli intelligence agent Rita Katz of SITE Intelligence Group in Bethesda, Maryland, issues a message with photos and information, like the one above. Western media outlets subscribe to her propaganda service and report on the videos giving source credit to SITE Intelligence Group, which is usually described as "U.S.-based" although there is nothing American about it. It is purely Israeli intelligence/progaganda to feed Israel's fraudulent War on Terror. In this message Katz says the video comes from Furat Media - what's that?

If we look up "al Furat" in Wikipedia we find four media outlets named Furat, but none of them are "al Furat Media Foundation." If we do a Google search for videos from al Furat Media, we find that all the videos supposedly from ISIS Furat Media don't come from a website belonging to "al Furat" at all, but come to us from a website called What is that?

 Well, here is the latest grisly ISIS video at the top of the webpage. It calls itself "a clearinghouse for jihadi primary source material." That's interesting. All of the Furat videos come from Who runs that?

Aaron Yosef Zelin - Well, is run by a Jewish Zionist from Highland Park, Illinois, named Aaron Zelin. He works with Zionist think-tanks like the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and graduated from Brandeis University.

Aaron Y. Zelin speaks and writes about ISIS. His father, Richard D. Zelin, is a high-level Zionist in Chicago. He was Associate Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish United Fund and Director of the Chicago Conference on Soviet Jewry, among other things. How did this Zionist kid from Chicago become such an expert of ISIS?

Well, Aaron Zelin attends Israeli intelligence events like the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism's (ICT) 16th International Conference at Mossad university, the Inter-Disciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya. This event opened on the evening of September 11, 2016. One of the key speakers was the Israeli-American dual-national Michael Chertoff, the former Asst. Attorney General who oversaw the destruction of the crucial evidence from the 9/11 bombings. The Jewish Voice reported that Aaron Y. Zelin also spoke at the five-day conference. So, the source of the "al Furat" videos is actually an American Zionist who works very closely with Israeli military intelligence. So, who is actually making these grisly videos and why are they all coming to us through Israeli agents like Rita Katz and Aaron Zelin?

Answer: Because these videos are all productions of Israeli intelligence made to frighten the West into supporting Israel's war agenda in the Middle East. 

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Sources and Recommended Reading: 

"Global Leaders Address World Summit on Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya" by Fern Sidman, Jewish VoiceSeptember 21, 2016 

"Frighten the West: The Israeli Roots of Terrorism" by Christopher Bollyn,, November 22, 2015

Why Are You Not a 9-11 Truther?

Why Are You Not a 9-11 Truther?

January 13, 2017

I think we can all agree that understanding what really happened on 9-11 is of tremendous importance to the people of the United States, and indeed to the entire world. As the seminal event of the "War on Terror," 9-11 led directly to two wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a whole host of military interventions across the Middle East and beyond. It also brought profound changes at home, changes which have affected many aspects of life in America. All of this, of course, has come at great cost to the American people. Since September 2001, the wars and "homeland security" measures have cost the U.S. about $2.5 trillion.

The TSA airport security inspection is just one of the changes imposed on the public as a result of 9-11.

Because 9-11 is of such historical importance it is essential that we know the truth of what really happened and who is behind the terror attacks. Polls have clearly shown that the American people do not think their government has been truthful about 9-11.

In the first five years after 9-11, the New York Times and CBS News did three polls in which they asked the public:

When it comes to what they knew prior to 9/11 about possible terrorist attacks against the U.S., do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

In 2002, 73 percent thought the administration was "mostly lying" or "hiding something". That number went up to 76 percent in 2004, and to 81 percent in October 2006. When they found that only sixteen percent of the population thought the administration was "telling the truth"… they stopped polling.

With four-out-five Americans convinced the Bush administration was "mostly lying" or "hiding something" a new word entered our vocabulary in 2005 - "truther". An informal word, Merriam-Webster defines "truther" as "one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy." By this definition more than 80 percent of the population would be 9-11 truthers.


If you are not a truther, why aren't you? This is a serious question that needs to be asked of anyone and everyone who is not interested in finding the truth about what really happened on 9-11.

Let's be logical. We certainly agree that 9-11 is of the utmost importance so it is not a matter of someone dismissing 9-11 truth as being unimportant. If you are not a truther there can be only two possible reasons why: either you think that the official story is true, or you have doubts about the government narrative but are afraid to let people know what you think.

If you are in the latter category it is a matter of overcoming your fears and standing up for the truth. The best way to do this is to inform yourself about 9-11 so your knowledge gives you the confidence to stand up and defend your position. Don't worry about others being offended. The facts will turn them around too, when they know them.

If, however, you are in the first category and think the official story is true, then it must be a matter of a lack of awareness of some crucial facts and evidence from the scene of the crime. While there are many facts that raise serious doubts about the veracity of the official story of 9-11, there is also compelling evidence that proves it is false.


The evidence of molten iron seen falling from the South Tower and found in large amounts in the rubble and dust is such compelling evidence. The evidence of molten iron simply rules out the possibility that the government story about the destruction of the Twin Towers is true.

Molten metal, presumed to be iron, cascaded from the 81st floor of the South Tower for seven minutes before the explosive demolition of the tower.

The fact that molten metal, presumed to be iron, was present in large quantities on the 81st floor of the South Tower proves that temperatures much higher than those given by the government were reached in the tower prior to and during the explosive demolition. Such high temperatures could not have been caused by burning jet fuel or office fires, a fact that cannot be squared with the government explanation for the collapse of the towers.

The fact that streams and pools of molten iron were seen in the rubble and at the base of the towers is further proof that the government story is false. The documented evidence is incompatible with the government explanation of the collapses. The problem was quite evident in the video of NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) engineer John L. Gross where he is asked about the evidence of molten iron being found in the rubble – and denies it even existed. The NIST explanation of the collapses of the towers simply cannot be true in the face of documented evidence of molten iron, so Gross had to deny the existence of the evidence.


The scientific evidence that at least six percent of the dust of the demolished towers is comprised of billions of tiny balls of molten iron (i.e. iron-rich spheres, R.J. Lee study of dust) is another fact that contradicts the government explanation. These extremely small iron-rich spheres are not to be confused with the molten iron seen in large amounts. The micro spheres of iron were evidently produced by a highly energetic nano-composite of super-thermite, chips of which were found in the dust by Dr. Steven E. Jones. When the chips of this material were heated to 430 degrees C, they detonated and produced extreme heat and iron-rich micro spheres identical to those found in the dust. The pools of molten iron were, most likely, created by large amounts of conventional thermite pre-placed in the buildings and perhaps on the planes themselves.

The WTC dust contained billions of tiny balls of molten iron that were created during the explosive demolition of the towers.

In any case, the evidence of molten iron and super-thermite proves that the government (i.e. NIST) and media explanation of what caused the destruction of the Twin Towers is false. The fact that John Gross, one of the NIST engineers who wrote the report, denied any knowledge of molten iron indicates that the report is intentionally false and required the omission of documented evidence in order to be able to come to the conclusions it was meant to come to.

This means that the American public has been intentionally lied to about what really caused the destruction of the Twin Towers. The evidence is clear and compelling: the government explanation for what really happened when nearly 2,700 people were killed during the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center is false and cannot be supported by any reasonable person.

So, if you have not been a 9-11 truther because you believed the government story, you will be a truther as soon as you grasp the meaning of the evidence of molten iron discussed in this article. In order to support the false conclusion of his fraudulent report John Gross of NIST had to deny the existence of molten iron in the rubble, something you now know all about.

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Sources and Recommended Reading:

"The Media's Criminal Censorship of the Molten Iron of 9-11" by Christopher Bollyn, January 8, 2017 

9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection

9-11: The Lauder/Rothschild Connection

May 26, 2019

The Rothschilds, the founding family of the Zionist state of Israel, are closely linked to various aspects of the 9-11 terror atrocity. The Solving 9-11 books present some of these connections, which are usually one step removed and not easily seen. The Lauder/Rothschild connection, on the other hand, is one that is both obvious and central to the 9-11 operation. 

Lord Jacob Rothschild with Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, after receiving the WJC Theodor Herzl Award on behalf of his family, on November 7, 2018 (Photo credit: Shahar Azran/WJC) 

The 9-11 terror crime required a great deal of setting up, preparation which included the privatization of the World Trade Center, state-owned property of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.  For the culprits, obtaining control of the Twin Towers was necessary so that demolition teams could access the buildings in order to place explosive materials. This would have been impossible had the towers remained in the hands of the Port Authority.

The privatization of the World Trade Center involved Ronald Lauder, a high-level Zionist with close ties to the Rothschild family, one of whom served at the highest level of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate. 

Ronald Lauder headed the two commissions under Governor George Pataki that pushed for the privatization of the World Trade Center:  the New York State Commission of Privatization and the New York State Research Council on Privatization. Lauder was the driving force behind the effort to privatize the World Trade Center, which resulted in Larry Silverstein, a fellow Zionist, getting the 99-year lease of the Twin Towers in July 2001.

Ronald S. Lauder is the President of the World Jewish Congress. 

David de Rothschild is chairman of the governing board of the World Jewish Congress. He is also the Executive Chairman of the Rothschild Group.

David de Rothschild (left) is chairman of the board of the WJC; Ronald Lauder (third from left) is president of the WJC.  Jacob Rothschild (second from left) received an award from the WJC, November 2018. (Source:  WJC) 

Ronald Lauder established the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, in 1999.

Major General Daniel Rothschild, (IDF ret.), is head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS) at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC). He is also the chairman of the annual Herzliya Conference series and a member of the advisory board of the Central Bank of Israel.

Danny Rothschild, head of the Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS) at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Mossad school, the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC).

In 1984, Rothschild was appointed assistant to the IDF Chief of Staff. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in 1985 and appointed commander of the IDF Units in Southern Lebanon.

Rothschild later served as deputy director of the Military Intelligence Directorate, the central, overarching military intelligence body of the Israel Defense Forces. Rothschild was director of the Research Department, where he was responsible for national strategic (political and military) research and analysis, including before and during the first Gulf War.

In 1991 Rothschild was promoted to the rank of Major General (Aluf) and was appointed Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, a position he held until his retirement in 1995. 

Green Acres,, Feb. 8, 2005

9-11 and the Politics of War

9-11 and the Politics of War

August 30, 2012

Carl Cameron asks Ron Paul to reject '9-11 truthers'

“Congressman Paul, many of your supporters call themselves ‘9-11 truthers.’ They believe that the U.S. government was in some way complicit with the 9-11 attacks or covered it up. Are you tonight prepared to either embrace that rhetoric or ask those supporters to abandon it, or divorce themselves from your candidacy?”
- Carl Cameron to Ron Paul during Republican debate hosted by Fox News, January 10, 2008

"New York Times Motto," a cartoon by R.J. Matson, makes fun of Judith Miller's false propaganda stories about Iraq's supposed weapons of mass destruction.  Miller's articles were instrumental in pushing the U.S. into war with Iraq in 2003.  As it turned out, there were no Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.  Roll Call, October 19, 2005

“In the three years since 9-11, we've begun to understand that it's possible to know what happened without knowing what happened.”
New York Times"The Public Knowledge of 9/11", September 11, 2004

Charles Lindbergh speaking at an America First rally, 1941

"National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America. But there were various groups of people, here and abroad, whose interests and beliefs necessitated the involvement of the United States in the war… The three most important groups who have been pressing this country toward war are the British, the Jewish, and the Roosevelt administration…  

"When hostilities commenced in Europe, in 1939, it was realized by these groups that the American people had no intention of entering the war. They knew it would be worse than useless to ask us for a declaration of war at that time. But they believed that this country could be enticed into the war in very much the same way we were enticed into the last one.

"They planned:  first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict. These plans were of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda."
- Charles Lindbergh, “Who Are the War Agitators?” from a speech given in Des Moines, Iowa, September 11, 1941


By a ratio of about 5 to 1, Americans want the U.S. military out of Afghanistan, according to a Fox News poll from April 2012.  In a similar poll by ABC News and the Washington Post, two-thirds of the population said the war in Afghanistan “has not been worth fighting.”  While public opinion is strongly opposed to the continued U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, when the American people go to the polls in November they will only have a choice between two pro-war candidates for president. Although this situation defies the logic of a democratic system of government, this is exactly what happened in 2004 and 2008. If a strong anti-war candidate, like Dr. Ron Paul, were on the ballot he would probably win in a fair election against a pro-war candidate. Since the war in Afghanistan began in 2001, the two major political parties have yet to offer the American people an anti-war candidate. For the voters in the United States of America peace is simply not an option.

In spite of the fact that the war in Afghanistan is so very unpopular, the political establishment and the mainstream media in the United States promote only pro-war candidates. Anti-war candidates like Ron Paul are ignored and ridiculed by the mainstream media. These are the same media networks that promoted the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and who are now supporting U.S. intervention in Syria and Iran. The same media outlets have propagated an unproven explanation about 9-11 while treating skeptics with complete contempt.

During a 2008 Republican presidential debate, Carl Cameron of Fox News put Ron Paul on the spot by asking him to either embrace or reject the “9-11 truthers” who supported his candidacy. The debate was hosted by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News and Murdoch’s employees asked all the questions. Cameron’s question, which clearly conveyed the bias of his employer, was meant to ridicule the 9-11 truth movement and humiliate Ron Paul. But ask yourself, why is the subject of 9-11 truth taboo with the mainstream media?


The major news networks in the United States have deliberately ignored the unanswered questions about 9-11 and been openly hostile to those who demand answers about the terror attacks that led to the deaths of nearly three thousand people. Because of the media’s failure to investigate 9-11, the public has been left with a very incomplete understanding of what happened. Three years after the most devastating terror attacks in American history, the New York Times summed up its attitude of willful ignorance saying “…we've begun to understand that it's possible to know what happened without knowing what happened.”

In a democratic society with a truly free press, one would expect that every aspect of such a terror atrocity would be investigated by newspapers like the New York Times, but that has not been the case with 9-11. Evidently, the owners and editors of the news networks prevented their employees from investigating the crime of the century. This left the public with an inadequate and unproven version of events that fails to explain what really happened. The scientific evidence clearly disproves the notion that Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arab terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center, so who did?

If the terror attacks were not the work of Al Qaida then they must be a manifestation of a secret powerful organization that remains hidden yet which controls the mass media and the U.S. government from behind the scenes. To identify the real perpetrators of 9-11 we should start by asking why our political leaders and news media avoid any discussion of the realities of 9-11. We need to think very clearly about these observations and find a diagnosis that explains them. 

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, changed the world as they were surely meant to do. The attacks of 9-11 were designed to create a spectacle of terror that would facilitate radical political changes in the United States under the imperative of waging the “War on Terror.” The terror atrocity itself, however, was only the beginning. What was of the utmost importance for those behind the terrorism was that the desired interpretation be propagated immediately by the mass media. For the perpetrators of the terror atrocity, world-wide acceptance of their interpretation of 9-11 was essential to putting their war plan into effect.

What is most peculiar about the government version of 9-11 is that it was propagated by the mass media before the crime itself had even been investigated. A prepared explanation that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida were behind the attacks and that the United States should respond with a military invasion of Afghanistan was first presented to the global public on BBC World television by the Israeli Ehud Barak only minutes after the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers. Despite the discovery of an abundance of evidence proving that the World Trade Center was demolished with sophisticated explosives including nano-thermite, the political establishment has never deviated from the initial interpretation first put forth by Ehud Barak and others on 9-11. 

With the passage of time we can see that this was all written into the script. The interpretation blaming Bin Laden had been prepared before the terror attacks had been carried out.   Despite the fact that nearly three thousand people were murdered on 9-11, there was never any intention of carrying out a proper criminal investigation. Rather than investigating the evidence from the crime scene, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice under the control of the president, allowed the steel from the World Trade Center to be destroyed before it could be examined. President George W. Bush, who quickly initiated the war in Afghanistan based on wholly unproven allegations, refused to authorize a full-fledged investigation of the crime. More than a year passed before the politically-appointed 9-11 commission was established in November 2002. By that time nearly all of the evidence from the crime scenes had been destroyed.

The failure to properly investigate 9-11 was not the result of incompetence in high places; it was the plan from the beginning. 9-11 is a crime that was not meant to be solved. A criminal investigation would have exposed the lies of the government version and revealed the true perpetrators. Had there been a proper criminal investigation of 9-11 there would not have been a “War on Terror” or the illegal wars in Afghanistan or Iraq. The real villains would have been exposed and removed from their positions of power.  

Unfortunately, such a proper criminal investigation of 9-11 has yet to happen. As a result, the American people have been deceived into two disastrous and costly wars and seen their civil liberties severely curtailed based on a pack of lies spun around an unsolved crime. For the real perpetrators of 9-11 – and their war agenda – the cover-up must continue, which means they need to control who becomes president of the United States. This is the real reason why 9-11 truth is a taboo subject within the American political establishment and the controlled media. This is also why they do not embrace Ron Paul’s common sense anti-war position. Although Dr. Paul is not an outspoken skeptic of the official version of 9-11, he is staunchly opposed to the subsequent U.S. military intervention in the Middle East and the corrupt financial and monetary system that profits from the war-mongering.

One needs to take all of these observations into consideration in order to make a logical diagnosis to determine the true cause of the 9-11 disease that afflicts the American body politic. The diagnosis would find that the same faction is responsible for all of the aforementioned symptoms: the terror attacks, the cover-up, and the false interpretation of the 9-11 crimes, as well as the subsequent “War on Terror” and the illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. The same cabal controls the major media networks and the political establishment in the United States, which is why 9-11 truth is a taboo subject with the media and politicians. This means that the criminal masterminds behind the 9-11 terror attacks belong to the same secret cabal that controls our political parties and fraudulent elections in the United States. This is what is meant by those who say 9-11 was an “inside job.” While this may be difficult to accept, this is the only logical diagnosis that explains all of the symptoms of the 9-11 condition that has so sorely affected the United States.


Afghanistan,, August 29, 2012

Republican Debate Transcript, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,, January 10, 2008 (Note that in the CFR transcript the text reads "9/11 Troofers" although Cameron clearly said "truthers".)

“Who Are the War Agitators?” speech by Charles Lindbergh, September 11, 1941

The Culprits' War Against 9-11 Truth

The Culprits' War Against 9-11 Truth

June 12, 2014

We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions.
- Gerald J. Simmons

The number of people who realize that the government and media have lied about 9-11 is significant and continues to grow all the time.  The pack of lies surrounding the attacks has been thoroughly exposed and can no longer be supported.  Unable to defend their fictional tale in the face of facts and evidence presented by honest scientists and writers, the defenders of the 9/11 lies use disinformation, defamation, and slander to try and prevent the truth from spreading like wildfire.
– Christopher Bollyn, “America the Target:  9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism” 
Solving 9-11, January 2008 

CROCODILE TEARS - Michael Arad (left), the Israeli architect of the 9-11 memorial, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife tour the memorial in September 2011.  Arad's father, Moshe (Kalenstein) Arad, is a veteran IsraeliSpinmeister for the Israeli government and the Mossad.  
Source YouTube Video:  "PM Netanyahu & PM's wife Sarah, visited Ground Zero"

"LESS IS MORE" -The $700 million dollar memorial consists of two square fountains with the names of the victims.  “It is a memorial where less is more,” Mayor Bloomberg said. Given the fact that the key defendant in the blocked 9-11 tort litigation was a Mossad-controlled company and that a preponderance of evidence indicates that 9-11 was an Israeli false-flag operation, isn't it telling that Bloomberg's $700 million monument to the Zionist narrative of 9-11 was designed by the son of a high-level Israeli intelligence operative?

Mayor Bloomberg, a Rothschild Zionist billionaire, played the key role in suppressing the evidence and testimony that contradicted the Zionist false narrative for 12 years after 9-11.  The memorial and museum is his attempt to create a monument to the Zionist interpretation of 9-11.

When the 9-11 Memorial Museum opened on May 21, 2014, Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, was interviewed by WeAreChange.  Gage raises three important points in the 7-minute interview:

1.  Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth handed out 4,000 brochures at the opening to inform the public that the museum ignores the scientific evidence that the towers were demolished using super-thermite and explosives. 

2.  The controlled media is waging war on 9-11 Truth by refusing to address the evidence and attacking the 9-11 truth movement.

3.  The public urgently needs to understand the deception of 9-11, before the real terrorists who control our government and mass media strike again. 

Architects and Engineers Respond to CNN's Jake Tapper Slander of 9/11 Truth
Video Link -

As Richard Gage says in the interview, the 9-11 Museum is designed to "enshrine the official story in a sense of sacredness; actually a pathological sacredness."  In order to understand why the museum is promoting the unproven "official story" we need to understand who is behind the $700 million dollar monument to enshrine the false Zionist narrative of 9-11. 

The 9-11 Memorial is an immensely expensive project that was headed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and designed by Michael Arad, an Israeli architect with close family ties to Israeli intelligence.  Mayor Bloomberg is the "Rothschild billionaire" agent of international Zionism who served as mayor of New York City for 12 years after 9-11.  Bloomberg's main task during his unprecedented three terms as mayor was to be the 9-11 "clean-up crew" and suppress the evidence and testimony that contradicts the Zionist myth of 9-11.  Bloomberg is the chairman of the 9-11 memorial and museum project. 

ISRAELI ARCHITECT OF MONUMENT TO THE ZIONIST MYTH - Michael Arad is the son of one of Israel's veteran Mossadnik Spinmeisters, Moshe Arad.

Michael Arad was a young architect, working for the New York City Housing Authority (under Mayor Bloomberg) when his design was selected out of some 5,200 submissions.  Articles that discuss Michael Arad tend to gloss over his family's close connections to the Mossad and government of Israel, which is odd because his father is Moshe Arad, one of Israel's veteran Spinmeisters, whose career was crafting lies to protect the state of Israel.  


Moshe Arad (left) is chairman of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at Hebrew University. He is also on the board of several Israeli companies linked to 9-11. Here he introduces the fellow Zionist ambassador Martin Indyk.

Moshe Arad is known for serving as Israel's ambassador to the United States from 1987 to 1990, under prime minister Yitzhak Shamir, the Zionist terrorist and assassin of the Likud party.  Prior to coming to Washington, D.C., Arad had served as Israel's ambassador to Mexico from 1983 to 1987.  

Arad was ambassador to the United States during a very sensitive time in Israeli-American relations.  The Pollard spying affair had been discovered and the Justice Department was investigating the other Israeli individuals involved, including Israeli diplomats.  Meanwhile, Lawrence E. Walsh, the independent counsel in the Iran-Contra case, had issued subpoenas to question four Israelis - the former Foreign Ministry Director General, David Kimche (a relative of Greg Palast); the terrorism adviser Amiram Nir; and arms dealers Yaacov Nimrodi and Al Schwimmer. 

Arad, who was born in Romania in 1934, emigrated to Israel in 1950. He joined the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an assistant in the Department for International Cooperation in 1962. In 1964, he was executive assistant and spokesman for the Minister of Justice.  Arad was appointed press secretary at the Israeli embassy in London in 1968, where his son Michael was born in 1969. In 1972, Arad was sent to New York, where he served as Deputy Consul-General and, after the 1973 war, he was appointed Minister Counselor for Information at the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C.    

During his stint as deputy consul-general in New York and information chief at the Israeli embassy in the early 1970s Arad would have worked closely with Efraim Halevy, who was political counselor at the embassy from 1970-1974.  This is a relationship worth noting because Efraim Halevy went on to become the Director of Mossad (1998-2002). Most significantly, Halevy was the head of the Israeli intelligence agency when the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 took the lives of nearly 3,000 Americans.  If 9-11 was an Israeli false-flag operation, as the evidence indicates, Efraim Halevy would be right in the middle of the whole thing. 

Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon (center) toasts with Meir Dagan (left) and Efraim Halevy (right) in August 2002 as Dagan replaces Halevy as Director of the Mossad. Halevy then joined Moshe Arad at Hebrew University, where he headed the Shasha Center for Strategic Studies at the Federmann School of Public Policy. 

Moshe Arad's relationship with Halevy has gone on for decades as both men have chaired institutes at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.  Arad is also on the executive committee of the Israeli branch of the Anti-Defamation League, USA.  He is an independent director at Elbit Systems Ltd. and served on the board at Discount Investment Corp. Ltd.  These companies are both tied to the events of 9-11 in various ways, which are discussed in greater detail in Solving 9-11, but these connections are beyond the scope of this article.  


Moshe Arad served as vice president for external relations for Hebrew University from 1994 to 2004 and currently serves as chairman of the board of trustees of the university's Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace.   Under the same Hebrew University umbrella, Efraim Halevy was, until recently, director of the university's Shasha Center for Strategic Studies, which is part of the Federmann School of Public Policy. Michael Federmann is chairman of the board of governors of Hebrew University as well as chairman of Elbit Systems Ltd., where Arad is a director. These are important connections that have gone on for decades. 

To understand why the 9-11 memorial museum ignores the evidence that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were demolished using nano-thermite and explosives, one needs to realize that the memorial is a Zionist-constructed monument to commemorate the false Zionist narrative, which is designed to enslave us to their war agenda.


One has to ask why the press fails to report these issues fairly – are they also playing a part in the 'real conspiracy'?
- John O’Donnell to the BBC about their failure to investigate the evidence from 9-11

The second point Richard Gage discusses in the interview is the tirade against 9-11 Truth by CNN's Jake Tapper and Emily Bazelon.  Tapper and Bazelon are both Zionists.  Bazelon was actually trained in the Dorot Fellowship program in Israel from 1993-94 to serve as a Zionist agent. One should watch the 4-minute video with Tapper and Bazelon to understand how the Zionist-controlled media is waging war on 9-11 Truth. I was personally attacked by CNN and Fox News for my 9-11 research.

9/11 CNN's Jake Tapper Masters His Yellow Journalism Skills
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One might ask, why would the media lie to the public about 9-11? As John O'Donnell wrote the BBC, "One has to ask why the press fails to report these issues fairly – are they also playing a part in the 'real conspiracy'?

Yes, the controlled media is very much part of the 'real conspiracy' - the one against us. We must remember that the media's hostility to 9-11 truth is intentional and purposeful. It's not that the media moguls who control the networks can't fathom the truth or don't understand that the evidence has proven the official 9-11 story to be completely false.

The media moguls are highly-paid agents of Rothschild Zionism.  They are created in the same way that Mayor Bloomberg was created to serve their global agenda.  The media moguls who control the press are supporting the 9-11 pack of lies in order to deceive the public about what happened. 

If we had a truly free press this would not be the case, but the media outlets in the United States and the English-speaking world are not free at all but rather very tightly controlled. In the U.S., for example, most of the mainstream media outlets are owned by only 6 companies, like Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. This means that a very small group of Rothschild Zionists, like Mr. Murdoch, decide what the public will see and hear, in short, how the public will be informed on all matters great and small. 

9-11 is, in fact, the Big Lie of our time and the media is protecting that outrageous lie because it is owned by the same people who pulled off 9-11. We must remember that this evil lie is meant to enslave us. The fact that the mainstream media is working to support the 9-11 lies shows us that the mass media is the main apparatus used for that enslavement. The media moguls and their financial backers are to be blamed and prosecuted for their criminal treason against the people and our republic(s). They are guilty of deceiving the whole world.  

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