Tuesday, 5 November 2024


World Crime Syndicate

All serpent invoked third eyers (not natural minds eye) are all about rape murder and cannibalism or torture and gore. They are all also murderously superficial and crazily vain. Their political affinity is not relevant. 

Mark Henry, Betty Martello, Erika Lombardi, Eddie Hall, Martyn Ford, Adam Hoyt, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump and Taylor Swift are on a murderous attack. Why? Read above.

More importantly.......

Kill all Sasquatch. Hunt all of them down and kill them. Exterminate all of them immediately. Their hybrid chameleon offspring are desperately trying to conquer or destroy humanity. 

Sasquatch are real. Homo Erectus and Neanderthals are or were real. The satanic bloodlines or Aristocrats that interbreed together and seek to dominate society are of sub human hominids and the cause of violent stupidity and 99 percent of evil. The remnant hominid that the government is blatantly covering up is Sasquatch. They need to be exterminated which will make destroying all evil much easier. This is for real. Kill all Sasquatch. Exterminate them. This is not a joke. 

Those named below like the little sub human monkeys Erik Hofemiester and Paul Lallier get erased out of existence. They are way too stupid to comprehend this. Watch their arrogance turn to begging. Anyone who feels bad for them can get erased out of existence with them.

What are you going to do? says the no dick little boy cannibalizing pedophile faggot monkey faced Erik Alexander Hofemeister who reeks like feet odor and has the intellect slightly above a chimpanzee. Erase temporal monkeys like Erik out of existence and laugh at your eternal death Erik. Then the next retard gets killed and erased like you.

Paul Lallier, Erik Hofemeistrer, Alex Alvarez, Jimmy Laccavole who are all very small men and an a army of satanic wrestlers like the Anoia family, NBA players like Shaq and LeBron, and bodybuilders like Hall and Ford are on an extremely creepy and violently gay attack. All sub humans with archaic hominid breeding. They are filled with mindless jealous hate and are spewing retarded slander and false accusations mixed with creepy violent faggot attacks.  They are all working primarily under the Aldobrandinis currently. These faggots are creepy as in the types that secretly put cameras in peoples bathrooms or put cameras in people bedrooms and watch other men have sex with their wives. That kind of disgusting creepiness.

Also Erika Lombardi thinks she is the omnipotent truth and she dictates this non stop. Her handler is Ivanka Trump where her insolence derives from. Erika Lombardi is a satanic whore who dated Ergest Mati an Albanian gangster as well as his Armenian gangster friend Dan Voskonov. Erika Lombardi is a well known dirty whore who later works in education specifically with young children. Erika Lombardi has a lust filled desire to pig roast naked children and eat them and act like its normal.

Donald Trump pimped his teen daughter Ivanka Trump out to the monkey Prince Roffredo Gaetani for mafia connections.

The gang of very childish soulless third eye serpent forehead biological robot trespassers; Erik Hofemiester a Thelemite-Crowleian Satanist, Jamie Cahill-Bailey a Satanic Witch, Alison McCarthy-Senatro a New Age witch, Andrew Bonneau a Jesuitcial sodomite, Breanna Goodrich a satanic witch, Alex Alvarez a Skull and Bones/ISIS sodomite, Miles Hall a Skull and Bones sodomite, Tyler Mullen a Jesuitical sodomite, Joseph Morgan a Skull and Bones Pirate, Sherrine Garland a satanic witch, Steven James Dishon a Scottish Rite Luciferian, Zachary James Carr a Satanic hacker, Paul Lallier a serial killer, Carey Cowles a OTO Satanist and hacker, Jimmy Laccavole a Hermetic Rosicrucian, Alicia Cahill a Luciferian witch, Christine Gomez-Martello a witch, Derek Warriner a Celtic occultist, Robert Nadeau a Knight of Columbus, Ashley Dalene a Kabbalistic witch, Matthew Ayasse an Anonymous hacker, Ergest Mati an Albanian gangster, Erica Lombardi a Catholic Sisters of Mercy witch, Jonathan Strouch a Kabbalist, Seth Rozman a New Ager, are on another crazed obsessive attack fueled by mindless jealousy and hard core torturous sadism. All of them and many more have attacked me in the past 24 hours. They are arrogantly spewing really stupid lies and lying accusations as well as making non stop death threats and also falsely praising themselves all in service to their owners the Nero Aristocrazia. Dwayne Johnson, Martyn Ford and Craig Golias are the current enforcers for these psychotic gang stalkers who are all ruthless murderous cannibals. They are all cannibals and blood drinkers. That is how they invoke snake spirits and that is how they sustain themselves. That is why they cause meaningless wars. That is why they cause genocides. That is why they cause misery and suffering on this planet. Theres a reason they call normal humans cattle. And they are in no way possessed. They are snakes in human clothing. They never change and never stop. These maniacs are no longer human on the inside. Literal snake spirits swallowed and destroyed their human souls and are taking on their personality and character. It is a basically an alien invasion and this has been going on since the beginning. They are biological humans whose souls or consciousness have been replaced with snake spirits operating from the basal ganglia uncoiled through the pineal gland and connected to the optic chiasm within. The snake consciousness sucks down the human consciousness and consumes it. This is what is going on. They are temporal projecting trespassing parasites and bio hacking tormentors. That is what witchcraft really is. They are what Satan actually is. They are imitating human behavior outwardly. They are fake, sociopathic, organized, hive minded, and pure evil. This is the secret to evil. This is what is happening on Earth. When they start acting out it is because they are being triggered, directed, and fueled by human sacrifice. When they get scared they will play the victim, claim to be possessed, pretend to be sorry all while smirking and laughing at those who believe them and do it all over again and again and again and again.

The basal ganglia also known as the reptilian complex connects to the spinal cord which is the same exact anatomy of a snake. That is occult consciousness. They invoke snake consciousnesses which consume their human consciousness. The snake mind then has access to the rest of the human brain. From this part of the brain they can consciously project out of their bodies and trespass on others or invasive telepathy. They are calculating, cold blooded, torturous, predatory, obsessive, ignorant, forgetful, selfish, destructive, and void of compassion. When utilizing other parts of the brain they are indescribably extreme and non human in their greed, lust, rage, narcissism, vanity, hate, jealousy, pride, and depravity. They take the worst of bad nature in humans and exponentially increase those evils to the most indescribable levels. They become mindless and extreme fiends of evil behavior. The worst of bad nature within natural humans is incomparable to the depth of evil that these snakes are. The basal ganglia is influenced by adrenaline which triggers the fight or flight response in the brain. The occult consume adrenaline filled human blood and flesh for this reason. 

This is why the Pharaohs wore an Uraeus on their foreheads. The Uraeus is a serpent. The modern Pharaoh is the Pope who is a figure head leader that serves the Nero Aristocrazia. The Black Nobility and their aristocratic associates run the occult through their network of secret societies.

Genocide is Collective Serial Killerism. The image below is one out of many relatively recent examples of what has occurred many times around the world and many times throughout history.

Get guns or more guns and weapons ammo and gear and get ready to kill the needed threateners whether they are billionaires, mobsters, occultists, pedophiles, dirty cops, or gang stalkers etc. The moment these Donald Trump lead abominations cross the line then kill them however most importantly know what to do. Know your target and be ready. Trump and his crazed cult already made their constant genocidal death threats. Maybe they are full of it and cant back up their threats but that is their problem. I also want to add that I have never voted, never registered to vote, I am pro first, second, and fourth amendment, pro small government, anti establishment, anti corporation, anti war, pro self defense, and pro self reliance. My beliefs are most closely aligned with Libertarianism and I am not a Libertarian. I am also anti Trump who is a relentless genocidal threat and he is exponentially worse than the system that he blatantly pretends to oppose.

On Patriots.win, formerly the subreddit The Donald, which was a hotbed for January 6 preparation, alarming rhetoric also proliferated quickly. “There are only two choices in November, Trump or civil war, I will hope for the former but prepare for the latter,” one user wrote.

We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains,” wrote one Trump supporter on The Donald, a rabidly pro-Trump message board that played a key role in planning the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Another user added: “It's not gonna stop until bodies start stacking up. We are not civilly represented anymore and they'll come for us next. Some of us, they already have.”

Tim Pool, a conservative commentator with over 2 million followers, wrote: "war."

JUDGE PAN: Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate a political rival? That’s an official act, an order to Seal Team Six.

JOHN SAUER: He would have to be and would speedily be, you know, uh, impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution–

I'm afraid if we lose this one its gonna take a civil war to save this country" "I'm glad we have....and bikers for Trump on our side" - George Lang

"I'm literally looking at my neighbors now and going, I'm ready to hang them up, gut em, skin em, chop em up, you know what I'm ready. My daughters aren't starving to death. I'll eat my neighbors..................I will eat your ass!!!!...I will eat you, I will drink your blood" - Alex Jones

"Some folks need killing" - Lt Governor Mark Robinson


Here is an example of Trump and MAGA and their lying accusatory and hypocritical ideologies. MAGA calls anyone who exposes or opposes Trump; Liberal Marxist pedophiles. Trump was a registered Democrat who openly supported abortion. Trump said "just take the guns and due process later" Bump stocks were banned under Trump's presidency. Trump donated 100k to his very close friends the Clintons who were and are leading Democrats. Trump praises communist dictators and constantly uses the Communist fist as his primary symbol. Trump very openly idolizes communistic despots like Xi, Kim, and Putin. Trump actually said this about Kim John-Un; "He wrote me beautiful letters" "and we fell in love" Trump said this on video at a rally. Trump bragged on Howard Stern about walking in on naked teen girls at his beauty pageants. Trump was close friends with Epstein a convicted sex trafficking pedophile. Trumps spiritual advisor just stepped down after admitting to molesting an underage girl. Trump was named with Epstein in a lawsuit for raping an underage girl. On top of that MAGA is threatening civil war and violence if they don't get their way. Trump says he wants to build a massive immigration camp system for millions of people. Do you think Trump would stop at only illegal immigrants? Trump is threatening to weaponize the DOJ and install tens of thousands of Trump loyalists into the federal government and go after political rivals and media who criticize him. Trump instigated a violent revolt on January 6 after he lost the election. Trumps friend and handler Kevin Roberts who is behind Trump's agenda said "we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" Again they label anyone who opposes them as left or liberal and that can silence people who are not left or liberal from opposing Trump. Trump's lawyer argued to a federal appeals court that a president can assassinate political rivals so obviously Trump's lawyer also believes that a president can assassinate American citizens. There is no question that Trump is a totalitarian takeover attempt with excessive genocidal innuendos including Trump himself paraphrasing Hitler. 

Current Gang Stalking Activity

The mindless narcissist Prince Edouard de Ligne of Belgium is currently leading a crazed gang of very obsessed creepy and gross satanic faggot stalkers including Paul Lallier Robert Nadeau, Andrew Bonneau, Erik Hofemeister, Vincent Martello, Adam Hoyt, Matthew Ayasse, Tyler Mullen, Seth Rozman, and Jose Ruiz who are all filled with raging murderous jealousy. They behave like violent homosexuals towards who they envy. Their jealousy is always triggered by superficiality because they are empty soulless fake people with dangerous insecurities. A pretty girl smiling at a guy can trigger them, a compliment on a haircut can trigger them. A man lifting something heavy can trigger them. A new pair of shoes can trigger them. Expressing something with intelligence can trigger them. They all react and go "me me me me" and then violently attack that man with faggotry. Then they resort to slander, lying accusations, and defilement as an attempt to destroy who they envy when they cannot claim to control him. And they have two demented childish slanderous females supporting them; Erica Lombardi and Christine Gomez-Martello. They are indescribably ridiculous. It is completely pathetic and they have no shame nor honor. This has been going on for 10 years now. They are OBSESSED. This is what blasphemy actually is. How do they do this? Its called the occultic third eye. Eddie Hall is operating as the primary faggot enforcer. Eddie Hall is the most fiendish, retarded, murderous, and most evil of them all. The slightest little thing can and does trigger these creepy stalker maniacs. Prince Edouards boss is the Prince of Triggiano. To add to this Trump has been blatantly programmed with this delusional and violent malignant narcissism and all of these satanic faggots serve Trump's interests.

For some reason the actor and hard core Satanist Johnny Depp is also on a vicious attack who is a handler of the 5 foot 5 130lb turd and sociopath named Paul Lallier who huffs gasoline, is clinically diagnosed as manic bipolar, is a long time opiate and heroin addict, a pedophile who blatantly preys on 5 year old boys and girls, and is an illiterate 9th grade drop out. Paul was only moved up to 9th grade because he was too old to be in middle school. Paul Lallier was locked up in prison for 8 months for stealing cheap fishing poles from his neighbor while he brags about being a genius thief. As a 25 or so year old man at the time in that neighborhood apartment complex where he stole those fishing poles; Paul's best friends were 15 year old boys and one of Paul's idols is Michael Jackson. Several years later Paul John Lallier murdered his mother in 2014 by smothering her to death with a pillow because she denied him her oxycontin medications and he was having a manic bipolar episode and is a depraved gang stalking minion of the Aldobrandini and Orleans families. This stupid piece of shit wants to be disrespectful so these easily verifiable facts are made known again about him. This is the type of Ohio and Florida (Yes Paul grew up in Florida and Ohio) genuinely illiterate uneducated white trash that is obsessed with reality TV and worships Trump. Paul is disgusting.

Trumps Fake Assassination Attempt

MAGA morons are claiming the people who claim Trump staged this assassination attempt are saying it was done with real shooters that actually shot and grazed Trumps ear. No one with any common sense is claiming that except maybe govt shills. MAGA conspiracies consist of claiming the SS set this all up as an attempt to assassinate Trump yet they failed miserably and put their own lives in immediate danger. MAGA makes no sense.

In addition to what I wrote below. They use crisis actors who sign national security contracts. They use witness protection like programs to relocate people with new identities. People died? There is this thing I guess nobody has ever heard of. It's called lying. None of this is difficult to comprehend.

Here's how this likely happened. Crooks is a Donald Trump supporter with some mental issues, and they figured he's easy to manipulate. Maybe they came across him through his work with BlackRock. Crooks did an ad for BlackRock. Maybe hes just another MAGA lunatic. Feds or SS approach him and possibly said, "Trumps life is in danger and we need you to help us create a reason to increase security for him." Crooks agrees to allow his identity to be used as an attempted assassin while they relocate him months prior with a new identity. Using his original identity rather than a fake one gives the background more credibility. Crooks signs a national security contract that if he breaches, he would end up in prison. The "shooter" on the roof was not him and really an SS agent. They fired blanks. Trump rehearsed all of this. SS surrounded Trump and applied fake blood. The supposed other victims were also crisis actors. Notice the woman behind Trump behaving strangely and smirking as it all happened. Notice one of the witnesses said he applied to the Secret Service.

In the video link observe the woman in the hat, white shirt and shades right as it happens. She is to the right of Trump.  She smiles after the first shot, everyone around her ducks, she grabs her phone and films it. She knew ahead of time and was ready. She knew there was no real danger just as Trump and the SS knew this which is why Trump did a photo op with the Commie fist right after and the SS allowed him to.

Most likely Trump got some minor plastic surgery on his ear to make this look real. Once he shows his ear it will probably look worse than it did right after he was "shot" There is no visible damage to his ear in the video. Just blood that dried up in less than a minute.

Why would the SS leave a rooftop 130 yards away unguarded. Thats nonsense. Witnesses told police about a guy with a rifle, Why would they ignore them? Because it was fake and they were all in on it. 

Trump just staged a fake assassination attempt. It reminds me of the WWE. There were what sounded like 9 gunshots and his ear was "grazed" and the entire crowd behind him was fine as the video showed. I am sure some crisis actors will claim to be gunshot victims in this fake nonsense. Trump grabbed his ear, hid behind the podium, and fake blood was applied. Then TRUMP GOT UP OPENLY WITH NO COVER for the shooter or another shooter to take a more shots at him. It was about 40 seconds after he was "shot at" A supposed clear and present danger and the SS did not grab a shield or clear the crowd and make sure there was no threat. SS surrounded Trump but made sure to let Trumps head be open over and over again. That really makes no sense. 

There is no way the SS could determine in 40 seconds that there were no other shooters or threats. This is absolutely ridiculous. MAGA an FBI COINTELPRO operation is now claiming the SS allowed it to happen as an inside job. Thats nonsense. Trump raised the communist fist to the crowd and the secret service allowed him several times while there could still be a threat. The SS looked like they were acting too. Their voices and movements seemed like bad acting. This was no different than a WWE skit. The motive for doing this is to give Trump credibility which Trump lacks excessively. 

Trump just rented out a black church and filled it with white Trump supporters. Trump just tricked a black business owner of a barber shop to make him look like a supporter. Trump paid off a non union shop to hold up pro union signs. Trump is a conman.

Trump and a group of bullies dominate McMahon and forcibly shave his head as McMahon the owner of the company cries. Oh wait it was fake and an act like Trump getting shot. Notice how Trump had bullet proof glass on Jan 6th. The secret service also have portable bullet proof shields which they didnt use and allowed Trump to be vulnerable. They will say they got the shooter and that is why they walked him openly with no cover to the vehicle. In 40 seconds there is no way they could know that it was only 1 shooter or if there were other threats and shooters. Theyre so good to know all that in 40 seconds but cant stop a shooter beforehand. Its fake. 

The next thing Trump may do is fake an assassination and flee to Russia.

A witness to the shooting said "I tried out for the secret service"

Trumps Nero Asrtocrazia friend Prince Roffredo Gaetani faked his death. And I will remind everyone that I have been exposing Sandy Hook as fake and never backed down on that. The media will pretend the Trump ear shooting is real because it would open the door to the idea of Sandy Hook being fake.

Anyone who argues that the government wouldn't fake an attempted assassination on a presidential candidate; might be ignorant of Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, Project Condor, Operation Paperclip, Smith Mundt Act, and COINTELPRO. All criminal and evil operations of the US government that were declassified or open secrets that involve carrying out real political assassinations, infiltrating political movements to radicalize them, staging false flag attacks to start wars, killing Americans and blaming foreign nations, and using the media to push propaganda.

Trump called for the termination of the Constitution on his Truth Social based on fraud and Big Tech. I had 8 Facebook accounts shut down in 2016-2019. The first time it happened was for exposing Trump being friends with Prince Roffredo Gaetani and 2 accounts were shut down for exposing Trumps mafia connections. The other 5 were for exposing MI6 and ISIS, child trafficking, Black Nobility, and false flags. Trump incited a riot on Jan 6 to scare the government into submission and Trump orchestrated fake electors to usurp the election. Thats fraud and deception. Trump is the much greater of two evils and all the psychos on the planet are going on crazed attacks in support of Trump. 

Trump doing a strange crystal ball ritual with the Sauds. Just a reminder of how fraudulent Trump is. Non political people need to gently share the excessive info on Trump to his brainwashed followers. Trump and his handlers are extreme evil.

Trumps a blatant fascistic communist posing as a right wing Chrisian and its retarded. Trump was recorded at a speech saying this about the communist dictator of China; "Dont forget China's great, and Xi is a great gentleman." "Hes now president for life" "I think it's great. Maybe we'll give that a shot someday"

Trump throws up the "Communist Fist" daily. Trump praises Putin the communistic dictator of Russia who has threatened every American with nukes many times prior and after their invasion of Ukraine. Trump praises Xi the communist dictator of China who uses this same communist fist regularly. Trump praises Kim Jong Un the communist dictator of North Korea. Trump has said to the entire world numerous times he wants to be a dictator. Trump posted on his social media account on his Truth Social that he wants to suspend the Constitution. The raised fist is a long time symbol used by Communists and even incorporated by the Black Panthers who are also documented communists. Trump resides in Florida the primary doorway to Cuba a communist nation still closely allied with Russia. Cuba to this day has spies in America stealing secrets and selling them to Russia. A thing rarely mentioned about Trump is that Trumps casinos were fined millions by the federal government for enabling money laundering for the Russian Mafia and this is prior to Trump entering politics. Trumps political advisor the Russian born Jesuit Georgetown educated Boris Epshteyn was indicted for his involvement in the fake elector scheme a criminal attempt to install Trump as the president through fraud. Trumps Chairman of his 2016 election campaign Paul Manafort also Jesuit Georgetown educated was a foreign lobbyist for Viktor Yanukovych former president of Ukraine and Putin loyalist who abandoned his presidency and fled to Russia due protests over him economically siding with Russia over the EU. Donald Trump invited Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro to Mar-a-Lago. Prince Carlo is the manager of the Castro communists of Cuba. The founders of modern Communism were the Jesuits where they went to South America and created "Jesuit Reductions" Prince Carlo's direct ancestor Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese established the Jesuits as a military order under the Vatican. The Farneses were the Dukes of Castro. Italy is a heavily communistic and fascist nation to this day. Communists are documented for using gaslighting tactics which is a common behavior of abusive people. Gaslighting is usually when an abuser attacks another and then denies it and calls their victim crazy. They project their behaviors onto their victims. They gossip and spread lies and slander to get others to side with the abuser. This is also the foundation of gang stalking. MAGA cult members use gaslighting constantly. Trump says he wants to become a dictator and they deny it or downplay it and then attack people for criticizing him. Basically all the crazy shit this degenerate Trump says, his cult members deny. This is what Kennedy was warning America about in his speech right before he was killed. Communism and secret societies. The reality is fascism, communism, socialism, and all forms of authoritarianism are the same thing and run by the Nero Aristocrazia. Donald Trump supporters are generally 1 of 2 things.; retarded or satanic. Both are dangerous.

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