Tuesday, 26 November 2024


Anti Semitism is a Human Right

Zionism is Fascism... Nazism of Jewish Supremacy

I speak with grandeur one night in slumber
My mind did wander near to Athlone
The centre station of this Irish nation
A congregation unto me was shown
Beyond my counting upon a mountain
Near to a fountain that clearly ran
My feet did tremble, I'll not dissemble
As they assembled for the Rights of Man

All clad in green there I thought I seen
A virtuous queen who was grave and old
Saying children dear now, do not fear
But come and hear what I will unfold
This fertile country for seven centuries
Since Strongbow's entry upon our land
Has been kept under with woes unnumbered
And always plundered of the Rights of Man

My cause you chided, you so derided
And when divided alas you know
All in disorder 'round Erin's border
Strife, grief and murder have left you low
Let each communion detest disunion
In love and union join hand in hand
And believe ol' Gráinne that proud Britannia
Shall no more rob you of the Rights of Man

Then I caught the crowd, they all spoke aloud
And fighting stopped and vowed to take advice
They seemed delighted and all united
Not to be frightened but to rejoice
Her harp so pleasing, she played amazing
I still stood gazing but could not understand
She sang most enchanting and most endearing
Saying "Always be true to the Rights of Man."

The Wolfe Tones - The Rights of Man

In Times like these we have a duty to resist!
Man has a right to know!
To determine his own Future!
And leave the past behind!

- Fritz Freud

Man's right to know: Wilhelm Reich story

Truth you find in the wisdom of eastern Philosophies... ZEN... Taoism... Buddhism... Hinduism.
Christianity Judaism and Islam are a Lie made by Jews to fool the World into Armageddon... mutual assured self destruction.
Don't buy it... don't drink the cool Aid.
Wilhelm Reich found Orgone which is Qi which is Prana... the life force of living energy in a living Universe... proving the above... and the Jews killed him for that.
This is the simple Truth they try to hide and makes all their lies fall apart.
Living energy in a living Universe that is alive and that is why we are alive.
Everything is possible... except for Grammar.

When I worked on my Patent I looked for an Engineer capable of 3D CAD to work with me.
I came across a Jewish Freemason that worked for the CIA.
He was a Boat builder 
They sabotaged my work and used their Occult techniques against me thinking they could drive me insane and tried to derail my work.
They used Scientology aka an offshoot called "Psychology of Vision" that operates clandestine as a force of Mind controlled cult that draws in many Idiots... and they spent all their money to be controlled Idiots.
So they took my then wife... 
They used all they had against me... I am still here... and I tell my story and there is nothing they can do about that.
And now I swear i will work to the day I see them hang for their crimes for everything they did against me.
I want their temples burned and the ashes pissed on.
I want every lot of them removed from any position of power... because they don't deserve it.
They lied cheated stole and tricked themselves and the world into that position which should not be... and all for nefarious reasons... to destroy this world and the next.
They will fail.
All they deserve is to get kicked beaten and bludgeoned in the streets.
Sent them to Israel and then nuke the lot!
The sooner the better.
Sue me!

The Jews want World War 3.
Because Jews ain't Human.
Because no Human wants WW3... in fact Humans are Gentile creatures... beautiful beings.
Jews are predators... thriving on inflicting pain and hurting others.
Feeding off the pain they inflict on others... and lying to protect their evil deeds.
People don't want war... everyone wants to be the best version of themselves they can be.. but we can't until we understand ourselves... our love... our fears... our weakness... our strength.

The Jews are manipulators with the end goal of destroying this world.
I will not allow it.
And neither should you.
We cannot allow the Jews to act uncontrolled and we have an obligation to call them out and stop them because we know what they try to do... kill everyone and enslave the rest.
We must control the Jews and their actions which as we speak work to manipulate Society on every level.
Truth they fear... Truth we must embrace.
Truth is the only thing that matters. 
Take George Soros for example...
A Soros... all Soros should be caged in an open Zoo with the doors welded shut no food and no water until they die.
All those who manipulate Society like them should meet their end in the same way.
All them act in the same way... manipulating Society through money bribery corruption and Sex... mainly Pedophilia.

Soros groupies meeting in DC this week to plot Trump resistance.


But of course the money giddy carousel bootlicks the Soros scum on every corner of the globe...

And if you don't think Jews want to destroy the world... hear it from, a Jewish mouth...
They sometimes unintentionally speak the truth..

Just look how happy she is when speaking of the end of days...
She gets yiddy... really... she seems exited by the fact that this world is going to be destroyed.
Keep that in mind and understand that all Jews who say they are Jews act on the Jewish Hive mind.
And the Jewish Hive mind hates everyone but the Jews.
It is a fact that Jews thrive to inflict conflict between others  and pain on which they feed.
Jews are haters and project their own hatred of others onto others claiming everyone hates Jews.
That is the truth.

But it ain't the whole truth...

In 2008, eight Jewish women from different walks of life, affiliations, observance, and ages began a powerful dialogue. They agreed that it was time to empower and inspire women with the rich beauty of their Jewish heritage, and the JWRP was born.

The JWRP seeks to inspire women to transform themselves, transform their families, their communities, and the world. Our flagship program is Momentum, an eight-day journey through Israel. Momentum is more than a tour of Israel; it is an opportunity to deeply explore ourselves. Thousands of women from 26 different countries have already experienced this life-changing trip, paying only their own airfare, and returning home with the best gift of all—a deep, eternal connection to Israel, a profound kinship with each other, and a heart filled with Jewish values.

We work in partnership with a wide spectrum of community organizations, from Synagogues to Federations. Our partners recruit the women, staff the buses and continue the journey through continually evolving follow-up programming that keeps the inspiration going and helps to create bonds that extend not only to communities but globally.


So in effect some Jews Brainwash other Jews into Jewish superiority.
In much way the Jew Adolf Hitler manipulated Germany into becoming a Nazi state.
Just like the Police is indoctrinated in the same way using similar programs.

And currently the Jews in Germany try to fool the Germans (again) into Fascism (again).

How the US and Israel exchange tactics in violence and control

Two decades of Israeli-US police cooperation includes training in racial profiling and violent suppression of protests.

Months after the September 11 attacks, US law enforcement delegates attended their first official training expedition to Israel to exchange “best practices” in “counter-terrorism”.

Since then, thousands more from across the US – including agents from the FBI, CIA, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – have been schooled at these meetings in both Israel and the US, sponsored by far-right Israeli lobby organisations.

But instead of promoting effective security for communities, the programme facilitates an exchange of tactics used in police violence and control including mass surveillance, racial profiling and the suppression of protests and dissent, according to the JVP and RAIA’s 2018 report (PDF) titled Deadly Exchange, which details the extent of the cooperation


Of course there are some Jews who speak out against Jewish Supremacy... as it should be...  like Prof. Norman Finkelstein.
And many Germans including me speak out against Fascism and Nazis... as it should be.
I have and I do measure others as I do measure myself... as it should be.

Norman Finkelstein: "Jewish Supremacy" Versus Harvard

Or Gerald Kaufman

UK Jewish MP Gerald Kaufman Israel behaving like the Nazis

Or Edwin Black who wrote the "Transfer agreement" and "IBM and the Holocaust"

Or David Cole who famously debunked the Gas Chambers in Auschwitz.

Or the Grayzone


The Jews wrote the Bible... that is another Truth to sell us Armageddon... the destruction of this world for 2000 years.
And behind the scenes they stir the world into conflict to profit from the conflict they create.

As a German I always wondered how it was possible for the Nazis to gain so much unwarranted support and power in such a short time.
Now I understand how and why.
100 years we had the same script… Spanish Flu Death by Vaxx lies social breakdown inflation war.

What Hitler and Keir Starmer Stalin Zelensky Biden von der Leyen have in common… they are installed by the same forces in exactly the same way by mass manipulation mind control and subversive lies.
100 years apart.
This is neither coincidence nor is it an accident but a deliberate attempt of culling the herd by an aristocratic khakistocracy for depopulation purpose.
Jewish Supremacy in short... Fascism as a tool.
Endgame is the AI war we are living in.

Here is how the game is played.
The Banks the Fed the IMF  are all owned by the Rothschilds and Jewish Banking Families.
They finance the Jews and their many Organizations aka Jewish Supremacy.
They finance the Freemasons Lodges and the many Secret Societies such as Skull & Bones and the Bullington Club... and from there is where Prime Ministers are selected to do the bidding of the scum.
CIA and MI6 Mossad all recruit exclusively from there.
Those three letter Agencies report clandestine directly to Skull & Bones Bohemian Grove and those Jewish Banking Families.
This is how they control the Governmemnt.
Just like John Kerry Ketchup Tony B. Liar Herbert Wanker Bush and all the others like Macron Starmer Scholz and Mertz and Merkel.
Merkel and Starmer in particular changed the states of Germany and the UK respectively into Communist Surveillance states... and Communism is the Endgame of Capitalism.
Capitalism was used to steal the wealth from the many to the Jews...
Communism is used to keep the many poor and the Jews rich...
This is how the game is played
The Atomic Bomb drop over Hiroshima was entirely Jewish made... and Oppenheimer came from a Jewish banking Family.
Financed... like all war and terrorism is financed by no one else but the Rothschild / Rockefeller scum.
Just like the war in Ukraine was financed by them and also instigated by them... 
All wars are Jewish wars.
And the main weapon now is Blackrock and Vanguard.
Both are under direct Rothschild control.

This is how it goes...
The banks make 10 Dollar from every Dollar one puts into the bank... it is the biggest betrayal of Humanity with a clear vision... to make people poor and to create war famine and ultimately WW3 = Armageddon. 
Meaning we are all slaves to one Jewish Family... the Rothschilds.
And these Rothschilds are the Family of Adolf Hitler.
Oh... AND Greta Tundberg... and Macron... Starmer... and so on.

Blackrock is their weapon...

And Hedge funds

And the Media

And the war in Ukraine

Take the war in Ukraine for example... financed instigated controlled by Jews and financed by the Rothschild scum...
Victoria Nuland... Feinstein... Lindsey Graham... Zelinsky...Larry Fink  all Jewish.
And now they destroyed Ukraine... who is buying it?
Blackrock J.P. Morgan and they are controlled by the Rothschild scum.

Blackrock gets half a trillion dollar deal to rebuild Ukraine

BlackRock, JP Morgan set up 'reconstruction bank' for Ukraine.
BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are reportedly aiding the Ukrainian government in setting up a reconstruction bank that could see rebuilding projects being heavily invested in by private entities. The Financial Times noted that it would cost Ukraine roughly $411 billion to rebuild their country amid the onslaught of attacks by Russia, but the cost is continuing to increase.

The Ukraine Development Fund is still in the early stages of setting up the reconstruction bank, but potential investors will get an inside preview of how things will look during a London conference that is set to take place this week.


This is how they play the world... this is how they destroy the world.
Fooling the world into a war they created and buying up the Land... Slavery 101.
To call that scum scum means I should apologize to scum to call that scum scum.

And then they dare to whine about Anti Semitism?
Fuck you Larry Fink...

The demonisation of BlackRock’s Larry Fink
All he wanted to do was save the planet while making his firm a fortune.


Oh everybody hates us because we are Jewish... fuck you.
Nobody hates you because you are Jewish... but everybody hates you because you are evil and you killed millions in wars to make profit.
And when evil means you are Jewish... so mote it be.

QUIET PART OUT LOUD: Lindsey Graham DROOLS Over Ukraine Minerals

Let's do some math's just for a laugh...
Scumbag Lindsey Graham tells us quite honestly (an exception for a Jew) that Ukraine sits on 12 TRILLION USD worth of minerals and metals.
Blackrock and the Rothschild scum bought Ukraine for 1/2 a Trillion USD.
That means if you add all the Billions we wasted on this war for the Rothschild scum... they make a net profit on Ukraine of 12 Trillion USD plus...

US Senator Lindsey Graham: Ukraine Sits on ‘Trillion Dollars Worth of Minerals That Could Be Good for Our Economy’

US Senator Lindsey Graham has argued that Washington must support Ukraine because of its lucrative natural resources.
During a visit to Kiev in September, Graham published a video standing next to Ukrainian leader Zelensky, in which the US senator said, “They’re sitting on a trillion dollars worth of minerals that could be good to our economy”.
“They just need weapons”, Graham implored, calling for more arms shipments to Kiev.
The US senator added that Ukraine is “trying to stop the Russians, so we don’t have to fight them”.
Zelensky expressed gratitude for the “bipartisan support” he has received in Washington.


And those scumbags never shed a tear about a single person that died in this war.
No sir... they want to convince you the it is Putin's fault... and they have corrupted Politics to such an extent that they push the world even further into WW3.
When I tell you lot all the time that the Jews are the Devil in the Bible... this should be evidence enough that they are!

But let's not hang them for one crime they made... let's expose them for the many crimes they made... the controlled mass Immigration forced upon us for the same reason.

Senior executives from BlackRock last week sat down opposite Keir Starmer and chancellor Rachel Reeves in Downing Street.

The government’s laser-focus on private investment as the key means of driving economic growth has inevitably led to a reliance on the world’s big money machines, such as BlackRock. But this is a relationship that Labour initially developed in opposition – and which has only become cosier since the party entered government.

The meeting on Thursday between Starmer, Reeves, investment minister Poppy Gustafsson and several members of BlackRock’s board was not the first time that senior figures from the world’s largest asset manager have met with ministers in recent months.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink also made a star turn at Labour’s investment summit in October and posed for pictures with the prime minister when he visited New York in September. Senior BlackRock figures also attended a summer reception for business leaders at No 10, as openDemocracy revealed previously.


Let me get this straight.
Labour ousted Jeremy Corbyn calling him Anti Semitic  just to install the scum class Stalin Starmer... a Jew.
Keir Starmer's first policy was to kill the old people by cutting off winter fuel allowance.
His second was to kill off the Farmers with the aim to sell the UK to the Rothschilds using Blackrock.
Blackrock are the Rothschilds.
It's a game of steal and toss we witness first in Germany 100 years ago and since 9/11 the same game is played over and over and over again.

At the same time they have previously installed Richy Sunak who is also one of them ... a short Arse that can't reach the pussy he fell out of.

As another Liz we couldn't Truss is replaced with Rishi Sunak whom we definitely can't trust I think it is fair to make a statement about how Politics work and how we can fix the problem.

Prof David Miller added that Starmer is ‘Israel’s errand boy’ and ‘will send your sons to die’ for it.
Which is true!
Because Jews want everyone to die for Jews.
Yet this scourge has the guts to whine about us calling them scum out for being evil which is simply what they are!
At the same time they need and create Antisemitism because they need it to cover their tracks…
Them are truly evil.

Police refused to investigate academic who said Starmer works for ‘genocidal Jewish supremacists’
Essex Police told Jewish lady the tweet by Prof David Miller ‘would cause elements of concern’ but ‘not constitute a crime’


They all belong to the Freemason scum of the Jewish Occult... all of them pedophiles... all of them liars... all of them corrupt... and evil beyond imagination.
Who created Covid?
The same Jews.
And Bill Gates as another Muppet for the same Rothschild Rockefeller scum.

And one needs to look no further than the USA to see the same game played there...
Biological Warfare?
That was the Jews too... giving infested blankets to the native Americans to steal their land decimate them and take their oil and minerals.
Using an Identical tactic they used in Ukraine and for Covid.
Then selling them Alcohol... Rum they distilled from sugar cane using slave labor.
Then they sold this Alcohol to the Native Americans and traded it for more slaves in Africa.
That is how the Jews work... period!

One of the most notorious slave traders was the Ladson Family.
And the most prominent of the Ladson Family is Rose Ladson... aka Ursula von der Leyen.

The von der Leyen Family and the Albrecht Family were stern Nazis.
Her grandfather, Carl Albrecht, worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Adolf Hitler and arranged the economic aspects of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939.
Carl Albrecht was mainly active in Ukrainian matters from 1941 to 1943.
Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen ruled Galicia in a civil capacity for the Nazis during WWII.
And they run a Euthanasia Program called "The Institute for Typhus and Virus Research" where they fed Concentration camp inmates to Lice to create the first Typhus Vaccine.
And that Bitch did the same with COVID.
Her Husband works for Orgensys and that alone is Insider trading and a crime worth of hanging

And these people... these Genocidal scum of Jewish Origin... what do they do?
They tell Farmers to stop growing Food in order to protect the climate... when they exempt themselves from their own laws.
Fuck you.

Keir Starmer is evil!

Jeremy Clarkson SCOLDS the BBC for playing 'mouthpiece' to 'INFERNAL' Labour in farmers rally speech

And of course this scum wants us... you know the ones they want to kill... to protect them?
Yet at the same time they call for the destruction of Europe?

Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies

It is flabbergasting to see the schizophrenic insanity that are the Jews...
On one hand they manipulate Society into WW3.
On the other hand they create Planet Auschwitz.

Using Mind Control Religion and the Government

Yet at the same time they have the arrogance to want to teach us about anything?
I think personally it is we who must them teach a lesson.
All things are connected and once we look we can't unsee.
And I take pride to show the connections so people understand the long road of deception these lot goes to create wars and harm others.
The Jews simply thrive of the pain they inflict on other people.
It is staggering that one Human exists to defend them.
Their actions simply have become indefensible...
The only thing that still protects them is the stupidity they created by controlling the Government and Education aka Indoctrination aka deliberate Misinformation so the Jews always get on top misleading the world into mutual assures self destruction which is their blatant goal.
It has become so obvious that this fact is undeniable.
And the reason sits deep within the Jewish Religion which is based upon hatred for others Genocide and racism.

I have ONE Questions to every Jew:
Please explain honestly the purpose of the Kol Nidre!

The purpose of the Kol Nidre is that it is basically an Absolution for the Jews to lie to us.
What is the purpose of AI?
To ensure Jewish Supremacy over the Goyim!

Here is Sam Altman... you know the scum that don't care about money but has a garage full of McLarens Porsches and Konigsegg...

A member of the WEF which is a clandestine Jewish Terrorist Organisation same as Bilderberg Bohemian Grove Skull & Bones Bullington Club and Freemasons they control.

WEF Scientists Unveil Supercomputers Powered by Lab-Grown Human Brains

With the final Solution being a Lab Grown Gigantic AI Supercomputer controlling the Human Race.

That is why they created Covid...

Auschwitz fur alle without the swimming pool
The Brave New Zionist World Order is making their final move

Because we are the creation that outgrew our creator race.

This is why we need Freedom.

Because the Jews want to create WW3 and they must be stopped!

Douglas Macgregor Reveals: Biden's SHOCKING Plot To Send NUKES To Ukraine!


"They will call you an 'anti-semite' but never a liar."

I could go on forever... one cannot defend the Jews and their actions no more.
The world must stop all conflict... all Wars... and Unite in peace.
We have the technological abilities to advance Humanity to interstellar travel by 2050.
And it is my technology that is at its core to do just that.

But as long as Jews have the power over the Media Government and War we all live in Danger.
Everything that is going on is well documented in the Protocols of Zion

And don’t count on Trump either

That has become an undeniable fact.
As is the fact that all energy can be won from water

In Times like these we have a duty to resist!
Man has a right to know!
To determine his own Future!
And leave the past behind!

- Fritz Freud

As I see it... it is the Jews who by their deception create wars and problems and they are the problem taking our future away from us.
And I take my right to speak up against them in any way I see fit because I take no orders from no one.
And let me get this straight... Jews or not Jews... the same applies for anyone that stands in my futures way.
Truth is all that matters.
If you don't live by the Truth you don't deserve to live.

The Jews in France try to ban & silence Le Pen…
The Jews in Germany try to ban & silence the AFD…
And the Jews try to ban & silence everyone that calls for world peace…
Jew call that Democracy?
I call it Demonocracy…


How ‘They’ Control Your Subconscious Mind

Please watch!



Fritz Freud

If you can...

are well off enough...

and like my work please consider buying me a coffee...

There is a lot of work going into this.

Thank you.

Buy me a Coffee

This Blog has been under attack for some time.
As such please share this information as far as you can.
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Thank you

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