Monday, 25 November 2024


NUCLEAR WAR, APOCALYPSE COUNTDOWN! Moscow against NWO Conspiracy. First US ATACMS Missiles on Russia

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Behold, the wicked conceives injustice, is pregnant with wickedness, gives birth to lies. 
He digs a deep well and falls into the pit he has made; 
his wickedness falls on his own head, his violence falls on his own pate.

Holy Bible – Psalm 7 (15-17)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


Since February 2014, when the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was chased out of Kiev after a bloody coup prepared by the intelligent CIA and financed by NATO countries and George Soros, the script of one of the most mendacious and terrifying stories of media manipulation of facts has always been the same.

For 10 years, every time that in light of new geopolitical scenarios President Vladimir Putin sits or says he is ready to sit at the negotiating table to discuss a just peace, which also takes into account the 5 thousand civilians of Donbass massacred by the battalions of neo-Nazi paramilitaries of the Ukrainian National Guard armed by the USA and the Atlantic Alliance, here comes the now predictable twist!

UPDATE – TOWARD ATOMIC WAR… Russia increases Production of KUB-M Mobile Shelters to Protect Army from Radiation of Nuclear Blasts

UPDATE – Russia WIPES Ukrainian Defense Plant using IBCM Oreshnik Missile (video). Putin: “No Way to STOP IT”

New Escalation of the NWO Clan towards Nuclear Clash

From the British secret agent MI 6 Volodymyr Zelesnky, made to be elected president of Ukraine by Soros’ NGOs, from Washington, from London, from the EU and from NATO comes the infamous move for a new escalation towards a nuclear clash that could then turn into a total war in Europe and, subsequently, into a world conflict also extended to the American coasts of the Atlantic, where Russian atomic submarines have been sailing for months now.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 17. “ZELENSKY, A BRITISH MI6 007”. In the Service of NATO, Rothschild, NWO. It is Trump’s Obstacle to Peace in Ukraine

Yet another step towards an Apocalyptic nightmare for Europe, shamefully supported by too many paid journalists incapable of foreseeing the extent of the catastrophe, follows the usual lying mantra like the Devil, pronounced by Zelensky who serves him in the persecution of Orthodox Christians“If Putin wins in Ukraine he will not stop!”.

The statement is historically denied by the 8 years of patience of the new Christian Tsar of Moscow in the Dobass Civil War and by the long months of exhausting peace negotiations after the start of the Special Military Operation with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

“Repeat a lie a hundred, a thousand, a million times and it will become the truth”is a phrase attributed to Joseph Goebbels, one of Hitler’s most faithful Nazi hierarchs, who in order to carry out the extermination of the Polish Jews made use of the help of the far-right Ukrainian nationalists, whose Neo-Nazi heirs have today become WAR HEROES, thanks to the support of NATO, Boris Johnson and the Italian Government.

NEO-NAZIST DRIFT OF NATO’s WAR IN UKRAINE. US Bet on Arming Azov Battalion. Bojo praises the Fierce Fighters as “Heroes”

Strengthened by the impunity obtained by justice and history by the criminal statesmen of the New World Order Freemasonry who triggered the First and Second World Wars (read previous investigations on the Masonic roots of these conflicts and the role of Rothschild, Zionistsand Rockefeller), the diabolical contemporary “rag rulers” believe they can stand at the window of their secret bunkers watching the exchange of missiles with atomic warheads between armies.

As if it were a futuristic video game re-enacting the gladiators of Ancient Rome that emperors and consuls, for fun, made fight to the death in the Colosseum. And, just like then, any excuse is good even to voluntarily exterminate (as in Lebanon and Syria) or accidentally a few thousand Christians…

EU Warns Citizens To Stockpile Supplies for Possible Nuclear Disaster

The intentions of the so-called New World Order that guides Western governments seem so realistic that the European Commission has prepared a Dossier on the strategies for the supplies of water, food and basic necessities…

Attempt to Create a Stumbling Block to Trump’s Peace

As soon as the winner of the US Presidential Elections Donald Trump confirmed his intention to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine, calling Zelensky together with Elon Musk (who provided Kiev with the Starlink satellites useful for defending itself from the Moscow Army) and renouncing the nomination of former CIA director Mike Pompeo as Secretary of the Department of Defense ready to continue the war, US President Joseph Biden, now politically moribund together with the Democrats unmasked as conspirators of wars and above all of the SARS-Cov-2 laboratory pandemic, makes the announcement that he had not wanted to make a few weeks ago.

That is, he spits on Putin’s outstretched hand to obey the infamous logic of the Weapons Lobby which, from Washington to Berlin, from Rome to Turin, speculates billions on the conflict in Ukraine hiding behind the solemn lie of a belligerence for a just peace.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 16. Big Five US Arms Makers Profit From Ukraine Conflict and Overcharge Pentagon

Biden authorized Ukraine to use ATAMCS cruise missiles against Russian territory despite Putin’s threatening warnings about the risk of a nuclear conflict if NATO weapons were used to hit Russian regions.

The Nuclear Doctrine approved by Putin after Biden’s OK to Missiles against Russia

The Kremlin responded by announcing an update of the nuclear doctrine that will allow Moscow to respond with nuclear missiles even to provocations with conventional weapons. In reality, which knows the profile of Russian defense well, this had already existed for years.

Since June 2020, when NATO and the EU had already launched the CEPA Plan for the Militarization of Eastern Europe, Putin had signed a decree, called Basic Principles of the Russian Federation’s State Policy in the Domain of Nuclear Deterrence, which specified two conditions under which Russia would use nuclear weapons.

The first is not surprising: “The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and/or its allies…”

PUTIN “Russia Reserves the Right to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS in case of Aggression against itself and its ally Belarus”

The novelty of the Decree now approved by the Russian president after the announcement of the American one consists in detailing how and when it is possible to directly strike even the countries that supply such weapons to Ukraine, allowing it to use them against Russian civilians.

It should be remembered that Moscow has a much larger, more powerful and sophisticated atomic arsenal than that of the USA and NATO countries…

150 US Nuclear Weapons in Europe but Moscow Holds more Atomic Warheads in the World and the New Powerful Russian Sarmat ICBM

France-Presse and Reuters, two of the largest and most authoritative international news agencies, both cite Ukrainian government sources that confirm the use of Atacms missiles supplied by the United States in the air attack launched at dawn today against an arsenal in the Russian region of Bryansk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has neither denied nor confirmed

 Moscow confirms: “First ATACMS missiles from Kiev against Russia”

But the official confirmation came from a statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense reported by RT (formerly Russia Today):

«According to the statement, Kiev fired six long-range ballistic missiles identified as ATACMS early on Tuesday morning. Five of them were intercepted with S-400 and Pantsir air defense systems, while another was damaged and hit the ground at a Russian military site in Bryansk Region, causing a fire that was quickly dealt with. The Russian military claimed that no damage was caused by the incident»

“Ukraine Forces already Use NATO Weapons to Exterminate Russian Civilians”. UN Envoy. 30 Children Killed, 9,000 Evacuated

From a military perspective, the issue is not of great relevance since already in May 2024,Moscow’s permanent ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, during a United Nations Security Council meeting had denounced the use of long-range weapons supplied by NATO countries and Italy to the Kiev army:

“The military potential of almost all NATO countries is being used to deliberately strike not military facilities, but densely populated areas and to exterminate the civilian population of Russia,” he said, providing repeated Ukrainian strikes at civilian targets in Belgorod, Donetsk, Gorlovka and the Bryansk Region as an example.

“The West does not shy away from shipping depleted uranium munitions,landmines that are un-defusable and un-extractable. There are numerous examples of US-made HIMARS systems and UK-made Storm Shadow missiles being used at civilian targets,” the diplomat noted.

PUTIN’s REVENGE vs ZELENSKY! Hypersonic Missiles’ Storm is wiping Ukraine Army. Sachs echoes Musk: “Biggest Debacle in Modern Warfares”

Military and geopolitical analysts, including Musk himself, had already highlighted at the time that even the most powerful missiles supplied by NATO countries would have been sufficient only to cause a more massive and powerful reaction from Russia but not to win the war because the supplies could never have been numerous enough, unless the Atlantic Alliance’s arsenals were emptied, exposing them to high defense risks.

The Countdown to the Nuclear War before Trump’s Inauguration

From a diplomatic perspective, Biden’s decision represents a macroscopic preventive fracture of any truce between Russia and NATO…

Thus began the countdown to a nuclear clash that could explode, at least with tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine and neighboring territories, before January 20 when Trump officially takes office, who has also expressed his desire to nominate Tulsi Gabbard, a bitter enemy of the Weapons Lobby, to one of the most strategic roles in the United States of America: the Director of National Intelligence who coordinates the 18 American federal agencies. We will see in an upcoming investigation what the enormous weight of this position is.

“US Military-Industrial Complex Wants War in Ukraine” Gabbard told. As the Nightmare of CEPA’s Plan

We must also remember that Biden, in October, had suspended his decision on Kiev’s authorization of the use of long-range missiles in Russian territory despite the fact that the European Union of Von der Leyen, Meloni & co. had already decided to do so in mid-September (albeit with various quibbles and distinctions).

But what happened in the meantime?

Since October 1, former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has been General Secretary of NATO, who, in addition to being a friend and collaborator of Soros, was the ruler who allowed the Dutch Embassy in Kiev to finance the organization of the coup for the anti-Russian regime-chance.

Exclusive! NEW NATO CHIEF: A SOROS’ FRIEND WHO FUNDED KIEV COUP. Ex Dutch PM Rutte Supported LGBTQ against Pedophilia Ban in EU

NATO allies make individual decisions on whether or not they can authorize Ukraine to use their weapons for strikes inside Russia, the alliance’s Secretary General Mark Rutte said today ahead of the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union in Defense Ministers’ format in Brussels.

“It’s up to an individual ally to decide what they do. <…> I am not going into whether individual allies should yes or no or what they are doing,” he told reporters.

The NATO chief added: “I would generally say let’s not communicate too much and not make our adversaries more wise than is necessary.” “Today we will discuss how to help Ukraine to prevail. That means more aid, more money,” he revealed though.

EU Votes toward NUCLEAR WAR vs MOSCOW. Duma: “Harsh Response to Kiev use of NATO’s Long-Range Weapons against Russia”

“Attacking Russia’s military assets on its territory, ammunition depots, air bases, factories producing missiles and drones, logistics chains: only these “key factors” will give Russian President Vladimir Putin the motivation to really negotiate peace.”

This was said by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking via video conference during an extraordinary EU plenary session organized 1000 days after the large-scale Russian invasion, on February 24, 2022.

In reality, Zelensky, since March 2022 when he had a negotiator from the Kiev delegation killed in cold blood by the Ukrainian Security Services SBU, cannot negotiate peace at all because he has received a “veto” on any truce from NATO,from the entourage of the NWO that drives the Weapons Lobby in the USA and Europe, and from the United Kingdom…

He is therefore only a powerful, well-paid hitman…

SBU kills member of Ukrainian Delegation at talks with Russia Kyreyev on Suspicion of Treason

The goal of the Atlanticist criminals, who every year settle a new generation thanks to the monstrous proceeds of the war industries on the conflict in Ukraine, is to provoke Putin to the first nuclear launch so that they can point him out to the world as a new Hitler.

Unfortunately, this propaganda strategy, thanks to the increasingly powerful economic coalition of BRICS and the wicked policies of the USA in the Middle East, is only good for Italians and Europeans, deficient in reliable information, who, doped by increasingly corrupt media are ready to prefer the “status quo” to look after their own backyard considering an atomic war scenario an imponderable fact …

Starmer permanently ties UK NUCLEAR ARSENAL to Washington

This new escalation appears to be an integral part of a binding nuclear deal signed between the US and the UK a few months ago…

At least Christians should prepare for the Apocalypse …

At least those who are Christians must pay extreme attention to the Book of the Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist (subject of our previous historical-religious investigations) as well as to a recent passage of the Liturgy of the Word on the Gospel of St. Luke (Lk. 17, 26-37):

«Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all».

FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

«“It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything.   Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.”».

«“Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.”»

It is almost self-evident to have to remember that the Messiah Jesus Christ died in that Holy Land that every day risks turning into the place of Armageddon because of the diabolical Zionist aims.

FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 3. Devilish Roots of HOLOCAUST IN HOLY LAND. 70 % of Exterminated are Children, Women by Netanyahu thanks Western NeoNazis

As it now seems tedious for our most faithful readers – but we do it for the others – to remember that the Zionist Political Movement, increasingly devoid of any true Semitic identity, whether religious or ethnic, is one of the diabolical children of Freemasonry, so much so that it can hypothetically be identified with one of the 2 Beasts of the Book of Revelation.

But before reaching the apocalyptic catastrophe, those who believe in the Queen of Peace who has been appearing in Medjugorje since 1981, know that there will have to be a terrible war in Poland, one of the states bordering Ukraine…

Furthermore, in the same prophetic message, the Gospa (Madonna in Croatian) announced that God would be glorified by Russiaagainst the West of Progress without a Creator”.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram






“DIO SARA’ GLORIFICATO DAI RUSSI”. Profezia di Medjugorie contro l’Occidente del Progresso senza il Creatore

Update – “TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on BIDEN’s US Policies in Ukraine and Middle East. Moscow: “Outrageous Harris”

WEAPONS LOBBY – 13. “Military Schengen Plan” in EU developed by CEPA’s Lobbyists & US-UK WarLords for Ukraine. Russia warns NATO

WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon

Project Syndicate funded by Soros, Gates and McKinsey to Promote Ukraine War as Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations

Vatican Cardinal who Bless Gays discredits Medjugorje Visionaries and Queen of Peace Messages

Update – POPE CONDEMNS ZELENSKY for BAN vs ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS. Russian Politicians: “Ukrainian President’s Satanism”

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 1. Snipers’ Massacre in Kiev Maidan Square 2014 like that on CIA’s Shade in Caracas 2002

UN Reform, Conflicts, Terrorism, Sanctions: Key provisions of BRICS Kazan Summit Declaration


$280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation
150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts
Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.


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