Wednesday, 27 November 2024


Christian Zionism: Its origins, goals, and influence—with Stephen Sizer

Few people in the world are unaffected by the brutal war in the Middle East. The slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza and Lebanon now threatens to expand into a world war against Iran and her allies. Israel is regarded by many Christians as the innocent victim, and many of those same Christians support the massive supply of US and Western bombs and munitions that kill and mutilate. How can Christians support war and killing in this way? Why do many Christians believe that Israel cannot be criticised or stopped?

UK Column first interviewed Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer in May 2023. That interview, The Price of Honest Discussion about Israel and Palestinecan be found here.

From his background and experiences as an author challenging Christian Zionism, Stephen Sizer describes the Church of England and the wider campaign against him as one based on three successive tactics: intimidation, isolation, and incrimination. This strategy is employed to shut down debate regarding what is happening within the State of Israel and the territories it controls. His criticism of Israel has been relentless, but principled. It is based not on antisemitism, but rather on a human-rights-based analysis.

In our second and latest interview with Stephen Sizer, Brian Gerrish looked deeper into Stephen’s research and analysis of Christian Zionism, focusing on his excellent books: the detailed Christian Zionism Road Map to Armageddon? as well as the shorter Zion’s Christian Soldiers? The Bible, Israel and the Church.

Brian Gerrish states to Stephen upfront that he had been prompted to learn more about Zionism after watching the brutal slaughter in Gaza and experiencing an often cold, callous, and aggressive support for the war by those calling themselves Christians.

Amongst e-mails criticising UK Column's reporting on the Middle East conflict, some personal communications to Brian even warned that he would go to Hell if he dared criticise Israel. Brian adds that he had been surprised to discover in personal conversations with members of the Jewish community that those who were deeply upset at the war and its prosecution by Israel were frightened to speak out against the Israeli government.

In a relaxed and frank discussion, Stephen recaps his censorship by the Church of England for supposed antisemitism, and he detailed his extensive research that lifted the lid on the origins, goals, and influence of Zionism. Key to understanding unfolding events in the Middle East is to understand that ‘Zionism’ is a political entity that has arisen from within Christian groups in the UK, USA, and elsewhere within the Western sphere of influence. Although many of these groups can be described as cult-like in their beliefs and behaviours, key influencers amongst them were able to interest and engage powerful political and financial figures into their ideals and goals. Yet it was only later that a powerful Jewish lobby took up the Zionist cause, which led to the establishment of a Jewish state.

In the limited time available, Stephen discussed these origins, why many Christians believe as they do, what the real aims of Zionism are, and why many Christians need to have the humility to examine and re-think their beliefs and understanding of the Bible regarding Israel as a country, a state, a nation, and a political agenda.

We hope that this interview will lead to more discussions about Christian Zionism, and that it will be coupled with more engagement by those in the Christian and Jewish communities who are challenging war and calling for peace.

Dr Sizer’s website is

See also UK Column’s interview with Clifford Kiracofe on Christian Zionism, and the links there.

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