Saturday, 23 November 2024

WEF Insider: Planned Civil War for 2025 Will Usher In 'New World Order'


WEF Insider: Planned Civil War for 2025 Will Usher In 'New World Order'


Sean @TPV: The global elite have a multifaceted plan for global domination, and it starts with stealing the 2024 US election through deceit and intimidation, and plunging the country into civil war.

The elite have assessed the current landscape and concluded that now is the time to throw the US into turmoil, ignite civil unrest, and usher in the long-awaited New World Order, first threatened by George H.W. Bush 33 years ago.

(Roll video of George Bush Sr January 29, 1991 speech before Congress, announcing the "New World Order")

George HW Bush: What is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea, a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.

Sean @TPV: Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have set the tone, quietly admitting that civil war is coming to the United States, and the Global Elite must capitalize on the chaos, in order for the New World Order to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of the American Republic.

When the Global Elite start echoing the same phrases, you know a plan is brewing behind the scenes. Remember, when suddenly, they were all saying we need to "Build Back Better"? That wasn't a coincidence.


(Roll videos of Klaus Schwab onstage at a meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), a panel discussions at the 2022 World Government Summit (WGS) and of French President Emmanuel Macron at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting (APEC) and of Indian President Narendra Modi at the 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit)

Klaus Schwab at 2023 WEF Meeting: What a wonderful opportunity to conclude our week here, with such concrete proposals and ideas of how we can really create, I would say, a New World Order.

2022 World Government Summit Emcee: Are you ready for a New World Order?

Emmanuel Macron at 2022 APEC Meeting: We need a single global order.

Indian President Narendra Modi (in Hindi) at 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit: This will be India's framework during India's G20 Presidency. It will be our goal to ensure there is no 'first world' or 'third world'. No! There will only be 'one world'.


Sean @TPV: The US is central to the Global Elite's plans for humanity, and when they said, "Jump!" the Democrats said, "How high?"

The greatest voter fraud organization in history, to quote Joe Biden, is hard at work, behind the scenes, with illegals voting across the country, judges throwing out objections by Republicans and machines flipping votes to Harris in key battleground states across the country.

But the plan doesn't stop with cheating. They are Hell-bent on inciting violence and plunging the nation into civil war in January. Representative Jamie Raskin is doing the early running, laying the groundwork to disenfranchise the majority who voted for Trump.

According to Raskin, the Democrats will use the 14th Amendment to tell Trump he's disqualified from the Presidency, and anybody who rises up in opposition will be called an "Insurrectionist" and crushed by the tyrannical State.

(Roll video of Jamie Raskin speaking at the Washington DC bookstore, Politics and Prose, a Democrat gathering place, which is next door to the alleged pedophile hangouts, Comet Ping Pong and the now-shuttered Besta Pizza)

Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD): What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly, and the greatest example going on, right now before our very eyes is Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which they're just disappearing with a magic wand, as if it doesn't exist – even though it could not be clearer what it's stating. And so, you know, they want to kick it to Congress.

So it's going to be up to us, on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobsthat he's disqualified. And then, we need bodyguards for everybody, in civil war conditions, all because the nine [Supreme Court] Justices – not all of them – but these justices who do have not many cases to look at every year; not that much work to do – a huge staff, great protection – simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means.

Sean @TPV: It's as if we've come full circle to the late winter of 1860.

The Democrats are aiming to use illegal aliens as their own version of a Dred Scott 2.0, both as a voting bloc and as a source of slave labor. The troubling parallels don't end there, according to historian Neil Howe, who warns in his book, 'The Fourth Turning, An American Prophecy', that four out of five major predictors for civil war have already taken place. Howe's theory centres on the idea of "Fourth Turnings", cyclical events that occur every 80 to 100 years, leading to significant upheaval, such as the Great Depression or World War II.

According to Howe, we are now approaching a critical juncture, with the potential for a nullification crisis, where states refuse to enforce federal regulations or accept election results. This scenario will trigger a movement towards secession and civil war. Alarmingly, this is precisely what Rep Jamie Raskin has warned the Democrats are planning to do in January.

(Roll video of Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on Steve Bannon's War Room podcast)

Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ): Raskin, as you pointed out in the last segment, he's already said; he said two things that were inflammatory. He says he's going to "de-certify, no matter what," right, because he's going to try to apply the 14th Amendment, which is bogus. And the second thing is get ready for a "civil war". That's his his call-to-arms for violence. That's what Raskin did!

The second thing is, they've already promised; they've already been working on Articles of Impeachment; the second Donald Trump's declared the winner, they're going to – if they held the House, if they were to get the House – they would actually try to impeach Donald Trump. Nothing would get done.

If you think he's been subject to lawfare until now, it would increase double exponentially, whatever you want to say it. It's because they they have Trump Derangement Syndrome. They don't like the country. They don't like the freedom that he promises to bring; the prosperity. That is where they would be. That's why we've got to take the House. We have to get all our –

Steve Bannon: Hang on. Hang on. You're breaking some news here. I know he said...that they're going to "not certify". I know he said that that that, "Oh, yeah, these guys want a civil war!"

I haven't heard – you're saying they're already working on drafting articles of impeachment? So they're they're they're ready to go, right after 20 January?

Rep Paul Gosar (R-AZ): Yeah, Raskin didn't say that. This is coming from internal sources in the House from the D side, that that have told me.

Off-Camera Guest: I've heard that, as well.

Sean @TPV: But this isn't just about fueling internal conflicts. The Global Elites are intent on pushing humanity to the brink, not only fanning the flames of division here, but setting the stage for World War III.

They believe that only through massive worldwide upheaval, can their centuries-old vision for a New World Order finally come to pass...

The Global Elites are gearing up for the "Global Transition" from a system of sovereign nation-states to an authoritarian New World Order, with a One World Government and One World Religion, uniting humanity in slavery.


Bill Gates, a longtime figure at the central of the Cabal, has chosen this week to advocate for a new, unified One World Religion. According to Gates, in a future in which humanity is united by a One World Government, all of the world's problems will be solved and humanity will need a One World Religion to meet its spiritual needs.

(Roll video of Bill Gates on a podcast)

Bill Gates: The potential positive path is so good, that it will force us to re-think how should we use our time.

You know, you can almost call it a new religion or a new philosophy of, "OK, how do we stay connected with each other, not addicted to these things that will make video games look like nothing, in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.

So, it's fascinating that we will the issues of, you know, disease and enough food, of climate. If things go well, those will largely become solved problems.

Sean @TPV: The timing is exquisite, don't you think? The Global Elite are ramping-up the propaganda, seeking to ensnare the brainwashed and the feeble-minded in their false promises of a global utopia, under the rule of the Global Elite and their puppet leaders, like Kamala Harris.

Unfortunately for the sheeple, in reality, the Global Elite are planning to activate centuries-old plans to spark World War III and usher in the New World Order.

An insider from Davos has the details of what the elites are planning behind-the-scenes.

(Roll voice-disguised audio of "Davos Insider")

Davos Insider: Listen, the way things are set-up, right now, it's like watching a slow motion car crash that everyone in the room knows is coming, but nobody's stopping.

There's a whole network of power players who've been waiting for this. And they're saying the time's ripe for the global blow-up that everyone at Davos has been preparing for.

We're talking full-scale war here, starting with a spark in the Middle East. That place is already a Powder Keg and one well-timed event is going to send everyone scrambling to take sides. Suddenly, it's not just a local thing. It's pulling-in the big players and pitting them against each other on a world stage.

Then, add the US election to the mix. This place is on-edge and the election's just going to push it over.

People don't trust what they're seeing, anymore. And rightly so, because there is so much fraud taking place, they can't even keep it under wraps, anymore.

Everyone thinks the other side's out to destroy the country. That kind of division? It's basically begging for conflict. Civil unrest? Just wait.

And here's the kicker: It's all by design. The folks orchestrating this chaos believe that out of all this mess, something new can be born. They're banking on people being so desperate for stability, that they'll rally behind a new kind of global leadership, a One World Government.

They figure, when everything's falling apart and their lives have been destroyed, folks will be ready to welcome anyone who promises to pick up the pieces.

American 33rd degree Freemason, Albert Pikewrote a letter over 150 years ago, detailing how the elites plan to launch the First- and Second World Wars in the 20th century and the Third World War in the 21st century.

Disturbingly, Pike's description of the first and second world wars played-out, to the letter. So we should probably pay attention to what he said about the third.

The letter, written in 1871, details how the Global Elite or "Illuminati", as he called them, will provoke a Holy War between the Zionists and the Islamic world (reads from the letter):

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided in this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion."

Could Albert Pike have been foretelling 2024? His writings align eerily with today's events.

Zionist Israelis seem to understand their role in establishing a One World Government. They predict that as global chaos intensifies, people worldwide will eventually turn to the elites, pleading for a New World Order to restore stability.

(Roll video of various [Chabad?] Rabbis)

Rabbi #1: When the Mashiach [Messiah] will come, there'll be a New World Order.

Rabbi #2: In order for Mashiach to come, we cannot have any other governments. It's going to be One Kingdom, One Malchut,One Government.

So you can look at it in the negative aspect, of saying a "New World Order," a "One Government". Yeah, you're right. It is going to be a New World Order. The new world of Mashiach with One Order – the Torah – One Government. Yeah, it's going to be a Sanhedrin. We're not going to have all the rest of the stuff. The time of the entire planet is done.

Rabbi #3: For Mashiach to take over the world – don't forget, at certain point, King Mashiach should be ruling the whole world. They themselves, the nations of the whole world, will ask him and beg him to take over their – at least, the government, their government – to teach them the right way, to teach them how to live. The whole world will take him upon themselves as the leader. And then, actually, there's going to be a New World Order – but not like those radical ones think. It's going to be a New World Order. The New World – of God – Order.

Rabbi #4: Before Mashiach comes and a New World Order is instituted, we need to destroy what existed, previously. And we need a destruction of society and the world, as we know it.

Rabbi #5: Every new reality means a total loss of the reality that came before it – referring to the coming of Mashiach – and the New World Order that comes with it. OK. In other words, for what is coming, what is has to be unrecognizable. Nothing can remain. No, none of the world's systems can remain. Nothing will remain, because it's rotten to the core.

Rabbi #6: The spiritual heirs of the Roman Empire is the Western world, United States of America. So the USA will last until Mashiach comes.

Sean @TPV: Here at The People's Voice, we are determined to continue exposing the elite, but we need your help.

Running Time: 16 mins


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