The Dark Side of World's Fairs: Executing Politicians, Delirium, Fetuses on the Ground, Vanishing Children, a Live Baby Auction and Human Zoos PART 5
THE FINAL CHAPTER. You know I save the best for last: a super deep dive into jaw-dropping lost and censored history...
In Part 1 of this series we discussed an overview of these absolutely insane World’s Fairs that featured unexplainable, breathtaking buildings which we are told were built in as little as a few months.
In Part 2 of this series, we went over how these quickly-built Fairs (also called Expositions) were used for a short-term event, allegedly to showcase the progress of the world then, at the close of the fair, they were demolished, leaving nearly no trace of their existence. Although we are told the buildings were just temporary prop buildings, the few that remain in existence today are still standing and they are marvelous beyond words, such as the Museum of Science and Industry, built back in 1893 for the Chicago World’s Fair. That’s 131 years temporary.
There were hundreds of these Fairs… that we know of...
…all resulting in destruction, and they almost all resulted in financial loss for the cities that hosted them...
…yet city after city kept signing up to host one…
In Part 3 of this series we talked about the highly suspicious construction photos of these beautiful buildings and questioned if any of them are legitimate.
Because they sure don’t look like they’re building these types of structures…
And in Part 4, I outlined a brief history of patent suppression and hidden energy devices being banned by the government and asked, “What lengths would they go to, to rewrite history?”…
I questioned if these events were nothing more than an excuse to dynamite unexplainable Roman cities located right here in America and throughout the world. Roman cities which do not fit with the narrative we have been taught.
Keep in mind, these fairs, which were contractually obligated to be demolished, ran concurrent with The Great Fires that leveled entire cities and took history with them. During the 1800s and early 1900s (but specifically 1901-1918), nearly all of the remarkable historic buildings were on fire and being dynamited. By 1921, few remained in existence. Is it ironic that the movement for compulsory public education (prohibiting private schools and requiring all children to attend public schools) began in the early 1920s, as soon as the buildings had vanished?
This brings us to the final chapter, in which we will take a look at what was happening at these fairs… these fairs which were typically open for only a couple months, sometimes beginning on the 6th of a month and ending on the 6th of a month, 6 months later…
Let’s start with the tame stuff and work our way up to the batsh*t crazy stuff. To cut to the chase, these fairs were used to push propaganda; history lies. They were a tool to lay out what was to become fact. Perhaps a brilliant way for those in on the Agenda to gather in mass and visualize The Plan?
Dinosaurs played a growing role because it was imperative to get the world to believe in something they would never be allowed to see, let alone witness. As I laid out, in incredible detail in The Dinosaur Hoax series, dinosaurs disprove the Bible, which was, and is, of utmost importance for the Theory of Evolution.
The true story about these alleged ancient beasts is, some bones were found in the ground and brought to a Royal Society guy who also worked for the government and military. He said they belonged to “extinct species”. This opened the door for Darwin to officially put the Theory of Evolution out there. Next, nearly all of the dinosaurs were discovered by the same two people - a Quaker oatmeal heir and a dude with an uncle who was so rich he had a city named after him. It was the uncle who opened museums to share the discoveries then created paleontology programs at colleges further the narrative. Meanwhile, the Quaker Oat dude wrote over 1,000 scientific papers which were used as confirmation of the findings. (1930s World Fair dinosaur exhibit:)
In my series, we reviewed the discovery of each of the main dinosaurs (T-Rex, Triceratops, etc) and the stories are seriously hilarious. I was giggling like a schoolgirl while writing it because it was all so utterly ridiculous; new dinosaurs being designated based on nothing more than artwork or a single tooth found in a desert, tales of bones being stolen, bombed, thrown into rivers; history lost forever… but thank God we had sketches saved and science could recreate the lost artifacts based on those drawings.
(And if you think me saying dinosaurs aren’t real sounds outrageous, now you know how your loved ones feel when you tell them viruses are a hoax and vaccines are poison - those who have researched the least have the strongest kneejerk reaction - it was designed to be this way.).
But it wasn’t just giant lizards pushing Bible-disproving evolution at the World’s Fairs, no sir, it was far more sinister than that…
Although history now spins the Human Zoos as nothing more than educational exhibitsfeaturing live people of different nationalities, this could not possibly be further from the truth. The entire purpose of these zoos was to create racism, specifically against Native Americans, while also pushing the Theory of Evolution. The reason for targeting Indians was because they (meaning the elites banks) wanted their land, then when they got the land, many in the public were outraged and that needed to be quashed, Enter: The Human Zoos. By proving Indians were horrible, inferior human beings, they could justify land being taken from them; do you really care if land is taken from a silly caveman? Do you want to live next door to one? They’re quite dangerous, you know…
The Smithsonian (← government owned propaganda machine promoted as an authoritative source for history) had a space at the World’s Fairs. What were they promoting? The Theory of Evolution from cavemen. They even offered to measure people’s heads and tell them how much they have evolved.
Is it ironic that, before long, the human zoos themselves evolved? The zoos began encompassing all people with melanin in their skin. They targeted Africans as well as tribes with physical attribute differences, like the Pygmies. When the evolution of the zoos was complete, they included African Americans too.
Let me give you some examples of how horribly cruel these zoos were so you won’t be duped by Page 1 of a Google Search on the topic:
Zoo subjects were placed in humiliating exhibits and directed to “act” like savages.
At one fair, to accompany the human zoo, fair presenters made Aboriginals go into a coliseum and kill a bunch of dogs then eat them for an audience of 10,000.
At another World’s Fairs, Anthropologist and Evolutionist William McGee was determined to prove the Theory of Evolution to fair attendees. His exhibit featured “the stages of evolution”, which displayed living human subjects who were subjected to experiments in a special laboratory set up by the Fair’s Anthropology Department. The laboratory tests were designed to prove inferiority by showing native people’s lack intelligence. The victims of these tests were also put through pain threshold studies on behalf of the Fair.
It was at this same fair that “The Negritos” and Pygmies were marketed as the “missing link” between humans and apes and the media was more than happy to push this idiotic nonsense as Science.
The New York World’s Fair took “the missing link” to an even greater level by placing humans into the ape exhibits. The New York Times had to step in and run damage control due to outrage. “We do not quite understand all the emotion which others are expressing in the matter”, the NY Times wrote. When referring to the exhibit, they stated the humans within were, “very low in the human scale,” and went on to add that it was “absurd to make moan over the imagined humiliation and degradation”. They even claimed the man in the exhibit was “probably enjoying himself.”
The barbarian narrative was displayed in an Exhibition’s “Prison and Torture Exhibit”, which showcased torture techniques, claiming they were the methods used by the countries they wished to demonize; the “savage countries”. Look how much we have evolved!
Another thing brought into the fair was the beginning of the rise of robots (you see how that went for us):
Robots are your friends! Look, he even has a smile and a dog:
In addition to dino’s, evolution and robots, the Worlds Fair’s showed the public new wheat-based products, such as Aunt Jemima Pancakes and puffed wheat snacks - the exact same products which would become literal drugs that would cause the obesity epidemic and disease in our modern times.
Fun Fact: It was at the 1851 Fair that William Chamberlin, Jr. of Sussex exhibited the world's first automatic-vote-counting voting machine.
Perhaps all of this indoctrination was whyevery World’s Fair attendee and exhibitor was given a diploma as they exited the Fair?
Although promoted as a family event, there was a surprising amount of needless nudity - and remember, this was at a time when family values were still wholesome and pornography was hugely frowned upon. Women were expected to dress presentably but, while this was going on, the Sex Ed PSYOP was coming to fruition - a ploy to destroy America from within. So it was important to get people, especially children, accustomed to public indecency and the World’s Fairs were a great tool:
World’s Fair patrons, including husbands, wives and children, were subjected to nudity at every turn.
There were live shows displaying naked women:
The outdoor Daydreams exhibit also featured a Girl Show with full nudity in public: (6 second video)
The “Dream of Venus” exhibit…
…was promoted as an aquarium…
…and it featured topless women swimming:
In one of the old movie reels I was watching, the man filming the reel reaches this part of the film and says, “They weren’t science, they weren’t art… they were just… there…”:
These exhibits, if you could call them that, had absolutely no legitimate reason to be at a family event, yet nude woman played lawn sports and encouraged male patrons to participate:
Here’s the “NTG Sun Worshipper” exhibit which featured both a stage show and topless women in exhibits:
Naked women danced as families dined on outdoor terraces:
Nudity was everywhere.
I mean, everywhere. Even the scarecrowsplaced at the festival were nearly-topless women:
“Peace” was a naked adult with a child:
”Unity” was a naked adult with two children holding hands:
Nakedness wasn’t limited to women on stage, woman swimming in exhibits, unclothed ladies lounging throughout the festival or topless playing mini golf and bocce ball, it was literally spanning the whole event. Orgy decor and implied bestiality were scattered throughout the fairgrounds, making it impossible to miss:
There were also towering nude statues (because this is a statue, I am not censoring it, but I need you to look at it because I want you to tell me what he is holding):
Such pointless, yet purposeful nudity. If they didn’t want every child to stare at a giant adults junk, they could have thrown the dude in a sarong (is that what the waist wrap is called?). Anyway, I think he is holding a rock in this hand but…
What is this?
The propaganda, human zoos and nudity at every turn was bad enough, but the story continues to get far, far darker…
Try to picture this in your mind: You are a patron at a grand fair; a fair so grand that it is unlike anything you have ever known to be a fair. This event has the most remarkable buildings you have ever seen; stone castles, custom made stained glass windows in the shape of a dome, intricate forged iron detail, extravagant brick paver walkways complimented by towering statues depicting Greek mythology. By your side is your spouse and children.
As you stroll the walkways, you view elaborate landscaping, flowers galore, perfectly manicured bushes; this place is like a dream… but then you begin hearing outlandish things that don’t seem to fit with the stunning backdrop of marble walls and 50-foot high pillars. You are told giant lizards once roamed the earth and darker skinned people evolved from monkeys. You view men in cages, savages in dirty loin cloths tearing apart animals, and you discover that, based on the circumference of your head, you are quite evolved.
As you continue to walk, your family is subjected to nudity; sexual organ art is everywhere. You quickly usher your young children past the group of naked women who are laying on lawn chairs, displaying their breasts for a group of gawkers. You shield your kid’s eyes from the orgy displays and hope they don’t ask you why the 20-foot-high statue of a naked man is standing behind a pony. This fair is quite different from the others you have been to.
While your brain is trying to understand what you are witnessing and your senses are overcome by flashing lights, sights and smells, you notice that everywhere you walk, you hear the same sounds, on repeat… over… and over… and over again… It quickly becomes apparent that these sounds are inescapable…
Because I promise my paid subs two mind-blowing articles per month, this is one of them, a mega-deep dive. You are basically getting a mini book, not an article. So if you want to hear some seriously shocking untold history and discover who was the driving force behind these fairs, scale this wall and meet me on the other side. Like Walmart, I’m as cheap as they come - $5 a month. This amount is the lowest Substack will allow me to accept, but hey, a book for $5? Plus you’re supporting independent journalism? What are ya waiting for, scale the wall, but be careful, it’s made of plaster!
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