Thursday, 21 November 2024


Some top criminal Zionist-Jewish bloodlines not mentioned as much as the Rothschilds include the Walton, Dreyfus, Pritzker, Guggenheim, Sackler, Lauder, Koplowitz, Soros, Durst, Tisch, Cohen, Arison, Ofer, Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Goldsmith, Montagu, Sassoon, and Warburg families. The Waltons are worth about 160 billion and they make cash bribes to dominate over small businesses. The Waltons were investigated for making cash bribes in Mexico in order to take over. They own Arvest Bank with Jim Walton and Sam Walton as top members. Michael Bloomberg is probably the head of the American-Jewish white collar mafia and worth about 50 billion. The Jewish Mafia mostly evolved into white collar crime and many of them run professional sport teams like Micky Arison who is an Israeli-American billionaire worth about 8 billion as the owner of the Miami Heat and his sister Shari Arison is worth about 5 billion as the owner of Arison Investments. Dan Gilbert is a Jewish white collar mobster and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers and he is worth about 7 billion and also owns rigged casinos through his Jack Entertainment and Quicken Loans a mortgage racket. Mark Cuban is worth nearly 4 billion and is the owner of the Dallas, Mavericks and he rigs games for mafia bets. Robert Kraft is a Zionist billionaire and owner of the New England Patriots. Kraft has been charged with soliciting prostitutes and he is involved in a sex trafficking network. George Kaiser is a Jewish billionaire and 20% owner of the Professional Basketball Club and OKC Thunder. Jerry Reinsdorf is a Jewish billionaire from Chicago that owns the Chicago Bulls and White Sox and he covertly works with the Chicago Outfit. Sheldon Adelson is a high level criminal Zionist worth about 38 billion and he owns Las Vegas Sands casinos. The Sarnos are a Jewish casino and banking family that work with the Kansas City crime family with Freddie Sarno, September Sarno, and Jay Sarno Jr. Freddie and September are bankers for Morgan Stanley. Joshua Harris is a Jewish billionaire worth about 3 billion and he owns the Philadelphia 76's and New Jersey Devils. Joshua Harris co-founded Apollo Global Management with the Jewish billionaires Leon Black and Tony Ressler. The Wertheimers are French Jewish billionaires with brothers Alain and Gerard and they are both worth over 12 billion. Stef Wertheimer is an Israeli billionaire worth about 5 billion. The Dreyfus family are worth billions and own an international agriculture and distribution company based in the Netherlands. They also own a large investment firm in New York and a private bank in Switzerland headed up by its vice-chairman Pierre Dreyfus. The private bank Dreyfus Sons & Co in Switzerland paid a fine of 24 million for enabling tax evasion with their hundreds of hidden US connected accounts amounting to $1.76 billion. The Pritzkers are worth tens of billions and own hotels. The Pritzkers operate in Chicago and support and finance the Clintons. The Guggenheims are very private and own investment firms worth hundreds of billions in the US. Guggenheim Partners manages 200-300 billion in assets. The Guggenheims are related to the Jewish Rothschilds through the Stewart family. The Jewish Guggenheims and the Roman Catholic Stewarts also covertly work with the Waltons. Arthur Stewart the 8th Earl Castle Stewart is a British noble whose mother was a Guggenheim and grandmother was a Rothschild.

The Sackler family are worth over 10 billion and have been exposed for pushing their opiate drugs like oxycodone in the medical industry. Richard Sackler is a top member of this family. The Lauders are worth over 10 billion and Ronald Lauder is the President of the Zionist World Jewish Congress. The Koplowitz family are Spanish-Jews with Esther and her sister Alicia and they are worth about 4 billion. The Koplowitz family own a construction company and are in business with George Soros who has Hungarian ancestry from the Habsburg empire. The Koplowitzs were originally from the Habsburg empire and the Habsburgs also ruled as the monarchs of Spain. The Dursts are a Jewish family worth about 4 billion and own a real estate company in New York City with Douglas Durst and his brother Robert Durst who is suspected of committing several murders. Robert Durst is suspected of killing Susan Berman to cover up her knowledge of his murder of his wife. Susan Berman was the daughter of David Berman a high level Jewish mobster who worked with Bugsy Siegel. The Tisch family are billionaires with Russian-Jewish ancestry and they run Loews Corporation which has 79 billion in assets. The Tisch family are co-owners of the New York Giants and like all professional sports teams they are involved in rigging games for bets. Steve Tisch and Jonathan Tisch are top members of this family. The Ofer family are Israeli billionaires worth about 13 billion with Eyal Ofer, Idan Ofer, and Liora Ofer as top members. Liora Ofer's bank has been involved in tax evasion. The Ofers work closely with Black Cube an Israeli private intelligence company that has comitted crimes like criminal hacking, stalking, and harassment. The Oppenheimers own banks in the US and Germany and diamond companies in South Africa. They are worth over 10 billion. Christopher von Oppenheim is a German banker and former head of the Sal Oppenheim bank in Germany and he was found guilty of fraud. The Goldsmiths are bankers and politicians in the UK and they co-founded what became Paribas a massive international bank. The Goldsmiths are married with the Middletons and the Middleton family are part owners of Coutts & Co. a private bank in London. The Montagus are British nobles and both Jewish and Christian. They co-founded the Bank of England and are married with the Dreyfus family. The Montagus helped to purchase land in Palestine and are both British and Israeli Zionists. Their relative Baron Montagu Norman co-founded the Bank for International Settlements which helped the Nazis steal gold from other nations. The Sassoons are very wealthy merchants that have owned banks and merchant companies in Hong Kong and India through the East India Company. James Sassoon is a British Baron and top member of this family and the Singapore based Sassoons own Sassoon Investment Corporation. The Kadoories are Jewish businessmen that work closely with the Sassoons and covertly managing their interests in Hong Kong with Michael Kadoorie as a current member who is worth about 7 billion. One of the most criminal Zionist banks is Bank Leumi which was founded by the World Zionist Congress. Bank Leumi has been fined hundreds of millions for money laundering and enabling tax evasion. The gangster rap executive and Israeli-American Lyor Cohen began his career at Bank Leumi. There is a large Zionist Cohen clan in the United States with Steven Cohen who is worth over 12 billion. Steven Cohen was investigated for insider trading and basically bribed officials in the Securities Exchange Commission while his top executives of his SAC Capital Advisers were convicted. The old Jewish Mafia in Los Angeles was ran by the Cohens and called the Cohen crime syndicate. The Warburgs are German bankers with ancestry from Venice. The Warburgs financed the Nazis, helped to establish the US federal reserve and merged one of their banks to become UBS bank in Switzerland. The Warburgs finance wars. Max Warburg is a top German banker today and runs MM Warburg.

Max Warburg is an owner and manager of the German MM Warburg bank. The Warburgs were originally the Del Banco family of Venice and they moved to Germany. They still work with Italian banking families like the Torlonias and Borgheses whose Bank of the Holy Spirit founded in 1605 eventually merged into what is now UniCredit and UniCredit has had contracts with Warburg Pincus founded by Eric Warburg. The Borgheses are nobles of Venice. The Warburgs also co-founded Commerzbank with the German House of Hesse and they were Hanseatic merchant bankers who also work with the House of Hanover the founders of the Hanseatic League. The Warburg family finance wars and militarized gang stalking and they partly own UBS Bank in Switzerland which absorbed their SG Warburg & Co. The Warburgs were involved in establishing the US Federal Reserve.

Nicky Oppenheimer and his son Jonathan Oppenheimer are South African Zionist billionaires worth about 17 billion and they are part owners of Anglo American Corporation a mining company and E Oppenheimer and Sons. They work closely with the Rothschilds. They have also managed De Beers which is partly owned by Anglo American. De Beers has been involved with conflict diamond which is warlords using child labor to mine diamonds which finance war and tyranny. The Oppenheimer family originated in Germany as Court Factors for the House of Wurttemberg and they are still working for the Wurttembergs and also the British Crown. The German Oppenheims also founded Sal Oppenheim bank with Count Christophe von Oppenheim as a recent managing partner who was found guilty of fraud and embezzlement in 2015. These Oppenheimers are high level Jewish white collar mobsters that have influences and authority over many Jewish businessmen in the United States.

Ronald Lauder is a Zionist billionaire and President of the World Jewish Congress. The Lauders work with the Rothschilds with Baron David Rene de Rothschild as the Chairman of the World Jewish Congress. The Lauders are also working closely with the Austrian House of Esterhazy which is why the founder of Estee Lauder was named Estee. Ronald Lauder was the US Ambassador to Austria. Ronald Lauder is worth about 4 billion.

Aerin Lauder is worth nearly 3 billion and she is married to Erik Zinterhofer an investment banker who founded Searchlight Capital and he worked for Apollo Global Management. Aerin Lauder is a sadistic Kabbalist involved with sexual sadism, child murder, and torture. She manages Kabbalistic Wiccan cults and finances child trafficking.

Leonard Lauder is worth 16 billion and his son William Lauder is worth 1 billion and he is the Executive Chairman of Estee Lauder. The Lauders have high authority over Israel and finance IDF attacks on Palestinian civilians for human sacrifices.

Jane Lauder is worth over 4 billion and she is married to Kevin Warsh the former governor of the Federal Reserve who also works with the Group of Thirty and Bilderberg. Jane Lauder is also a Kabbalistic witch and tormentor involved with financing child trafficking networks. The Lauder sisters literally burn children alive. They are probably the most evil Jewish witches on the planet.

Richard Sackler is the head of the billionaire Sackler family which are worth about 13 billion as the owners of Purdue Pharma. Purdue manufactures opiates like OxyContin and have pushed prescription pills in the medical industry which has caused the heroin epidemic in the United States. They over prescribe pain medications causing the addiction and then when patients can't get opiate pills they resort to using heroin which also comes from the poppy plant. The Sacklers are Court Factors for the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha royal family. The Bush family covertly have German ancestry from the House of Von dem Bussche. The Bushs are also knighted under the British Crown and the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas are heavily married into the British Crown. The war in Afghanistan was partly about taking over the poppy fields and selling them to pharmaceutical companies which then spread these opiates causing society to weaken so they can take more control.

Baron James Sassoon is from a wealthy Jewish banking dynasty the Sassoons who are often called the "Rothschilds of the East" for their banking and business interests in India and China. The Sassoons have married with the Rothschilds. Baron James Sassoon was Commercial Secretary of Treasury in the UK and is a member of the House of Lords. James Sassoon has been a top executive for Jardine Matheson Holdings and Matheson & Co which are Hong Kong based trading companies owned by the Scottish Keswick family. The Scottish Sutherland family which are nobles and merchants are also connected with Hong Kong and they founded HSBC. 

Victor Sassoon of Singapore owns the Sassoon Investment Corporation which is involved internationally in various industries and is headed up by Victor Sassoon, Michelle Sassoon and Sunny Sassoon. The Sassoons are probably collectively worth tens of billions. 

Michael Kadoorie is a Jewish billionaire worth over 7 billion and he is an owner of CLP Group a large energy company in China. The Kadoories gained influence in business from working for the Sassoon family and the Kadoories are Zionists that have financed the establishment of modern Israel. Michael Kadoorie is also a large owner of Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels and has residences in Hong Kong which was part of the modern British Empire until 1997. 

Michael Bloomberg the former Mayor of New York City and owner of Bloomberg LP a business intelligence company is worth about 62 billion. Michael Bloomberg may be the head of the Zionist Mafia. Bloomberg is an economic tyrant that finances bribes and corruption and he is working with various German royals and nobles including the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach and the Prussian House of Hohenzollern. 

The Bavarian Pope Benedict XVI with Mayor Bloomberg. Bloomberg LP is a business intelligence and spy agency that provides legitimate information and also criminally spies on companies to control them through extortion, blackmail, and intimidation. 

Samuel Robson Walton is a high level Zionist criminal worth about 47 billion as a primary owner of Walmart. Samuel Walton is a psychotic tyrant. Walmart uses a six pointed star which is the symbol for Zionism. Walmart is technically an illegal monopoly violating the Sherman Antitrust act. The Waltons have also been investigated in Mexico for making cash bribes to take over there and later covered up the investigation. The Waltons own Arvest Bank with his brother Jim Walton as Chairman. Arvest Bank has over 18 billion in assets and the Waltons are collectively worth over 150 billion. 

Jim Walton is the head of Arvest Bank. The Waltons use their bank for money laundering, tax evasion, and for financing bribes. The Waltons also have a covert alliance with the very secretive and wealthy Guggenheim family. The Guggenheims investment companies manage hundreds of billions in assets. The Waltons have major influences over Wall Street. Samuel Walton and many of these Zionist billionaires call poor people greedy.

Alicia Koplowitz with her sister Esther Koplowitz and they are worth about 4 billion. Esther Koplowitz is a Spanish billionaire who owns FCC an international construction company based in Spain with her sister Alicia Koplowitz. The Koplowitz family are Jewish Spanish nobles with ancestry from Upper Silesia a region that was part of the Habsburg empire. The Habsburgs also ruled in Spain and Mexico as monarchs. Carlos Jarque is a top executive for FCC and he is Mexican. The Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim is also a shareholder of FCC. George Soros is a large shareholder of FCC and he is from Hungary which was part of the Habsburg empire. The Habsburgs are claimants of the title of King of Jerusalem and they employed Court Jew financiers for centuries. The King of Spain claims the official title of King of Jerusalem a title given to them by the Pope through their ancestry from the monarchs of Jerusalem during the Crusades. Another Spanish Jewish family the Valeros are agents of the Habsburgs and Bourbons and through their private bank they purchased large amounts of land in Palestine during the 19th century well before the Rothschild's land grabs. The Koplowitz work under both the Spanish House of Bourbon and Austrian House of Habsburg. The Koplowitz work closely with organized crime including the Galician Mafia of Spain which has covert international operations as well as the Mexican drug cartels. The Koplowitz sisters are also financiers of child trafficking.

JB Pritzker is worth over 3 billion and is the current Governor of Illinois. The Pritzker family are Jewish billionaires collectively worth about 30 billion. JB Pritzker has concealed wealth in offshore accounts in the Bahamas and has been under federal investigation while governor. The family owns Pritzker Group which owns Hyatt Hotels. The Pritzkers are from Chicago and some of them have supported the Clintons and also finance Zionist and Jewish agendas in and outside the United States. Chicago is a headquarters for Zionist criminals and they are working with the Chicago Outfit. The Chicago Outfit has had a close alliance with the old Jewish Mafia. JB's brother Anthony is also a billionaire and he works with RAND Corporation and lives in Los Angeles. RAND Corporation is in contract with the US military and develops weapons and programs for the US government and military including artificial intelligence systems. Their sister Penny Pritzker is worth over 2 billion and she was Secretary of Commerce under Obama and Obama has several connections to organized crime in Chicago. The Pritzkers are also involved with foster care rackets and the sex trafficking of children.

Eyal Ofer is an Israeli billionaire worth about 9 billion and he owns and runs Ofer Global, Zodiac Group, and Global Holdings. Ofer Global is involved with real estate, banking, and energy. The Ofer family with the billionaire Liora Ofer owns Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank which paid 342 million for its involvement in money laundering and tax evasion. The Ofer family originated from the Kingdom of Romania ruled by the House of Hohenzollern. The German Hohenzollerns are married with the Isenberg family of Germany. The Jewish Eisenberg family from Germany founded Israel Corporation which is now run by the Ofers.

Idan Ofer is worth about 4 billion and he owns and runs Tanker Pacific, Pacific Drilling, and Israel Corporation.The Ofers are agents of the House of Hohenzollern and they are the most powerful business dynasty in Israel. Israel Corporation is involved in chemicals, energy, and shipping. The Ofers have violated US sanctions on Iran and Iran and Israel have been in conflict. The Ofers have also hired Black Cube a private investigation company to spy on the Israeli finance minister. Black Cube has been involved in criminal hacking and harassment as well as were involved in stalking and gathering intelligence on Harvey Weinstein's victims. The Ofers are a high level criminal Zionist clan.

Alain Wertheimer and his brother Gerard Wertheimer are worth about 14 billion and are French-Jewish businessmen and owners of the House of Chanel. Chanel has been investigated for smuggling goods and evading taxes in Turkey. The Wertheimers which have a German name are agents of the French House of Orleans which reside in Paris where Chanel is headquartered. The House of Orleans are currently married with the German House of Wurttemberg. The Wertheimers are billionaire agents of the Orleans and Wurttemberg families. Another member of this clan is the Israeli billionaire Stef Wertheimer whose ancestors were from Wurttemberg, Germany and he founded IMC or International Metalworking Companies which he sold to Berkshire Hathaway.

Douglas Durst is a Jewish businessman involved in real estate in New York City. The Durst family are worth over 4 billion and they have been involved in the development of numerous buildings in New York City including the One World Trade Center. Jonathan Durst is another high level member of this family and the President of Durst Organization. His grandfather was secretly financed by foreign criminals and the mafia to establish his real estate company. The Dursts covertly work with the Genoveses and Luccheses. Several Jewish families dominate real estate in New York City and are backed by mobsters and foreign entities with the intent of monopolization. Douglas Durst's brother Robert Durst is suspected of killing at least 3 people including his wife and later 2 others as part of a cover up. Robert Durst was friends with Susan Berman the daughter of the Jewish mobster David Berman who worked with Bugsy Siegel and the Genovese crime family. Robert Durst is suspected of murdering Susan Berman to silence her because she knew that Robert Durst had murdered and disappeared his wife Kathleen. Robert Durst is a lunatic who was hiding out in Galveston, Texas while posing as a woman. While living in Galveston Robert Durst was arrested for murdering and dismembering Morris Black who was believed to be a criminal associate of his from New York and possibly involved in assisting him in the murder of his wife. Robert Durst was somehow found not guilty of murder even though he admitted to beheading and dismembering Black. The Durst family are extremely corrupt and connected with the Jewish Mafia.

Lyor Cohen is an American-Israeli gangster rap executive who worked for the international Bank Leumi which is headquartered in Israel before running Def Jam. The World Zionist Congress created Bank Leumi. Bank Leumi paid 400 million in fines to the United States for enabling tax evasion. The ones who evade taxes most often are criminals who can't account for their criminally obtained wealth so they evade taxes to avoid being investigated. Lyor Cohen now works as a executive in the gangster rap industry and has worked with many rappers including Jay Z, DMX, Method Man, and Irv Gotti and these rappers all promote themselves as gangsters and have all been convicted of various crimes. Lyor Cohen is an Israeli mobster working with Zionists and the Italian Mafia and oversees factions of the rap industry which is filled with convicted criminals and gangsters.

Dan Gilbert is the head of the Jewish white collar mafia that specialize in rigging professional sports. Gilbert is worth about 7 billion and owns the Cleveland Cavaliers and he employed LeBron James for about 12 years. Dan Gilbert would bribe referees into not fouling LeBron James for his excessive charging. Dan Gilbert also owns Jack Entertainment which he renamed as Jack to honor Jack Giacalone the head the Detroit Mafia. Jack Entertainment is a casino company with operations in Detroit and Cleveland. The Cleveland crime family and Detroit Mafia have a close alliance and the mafia uses casinos for money laundering and for financing criminals through rigged wins. Probably all slot machines are electronically rigged by gaming companies which are working with the mafia. Dan Gilbert is a Jewish member of the Detroit Mafia which is owned by the Odescalchis of Rome.

Micky Arison is the billionaire owner of the Miami Heat and he also employed LeBron James. The former NBA referee Tim Donaghy who was from outside of Philadelphia was convicted of illegal gambling and sharing insider information. After his conviction Tim Donaghy claimed the NBA rigged games for the Miami Heat against the Dallas Mavericks. Micky Arison appears to be the second in command over the white collar Jewish Mafia that operates in professional sports. He works under Daniel Gilbert. Micky Arison is also working with the Italian Mafia and rigs games for their bets. The Italian Mafia has thousands of members operating in Florida. Micky Arison who lives in Bal Harbour works with the Philly Mob and Joey Merlino who has a residence in Boca Rotan about an hour away from Bal Harbour.

Shari Arison is worth about 5 billion as the owner of Arison Investments. Shari also partly owns Bank Hapoalim which has been recently investigated by the United States for its involvement in money laundering. In this image she is meeting with Pope Francis. The Vatican and Zionists are working closely together. 

Mark Cuban is a Jewish billionaire worth about 4 billion and he owns the Dallas Mavericks. Recently Mark Cuban admitted that the Mavericks were intentionally losing games and was fined 600,000 dollars for it. Mark Cuban admitted this a few days after I exposed him on my Wordpress site which was shut down for exposing things like that. Mark Cuban is from Pittsburgh and is an associate of the Pittsburgh crime family which is partly owned by the intermarried Borghese and Torlonia banking families of Rome and they also own the Civella crime family of Kansas City which have criminal operations in Dallas with their cousins the Civellos. The Torlonias are the Princes of Civitella-Cesi and this is where the Civellos and Civellas take their name from. Mark Cuban has also been involved in mishandling a sexual harassment and workplace abuse scandal. Professional sports often operate like gangs or criminal organizations.

Robert Kraft is a Zionist worth over 6 billion as the owner of the New England Patriots and of Kraft Group which has investments in real estate, professional sports, and manufacturing. His son Jonathan Kraft is President of Kraft Group. Robert Kraft has several business interests in Israel and is a Zionist. Kraft is also working with the New England crime family which is owned by the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and their ancestors officially established the Jesuits. Kraft has donated millions to two Jesuit colleges. Robert Kraft was caught soliciting prostitutes during a human trafficking operation in Florida. Robert Kraft also rigs Patriot games for mafia bets and the Patriots were involved in the Deflategate scandal with Tom Brady and the team practicing with deflated footballs and then deflating the footballs in the game against the Colts in the 2014 playoffs. Tom Brady is a con artist and only wins because the games are rigged. Most professional sports are rigged for mafia bets.

George Kaiser is a Jewish billionaire from Oklahoma worth over 7 billion and owns 20% of the Professional Basketball Club which owns the Oklahoma City Thunder. Kaiser also owns the majority of the Bank of Oklahoma which was fined for covering up an investment racket and is being investigated for creating fake accounts. Kaiser claims to come from a German Jewish family that fled Nazi Germany. There are a lot of stories of Jewish billionaires fleeing Nazi Germany. Actually there were an estimated 100,000 or more Jews who were Nazis. The Nazis were also financed by Jewish bankers like the Warburgs. The Nazis really persecuted anyone who opposed their fascist regime yet its these Zionists who claim to be the primary victims which is offensive. The Nazis did persecute Jews as well as many other groups and the ones who were persecuted were ones who opposed the Nazi's fascist regime. These Zionists used this claim that they were the primary ones being persecuted as a reason to create modern Israel. The Nazis claimed to be supremacists who believed blond hair and blue eyes were superior yet all the head Nazis like Hitler and Himmler had dark hair and dark eyes. The Nazi story is not adding up. In reality the criminal Zionist group which does not represent the majority of Jews were collaborating with the Nazis and that is why there are a mathematically disproportionate amount of Jewish billionaires. These Zionists are a criminal group that target others while criminally conspiring together to monopolize wealth and industries. The name Kaiser means a German emperor which suggests his family worked for the Imperial Hohenzollerns which put the Nazis in power. George Kaiser is involved in rigging games for mafia bets and part of this Jewish criminal group that is conspiring together to monopolizing industries like professional sports. George Kaiser is working closely with his Zionist friend Lynn Schusterman who was born Lynn Rothschild and she founded the Schusterman-Israel Foundation. Lynn Schusterman donates to many Jewish and Zionist organizations.

Jerry Reinsdorf is Jewish businessman and lawyer worth over 1 billion as the owner of the Chicago Bulls and Chicago White Sox. Reisendorf is working with the Chicago Outfit and involved in rigging games for the mafia's bets. The White Sox were known for rigging the 1919 World Series called the Black Sox Scandal with Jewish mobster Arnold Rothstein. The Jewish Mafia has mostly evolved into covert white collar crimes making them more concealed while they continue working with the black hand Italian Mafia. The Italian Mafia in Chicago has a close alliance with Zionists and worked with Jewish Mobsters like Frank Rosenthal who managed casinos for the Italian Mafia.

Sheldon Adelson is a powerful Zionist criminal in the United States worth 38 billion and he owns and runs Las Vegas Sands Corporation as well as casinos in Singapore. Adelson also owns Israel Hayom newspaper in Israel and the Las Vegas Review-Journal in the United States. Las Vegas was built up by the Italian Mafia which used Jewish mobsters like Frank Rosenthal as managers. Today Las Vegas is run by the Goodman family who have been the Mayors of Las Vegas from 1999 to present with Oscar Goodman and his wife the current Mayor of Vegas Carolyn Goodman. Oscar Goodman was a lawyer for the mafia and worked defending criminals like Frank Rosenthal. Sheldon Adelson is working closely with the Italian Mafia and Jewish Mafia with rigging casinos and laundering criminal profits. Las Vegas Sands Corporation was accused of violating anti-bribery provisions and responded by admitting it violated bookkeeping and accounting provisions. Las Vegas Sands also was fined 47 million for enabling drug traffickers to launder criminal profits through their casinos. The real mafia money launderers work directly with the owners and funnel criminal profits as cash into the casino's banks and then launder them as wins. 

Joshua Harris is a Jewish billionaire worth over 3 billion and he owns the Philadelphia 76's and New Jersey Devils. Harris works with Philadelphia crime family and is involved in rigging games for the mafia's bets. Joshua Harris is a co-founder of Apollo Global Management which financed Jared Kushner with over 180 million for his Kushner Companies. Jared Kushner's father Charles Kushner the founder of Kushner Companies is a criminal that was convicted of illegal political contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering through attempted blackmail. 

Leon Black is a Jewish billionaire worth nearly 7 billion and he is the primary founder of Apollo Global Management which is a major investment company which owns Harrah's Entertainment now called Caesar's Entertainment Corporation which owns about 50 casinos. Leon Black is working closely with the Italian and Irish mafias which operate out of casinos and use them for money laundering, criminal financing, and rigging gambling machines. Casinos derives from Italian nobles who own Casas and would have gaming events. That is where casinos originate from. The Italian Mafia own many of the gaming companies and most gambling and slot machines are electronically rigged so they can not only control how much they lose but also who wins. They use casinos for criminal financing and paying their agents through rigged wins. Apollo Global Management also owns several large cruise line companies like Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceana Cruises, and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Apollo Global Management has over 248 billion in assets under management and is an illegal monopoly. 

Antony Ressler is a Jewish billionaire worth 2 billion and he is a co-founder of Apollo Global Management. Tony Ressler is the brother in law of Leon Black and Ressler was Jesuit educated at the Roman Catholic Georgetown University and he is a cover Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta serving the Massimo family of Rome. Tony Ressler is also a board director of Georgetown University. Apollo Global Management owns Constellis Holdings which owns the former Blackwater mercenary company renamed Academi. Members of Blackwater were involved in murdering civilians in Iraq and investigated for weapons trafficking. Constellis also owns Triple Canopy another mercenary company. Constellis is in contract with the US military. Ressler also founded Ares Management which has over 5 billion in assets. Ares is the name of the Greek deity of war. Tony Ressler may be the most powerful Zionist in the United States due to his connections with paramilitaries and hitmen through Constellis. Tony Ressler is a war criminal and he is a Jewish Jesuit and Knight of Malta serving the Massimos which also own the Gambino crime syndicate.

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