Friday 5 July 2024


Formal Notice of Torture and Terror, Physical and Psychological, in The United States of America and Worldwide

Notice | Ramola D | April 26, 2024, 1:33 pm

[PDF below.]

Formal Notice of Torture and Terror, Physical and Psychological, in The United States of America and Worldwide

Notice | Ramola D | April 26, 2024, 12:39 pm

Formal Notice of Torture and Terror, Physical and Psychological, in The United States of America and Worldwide: In Unconsented-to, Undisclosed, Unlawful, Privacy-Violative Fusion-Center-Run Systematic Repression Operations involving: Painful, Continuous, 24/7, 360 Degrees, Disabling, Mutilating, Neurodamaging and Health-Damaging Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapons & Neuroweapon Testing & Operation; 5G Radiation Weaponized against Respiration; Toxic Aerosol and Gassing Assault; Invasive WBAN, RFID, Sensor Implants in Telemetry, Nano and Vibratory Tech Assault; Devious Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Human & Animal Brain Experimentation; Lying Media and Medical Crimes in Pushing Lethal Genetic Vaccines on Families; Racist and Discriminatory Social Ostracizing, Isolating, Deprivation, Defamation, Harassment; The Unlawful Social Creation of “Victims”; Medical, Psychiatric, and Police Terrorism And Crime

1. Following on the many Notices of Crime Being Enacted here in Massachusetts in the United States of America by numerous factions inclusive of Military, Intelligence, Police, Medical Personnel in Emergency Medical Services, Hospitals, Primary Care as reported by this Writer and Journalist over the past 10 years including in Print and Video Journalism, at Conferences, and in Letters to Presidents and Agencies, this is a Formal Notice of apparently ongoing and never-ending Physical and Psychological Torture in Non-Consensual Bio-Hacking, Neuro-Hacking, and Incessant Remote Brain and Body Access and Assault, causing grievous physical harm, pain, suffering, anguish through unlawfully implanted Device Telemetry, Anti-Personnel Directed Energy Weapon Assault and Battery Through-Wall, both Pulsed and Continuous RF HPM–Radio Frequency High Powered Microwave Weapons–and Millimeter Wave Weapons, Ultrasonic Bone Conductance Weapons, Acoustic Neurotechnologies, Active Denial System devices, Infra-Red Heating, Radar guns, and much other deadly and unauthorized Military and Police so-called “Non-Lethal” and “Less Than Lethal” Technology, clearly blueprinted Police-Medical-Psychiatry Trauma and Terror in Forced Kidnappings, False Psychiatric Profiling, Vaccine Lies and Crime, Extreme Cyberhacking, Nonstop Social Harassment, Social Deprivation, Obvious Racism, Extreme Noise Harassment, Organized Community Ostracizing, and Sadistic Neighborhood Attack as directed at this Writer and family and most recently also at her family cat (murdered last month with energy/neuro weaponry and sadism) for over 10 years now and culminating in recent extreme crime fixated on her left arm and shoulder, her actual physical heart, her entire life, her own family, and her animal children–Matters of Crime she now believes must be brought to the international attention of all and terminated immediately, given their harms and lawlessness, as also must be terminated the identical attacks on hundreds of thousands of others here in the USA and worldwide, similarly unlawfully targeted, criminally attacked, falsely psychiatrically labeled, transformed by criminal doctors and psychiatrists into medically and socially accepted “Victims,” falsely labeled “Unstable,” for nonstop public stoning and continuous private clandestine Full Spectrum Slavery use by the compartmentalizing, classifying-to-conceal-crime military, police, and intelligence agencies and their criminal, sadistic contractors, some people experimented on cruelly and tragically unto death. Torture is unlawful and permitted by no law or code, state, national, or international. All torture is criminal. Despite what power-driven and avaricious local, state, and Federal officials sanctioning these military, Intelligence, and police crimes may think [while they crouch under whatever fabricated Cover of Safety or Health (egregiously) they can find], most (other) living humans with a brain are well-aware that torture is barbaric and must be outlawed.

2. This Notice succeeds letters sent on these subjects recently to local offices of Public Health, the Federal Communications Commission, the US President, Vice-President, Speaker, Senate Intelligence Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee:

Letter to President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Intelligence Committee, Senate Judiciary Committee, April 1, 2024

Letter to FCC Commissioners Re. 5G and AP-DEW Inflicted Death of Cat and Harm to Humans, March 18, 2024, March 19, 2024

Letter to the Commissioner of Public Health in Quincy, Massachusetts, Marli Casilli, Re. 5G, March 16, 2024, March 19, 2024

3. This Notice also succeeds prior communications and notification made to the Secretary & Ombudsman of the US Air Force, US Senate Intelligence Committee, Secretary, Department of Defense, Inspector-General, Department of Justice, Inspector-General of the CIA, the Director of the CIA, the ODNI, the Director of the NSA, the US Attorney-General, the Massachusetts Attorney-General, the Boston FBI, the Mayor of Quincy, Quincy School Committee, Governor and Secretary of State of Massachusetts, and Head of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fusion Center:

Letter to the Secretary of the US Air Force, Secretary of Defense, Director, NSA, Ombudsman-USAF, ODNI, IG-IC, Director, CIA, Office of Privacy & Civil Liberties, CIA, January 27, 2024

Ramola D, Letter to the Ombudsman: Human Rights Violations on US Air Force Contracts, October 2nd, 2023

Letter to the US Senate Intelligence Committee, September 27, 2021 | Ramola D

Letter to the Director, CIA, September 13, 2021

Letter of Notification to City of Quincy and Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Notice of Liability, Cease and Desist, Affidavit of Fact, February 8, 2021

Ramola D: Demand Letter (1) to Attorney-General William Barr To Be Removed Instantly From Fraudulent Watchlist & All Associated Fraudulent Surveillance & State-Run Domestic Terrorism Programs Inclusive of Unethical Non-Consensual Military/Intel/Academic Brain/Other Experimentation, November 19, 2019

Letter from Ramola D to the Chair & Quincy School Committee, June 10, 2018

4. This Notice also succeeds previous notifications to the US President, Calls for a Congressional Committee investigation, and letters to well-known journalists:

Once Again, A Memo to President Trump: Massive Surveillance State Abuses | Treason on the Ground, in the USA: Public-Private Partners in Targeted Killing of Americans, June 26, 2019

Memorandum to President Donald J. Trump on Domestic US Torture Programs Running Under Cover of Surveillance, January 25, 2017

The “Neutralizing” of US Dissent With Neuroweaponry: Open Letter to Journalists and Human Rights Advocates and Organizations in the USA and Worldwide | August 15, 2014

Call for a Congressional Committee: Investigate & Prosecute Non-Consensual Clandestine Experimentation, Surveillance, Monitoring, Harassment of Citizens with ElectroMagnetic/Scalar/Sonic Weapons & Related Crimes | August 15, 2014

5. This Notice also succeeds several focused investigative print and video reports, interviews, panels, conferences hosted by this writer examining and reporting the nature, extent, and scope of the crimes and abuse of the populace camouflaged blatantly as Surveillance and Counter Terrorism, including these:

Conference Report, 2022“Existential Threat Against Humanity” says Dr. Robert Duncan: Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & Non-Consensual AI/Cybernetics/Brain Experimentation Conference Bears Witness to Profound Mil/Intel/DOJ/Univ/Private Sector Crimes, October 29, 2022

News Report 10: FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Reports Quasi Criminal Justice System Using DEWs/Neurotech on People | July 30, 2022

News Report 9: FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Describes The Issue: History of Secret Terror in the USA: Illegal Harassment, Persecution, Deceit that’s Currently Out of Control & Uses Neighbor-Mercenaries, Portable DEWs/Neurotech/Drones, More for In-House Torture | March 27, 2022

FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee Pulls Back the Curtain on Criminal FBI-CIA-DHS-NSA Torture of American Whistleblowers, Select Journalists, and Thousands of Illegal FBI Targets of “Counter-Terrorism” and “Deterrence” with DEWS, Neurotech, Social Harassment: People of Integrity Must Rise, March 24, 2022

[Conference Report, 2021Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals

FBI Whistleblower, American Hero Geral Sosbee Reports Continued FBI/CIA/Military Human Rights Violations: Egregious Assault and Persecution with Anti-Personnel DEWs, ELF Neuroweaponry | July 21, 2021

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Discusses NSA/FBI Spying, Surveillance, Persecution of Targets and Advises Americans to Stand Up to Return Ethics & Morality to Corrupt Governments, July 18, 2021

Treasonous Betrayal–Local Govts in USA Permit Inhumane 24/7 Rape, Assault, Battery, Burns in Bio-Hacking Crimes by CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Military, Special Ops, UN with EMF Spectrum/Sonic/Scalar/Neuro Weapons Hidden as “Surveillance”: American Journalist Blows Whistle on Atrocities, February 24, 2021

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change , February 24, 2020

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Ongoing Crimes of Persecution in USA Against Political Targets By FBI, Police, Federal Judges| October 25, 2019

CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell: Political Persecution in America & War on Whistleblowers: A Continuing Saga of Terror & Torture | October 3, 2019

Report #75: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower/Podcast 3: Endless and Criminal FBI Retaliation | August 17, 2019

FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee: “Profound Corruption of Law and Society by J. Edgar Hoover And His Offspring, the FBI” | January 17, 2019

Ramola D Reports | Report # 106: CIA and FBI Whistleblowers Barbara Hartwell And Geral Sosbee Discuss The Truth About Surveillance Abuses, January 6, 2019

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: “We are Defending All Mankind and We Are the Unacknowledged Legislators of the World” | August 22, 2018

Ramola D Reports/Report #72: Part 6–Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower: Corruption, Criminality, & Cover-Ups in the FBI & CIA | June 30, 2018

Modern Counterintelligence Operations with CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell: A Series of Video Conversations | June 21, 2018

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets | June 12, 2018

“No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers | Steemit, 2018

Geral Sosbee: Collapse of Constitutional Government of The United States of America & The Responsibility For The Collapse (FBI/CIA/DOD); Call for New Nuremberg Trial| May 28, 2018

Ramola D Reports/Report #56: Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower Reports Massive Crime By FBI, April 1, 2018

Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: FBI & FMJ Are On a Roll of Domestic Criminality | March 17, 2018

6. These are extreme human rights abuses, criminal violations of all human rights laws, breaching all civil and social codes of decency, civility, and respect for bodily autonomy, sanctity, and separateness; they act against all historically agreed-on Conventions, Treaties, Agreements, Codes including the Nuremberg Code, the Belmont Report, the Common Rule, the Geneva Conventions, all Laws of Peace, the international 1984 Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and much else humanly constructed to prevent precisely such crimes of atrocity, avarice, malice, and greed executed by Government officials and their private contractors in gross abuse of power and unacceptable attempts at human subjugation, domination, and psychological suppression.

7. In this they are Anti-Human, Inhuman, Inhumane, Persecutory, Barbaric, Degraded, Repressive, Shameful, and reflect solely on those enacting, executing, now extending these crimes and weaponry in transmuted form into Public Health, so-called Behavioral Health, and Public Safety: all of which needs to be publicly scrutinized and questioned. They have currently permitted the mainstreaming of deadly military radiation technologies, with undisclosed sadistic Energy Weaponry and Neuroweaponry being unlawfully used on people falsely psychiatrically profiled, concealing the use of these weapons on them as “Safety” and “Deterrence” and “Health” and “Medical” technologies. Unconsented-to Neuro Vibration and Frequency technologies, along with unconsented-to nano and micro implants, have caused me great harm over the past year in apparent “Continuing Care” covers (matters I am just unearthing and addressing) since the several public 2021 and 2022 Post Office-Police-EMS-ER-Primary Care-Psychiatry-CIA-DARPA-US Air Force-Neighborhood attacks on my life and health in Quincy, Massachusetts, with, post the December 20-29, 2022 Quincy Police-Brewster Ambulance-South Shore Hospital-Midwest Ambulance-Bournewood Hospital Crime Spree, the frequencies of undisclosed dangerous drugs being laid at my spine, head, whole body; nonstop external EMF signals from drones, from houses and cars next door and from parked fusion center contractors sending violent pain attacks to my arm and heart; making it impossible to think, speak, act, live, slowing my brain, sending sleep frequencies into my brain, vibrating my whole body, almost disabling my left arm fully, sending death hits to my heart I must necessarily shield from incessantly: Neurodamage and bodily damage have been cruelly effected with these weapons.

8. These Attack crimes (funded Stealth EMF/Neuroweapons-Testing/AI/Brain research and operations) go along with Cover crimes (LRAD hits, crazed cyberattack hits, gaslighting hits: Intent to Cause Stress, Disease, Disability, Near-Kill, Drive Mad with Frustration) and with Psych-Police crimes (social harassment, provocation, projection, lies, shouts, street theatre, fishing scams, entrapment set-ups: Intent to Distract, Disrupt, Involve Police and Psychiatry), effected with Energy, Neuro, and Social Weaponry of positively Medieval kind are avidly discriminatory, socially harassive, and racist; they encourage casual neighborhood attack, oppression, and denigration; they invite irresponsible actions of stereotyping, labeling, bullying, threat, and intimidation. They permit Predation. They allow swarming, slandering, defamation on many fronts based on avid and continually fabricated lies, they support operations of COINTELPRO entrapment. Through engineering false interactions and social moments, the in-neighborhood provocateurs seek to turn their Target’s attention interminably upon themselves—fixated apparently on preventing targets from living their own lives. I have been reporting some of these crimes in private video and print logs, Reporter’s Notes, my private Bentley Logs online and at my desktop—they are constant, daily, absurd, harassive, invasive.

9. By means of military and fusion center weapons-testing contracts, by means of unlawful, victimizing, human-subjugating Artificial Intelligence, Brain, Robotics experimentation, Big Data collection, Intelligence (CIA, DIA, FBI) Psychological operations and much else, paid operatives in Intelligence, Security, Military, Medical, Police, and Social Work professions have been permitted to prey on healthy, productive, living people and children like Vultures and Jaguars; using Lies, Drugs, deadly Stealth Technologies, Terrorizing Psychiatrists, Terrorist EMS, Lying Physicians, and Armed Mercenary Police, they have destroyed bodies, brains, health, lives; they have, without scruple, without conscience, tortured, repeatedly attacked, persistently beaten and battered and killed people. I have reported the QPS, DCF attacks against me and my family in April 2019 in reports and press releases, collected on the Exhibit page “Investigative Journalism is not Untreated Mental Illness”, the QPD, Brewster, Carney attacks in April 2022 in my Living Testimonial, I am still completing my Account of Events Unprecedented since then, to be published soon. I have been battered intensely for two years since April 2022, I have survived several extreme death hits over 2023; these follow 8 years prior of continuous nonstop assault and battery and several near-death hits across the years from 2013; I have survived only through shielding, physically moving, and the Grace of God: despite my repeated reportage in this space, I will work on and publish a fuller affidavit eventually; of course, it is possible the CIA or NSA or DHS or DIA or DARPA or FBI or Quincy Police may knock me off prior. [In which case, blame them. Bury me with roses too. I hear Pine Hill Cemetery in Quincy is readying to receive 13,000 individuals soon—all COVID vaccine deaths or Targeted For Life with NLW/Police-Tech Deaths probably. And no, the CIA-DHS-NSA-FBI-QPD Cannot Go On Forever.]

10. Those professing Law Enforcement and Healthcare have become Criminals. They have become Terrorists. They have acted against all oaths to protect, serve, and care for people, including Constitution and Hippocratic Oaths. Maritime Jurisdiction Quincy Police have twice kidnapped and trafficked my physical living body, despite clear notice to them and to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the US Secretary of State prior, of my standing as a Living Woman on the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of the United States of America—and no hint or evidence of crime of any kind to warrant any such approach or kidnap by Police. Note, both kidnappings involved their false-claim use of Section 12s, corrupt doctors, EMS, psychiatrists, hospitals: to “civil-commit” and falsely tar as Mentally Ill, Delusional, and in-Psychosis a journalist reporting on military and police (their own) crimes—in fact the Crime of Using Microwave Weapons on People which they’re all doing, but imagine they can conceal by simply calling reporters Mentally Ill. Both involved Trauma, Terrorizing, Forcible Arrest, and great social and familial suffering; the first to Boston’s Steward Carney Hospital involved Casual Torture in the ER and clear intent by ER doctors, nurses, and Masonic Psychs to deprive under color of law all rights; the second, building on the first’s deprivation of all human rights, also involved an unexplained incarceration at the Quincy District Court “Courthouse Lockup”, being knocked unconscious with undisclosed drugs, clustering lies and fabrications on forms submitted by the City of Quincy’s apparently CIA-run Ambulance Provider, Brewster Ambulance, further massive crime in Full Spectrum lies, full-on knocked-out bodily access, torture-device implanting, a forced-EKG, forced-drugging, forced-RF sensor tags placed at-heart by an apparent Black Op CIA-run Rendition Site South Shore Hospital and South Shore Mental Health (Aspire) in Weymouth–for apparent easy-access death hits from drones and sappers next door (ongoing), and forced trafficking, drugging, incarceration using more black-shirted Police-EMS in a whited-out Midwest Ambulance (probably CIA truck) for over a week at a Brookline Bournewood Hospital with clearly CIA MK ULTRA-involved psychiatrists using (identical) CIA MK ULTRA stamps and documents and CIA refusal to release a perfectly sane and obviously educated journalist—using CIA and Psych convolutions in lies, confabulations, and clear concoction from probably CIA-LSD’d heads to claim Section 12s, 10s by the dozen to have and to hold this writer, all of it unlawful and illegal both, for an over-extended time, beyond their first unlawful admitting of her there in the first place.

11. As noted by this Writer in recent Letters pleading with FCC Commissioners and Public Health Commissioners to stop mauling people with 5G and EMF Technologies, 5G installations on cell towers, chimneytops, and poles in neighborhoods have been switched on and used to instantly dehydrate, irradiate, attack respiratory systems, breathing, brain, and kill her beloved young family cat, Zippy early on March 14, 2024–also attacked and persecuted with neuroweapons, while she too was nearly asphyxiated, over and over, day after day, surviving eventually only with a humidifier (which was too late to save Zippy, who was repeatedly sadistically neuro-hit by the neighboring cat-murderers even as he was beginning to recover, body-hit several times to knock him off the couch and his bed, brain-hit at 2 am to make him emit horrific, tragic howls, heart-hit from the neighbor’s shed weaponry, as this writer was, as well.)

12. Aerosols dropping nanobiosensors and electroconductive metals, with insistent vibratory technologies laid on soles from across the street, drive, and yard on beds, couches, body, and feet as also on unconsented-to implants placed at spine, neck, feet (mine), have attacked and prevented daytime living, working, being, as also nighttime resting and sleep in obvious attempts to disrupt, degrade, and dominate the body’s normal physiological processes of health, life, being, restoration, and recovery. Let me repeat: I have been repeatedly persecuted in this fashion over and over every single day and every single night for 10 years now to prevent return of health and recovery. Sprayed nanotechnology and possibly sharpshot MEMs at neck from the two sharpshooter military/CIA sappers living on either side of my home have caused lesions and extreme subdural heat at neck, spine, back, occasional scars similar to Morgellons, being inflamed with UWB (Ultra Wide Band Radar, a police attack weapon) or pulse wave RF HPM from the putatively QPD parties across the street and the several weapon-wielders in houses nearby. [Military, CIA, and Police contractors on this street have become zombified, malice-driven terrorists.] This kind of sprayed nanotech attack has been directed at me several times over the years including on walks and in parks by paid mercenaries—young couples often, or single male walkers. Spray-shot or sharp-shot nano silicon at my left cheek has caused facial mutilation; daily precautions need to be taken to prevent further attack. I have had No quality-of-life for 10 years now, forced to shield and duck and avoid spaces alternately, cowering inside my house or alone outside, career slammed, social life non-existent, family deceived and distanced.

13. Acoustic neurotechnologies inclusive of projected sound, audio bugs, Circle Ops Psy Ops (circular and crossing Neuro Influencing conversations using Neurology Live and Neuro-AI neural network mapping techniques using Nonstop Interrogation, Palliation, Lies, Suggestions) developed in US and European Artificial Intelligence and Brain Experimentation and CIA circles—and probably well known not only to military/CIA neuroscientists but to public domain neuroscientists and AI researchers and students in all major US and European and world universities–to reduce, degrade, deceive, and destroy human intelligence have been used in Cognitive Warfare against people, to attack and destroy their communications skills, their writing prowess, their life’s accomplishments, as also this Writer’s: a painful subject and so extreme a Crime as to cause infinite grief, which this Writer will one day write further about, while she still has a smidgen of Brain left. Neuroweaponry is Criminal in existence and intent; its use on people is grounds for banishment forever to an icy Gulag all neuroscientists who have developed them. The CIA and DOD cannot neurodamage Writers on whim, merely because they are drowning in Ego, Arrogance, Hubris, Envy, and Malice. They Have, though, and for this they should be Widely Known.

14. Neuroweapons grazing skulls, inducing shocks, touching and vibrating body parts have neurodamaged, hurt, and destroyed brains and bodies, as reported to this Writer and also experienced by her. Nonstop assault with directed energy weapons on bodies have destroyed faces, figures, bodies, health and marriages (as also hers). Continuous, pulsing, extreme pain has been induced on people’s bodies (knees, heads, arms, shoulders, any body part) with no time to recover as bodies have been slammed over and over again by military pulse weapons. Both electrical and high-frequency microwave weapons in addition to acoustic weapons, and sophisticated techno spy weaponry using Neuro-AI and neural network mapping have been used to so extremely attack people as to force trauma-disassociation, disability-creation, debility, fatigue, chronic illness, removal from life and work. Deliberate intent to disable, mutilate, and destroy people’s bodies have effected same. Extreme, nonstop hyperstress, tension, hypervigilance, and reviving sickness has been gifted all targeted by FBI and Neuroweapon manufacturers.

15. Remote-access frequency weapons attacking nerves, joints, organs, bones, tissue have been used to attack knees, shoulders, hearts, lungs, brains, bladders, private parts, nerves, chakras and energy centers with intent and effect to mutilate, disable, degrade, and denature, as well as induce chronic disease, cancers, fractures, and handicaps; by this means many have been prematurely aged, disabled, pushed into nursing homes and hospices, mental asylums and Dementia wards, treated as irretrievably retarded or terminally ill, and essentially, killed before their time with weaponry. Premature aging and elder abuse may be the intent; the outcome has been as noted above. This writer, like all others she has reported on, has been repeatedly attacked on the left arm, right arm, left leg, heart, head, rib cage, knees, and all organs for disablement, death, disease. Further, frequency weapons are used on chakras and brain to invoke anger, rage, depression, misery; these very emotions are then picked up and recorded by local next-door monitors for false-framing of targets as Unstable Ones: uber angry or sad and needing Vibration Therapy to placidate or calm; this writer has frequently noted the next-door neighbors’ ambushing (Mazzeos’) use of such neuroweaponry on her (often in conjunction with extreme-frustration cyberhacking hits), while sudden Amazon or UPS trucks charge up to the door to take bioprint readings, or a drone suddenly rolls up and parks overhead. “Mood” being affected or being framed as “Moody” is conveyed in Covert Communications to the target, as in my experience as well. [Suggestive of CIA MK ULTRA entanglement here.]

16. Sleep-deprivation has been used daily to deprive selected “Victims” of sleep, rest, restoration at night or daytime; REM sleep has been consistently attacked to force victims to appear in public with red sleep-starved eyes—akin to alcoholic eyes—swollen eyelids, and the look of vagrants; this writer has been woken regularly with intense heat laid at the spine and neck, or with vibrations on body parts, or pulse hits on the head and migraines, sometimes with loud sounds at night, car door slams, sounds made (projected) on shielding, tactics also used early mornings. Effects include lethargy, fatigue, yawning at midday and other “behavioral” hints supposedly indicative of late nights and carousing? Essentially depriving the targeted of normal daytime lives of awakeness, vitality, vibrancy, destroying immune systems and circadian rhythms and working to worsen health.

17. Private-part and bladder hits are a favorite of the weapon-wielders; targets are incessantly assaulted with vibration pencils at private parts to induce pain, stimulation of different kinds including UTIs and yeast infections, burns, itches (with microwave pulse weapons), scalar radar, and hits on the muscles of the bladder to induce leaks, incontinence, and destroy athleticism, normal daily routines of walking and exercise, as well as destroy social lives and family lives and marriages with noxious smells and constant needing to fixate on restrooms in public. This writer has variously been intensely assaulted in these ways and will note on the record that surely this is sexual harassment, and torture—which, incredibly, has been permitted to the DOD-CIA-Police sappers, minions, and depraved weapon-wielders who consent to torturing people openly this way. Random strangers have used small portable devices, witnessed, to harm in this way: on the street, at YMCAs, at stores, in hotels, at airports. Without shielding, pads, movement, no target can survive these assaults. Women especially have reported this crime of private-part and bladder hits to this reporter.

18. Families have been torn apart by lies manufactured by paid operatives; needless psychological experiments run by CIA and DOD researchers often using University students have deprived children of their mothers, and mothers of their children; endless psychological persecution has been effected by “researchers” obtruding on people’s lives. Since 2022, this writer’s family has inexplicably been removed from her home while she was wrongfully “civil-committed” on false Section 12s; they are still missing, with no communications, no responses to emails and phone calls; phone numbers and email ids for her family members have been taken over by others in an obvious CIA-overlay operation of profound Hubris, Crime, Atrocity, Torture, and Harassment as relayed in her recent Letter to US President Biden. This is obviously a source of intense Psychological Suffering for all in the family, including herself. Further, this is a source of Complete, that’s right, Complete Social Isolation and Deprivation, since this writer—like most unlawfully targeted by the CIA and FBI for Life-Devouring and Brain Grabbing with Deadly Neuro Bioweaponry—has been completely socially deprived (on the ground) of friendship, siblingship, cousinship, family, employment, any kind of normal social life for 10 years now thanks to Mega Lies spread by Local Police, FBI, DHS, CIA to family, schools, neighbors, professing new Star Status as Prostitute, Nightwalker, Pedo of some sort, Schizoid, Delusional, and other gruesome unsavories only they could come up with. Career, profession, vocation, writing, teaching, workshopping, volunteering life have all taken a nose-dive and disappeared. Family and previous friends as well as mothers of daughter’s friends have consented to attack, lie, ostracize, and believe Police-FBI-CIA-DHS lies. Online as well, social ghettos have been created to prevent normal contact with previous friends and colleagues or reach real readers, viewers. Shadowbanning and takedown of videos and posts on numerous platforms have ensured further social isolation, with no normalcy in communication online on Comments anywhere: Vimeo, Youtube, Linked-In, Linktree, Paypal, Twitter, X have all slammed this broadcaster out. Odysee/Lbry has failed to upload all videos on transfer from Youtube. Google has black-holed her name and work. Bitchute maintains no open comments page. [Despite all, this Writer and Journalist—unlawfully so erased–has persisted in informing the world.]

19. Slander and smear campaigns on the ground and online as well have worked to destroy the name, life, reputation of this writer; not merely have random defamers appeared online and on email to slander and dismiss her as inconsequential and acredible, past colleagues proving traitorous and essentially “Intelligent” as in “Centrally Intelligent” have slung pitchforks and blazing flames at her online, necessitating endless time-intensive rebuttal—which nevertheless informs all of the sad state of depredation in which the Agency coterie find themselves; such Agencies are obviously making themselves defunct by the insanity of their own actions. These subjects have been covered numerously and variously by this writer including in the following reports:

Writing Back to Dr. Julia Spivack Post Addled Slander | June 29, 2023

Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | September 23, 2023 | Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | July 17, 2023 | Regarding Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower | June 13, 2023

Swans Against Slander | June 12, 2023

The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants | March 10, 2022

Dr. Katherine Horton’s Lies, Libel, Slander, and Smears Page Targeting Ramola D: | June 25, 2021

Secret Slander: “Dr.” Katherine Horton’s 2020 Sabotage & Defamation of Ramola D & Barbara Hartwell as She Lied to NSA Whistleblowers Bill Binney & Kirk Wiebe Exposed | January 2, 2021

Protection Rackets & Containment Operations: Libel, Slander, False-Narratives, False-Reality-Constructs, Smear Campaigns & Serious Defamation | July 3, 2020

RAMOLA D: STATEMENT ON MY JOURNALISM | Post Slander | July 3, 2020


CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell | SMEAR CAMPAIGNS: The Wicked Tool of Lowlife Losers | November 26, 2019

CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell | IN DEFENSE OF RAMOLA D: TARGET OF VILE SMEAR CAMPAIGN | November 25, 2019

Massive Heart-Hits/Obvious Outright Assassination Attempts While Exposing CBS News–60 Minutes, Chicago Sun-Times, Neil Steinberg, Midge Mathis, Richard Lighthouse, Targeted Justice, Ella Free, Matthew Aaron, Freedom for Targeted Individuals, and Others | September 20, 2019

Suzie Dawson and Unity4J: Legitimate Questions, Unrevealed Allegiances and the Public Media Ignoring of Deadly EMF Neuro DEW Targeting | December 27, 2018

20. Trauma and terror have been made everyday pursuit by Police, EMS, ER doctors, psychiatrists, who seem to believe they have the right to needlessly harass, torment, persecute, subjugate, and incarcerate their Private weapons-testing/AI & Brain Victims anytime, falsely claiming they are “mentally ill” and need “help.” Drones, light planes, Electronic Growler planes, chem trail planes, white naked-bulb lights, flashing lights on neighborhood sapper decks, frequent helicopters—all frequent—over yard, street, house and head have engaged in continuous, traumatizing, terrorizing intimidation for 10 years now. Sharp hits on nerves accompany such sorties. Zooming cars, SUVs, trucks engage in similar harassive stress-creation, public marking, and threat behavior.

21. As in Nazi, Stasi, Stalinist, Leninist, Maoist times and countries, Police and Psychiatrists, along with Courts, DAs, and obscenely over-reaching and abusive Hospital Security and EMS staff in Ambulance Companies here in the USA have been acting like Black Ops and Death Squad Police and Gestapo, capturing, knocking unconscious, tying down, implanting, electrically vibrating, and lying about people as they unlawfully civil-committed and psych-labeled them for life-takedown operations, as also this Writer. In this they have brought Rendition Operations and Black Sites to once-free American hospitals, courts, homes, and public places.

22. Extreme noise harassment with power saws, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, snow blowers, and loud LRAD hits on radiators with intent to threaten, harass, frighten, terrorize have engaged in massive sensory assault, both of ears, nerves, and brains, the intent and creation apparently of military Neuroscientist and CIA Psychiatrist criminals. This scenario has played out in this Writer’s neighborhood and home for 10 years now, with neighborhood minions and slaves of the Pharaonic CIA-run City of Quincy flaccidly consenting to be terrorists, criminals, and zombies themselves as they spend their time shouting (in numerous languages), power-sawing, screaming at children (thereby also torturing their own children, most willingly), and rushing in and out of pickups, trucks, SUVs at will, on call and in frenzied uneducated thrall apparently to the mercenary CIA-FBI-MSP-DHS-Sheriff faction running the Neighborhood Watch Zombification programmes. Meanwhile, all the children’s and writers’ hearing has been decimated. Trauma-disassociation apparently the intent here: disassociating the layered masses, while using them against each other in Operation Phoenix actions. Nazis may have come up with these practices. (Nazis do live in the US, and seem to have populated Massachusetts like infinitely flourishing rats.)

23. Social ostracizing as in Leper’izing, treating people like dirt, as if retarded, deranged, delusional and incapable of making sense in public, openly calling people “Crazy,” stripping people of their basic human rights, denying them medical treatment in hospitals–but forcing them into Psych Wards and Mental Asylums, especially attacking (perfectly lucid, communicative) darker-skinned people (such as this writer) and treating them as if less, inferior, outside “normalcy,” surreptitiously labeling them “Victims” (as this writer was referred to by a medical technician at Steward Carney Hospital ER) and reserving them apparently for punching-bag verbal and physical assault with Stealth Weapons, the so-called cadre of “Authorities” in all states in America as also in Europe, India and elsewhere–as reported to and experienced by this Writer both, on travels–have descended into near-complete barbarism. Fully evident in Quincy Massachusetts and Boston.

24. Forcing people into shielding constantly inside and outside their homes, limiting their movements with wifi-weapon-stalking outside, blasting them in the face nonstop with pulse weapons, preventing them from doing their own housework, yardwork, lifework as they sicken them with military radio weapons each and every day over and over, then filming and video’ing their suffering day and night with intensive shielding, then labeling this life-of-shielding and limiting of life they have achieved knowingly falsely as schizophrenic, socially-isolative, “lone-wolf” behavior likely to lead to manic terrorism, engaging in stealth-watching and stealth-reporting to pros in their deprivation-of-rights teams teeming with criminal psychiatrists and police have become the daily repeat tasks of weapon-wielders living next door who fancy themselves “handlers” “parole officers” “behavioral health monitors” and “little helpers” using noises, shouts, covert communications (directives muttered seemingly to others) and other such insane actions to supposedly corral the attention of their Full Spectrum Victims (who are by now half dead with pulse shots to nose, head, body, heart) and force “housekeeping actions” as if their Victim could not live perfectly happily on their own, tending to their own lives minus outside interference with high frequency microwave weaponry directed into their nostrils. “Little Helping” is also achieved through the nauseating use of audio technology of different kinds, planted and implanted, a major CIA-DOD-NeuroSci/NeuroPsy achievement of the demented Twenty-First Century of Sci-Fi Fictioneers who script this ghastly Nazi Concentration Camp Camouflaged as a Neighborhood bullshit.

25. Neighbors have come into this writer’s home and cut up clothes—pants, tops, underwear, leaving tiny holes sometimes, which stretch and tear each garment; boots have been slashed, clothes desecrated in this way. They have stolen items, sometimes bringing them back in gaslighting intent, sometimes disappearing them. Using electrical activators which operate remotely they have attacked appliances and destroyed them; in this way, over the past year especially, neighbors on both sides have destroyed our (fancy German) dishwasher (flooding the basement twice in doing so) and furnace; for 10 years they attacked and operated the up-cycle of our furnace from the outside; other appliances destroyed include vacuum cleaners, toaster ovens, toasters, coffeemakers, computers (one every year), and a treasured Vitamix blender.

26. Extreme cyberhacking has brought this writer many times to tears, paralysis of effort, and extreme sadness as her work on her laptop has been continuously attacked, erased, disappeared, while her brain is also simultaneously attacked, destroying her ability to think clearly, think at all, recall, repeat paragraphs she has just written, full paragraphs wiped. [Cyber-hacking and Neuro-hacking in tandem.] Videos have been frozen, audio destroyed, voice and face attacked during podcasts, video killed on some memorable podcasts all of which serve to discredit her work and abilities as a journalist. Hours, days, weeks have been lost as she has struggled to report the news in real time and failed. Criminal cyberhacking and shadowbanning have prevented her reports on stealth crimes and targeting from being seen online; they have also prevented real targets reporting these crimes from making contact with her as a primary journalist working in this field, and permitted their own fake DOD/CIA Psy Op Overlay protection-operation teams to interact and interface with her instead, matters she has come to understand only over time. Some of the intense cyberhacking—causing intense pain and suffering, both psychological and physical (there is a physical component to all emotions, including frustration), clearly invented by CIA psychologists and psychiatrists—avid criminals exploiting Human Psychology who should be collectively removed to the bottom of every ocean lapping against every coast—has been addressed in reports linked here:

Cyberhacking and Censorship | July 27, 2023

27. Ridicule and mockery of targets in media and by media personalities in print, television, radio—mainstream, well-paid anchors and DJs repeating, mocking, laughing at words, ideas, phrases from targets’ words, thoughts, intentions, and ideals have been reported by numerous targets and experienced also by this writer. Ideas and phrases, whole article ideas have been stolen from this writer’s notebook and brain both (brain decoders, brain SQUIDs no doubt planted right next door in the neighbor’s cars and vinyl sidings and sheds) and handed to others, appearing in full form as originally envisioned, thought through, and planned by this writer. Echo-stalking of word, phrase, and attitude has been experienced by this writer on collective Techno Crime Fighter Forums from 2017 to 2018, with MI5-CIA specialist Katherine Horton repeating her words and phrases, reported earlier. IP Theft of ideas and articles has also been experienced by her with other writers later publishing or/and surfacing their reworking of same; notable actors in this space have been ex-NSA Karen Melton Stewart (on several articles) and apparent CIA operative Ashley Hayes who visited this writer out of the blue without prior contact and permission a couple years ago, and engaged also in seeming “handling” activities, a matter to be further reported in this writer’s memoirs.

28. Media personalities and writers—print and television both, to this writer’s knowledge—journalists that is, paid journalists employed by what I think now is the Government-Private-MIIC (military industrial intelligence complex), have engaged in mocking and denigrating the reporting victims of these crimes, projecting the clearly CIA-DOD-constructed Psy Op that targets are schizophrenic, delusional, and paranoid, while failing to present their accounts as plausible given the known military science and technology underpinnings of the weapons reported. Particularly reprehensible since the cost to targets is high: families disbelieve them, and condemn them to mental asylums, psych wards, police capture, false psychiatric profiling, and clean removal of brain with psychiatric drugs. This writer, horrified by this situation, and grievously affected herself, has sought to address this particular matter in print in various forums including Twitter and video podcasts and articles. Some of these include:

Not Havana Syndrome, Not “Mental Illness,” “Star Wars” Might Be Closer to the Truth: Of Obvious DEWs & Neuro Strikes: A Whistleblower Racket | November 16, 2023

Havana Syndrome: Intellectual Trickery, Strategic Deceit/Enter the CIA Short-Tailed Cricket: Spychogenic at Head | February 13, 2022/Substack

Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis | May 10, 2021

Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government” | September 4, 2019

Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State | March 7, 2018

Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion” | September 10, 2019

Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults | July 21, 2019

United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional. | March 7, 2018

29. The entire construct of crime here has been previously addressed in the following investigative and analytical reports and editorials, as also others reporting declassified military and CIA documents online:

Claiming Human Rights Protections on US Air Force Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research RF HPM Weapons-Testing Contracts | October 11, 2023

Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted | January 17, 2022

Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers | October 22, 2018

Open Season on Targets: Blacklisted Individuals, Extreme Abuse in Targeting, Secretive Lab-Rat Exploitation, & Massive Establishment Cover-Up, December 3, 2016

How Secret Policing With Deadly “Non-Lethal” EMF/Scalar/Sonic Neuroweaponry Has Been Installed Domestically Inside the US, & Globally

Is the US Department of Justice Secretly Permitting Local Law Enforcement & the Military to Assault American Citizens Using Covert Directed-Energy “Non-Lethal” Weapons?| October 9, 2015

2015: “Targeted Individuals” are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal, Clandestine, Classified “Top Secret” MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

30. Media and CDC lies, false-claims, promotions of the COVID vaccine led to this writer’s daughter being vaccinated against her will without her consent by way of indoctrinating her father into believing COVID was a thing and the COVID vaccine a lifesaver when this writer, her mother, had spent two years investigating, researching, and reporting on the extreme crime and harms of this poisonous vaccine which has now killed and maimed millions worldwide; the huge misleading effects of the propaganda on COVID, a so-called “pandemic” and a toxic mRNA stew built to enter cells and remove DNA were especially served on the educated, as indeed to this writer’s in-laws’ family whose Pharmacist-Public Health affiliations ensured capitulation to Pharma lies. The psychological harms and grief suffered by this writer in consequence have been echoed across the nation, hundreds of millions have been terrorized into taking the vaccine, many are still dying. [This writer’s daughter was subsequently saved with daily Vitamin C, green juices, and smoothies.]

31. Other aspects of Torture which should be recognizable in international human rights law, meted out to innocent millions with Neuroweaponry and Energy Weaponry and Social Weaponry, include: assault, battery and abuse, repetition of assault, aggravated battery, denial of all human rights, denial of due process (false charges are made secretly, to permit watchlisting, terrorlisting, Psych-listing; NSLs are falsely handed out to family and public-private partners of the agencies; Lies are maintained in health records and police databases), denial of the right to recover, denial of health, denial of career, denial of profession, denial of social life, denial of social presence, communication, collegiateship, denial of vocation, denial of speaking and voice, continuous and accelerated attack with stealth microwave or millimeter wave weapons–termed minimal risk or essential in declassified documents and reports when they are nothing of the sort–and insidious removal from families, as well as removal of families under cover of Lies.

32. Extreme and continuous mental, physical, psychological, harm, pain, suffering, and anguish has been effected by these crimes. Extreme stress, extreme harassment, extreme daily provocation, extreme health attacks, extreme life attacks, extreme social destruction has been effected by these Extreme Crimes. Intense grief, intense isolation, intense misery, physical and psychological, has been meted out and experienced by this writer as every target. The impossibility of addressing these crimes accurately—through recourse to a non-existent Justice, in face of the obscene power of the “authorities” who have committed and continue to commit these Satanic crimes, the inability to adequately provide “proof” of criminal assault and battery with stealth technologies, the great sadness innate in being forced to lose one’s life daily even as one strives to save it continuously merely to survive and keep surviving, in face of such extreme daily pain and deprivation leads to a situation of grave impotence and soul-removal which apparently is the intent of the flagrant criminals who have constructed and maintain this ugly concentration camp situation. People are being kept as “Private Victims” of the police, military, intelligence, security, and private corporations feasting on their brains and bodies like Satanic vampires with stealth technology and overt intimidation and threat as well as psychiatric “enforcement” in beyond-slavery situations, house by house, neighborhood by neighborhood: sickening depravity beyond comprehension.

33. This is a Formal Notice informing the world of singular and unacceptable Crime against Humanity comprising Torture on an unimaginable scale being run in the USA as also worldwide. These crimes—of so extreme, so undeniable a nature, so incomprehensibly evil– need to be Stopped Immediately and all who have the position and the power to do so Must Step Forward and end their reign. Those retaining their conscience, souls, brains, and consciousness inside the Agencies: Intelligence, Security, Military, Law Enforcement, and those with the access and authority to influence national and worldwide action are especially called on to speedily investigate, audit, hold accountable all perpetrators, and End These Crimes On All. Humanity cannot survive these assaults.

Ramola D, MFA Creative Writing, MBA, (MS) Journalism, B.Sc. Physics

Living American Woman, Mother, Publisher, Editor, Writer, Journalist

Author, For the Sake of the Boy, Temporary Lives, Invisible Season

:Pine-Haven, Quincy, Massachusetts, April 22, 2024, 9:54 pm; April 24, 2024, 3:26 am; April 25, 2024, 9:47 pm; April 26, 2024: 12:23 pm, 12:39 pm, 1:30 pm, 1:33pm.

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