Tuesday, 30 July 2024


A Deep Dive Into How The Olympic Opening Ceremony and Global Tyranny Are Related

At First Glance Nothing Is As It Seems

As many of us have grown all too accustomed to - nothing we see reflected by media - by our global communication system of the internet is as it seems.

At first it seems impossible that the scandalous opening ceremonies of the Olympics could be related to the now infamous CrowdStrike IT outage which occurred in the past week.

For those of you who know - this connection will not come as any surprise - as we understand that CrowdStrike - and the Olympics - are tied to the same globalist monster which now has tentacles everywhere.

But it is perhaps shocking to all of us that it has taken now an X-rated mockery of Christianity to outrage the world.

Not that such a display should not outrage every thinking and feeling individual.

It is just a kind of shock that after almost five years that includes a coup d’état to rule the world which few seem to comprehend is even taking place, which has by now killed about 20 million people, following a fake epidemic which forced humans worldwide to wide to display such indignities as forced masking, forced lockdown, and forced social distancing. 

And as if that were not enough the globalist cabal engineered an “educational” narrative sold to the world’s children of transgender ideology - one which involved the sexual grooming of children and furthermore an entire new medical industry which sought to profit from the surgical maiming of these kids. 

We might expect such an alignment of corporate, educational, governmental, and medical institutions from Nazi Germany - but apparently seeing that it is happening as part of a coup d’état to take over the world - our world - our modern civilization - is not acceptable. 

What has happened as physicians, parents, kids and educators rationalize the chopping off body parts and use of dangerous drugs to turn perfectly healthy children into eunuchs? 

What has happened is what any rational individuals may expect - that a devious and dangerous cult has taken possession of this planet - a cult which seeks to achieve the following.

  • Fool all humans by carrying out a fake, staged epidemic 

  • Frighten said humans so much that they will fear death if they disobey

  • Insure that all authorities go along with the plan - pay them handsomely to do so.

  • Use totalitarian style lockdowns and known ritualistic behavior such as ritual handwashing and ritual wearing of masks -   and ritualistic vaccination

  • Take over the world’s airways with steady fear mongering propaganda 

  • Engage in ritualistic shaming of  those who fail to go along with this nonsense 

  • Exclude those who will not comply by using such tactics as encouraging widespread fear of contagion from the unmasked, unvaccinated and noncompliant. 

  • Even those who go against the sexualizing and trans gendering of children are to be regarded as bigots and anti-gay Nazis. 

  • Anyone anywhere who goes against the mainstream narrative is regarded as being an anti human and dangerous - even insane - radical - threats to polite society.

All of these and more have been part of the tactics of this cabal to take over and rule the world while everyone is distracted by worrying about their very survival. 

I am not sure what all this reminds people of - but I do know what it reminds me of.

It is - in terms of propaganda and political tactics - reminiscent of Nazi Germany

There has even been a deliberate campaign to destroy physical property and major cities - even take farmland - and engage in both buying up of public and private infrastructure and in shaping human behavior. 

To commandeer whole medical complexes and entire fields of medicine, whole nation states, governments, institutions, corporations, and all of education, public discourse, and mass media.

While this modern 21st century totalitarianism did not stage a full on Crystal Night reign of terror against specific groups to scare people into compliance - fear was still used in a novel way to bring absolute control and unquestioned obedience. 

I am not at all sure at this point what it will take for the world to wake up.

But I am hoping that seeing that these 21st century totalitarians are behind all of this   - and by now seeing how far they will go to insure our fearful compliance and obedience to their brand of fascism - that we will come to our senses.

The Olympic committee did not simply wake up one day and decide they would demonstrate disdain and disgust for the entire world.

The Olympic committee and just about all other institutions, governments, and corporations are part of the 21st century totalitarian system - as shown by the members of such organizations as the World Economic Forum.

While this WEF is not the only organization involved they have served as a kind of Davos exclusive country club for many of the ring leaders.

Their regular meetings around the world are a veritable who’s who of this alliance of stakeholder capitalists and public private partnerships - this Nazi-like cabal of plutocrats. 

Of course there is Bilderberg and Club of Rometo name a few other participants. 

But a look at the roster of WEF will reveal the main allied forces involved.

It should not be surprising to see that NATO, WHO, CIA, PENTAGON, FBI and leaders of the US government and all world governments are involved.

It should not be surprising that all tech giants and military and industrial leaders are involved.

Nor that titans of education, health care, public works and urban planning and development are involved

And perhaps most importantly the press and entertainment are  involved to shape public opinion to fit the ongoing narrative.

To really comprehend what has happened takes great deal of energy, time and effort to fully see. 

The ruse is well camouflaged and the insurance of our compliance is well policed and backed up by military personnel and local police. 

We may well ask the question as to why these cabal members have been so successful at taking the entire world hostage in this way.

What do these enemies of the future have - the real actual Nazis did not? 

There is a clear and obvious answer to that question.

Technology, the internet and the planetary reach of these capabilities and their role in being able to almost instantaneously shape and to manipulate public opinion. 

With technology on  their side totalitarian control is a kind of slam dunk. 

This all may seem overwhelming and monstrous - and it is all of that - and more. 

But the overwhelmingly important thing now is that the world wake to the reality of woke and to why these woke agendas have been used as a weapon of political terror. 

It is a hell of a thing to wake up to - but as one brave legal specialist articulated as he was kidnapped and imprisoned in Germany for defending liberty  - echoing many of our own observations. 

He said (paraphrasing) - “Maybe these co-conspirators made a big mistake in coming after our children”. 

Maybe that over reach will finally serve as the catalyst which will alert the world and all parents and those who care about our children.

Maybe in coming after our kids in such obviously deviant ways - they have revealed their own feet of clay. 

As we can begin to see, totalitarianism is incredibly expensive and requires insane amounts of human and financial capital  allocated to the manipulation of public opinion and behavior to maintain. 

That this totalitarianism is expensive is an understatement. 

Just the Silicon Valley part of this campaign has already corrupted and destroyed many of the world’s major cities - San Francisco and New York being only two infamous examples.

Wherever Big Tech has been centered it has so hollowed out and undermined the social and economic fabric of society so as to result in collapse. 

Big Tech and the dangerous compliance with corruption and political correctness they demonstrate are playing a major role in modern 21st century totalitarian regimes.

If this grand entertainment scheme - intended to dazzle the world into further compliance - has instead served to begin waking us as humans up to reality - then it will have served a noble purpose. 

Let us hope these WORLD ECONOMIC FURERS have finally demonstrated their feet of clay.

May we the adults of planet earth stand for the kids.

But beware when the coming American Caesar tells us we will not have to vote anymore - he is saying the globalist agenda - the quiet part -  out loud.

And Vladimir Putin cast as the enemy in all this - he too is simply playing his part  - while plotting for himself to help rule the world 

Read Machiavelli - the citizens guide to the mindset of leaders - and learn precisely how we are being mocked, manipulated and owned by tyranny. 

There are people out there who will tell you it is just the West which has become totalitarian - nothing could be further from the truth - as the darling of the WEF is China - and Russia is just as bent on global totalitarianism as is any other 21st century globalist tyrant. 

As Machiavelli made clear back in Medieval Italy - the globalists have no plans to give up any of their power to we the people.

And when you own all the governments, institutions and corporations- owning the world is pretty much a fait accompli. 

The globalist cabal brings us their version of the reality promised by Revelation - they hearken the literal end of the world by -  themselves -  becoming our own personal Jesus.

But of course there are all kinds of ways to exhibit denial of what is really happening here.

That is mass media’s task to offer up platitudes to keep us all - as global citizens - in denial. 

They are going to now convince all Christians that the new Caesar is the way out of this. 

But if we read Machiavelli we understand that this is simply part of the intended manipulation.

Vote for Caesar and no one will ever have to vote again.

Glad that is settled!

Anyone concerned with real liberty - and those useless ideas expressed in our founding documents - may as well pack up their carpetbags and go home.

But if you have been reading this stack for awhile you know that when people like us pack up and go home it really will be a fait accompli.

And then it really will have been all she - or anyone else - ever wrote.


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