Sunday 28 July 2024


Craig Mokhiber dissects the ICJ’s bombshell ruling on the Israeli occupation

Craig Mokhiber discusses the importance and impact of the International Court of Justice’s ruling that the Israeli occupation of Palestine is illegal.

The Mondoweiss Podcast, Episode 82: ICJ says Israel’s occupation is illegal
The Mondoweiss Podcast, Episode 82: ICJ says Israel’s occupation is illegal

On July 19, the International Court of Justice, or ICJ, ruled that Israel’s occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem is illegal and must end immediately. Palestinians, of course, have been saying this for years. The court stated that Israel must halt all new settlement construction, evacuate settlers, and pay reparations to Palestinians, calling some of Israel’s policies “apartheid.” This advisory opinion, requested by the United Nations, marks a significant condemnation of Israel’s legal defenses. The ruling emphasizes the occupation’s illegality and highlights the need for international accountability and policy shifts. This historic ruling, though non-binding, challenges Israel’s legal defenses for the first time.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas celebrated the decision as a victory for justice, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed it calling it “absurd.” The United States responded by affirming only that Israel’s settlements are illegal and criticized “the breadth of the court’s opinion,” which, it said, “will complicate efforts to resolve the conflict.”

We are joined by Craig Mokhiber, an international human rights lawyer and activist, and a former senior United Nations human rights official. Craig served at the U.N. for over three decades, with postings in Switzerland, Palestine, Afghanistan, and New York, conducting numerous human rights missions across various continents. In October 2023, he left the U.N., criticizing the organization’s human rights failures regarding Israel’s actions in Gaza, warning of genocide in Gaza, and calling for a new approach to Palestine and Israel based on international law, human rights, and equality.

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