Sunday, 28 July 2024

Hidden Knowledge and The Truth, [Jul 19, 2024 at 08:35]

I Need Everyone to Really Pay Close Attention.

The Trump Rally Shooting was ALL FAKED and is indeed a FALSE FLAG!

Do NOT Take The BAIT, It is a Giant Hoax! Trump Was not Really Shot at and the Blood was Fake. What you Witnessed was a handful of actors Performing, Broadway-Style, in front of a Nation of Unsuspecting and Deceived Individuals. You just saw the results of Satanic Elite Hollywood taking over Politics. 

We have all seen way More Convincing Shootings in Theater, Movies, Plays and even on AGT, so don't act like they cant stage what you saw at the rally. From the Short Secret Service Women to the Fake Screamers, and from the Fake Blood and Blanks to all the outrageous lack of Security Protocols, there is a reason that nothing about that Event adds up, and that's because it was all faked, Staged, Hoax. They Even had Scripted Panic Actors to create and Instigate Panic so you wouldn't be able to Focus on how fake it was and to keep you confused before you realize nothing adds up. 

they Played Every one and they have been doing this for some time now and they really really Enjoy it. Trump loves These little Stunts of Deception and he loves having you all on his String. Everything you are watching go on in politics right now is nothing but a giant Movie in an even Bigger Theater.

This is all a Script! When will you wake up and see that?

Everything involving the Current American Government is all Scripted and i have an actual copy of the Script as well as Audio/Video Recordings of these actors Rehearsing how they are going to Deceive you ALL. And Your all Falling For it.

Folks, Please Listen to me. You are All being Massively played by EVERY Single Politician and EVERY Single News or Talk Show Host.

Steve Bannon is NOT IN JAIL, Owen Shroyer Was NEVER IN JAIL, and Donald Trump Does NOT have any Felonies and he will NEVER BE IN JAIL. You have been Lied To and I want you to just stop for a minute and really thank about it all. 

You are being Tricked and Deceived into giving up your most important Rights to the Global Elite New World Order, and You Are becoming nothing but mere sheeple While They Play You and Manipulate you and take Your Freedoms Away. The left is purposely doing horrible things so you will get so sick of it and run to the Right. The Right is pretending to oppose the crimes of the left and offering to stop it if you give them total control. But by giving them the Total Control that they want, you are giving up your own American Rights and Freedoms. The Right Promises You that they are just going to stop the left and "Hold Them Accountable" (which they NEVER Will Do) but I Promise you they are going to Do nothing to their Crooked Elite Buddies and instead they are going to Enslave everyone and remove all your Freedoms. Its going to be way worse then Hitler and even Napoleon! 

The Sad Part is YOUR ALL sitting back Falling For it and  Allowing it to happen by thinking trump is going to save you but your being Played and Deceived. Trump is their number one Guy and Alex Jones is number 2. these Elite are Stringing you all along with all their Controlled Opposition and your Falling For it! 

YOU are Giving away YOUR Children's Future TO THE ENEMY! 


You have put your Faith in Trump and not God. 

Your going to wish you had listened to me and it will be too late. 

Wake up and stop falling for their Games and Tricks. 

People think Biden is a puppet but they are So Wrong. Biden is no Puppet and Obama is not a Puppet Master. 


Ill tell you what it is. 

It's a giant Movie Theater and Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the Star Actors. 

ALL the NEWS PEOPLE, MEDIA FOLKS, POLITICIANS, RIGHT WING TALK SHOW HOSTS, Are ALL ACTORS/CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and Anyone Else being allow to speak to you over the Air is Controlled and Nothing More Than another Actor in this Grand Movie. 

Washington DC is The New Hollywood and you all in their big New movie and I PROMISE you it Does Not Have No Happy Ending!

Hidden Knowledge and The Truth, [Jul 19, 2024 at 08:35]

The American People are ALL DECEIVED and are LOSING Their FREEDOM and Willingly GIVING UP ALL Their Constitutional RIGHTS!

Anyone who is telling you the Truth has been Removed from all Airwaves by The FCC and Removed From all Platforms by Big Tech. 

Bradley Deen From Sons of Liberty is a Perfect Example of what happens when you expose their Deception. 

This is why i am hoping you will share this With EVERYONE on EVERY PLATFORM and SPREAD IT ALL OVER TELEGRAM and X. SEND, SHARE, and SHOW this to EVERYONE YOU KNOW.

I have Complete Proof of what I'm Telling you along with 100% Factual Evidence to Prove it all. 

I also Have Evidence that the Trump Shooting is a Big Fake and I'm currently working with ODD on another Video Documentary that will Expose every bit of this to you and provide you With Factual Evidence that your being played by the Enemy through Trump. 

I can Prove that EVERYTHING that happened at that rally IS EXACTLY how they wanted it to Happen, Even though nothing you saw there is in Reality as it seems to your Eyes and Perceived in your mind. That's because its all Fake and Lies. It was designed to fool you into Believing it was real and to have you thinking Trump was saved by an Angel.

Fake Blood Packs and Blank Bullets, a few actors to Scream Hysterically and create the panic, along with all the Talk Show Hosts and News Reporters and Media Whores to Do the Brainwashing, and boom you can convince the whole world through all 5 senses that Trump was "Shot at" at his Rally and "Saved By an Angel" and with Power like that you Really Can RALLY EVERYONE up behind  The Global Elite NWO's MVP (MOST VALUABLE PLAYER/"ACTOR") Donald-Freakin-Trump. 

And That is exactly what they did!

And BTW they are not done.

Just wait, what are you going to do when Biden steps down for Health reason and they Really Fake Trump getting Killed? 

(Because it will be Fake if they say Trump or Biden Died. That's in their Script already. I have a Copy of their Script. I know whats Coming.) 

The Right and Left are the Same People. They orgy with each other every night. 

You have been tricked. 

Both Democrat Politicians and Republican Politicians are the Exact Same and they HATE You Having Any MONEY, or RIGHTS, or VEHICLES, or PROPERTY, or CLEAN AIR, or HEALTHY FOOD, or even PURE WATER, and they are Working Together with EACH OTHER to TAKE ALL THAT FROM YOU by MANIPULATING YOU Into Giving ALL The POWER and CONTROL To The RIGHT and YOU Are Helping Them to Create something WAY WORSE Then HITLER. 

Democrat   = Socialist/Communism 

Republican = Dictatorship/Communism 

No matter what America Has been Taken over and is GOING to Convert to Communism!!

I don't Care if you Agree or Like it, its GOING to Happen. So Get Prepared!

We Cant Stop it because in order to stop them, We All have to Oppose ALL Government. 

All government is Currently Infiltrated and all of it is Evil, Satanic, and Run by Elite Pedophiles. We have to destroy all government and take our futures back or else your all fixing to be Dead and your Children are about to be enslaved and Tortured. 

Its your Choice. 

I've done all i can. 

I'll try to get this Evidence video posted very soon. In the Meantime, Listen to this Short Music Video I'm Posting Below as it Expresses to You the only Way We Could Possibly Slow, Stop,  or Change any of This Evil Globalists Takeover.

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