Monday, 29 July 2024


Is the Bio/Nano/IT Axis Planning Total War on Humanity While Telling Us, “Keep your eyes focused on Gaza?”

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[Updated on 24 June 2024.]

It has been a few heady months in the epic battle to end the slaughter in Gaza. College students launched protests in support of the Palestinians at Harvard, Colombia, Berkeley, UCLA and elsewhere in defiance of the college administrations. The Green Party candidate Jill Stein was arrested at a protest and the alternative media tells us that the anti-war movement is spreading like wildfire. And now, in response to South Africa’s formal charges of genocide, the International Court of Justice has issued an arrest warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Now the Democrats face a “never Biden” insurgency, will be forced to rethink its support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, and even embrace a “ceasefire.”

One cannot help but be caught up in the excitement of what appears to be a revival of the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, and even start humming nostalgically Crosby Stills and Nash’s “Four Dead in Ohio.”

And yet, something is not right with this picture. As soon as arrest warrant for Netanyahu is issued, he is invited to address both houses of the US Congress in July in what could well be a declaration of war on Iran.

Note that the protests are fueled by the microscopic reporting in the New York Times and Washington Post, and other establishment media, of the operations of the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza: killings of individual families, attacks on hospitals and marketplaces, and cruelties at border crossings are described in detail. 

But let us remember that those same journals were silent about murder of hundreds of thousands in Iraq (most of which took place without a single photograph anywhere), accepted at face value the ridiculously low numbers for American soldiers killed in these foreign wars, and asked no questions about the mysterious absence of American prisoners of war. Nor are those newspapers, or most of the alternative media protesters quote, discussing the brutal special operations of the United States in Haiti, throughout South America, and in Africa, let alone reporting on the horrific treatment of Americans held in prisons (where they are beaten, attacked by dogs, tortured, drugged, and murdered) which reaches a cruelty equal to that shown for Palestinians. The role of Israeli military and intelligence contractors like Elbit Systems or Magal Security Systems in all of those horror shows is completely ignored even by the most anti-war media sources. 

The narrative advanced by the students opposing the Gaza massacre relates how Israeli soldiers are cruel to Palestinians because their minds are possessed by a racist, apartheid ideology. True though this tale may be in the narrow sense, the resulting debate excludes any discussion of international class conflict (how the extreme concentration of wealth has led the billionaires to fund experiments in using extreme brutality against working people for which the slow division of Palestine with walls, and the use of the military to control all infrastructure, is a trial run), the control of capital (Israel’s role as a clearinghouse for a new generation of private equity merged with IT giants like Google, Oracle, and Apple who are using digitalization and “AI” as a means to seize control of literally everything) or technology (how the surveillance, social control, disinformation campaigns, and tracking and intelligence convergence programs run by satellites, robots, and drones are being developed in Israel for use against all of us—not just Palestinians).    

The more carefully you look at the actions taken by the IDF in Gaza, the less sense they make as strategy or policy for the citizens of Israel. The resulting anger at Israel around the world, and in the United States, makes Israel’s citizens far less safe and drastically reduces their options. In fact, the Netanyahu administration is bending over backwards to cultivate relations with antisemitic groups. 

As we know from the close friendship of Kurt Tuchler of the Zionist Federation of Germany with Leopold von Mildenstein of Jewish Desk at the security service of the SS, in Zionist politics, antisemitism is good for business.  

The attacks in Gaza are carried out in slow motion and broadcast to the entire world through the mainstream news in spite of the strangle hold of Israel lobbyists, intelligence operatives, and investment bankers on American corporate media. The truth is that the powers that be want Americans to know just how brutal the Israeli soldiers are. We are forced to reach to the conclusion that the establishment wants to make Gaza the center of attention on purpose. As J. P. Morgan noted, “Everything in politics has two reasons: a good reason and a real reason.” That reality is ignored by the critics of genocide.

The Three Taboos for the Protestors and the “Truth Tellers”

For all the good intentions of the students, and of the “independent’ journalists covering the Gaza slaughter as part of this anti-genocide movement, the whole effort is painted in the phosphorescent paint of historical nostalgia—which is smeared all over the supposed “alternative” candidates Jill Stein, and Cornel West as well (Robert Kennedy is in the blood of the Gaza up to his elbows). 

The analogy to the anti-Vietnam War protests we are force-fed is intentionally misleading. We are facing the spread of totalitarian governance around the world just has happened under the name of “fascism” in the 1930s. That global transformation of the political economy is fundamentally different than the limited anti-imperialist movement found in the protests against the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s. Perhaps the powerful want us to be historically confused. 

Three events that made the current Gaza massacre possible are left out of the discussion among the protesters. As uncomfortable as the truth may be, failure to address the real origins of this campaign in Gaza means that activists cannot comprehend the manner in which the institutional decay of Israel’s government has resulted its complete absorption into a global war against humanity that headed by the billionaires, a war that is not limited to nation states or to ethnic groups. To focus on racial animosity in Palestine is to miss the whole point.

First there is only silence on campus concerning the central role of Israeli intelligence (along with American, British and Saudi intelligence) in the execution of, and the cover up of, the 9.11 incident, a massive false flag attack designed to drag the United States into numerous foreign wars and to establish a system of secret governance in Washington that is still in place and that makes this level of US government support for Israel’s military killings possible. 

If the protesters cannot mention a single word about this central event in American history, one that resulted in a horrific fusing together of unaccountable intelligence factions in Washington and Tel Aviv which are leading the current drive for global totalitarianism, then perhaps the protests are not quite as brave, or as truthful, as they claim to be.

Another taboo topic for the protesters is the role of global pharmaceutical and IT firms, all deeply connected to Israel’s military-intelligence-technology complex, in planning and carrying out the COVID-19 operation along with partners in Mossad, in the US intelligence community, at DARPA, in private equity and investment banks, and other secret partners in Australia, Germany, Australia, China, and South Korea. Israeli companies and government institutions played key roles in brokering these contracts, and pushing through classified contracts between nation states and companies like Pfizer that made the COVID reign of terror possible.  

That is right, the most dangerous actions undertaken by Mossad and the IDF in the history of Israel, which have left millions dead and tens of millions crippled by vaccines, are not even mentioned by the protesters. Some of the Harvard protesters even posed wearing COVID-era facemasks for the photos in front of Widner Library that appeared in the New York Times. 

Finally, the deafening silence about the true nature of the October seventh “Hamas attack” among the protesters sadly revealed that the protesters are merely regurgitating establishment propaganda about the key event. (1)

Protesters accept the bankrupt argument that the problem is Israel’s “disproportionate response” to the October 7th killings of Israelis by Hamas. But evidence is piled up to the sky that the entire attack was a false flag orchestrated by factions of Israeli intelligence, with their partners in the military, industry, civil society, and yes, even some parts of Hamas, so as to justify the Gaza campaign. (2)

Moreover, the false flag attack on Israeli citizens was carried out in an intentionally sloppy and heavy-handed manner so as to permanently corrupt the political discourse in Israel and the United States by forcing citizens to embrace assumptions that they know full well were false. When Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated on June that after the bogus peace talks with a puppet regime Hamas that responsibility for further fighting was “on them” he opened up the door to an Alice in Wonderland post-truth diplomacy. If those seeking peace must accept the bogus tale of hostage exchanges made up by the backroom boys before they can be a part of any political debate, then the whole purpose of these discussions with “Hamas” is to degrade, to reduce to junk, all discourse.

The brutal killing of Palestinians is not simply the result of racist soldiers following orders from cruel generals, but rather the natural consequence of an Israeli government that follows orders from the agents of private equity that have taken control of the governments of Israel, the United States, and Great Britain (and other nations) and who wish to destroy civil society and to force citizens to accept a brutal new form of politics—starting with Israel and Palestine. Framing the problem as simply a result of a racist Israel creates an intellectual dead end that is designed to trap the well-meaning, but cowardly, in a hall of mirrors that paralyzes and ends political action. 

Is not the myopic focus on Gaza is the geopolitical equivalent of a “get your hand out my pocket” moment that is perfectly timed to distract us during the seizure of control of the United States, and other nations of the world, by a handful of private equity firms using IT giants to assume all regular functions of government while preparing another international security crisis that will allow them to spring the trap?

Israel is quite helpful for the super-rich, always willing to play the bad cop and offer up private intelligence firms and mercenary teams that are happy to do just about anyone’s dirty work. Israel also a great prize because it offers up negative headlines that draw attention away from greater evils. That is right, one of Israel’s propaganda roles is making the criminal and unaccountable US military appear good by comparison.  

The Treason of the Intellectuals

You might think that in a crisis of this scale that American intellectuals would be rising to the occasion, denouncing these deep crimes. You would be wrong. 

Most everyone who is presented as anti-establishment and anti-war has signed a secret contract with the devil. 

They embrace a reductionist narrative of the Gaza attacks focused on how Israel as a nation state is being unfair to Palestinians. 

The real agenda is swept under the carpet by these accomplished scholars. 

The real agenda is the stealthy militarization of the economy, the controlled demolition of the courts, the destruction of money, the takeover of agriculture and water by multinational corporations, the establishment of an armed monopoly of distribution and logistics, the secret control of hospitals and universities through classified directives from the NSA, and other preparations for the complete control of all economic and political activity. 

That is precisely what Cornell West and Chris Hedges are not talking about. 

Erudite public intellectuals like John Mearsheimer at University of Chicago, Jeffery Sachs at Columbia University, General Douglas McGregor, or Scott Ridder, push a Gaza-centric narrative that is not technically wrong. The account they give of what Israel is doing on the ground in Gaza, and its geopolitical implications is accurate, but woefully incomplete. These experts are silent as the tomb about Israel’s role in facilitating the takeover of all the major governments of the world by Oracle, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, or how Israeli private intelligence works with those companies to take down whole nations, to allow for the converts control food and medicine, education and journalism, water and energy, by a handful of trusts that cannot be named. This is a global project for which Israel serves as the battering ram.

Tellingly, there is not a word in the debate on Israel at Ivy League campuses that is based on the fine analysis of Jeff Halper, a scholar active in Israel and the United States who demonstrates in his article “We are all being Palestinized” (3) how Israel serves as a clearing house for new weapons, and social control systems, that are being marketed around the world to just about any government or corporation that will pay. 

Students protesters do not quote Antony Loewenstein’s book The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World (4) which limns the commercialization of the Israeli pacification techniques, from surveillance to lawfare, by corporations and nations of all shapes and sizes, as part of a global takeover which ultimately has little to do with Palestinians.

Nor do those standing in solidarity with the Palestinians showing much interest in Said Saddiki’s book World of Walls: The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers (5) that dissects the profitable business of creating strategic separations in communities based on the techniques developed in the occupied territories using walls, biometric IDs and surveillance, and how those same firms are also successfully bidding for Homeland Security contracts to build high-tech barriers US-Mexican border, as well as bidding for the security and surveillance contracts at your local shopping mall or power plant.

Wall surrounding Gaza

Wall on US-Mexican border built by Israeli firm

The Israeli military intelligence complex has perfected the techniques developed by the US in the Phoenix Program in Vietnam for brutal social control (which was based on techniques taken from British East India Corporation). They are perfecting the techniques in Gaza, but their work on the 9/11 incident and the COVID-19 operation were also critical to the project. To leave those two operations out of the equation is to paint a one-dimensional Israel that makes no sense.

Remember the excitement about a great victory over the globalists whipped up in the days before the WHO meetings to approve amendments to the infamous pandemic treaty at the beginning of this month. The alternative media was filled then with reports that the WHO’s bid to seize control of our bodies of all of humanity had been thwarted by protests. Peter Koenig’s article in Global Research declared on June 3, “WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now.”  (6) But it was all a big fake out, one launched at precisely the moment that national leaders had been cowed into silence by the near successful assassination of Robert Fico of Slovakia and by threats behind the scenes against other public figures.

Now that same alternative media, is telling us that Israel is on the ropes and the anti-globalists are winning in Europe. But those new leaders of the so-called “conservatives” have not promised to take any meaningful steps against the reign of terror by multinational corporations—they have only made vague anti-vaccine declarations and will double down on enforcement of secrecy, give the government extraordinary martial powers, privatize police functions, and gear up for world war.

Israel as the engine driving the bio-nano-IT juggernaut against humanity is not on the ropes; the business for using bio-surveillance and the next-generation of vaccines employing advanced nano-technology to mow down the citizens of the earth is booming.

The critiques of these public intellectuals are focused on Netanyahu and Biden, but they never admit that these two sad old men are but the patsies in the plans of the big boys. They purposely kept both in power past their expiration dates, rendering them as lame politicians, hated by their own citizens, who can be removed from power at any time.

The Netanyahu and Biden administrations are designed to allow immunity from all accountability for the consulting firms actually directing the puppet show.

We must face the bitter truth that the partial truth tellers, limited hangout self-promoters, like Tucker Carson, Scott Ritter, and Larry Johnson generously provide us with a false narrative that is sweetened by a thin topping of anti-establishment rhetoric. They are intentionally covering up the most serious threat of all: the unlimited class warfare of the billionaires against all of humanity.

A Final Solution with a Human Face?

The super-rich have pulled out all the stops, and called in all their puppets, whether progressive or conservative, black or white, Christian or Muslim. We are being prepped to accept that a group of fascistic politicians in Europe and the United States groomed by the bankers were somehow our choice.

The struggles between nation states and ethnic groups are real; the massacres in Gaza are no show. Moreover, the crackdowns on student protests at Harvard and Columbia are an attack on due process meant as blatant intimidation for all citizens. At the same time, all these events are but one part of a larger struggle that has been purposely highlighted at the expense of even more dangerous transformations. 

There are two kinds of wars taking place today in precisely the same way that there were two kinds wars waged during the 1940s. 

Today we are treated to an unending narrative about Israel’s crimes in Gaza that leaves no space for a deeper consideration of how Israel functions in the global economy, or how it plays the central role in assisting IT corporations, private intelligence firms, and mercenaries to plan and enforce the great lockdown of humanity from Shanghai to Istanbul, from London to Melbourne, from Seoul to Chicago.

Similarly, newspaper headlines screamed out about Germany’s military incursions on the Eastern front against Russia, and on the Southern and Western fronts against Great Britain and the United States, during the Second World War, grabbing the public’s attention. But at that very moment, the governments of America and Britain were mum about the final solution, the quiet war against unarmed citizens undertaken by Germany’s operatives in central and eastern Europe.

In spite of public demonstrations at home, and the presentation to the British and American governments of carefully documented materials by refugees that proved without a doubt that the campaign was real, Roosevelt and Churchill remained silent (7) about the plans to secretly kill off tens of millions of people in Eastern and Central Europe, starting with Jews, Gypsies, and other ethnic minorities, and extending to Russian prisoners of war. Move over, those killings were just the start of a larger plan for depopulation that would be implemented as soon as Russia had been conquered.   

Just as Amazon and Google stand to make untold fortunes for the rich from the current final solution against humanity using vaccines, nano-weapons, and the internet of distraction and confusion which is designed to dumb down and pacify the population, so also IBM and Ford Motor Company had their fingers deep the Nazi project of invisible warfare against the people, and would have been part of the profitable plan to liquify tens of millions more in Russia, and elsewhere, if Germany had been successful.

If Google obtained Homeland Security contracts for contact tracing so as to enforce COVID-19 vaccines, so also did IBM obtain contracts with the SS to use its punch card computers to keep track of the secret German cattle cars that dashed between European capitals and death camps. (8) Just as Apple uses the slave labor made available by the COVID-19 biomedical regime to assemble Apple Watches cheaply in Thailand, so also Ford Motors used the slave labor of the death camps for its assembly lines. (9)

The hidden war in Europe from the formation of a chain of command for the Einsatzgruppen in 1939 to the Wannsee Conference of 1942 that systematized the existing plans for mass killings of unwanted people, was plenty real, even if invisible. A similar biomedical system for global genocide coordinated by factions at Mossad and DARPA, and their allies in IT and the pharmaceutical industry, is being constructed behind walls of secrecy as we speak today.

The blank-face horror of the moral and ideological collapse of the 1940s was best articulated by the slogan placed at the entrance to the deathcamp Auschwitz, “Arbeit macht frei” (work will set you free), that welcomed those getting off the trains in expectation of employment into a slaughterhouse.

In the current war on humanity, the innocuous equivalent for the youth who are being led to the slaughter by mind-numbing video games, pornography and Instagram behavior modification projects, and next-generation vaccines, is Apple’s “Think different.”  

When George Orwell wrote that “history stopped in 1936,” he was referring to the devastatingly complete victory of “politics over truth,” as Hannah Arendt put it, in Europe. The complete breakdown of a journalistic and intellectual discourse rooted in reality that Orwell witnessed then was not different from the web of lies produced by the COVID regime that has caught intellectuals like flies in a spider’s web.

For Orwell, that death of truth and history made possible the fascist attack on Guernica on April 26, 1937. And that, in turn, made the invasion of Russia and the final solution acceptable, or at least bearable, for the general population. Deep psychological trauma opened the gates to hell.

Similarly, the genocide in Gaza is not simply an emotional attack on the Palestinians by irrational racist Jews, but is a strategic show of contempt for moral norms and international law identical to the attack on Guernica by the Fascists in 1937. Guernica allowed for the testing of new incendiary explosives, and dive bombers, that would later be put to use in the invasion of Poland and the campaign towards Moscow. The attack on Gaza serves a similar purpose. 

As fantastic as the concept of killing off entire populations for profit may sound to us, this business model is nothing new. It was carried out against the native peoples of North and South America from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, including the use of biological weapons and information warfare to confuse and divide the resistance. It was carried out in the Congo by Belgium financial interests, and in Turkey and in Eastern Europe, and it has been tried elsewhere.

The plan for “Greater Israel” is not merely an extension of political and territorial control from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem, to the entirety of Palestine, and beyond to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Greater Israel extends beyond the region to include the control of electric grids in Shanghai and New Orleans, the management of safety systems for power plants throughout the Middle East, the security software (and perhaps even the launch codes) for the US Strategic Command, and the databases of the Sandia National Laboratories by agile Israeli-based IT firms that constantly change their camouflage. 

Brutal at the Gaza cleansing may be, there is nothing emotional or ideological about it. It is but a cold calculation made by the predatory financial-technological system that controls Israel’s government completely, but that also has its fingers in the endowments of Harvard and Columbia, and that is designing health care centers, charter schools, AI-based safety protocols, innovative prisons and corrective facilities, and military bases and immigrant detention facilities across the country in preparation for something unspeakable, something coming very soon, something still hidden behind classified directives and nondisclosure agreements as it slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1) Red Pill Expo “Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9.11” Richard Gage 9/11

(2) “Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag?” Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 01, 2024

(3) “We are all being Palestinized” Jeff Halper, Covert Action Magazine, December 27, 2023

(4) The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World Antony Loewenstein, Verso Books, 2023

(5) World of Walls: The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers Said Saddiki, Open Edition Books, 2017

(6) “WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now.”   Peter Koenig, Global Research, June 3, 2024

(7) “Witness to the Persecution: The Allies and the Holocaust: A Review Essay” Deborah E. Lipstadt, Modern Judaism (Oxford University Press) Vol. 3, No. 3 (Oct., 1983), pp. 319-338

(8) IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful CorporationEdwin Black, Cambridge University Press, 2011

(9) “Documents Reveal Ford Was Part of the Auschwitz Industrial Complex” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 23, 1999

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