Monday 4 December 2023


Zionist – Freemasonic – Jesuit Agendas in Conflict or Superposition: End Times’ Sequence & Trajectories

Megalommatis’s Blog

Shrewd commentators, who oppose present world’s negative developments and nature, find* that, within the context of divided Christianity, “healing the schism would be great”, and that there are “forces trying to bring the two churches together” (Catholic & Orthodox).

However, they also observe that, on the other hand, other projects, like the notorious, Kalergi plan and the ongoing Islamist immigration, truly gain momentum. Finding the two trends opposite to one another, they ask “why would Rome lay down to this?”.

Christian Reunification, Kalergi Plan, Mass Immigration, Europe’s Islamization – Zionists, Freemasons, Jesuits

The present article explains why the two, seemingly opposite, spirals and dynamics correspond to either different agendas or different agendas’ chapters and serve diverse trajectories, without truly being opposite to one another.

Indeed, it makes no sense for the European Christian churches (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) to reunite together, if one accepts to be overridden by the Islamization process. However, at this point, there are at work different projects and trajectories that are promoted by opposite forces, without however being frontally opposite to one another.


I. Anti-Messianic, Anti-Eschatological Freemasons: the Apostate Lodge


You know that the ‘elite’ is not one, but divided into Jesuits, Freemasons, and Zionists and each group has its centuries-old (or rather millennia-long) agenda. In addition, there are internal factions, which also pursue divergent agendas; in other words, these internal splits and factions do not exist for any other reason except agenda differentiation.

The main forces involved and their different agendas reveal automatically the existence of diverse eschatological/messianic plans or the absence / rejection thereof. (The latter is also to be reckoned with.)


The atheistic lodge Grand Orient de France (this is the bulk of the Scottish / French rite in France: it controls Le Droit Humain lodges and it is engaged in fierce fighting against the Grande Loge Nationale Francaise, which is an English rite outfit in France) not only does not promote eschatological / messianic plans, but also opposes all existing ones, be they Freemasonic, Jesuit or Zionist of origin/nature.

II. Schism within Ashkenazi, pseudo-Jewish, Khazarian Zionism

When I was in Israel (1984-1985) during my postgraduate studies (Egyptology / Assyriology), I came upon a Zionist branch that was also anti-eschatological and anti-messianic. What did they teach / propagate in their seminars? That the Messiah had already come, that ‘he’ is Eretz (the state of) Israel, and that we therefore live in the messianic times, when the Messiah (Israel) will progressively outshine the rest of the world (the Goyim).

So, it is only normal for that Zionist branch to cooperate with Grand Orient de France and with other similar forces (within the Zionist universe and outside of it) in order to promote stability and permanence of the Post WW II world. (By the way, the Clintons belong to this faction, contrarily to Netanyahu.)

The aforementioned two cases are only examples.

The Greater Israel plan is then not necessarily supported by all Zionist groups, because any plan linked to a personal Messiah would be rejected by the Zionists who identify the Messiah with the state of Israel itself.

However, I would say that today the mainstream Zionist world backs the Greater Israel plan; they associate a person with it; they prepare the erection of the Third Temple; some even say in public that they have identified who the future King of Israel is. Few boast having met him in person! And others try to conceal that they have truly come face to face with that atrocious creature. This Zionist plan entails various global developments and the rise of a sizeable Israel (from Euphrates to the Nile) to global prominence.

Before explaining what this can eventually mean, I would say that opposite eschatological / messianic plans (those of the Freemasons, of the Jesuits, and eventually of others) may

a. either be in direct opposition with the aforementioned (‘mainstream’) Zionist plan

b. or move on different trajectories that follow different time perspectives (what we would define as ‘short-run’, ‘mid-run’, long-run’).

This means that the force that promotes a long-run plan can eventually, under some conditions, and within some limits, may consent to a short-term planeven if it from the first sight looks extremely opposite to the long-run plan. They may even use it – and this, I believe, is the true nature of the present Jesuit-Zionist alliance; that’s why Francis I avoids criticizing homosexuality, etc., etc., etc. These are minor and trivial points, if compared to the foremost geopolitical-eschatological plans of the Jesuit Order.

III. Each eschatological/messianic agenda involves also a different Messiah

Most people believe that ‘the elite’ wants to prepare the necessary conditions for their (fake) Messiah/Christ, who will be the long awaited Antichrist. This is very wrong; in fact, there will be many false Christs (pseudo-Christs) and only the last and more powerful one will be the Antichrist (the one mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and in Daniel). This is also consistent with Jesus’ prophecy or description of End times’ stages, namely the statement that ‘many’ will come pretending they are the Christ/Messiah.

I don’t believe that only Zionists, Freemasons and Jesuits will come up with their Messiahs, each of them with a different guy. There will be more than just three pseudo-Christs. There will be an Orthodox Russian Christ (at least there is a plan providing for him, elaborated among some independent circles in Russia); there will be at least two Mahdis (a Shia and a Sunni); there will be a Parsist Shosyant, and many other religions’ or sects’ expected messianic figures will appear too. This makes sense, and it only reconfirms Jesus’ words that “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Mark 13:8 New International Version – NIV).

{Key note: I never use KJV by the way – I did crosscheck it with the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgata texts in hundreds of excerpts, and in most of the cases, the meaning of the text was terribly altered to be evidently adapted to Freemasonic concepts. KJV is an untrustworthy forgery and a theological fornication.}

The below interpretational diagrams are all wrong and simplistic:

  1. the Zionist Messiah is the Antichrist
  2. the Islamist Mahdi is the Antichrist

(actually no Muslim will believe a Mahdi without a re-appearing Islamic Prophet Jesus, so in that case, one has to expect a tandem or to see fake persons impersonating the roles ascribed to Mahdi and to Jesus as Islamic Prophet)

  1. the Zionist Messiah will eliminate the Islamist Mahdi
  2. the Islamist Mahdi will prevail over the Zionist Messiah

IV. A reminiscence of the end times of the Roman Res Publica

I believe that, in several successive ‘stages’ of 3.5 or 7 years duration (and this depends on what one considers as ‘stage’), three major circles will be completed.

I feel that these circles will be a sort of reminiscence of (or will have some analogy with) the last century of Roman Res Publica, which led to Imperium: Sulla-Cinna-Marius / Crassus-Pompey-Caesar / Marc Antony-Lepidus-Octavian Augustus. The three circles will be as follows.

V. Zionist Agenda & the Khazarian Greater Israel

Greater Israel – For this purpose, mainstream Zionists need to ensure:

1. the pulverization of several surrounding Middle Eastern states (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia) by different means, military, socio-political, geotechnical engineering (Egypt can entirely disappear with the quasi-totality of its population within few hours, if a 9.4 Richter earthquake takes place in Aswan and brings down the High Dam).

((By the way, the Amhara/Tigray Abyssinians, who control the vast colonial state of ‘Ethiopia’ with numerous subjugated nations that strive for national independence, and who are the allies of the Israeli Khazarian Zionists, have a seven centuries old ‘prophecy’, which became known to Westerners in the late 18th century; according to this ‘vision’, their state at the End Times would share borders – dividing Egypt – with a Jewish state named ‘Israel’ and located in Palestine. When this was published, there was no Zionist Congress!))

2. the collapse of Europe – and here fits the Kalergi plan

3. the first, small, ‘contained’ nuclear war between Russia and America that will destroy northern parts of European Russia and America’s East Coast

Jesuits accept most of this plan, but Freemasons oppose it in various ways. So, Freemasonic endeavors in opposition to the Zionist agenda may involve the following:

1. various defense lines against terrorists in Syria & Iraq; support of Iran (Freemasons have infiltrated extensively the Ayatullah regime)

2. the re-emergence of European totalitarianism, spirituality, and imperium

3. the preparations for the re-establishment of the US as a genuine republican state (as conceived by the Founding Fathers) in a small part of today’s US territory, mainly in the mountainous parts of the Middle West.

For Greater Israel to be truly a global power, there have to take place two different types of development:

a. Israel must expand territorially while major countries of the region have to disappear


b. Europe, Russia and America have to be pulled into an abysmal maelstrom of destruction, contraction, and insignificance

It seems there are two diverse options for Russia’s & America’s contraction, one being the aforementioned, ‘contained’ nuclear war, and the other involving

i. extraordinary natural disasters occurring in both, the eastern and the western extremities of the US and

ii. ‘color revolution’ against Kremlin.

In any case, great importance is given so that the area around Samara, Astrakhan, and the northern shores of the Caspian Sea is always protected.

The reason for this is that the local population in that region is not Russian, truly speaking, but Khazarian; there lies the epicenter of the Zionist Khazarian conspiracy.

Naive commentators, who express doubts about the veracity of the Greater Israel agenda, ask how Israel with its present, limited population can occupy vast lands of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, NW Saudi Arabia, and Egypt that are today inhabited by more than 100 million people!

Those commentators don’t know that a second ‘aliyah’ can take place (like that of the year 1945-1948) and 15-20 million ‘hidden’ ‘Jews’ (in reality: Khazarians presently impersonating Russians) can move to live in the Saudi Red Sea coast north of Jeddah, in the Egyptian Red Sea coast, in Sinai and in the Syrian desert. To support this enormous movement, the vast know-how currently acquired in the Zionist Emirates (UAE) will be transferred to the said territories in order to turn the desert into a green land.

As per the terms of the Jesuit-Zionist alliance, the Catholic Church can transfer the Holy See to Jerusalem, if (or when) Rome, Italy and Europe collapse in anarchy, Euro-Islamist wars (I don’t call them civil wars, because Islamist immigrants are alien elements in Europe), and total chaos. This perspective is viewed as inevitable by the Jesuits – and actually by all. And by evidently contributing to Europe’s decomposition, the Jesuits only demonstrate their solidarity with the Zionists, whom they surely cheat superbly as regards the final stages of the Jesuit agenda.

So, the plan to unite all churches has a global appeal, whereas local level socio-economic-political-cultural-spiritual power across Europe seems to be of little interest for the Jesuits. This is not strange:

first, their main focus is elsewhere, and

second, the Jesuits know that, after Europe’s descent to disorder and chaos, the power that will rise will be Freemasonic or if you prefer Nordic-Germanic, Gnostic, Hermetic, Wagnerian, Arian (the early Christian heresy) or ‘pagan’.

Use whatever word you want, but it will be an anti-Catholic, anti-Orthodox, anti-Jesuit Christianity with references to Merovingian bloodline and other extra-Christian literature.

VI. The Rise of the New Roman (European) Empire

For this purpose, Freemasons need to ensure:

1. A low degree destruction in the Middle East, which will also involve the following:

– preservation of Iran,

– creation of ‘Kurdistan’ on only Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish territories,

– formation of a Sunni central Iraqi state,

– emergence of a Shia state in South Iraq and the NE confines of Saudi Arabia (Dammam), and

– expansion of Jordan across NW quarter of Saudi Arabia

2. a. the total destruction of all democratic concepts and ideas in Europe, the formation of military groups that, after the fight against and the elimination of the Islamists, will rise to absolute power and impose a Freemasonic, pseudo-Christian, European Imperial state that will look closer to Mithraic Iranian Arsacid Empire, to Gnostic-Hermetic Christianity, and to Hyperborean cults and traditions.

2. b. During the forthcoming chaos across Europe, the Freemasons will spearhead the destruction of Rome and the conversion of most of the Christian churches in Western, Central and Northern Europe into pseudo-Christian Freemasonic temples. So, at that stage, the tactical interests of the Freemasons and the Zionists will converge again.

Another factor related to the destruction of Rome, which can also explain why the Jesuits seem indifferent to this forthcoming event, is the perplex phenomenon of the Fatima apocalyptic visions (six apparitions from 13th May to 13th October 1917) and the associated Miracle of Sun. In spite of the terrible measures taken to prevent the diffusion of the truth and despite the enormous volumes of lies spread on this subject by the official Catholic Church in order to confuse and disorient every concerned explorer, many came to know that the Fatima apocalyptic visions do actually concern the end of the Catholic Church as we have known it until now.

So, I conclude that the Jesuits realized (particularly after the end of WW II) that the overall sociopolitical and cultural developments across Europe would make Traditional Catholic and Protestant Christianity irrevocably unsustainable in Rome, Italy & Europe, and they therefore shaped their End Times plans accordingly.

3. the decadence of Russia (options of ‘color revolution’ or other type of turmoil are under discussion, but not the ‘contained’ nuclear war option) and the implosion of the US (following economic collapse rather than natural disaster, although Freemasons too seem to believe that some type of East Coast natural disaster is inevitable). Following the collapse of central authority (or the submersion of Washington D.C. or the destruction caused by the limited and ‘contained’ nuclear war), the different parts of the elite will live in underground cities or secluded territories. Then, vast lands of today’s American territory will plunge in chaos and they will be ruled by local thugs and gangsters. However, some form of republican state with public order and discipline will emerge in the mountainous parts of the American Middle West.

The New Roman-European Empire will be a totalitarian state compared to which Hitler’s Germany would look like a liberal-anarchical spot. To its citizens, it will be a very happy realm, because practically speaking the outright majority of the indigenous European population, previously outraged because of the Islamists’ unprecedented barbarism, will support the anti-Islamist and anti-Jewish resistance, struggle, and victory of the brave European fighters.

The end result will be that they will get rid of all troubles, because the great warriors will exterminate all Islamists, Jews (Sephardic or Ashkenazi Khazarians), leftists, homosexuals, liberal-socialists, and other dissident elements. To imagine how terrible the next European war will be, one must consider approximately 50 million people dead from the borders of Russia to the Atlantic in a period of 3-4 years; some cities will surely look worse than Syria’s Aleppo.

However, this shocking situation will bring forth splendid results: materialism, consumerism, hedonism and pacifism will have disappeared – along with humanism. The era that started with Copernicus will have ended in Europe. The imperial rise will be very fast, because spiritual powers, techniques, and endeavors will be pursued, and demonic hierarchies will highly contribute to the restoration of the Anti-(Pseudo-)Christian order and authority. A new technology will appear that will be spiritual rather than material of nature. Europe will then believe in  forms of Mithraism, Gnostic Christianity, and Arianism that were thought to have been irreversibly uprooted back in the 4th century.

The rise of the European Empire will be simultaneous with the fall of Greater Israel and the final disarray of the Muslim World from Mauritania to India. With America’s, Russia’s, India’s, and Israel’s power decreasing, the purified European Empire will be a meteoric phenomenon and the leader of the struggle against the Islamist immigrants and the erratic Jews will be catapulted to absolute power. This person will be very different from the common, materialistic leaders and fake Messiahs of the Zionists and the Muslims.

Europe’s power will spread across Africa, Latin America, and large parts of Asia. Islam will be abolished, and for some time it will look as if it totally disappeared. Israel will disintegrate, and a peace will be imposed among local populations of different backgrounds as the only means to survive; the real Third Temple will be built then, because the earlier built Zionist edifice will be a fake replica. The Third Temple will be indeed Satan’s temple par excellence. The European Emperor will first be called divine (in imitation of Ancient Roman titulary) and then worshipped as god. He will be the Final False Christ, the ‘Antichrist’.

This will be an era of major natural disasters and several parts of the Earth will disappear following catastrophic earthquakes, enormous tsunamis, and calamitous sidereal phenomena. It will also be a time a nefarious diseases rapidly spread across vast territories and with many hundreds of millions of dead (“He will destroy many in a time of peace”). The Zionists will have almost disappeared, but this will not be the same for the Jesuits.

It goes without saying that Official Christianity either Roman Catholic or Eastern Roman Orthodox will be persecuted and uprooted as Satanic heresy across the European Empire.


VII. Jesuit Christianity and its Survival at the times of the European Empire

Where will the main center of the Jesuits be located at those days? In the countries toward which their focus has already shifted, but the world’s media -deliberately or due to oversight- ignore this remarkable change.

In fact, the brief and straight answer to the original question (as expressed in the second paragraph of this article) is this:

After the end of WW II, the Jesuits have concluded that

a. Europe is definitely rotten

b. Christianity in Europe is irreversibly dead

c. their power in Europe will never ever rise again

d. Europe will be controlled either by Freemasons or Zionists to its end

e. it makes therefore no sense to Jesuits to oppose the Zionist agenda in Europe, since even if they achieve to avert it, their power will not increase, and at the end the Anti-Christian Freemasons will prevail.

f. at the present moment, because of the aforementioned, and despite the Freemasonic interest in setting up an immense empire headquartered somewhere in Central-Northern Europe, it looks like all three major secret societies, Freemasonry, Societas Jesu, and the Zionist Khazarians, want to see the present European structure destroyed – each for different reasons.

(((This does not mean that their puppets – Freemason Holland, Zionist Sarkozy, Jesuit Fillon, Jesuits Anthony Blair and Theresa May, Freemasons Gordon Brown & David Cameron, Freemasons Francois Mitterrand, Helmut Kohl, and Jacques Chirac, Jesuit Angela Merkel, and others – want to truly and consciously destroy their homeland, as many people may imagine mistakenly. All the statesmen and politicians, who belong to today’s European political microcosm, believe that they contribute to the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions and to the elimination of the major problems. This is the result a. of the nature of our world, b. of the overwhelming deception that applies across the board and at all levels, and c. of the function of the three secret and hierarchical societies to which all these persons belong. The initiation to another, higher degree always means partly rejection of earlier beliefs, assumptions and understandings; or to put it otherwise, these secret societies’ superior members always keep the lower members misinformed or uninformed.)))

g. consequently, the Jesuits – already before many decades – knew that they had to put all their stakes on one (or more) strong, ancient, coherent, yet politically deceived and disoriented nation that had not yet been Christened. You certainly understand immediately that I mean China.

Today, in South Korea, all Christian denominations total around 30-35% among the indigenous people. In Japan, a great part of folk Shinto lean to various branches of Christianity. The same occurs in Taiwan where many non-religious people turn to different Christian churches. More importantly, in China, Buddhists total 18%, Christians are around 5%, and the unaffiliated make more than half the population, with many converting to Christianity every day.

These countries are the main focus of the Jesuits; they expect a great return to religion and spirituality when an economic collapse will bring despair to the outright majority of the population in all these countries. When bloody conflicts and devastating wars, nightmarish diseases, ominous famines, and unique natural disasters will be hitting the rest of the world, China will rise as the Christian country par excellence.

That’s why the Freemasons try to compromise this perspective by deliberately contributing to the worsening of the relations between North Korea and South Korea, and to the degradation of the relations between China and the US, so that if there has to be a limited, ‘contained’ nuclear war, this takes place between China and the US, and not between Russia and the US. That’s why we hear rumors of wars coming from one or the other side of the Eurasiatic landmass.

VIII. The demise of the Anti-Christian Roman Empire

For this purpose, Jesuits need to ensure:  

1. the advance of the Zionist agenda in the Middle East

 2. the advance of the Zionist and the Freemasonic agendas in Europe

 3. the mutual regression of Russia and America

 4. the successful rise of the European Empire under the Antichrist; in the first part of his rule, they will not oppose / challenge him. They expect the Two Prophets to appear as soon as he has the Third Temple erected, and then they will start opposing him.


Jesuits know very well that it is their own task to prepare a Chinese army of 200 million soldiers and turn it against the European Emperor – Antichrist, when he will encircle China and East Asia from all parts. They expect that moment to come with the end of the Two Prophets’ ministry and Jesus’ Second Coming. But this is wrong and, although they play their game at the long-run and they are therefore superior to the rest, they will only cheat themselves. Their end will be even more spectacular.

Now, who Jesus will be, how he will first appear, how he will engulf his enemies into their own traps, who will stand by him, who will oppose -and how- the Antichrist, this is another, very vast, topic.

However, the idea of just a frontal battle between two persons is really childish and inconsistent with the Christian texts to say the least. By this, I don’t limit the topic to just few false Christs, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the Two Prophets, and Jesus.

There will also be many other persons who will play a very important role. Already the Book of the Revelation (ch. 14) speaks of two different persons: the Lamb and the 144000 virgin soldiers (verses 1-5) and the End times King, someone “like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head”, who will eliminate the sinful and the evil (verses 14-19). Believing that the two persons are one is sheer distortion, and this confusion has been spread by many theologians related to all three aforementioned secret societies.

The number of important persons expected to appear at the End of Times is not limited in the aforementioned; in Matthew XII, 41-42, Jesus states that, on Judgment Day, Assyrians (“men of Nineveh“) will come back to engage in battle against “this generation” (sheer reference to the evil, Maccabee-origin Pharisees whom he rejected).

Further on, Jesus mentions an entire southern (Queen of South) nation that will emerge at the same time to also oppose and fight against “this generation”. This nations’ magistrates will also be key persons of the End times.

That is to say, most of today interpreters, irrespective of denomination or religion, try to adjust their holy texts to their desires and wishes, be they theological or political, and in the process they strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

Now, what the Kalergi plan is, why a Freemason envisioned it, what his intentions were, and in what he was managed and maneuvered without his choosing, this is a totally different topic basically spiritual of nature.

However, despite ‘his’ false claims, Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi did not originate from the Eastern Roman nobility; neither the Cretan Kallergis family (of which he was an offspring) did. Many Greeks, who moved to Tsarist Russia in the late 18th and early 19th c., were impressed by, and envied, Russian nobility; so, when they returned to their Ottoman-occupied homeland, they brought with them the myth and the falsely risen claims of Eastern Roman Imperial nobility. Now, whether Richard Nikolaus knew that his family’s claims were fake and unsubstantiated or not, this is anyone’s guess. As a matter of fact, Kallergis family members had risen those claims for at least a century, before Richard Nikolaus was born.



* Robert Reyvolt in Incendiary Radio w/ Robert Reyvolt – April 2, 2017 Hour 2


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