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VIDEO - Interview with Rebel News (Sep.23, 2022) - the only Interview Rebel News has had the courage to do with me - early interview on Turbo Cancer

VIDEO - Interview with Rebel News (Sep.23, 2022) - the only Interview Rebel News has had the courage to do with me - early interview on Turbo Cancer


You know, this is one of the worst side effect profiles that I know of, of any pharmaceutical product that's come to market.


Of the 11 doctors that I have in my database who died just in July of 2022, they only put one of those doctors on their page and they ignored the other 10.


Tamara Ugolini here with Rebel News bringing you an interview with a doctor who has tried to formally sound the alarm with Canada's Medical Association, that's the CMA, regarding the unprecedented and arguably the untimely death of 32 Canadian physicians over the last year and a half.


The CMA coins itself as the national voice of Canadian medical professionals and their opening line on their About Us page notes that they


unite physicians who believe in a better future of health.


They even want to bring in a new culture of health that elevates physician well-being.


But how can that be if they stay eerily silent on the suspicious and relatively new phenomenon of sudden adult death of these 32 Canadian doctors?


Joining me now to discuss is Dr William Makis.


I'm a nuclear medicine physician.


I trained at McGill University.


I obtained my medical degree there.


And I also obtained my specialty in nuclear medicine, radiology and oncology.


And I've been practicing for a few years.


And so I have expertise both in radiology and oncology.


Now, at the onset of your letter, you refer to COVID-19 vaccine mandates as being illegal and unscientific.


what was it that brought you to this conclusion?


I had reviewed the CMA Code of Ethics the Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta Standards of Practice and really when you go through those two documents you come to the conclusion that really the mandating of an experimental pharmaceutical product


It violates numerous codes of ethics in medicine.


And in terms of legality, you know, some people may may argue that point.


Certainly, the courts have not really addressed the legality of it.


But in terms of Alberta, when you look at the Health Professions Act, I do believe that the vaccine mandates if they had been thoroughly examined by the court would be found to be illegal.


And you kind of touched a little bit on my next question there, which was that you mentioned that the CMA violated their own code of ethics.


Is there anything specifically in there that you can reference to and how they violated that code?


The Canadian Medical Association has a very significant presence on social media, certainly on Twitter.


You will find that the past presidents, Dr Catherine Smart,


and the current president, Dr. Alika LaFontaine are both very active on Twitter.


They both support vaccinations in patient populations where in my medical opinion, the risk of vaccine injury far outweighs any possible benefit.


You know, we're talking children of all ages, pregnant women.


They are very vocal about


supporting the use of mRNA vaccines in those populations.


Also, they've been very vocal about supporting the use of vaccine mandates on all healthcare workers in Canada, not just Canada's 92,000 physicians.


So they've been very vocal.


Anyone can go and look up what the CMA is putting out as an organization in terms of


um you know the mandates and the mRNA vaccines but also the individual presidents themselves.


And I was going to bring that up as well that you specifically targeted these the two presidents of the CMA.


We know as you've pointed out also in this letter that vaccine manufacturers will not be liable for any potential harms that their products have caused.


What kind of repercussions do you think that these presidents could face if it turns out that they were in fact on the wrong side of history with pushing


You know, I believe that certainly as healthcare professionals who have concerns about the side effect profile of these vaccines, you know, this is one of the worst side effect profiles that I know of any pharmaceutical product that's come to market.


I mean, if you look at the VAERS database of deaths and injuries, you know, we have deaths in the tens of thousands.


injuries in the hundreds of thousands or more.


So, you know, the side effect profile of these products is pretty horrific.


So I think, you know, as, you know, physicians and healthcare workers, we have to stand up, we have to push back.


And, you know, I've pushed back legally against Alberta Health Services


and against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, both of whom have tried to silence me on Twitter, both of whom had gone to court and had argued that the court itself must suspend my charter rights to freedom of expression.


They've brought two emergency injunction applications to court to really try to have my Twitter account shut down, any social media presence shut down.


So, you know, I feel it is my duty as a physician


um really to push back when i see um you know something being done that is unethical unscientific uh in my professional capacity and in my experience you know i i feel i need to push back and i feel others should as well that feeling of that compelled feeling to speak out when you see something that's wrong and specifically with your expertise as a radiologist and a physician um


when we hear a lot or at least I hear a lot of some of these adults the physicians that died suddenly right we know that there's that this this new phenomenon of sudden adult death and people on social media are saying well they had cancer and it wasn't a reaction it was cancer what would you say to someone who's espousing that thought so first I would say you know if someone is really concerned about


you know, the several physicians in, you know, the list that I had put out of 32 physicians who had died suddenly and unexpectedly.


Yes, five of them had died of cancer.


These were aggressive cancers that had developed over the past year.


These cancers, I believe in every case, had developed after these physicians had received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines.


We are now starting to see reports in the literature


regarding possible mechanisms by which mRNA vaccines could be suppressing the innate immune system and the immune system's ability to control cancer cells and to keep cancer cells in check.


That ability is being affected by mRNA vaccines.


There's been reports that mRNA vaccines can interfere with DNA repair and this is a significant issue when it comes to cancer.


so you know my response would be that if people feel uncomfortable you know with this list that has a few doctors who developed aggressive cancers that's fine you can ignore it if you wish you know I'm not forcing any opinion on anybody certainly the vast majority of these sudden and unexpected deaths were cardiac you know physicians who had died in their sleep


physicians who had died while they were swimming, while they were running, hiking, climbing a mountain.


You know, these are all sudden cardiac deaths, which are highly concerning.


So, you know, we can we can focus on that instead.


But, you know, I thought it was important to include because there is, you know, a potential mechanism by which mRNA vaccines could initiate an aggressive cancer or accelerate a cancer that is already present.


I came out very strongly against vaccine mandates and really forcing these experimental products on all of Canada's physicians.


I believe it's highly unethical, unscientific, it's legally problematic as well.


So I'm deeply concerned about vaccine mandates specifically because we have seen thousands of healthcare workers reject


um you know these forceful vaccinations and they have left the healthcare workplace uh we have many nurses and physicians who were forced into retirement we have many who were um forced to leave the country uh forced to look for employment elsewhere so my major concern with vaccine mandates is that it is damaging our healthcare systems throughout Canada


Everyone is complaining about shortages of healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers.


Everyone's complaining about long ER times.


You know, this is self-inflicted.


These vaccines, you know, if Health Canada approved them, that was on them.


You know, these vaccines, you know, fine, you want to make them available, no problem, but you make it optional.


There is absolutely no justification for forcing


all healthcare workers to take the vaccines at the threat of their employment.


So, you know, I would tell the CMA, you know, you have, you are now aware that many young doctors are dying.


I have recorded 32 young Canadian doctors dying under unusual, sudden, bizarre circumstances in the past 16 months.


This is far beyond anything that's happened in the past.


Every year you will have some young doctors who will die.


um it happens in a handful of tragic cases car accidents um you know other types of accidents cancers they do happen but this is unprecedented uh 32 in such a short period of time and that's 32 that I was able to find I would really urge the Canadian Medical Association not to ignore this this is a big red flag um and you know they have the platform to speak out um you know ask


for these vaccine mandates to be either halted, at least temporarily, and ask for investigations, don't sweep it under the rug.


You know, you can write to the Canadian Medical Association, certainly, that's the association for all physicians in Canada.


You can write to your colleges, your Provincial College of Physicians and Surgeons.


You can write to your, you know, health minister, members of parliament.


Really just speak up and have your voice heard because


when I first put out my initial report which had been on 13 doctors really every medical association in Canada has been completely silent they're pretending this is not happening and they're acting as if they're not concerned you know this affects 92,000 physicians in Canada potentially and many of them might be you know they might be having a subclinical myocarditis they might be walking around with inflamed hearts


you know we don't know how many physicians could be next ones to either die in their sleep or die while you know taking a jog or swimming or hiking now just in closing and you may not be familiar with this but a mere few days after you wrote this letter to the CMA they partnered with the Canadian press to fund three new journalist positions which will apparently provide fact-based health coverage by developing a network


of health influencers.


Now, in light of the handling of COVID-19 and the state of our mainstream media, what do you make of a partnership like this?


You know, the Canadian Medical Association is a bureaucracy like any other.


And honestly, I feel that they've gotten too bureaucratic, too political.


They're supposed to really serve


Canada's physicians and patients of course you know they're supposed to focus on health care issues they're not supposed to be focusing on influencing and politics and so on so I know that a number of journalists after I put out my initial posts on the Canadian doctor deaths a number of journalists contacted the Canadian Medical Association and they had noticed that the in memoriam page


on the Canadian Medical Association website had not been updated for the past two, three months.


And they had actually deliberately ignored these deaths.


They subsequently have updated their In Memoriam page.


And of the 11 doctors that I have in my database who died just in July of 2022, they only put one of those doctors on their page and they ignored the other 10.


So really, I would say that


Certainly the Canadian Medical Association is deliberately ignoring this problem and I think it's highly unethical.


I first started collecting this data when there were two doctor deaths that happened within days of the first booster shot.


This was Dr Sovrablich Medial, a cardiologist in New Brunswick who died suddenly at age 52 exactly two weeks after he took his booster shot.


and there was another doctor in Toronto, Dr Neil Singh Dhala who was 48 years old who died in his sleep at age 48, four days after his booster shot and this was when the first booster rolled out now we have a second booster that rolled out on July 13th, 14th this summer and then we had a huge cluster of physician deaths shortly thereafter


now we're going to have another booster rolled out which is the Omicron specific booster so you know we're now well into our uh you know third booster shot and the number of these deaths continues continues to go up and up you know there's this idea that you know we have a sudden uh adult you know death syndrome or whatever it's called and and that nobody knows what's happening that's not true um there are um


studies that have been put out in the literature some very amazing studies of young people who have died very shortly after injection of in that case Pfizer vaccine where they had done autopsies one was published by the South Korean military and another one was published in the states there were two teenagers who had died within a week of their shot in every single case there was a very severe inflammation of the heart


these individuals didn't know that they had the inflammation so we're talking myocarditis but we're talking as severe kind of myocarditis that you don't normally see with other viruses and this severe inflammation of the heart that these young individuals didn't know that they had can cause sudden cardiac death and this has been proven in several studies on autopsy so you know this is not exactly a mystery


Overall Dr Makis appears to be a voice of reason in a sea of terror and he's right, only time will tell how all of this will unfold with various medical associations, agencies and sadly for those affected by these novel injections.


For Rebel News, I'm Tamara Ugolini.


Did you know that Western University has forced all staff and students coming onto campus this fall to be boosted?


They've pushed back the deadline to meet the mandate, but for now the mandate itself still exists.


It's why we've partnered with the registered charity called the Democracy Fund, TDF, to litigate this egregious unscientific mandate.


We're crowdfunding the litigation that has already been started by TDF at


at that website you can see all of our reports on the subject and remain informed on the legal proceedings as they continue.



VIDEO - Interview with Rebel News (Sep.23, 2022) - the only Interview Rebel News has had the courage to do with me - early interview on Turbo Cancer

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