Wednesday 6 December 2023


The Khazarian Mafia wants to surrender, asks for amnesty

The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a surrender, according to high-level intelligence agency sources. David de Rothschild, chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress, the first thing you need to know is that he was indicted in Spain in 2015 for defrauding pensioners, as well as the head of the British and French branches of the Rothschild family, is offering to hand over control of the Western financial system to the Planetary Liberation Alliance. They are asking for amnesty in return. This offer came via the new head of the committee of 300 (who replaced Queen Elizabeth and is not Charles). The Illuminati council has granted this individual the power to negotiate with the alliance.

The alliance has responded with the following demands:

  1. A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
  2. The wealth of the world -stolen by creating money out of nothing and charging “interest” on it- must be returned to the people.
  3. The post-war Western-led institutions like the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, etc. must be replaced by something that actually serves the people of the planet.
  4. All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
  5. A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
  6. Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
  7. The true hidden history of the planet must be disclosed to the people on all the major media.

As far as the amnesty is concerned, the alliance itself will not take any aggressive actions against the KM. However, the various legal actions against them for massive crimes against humanity, such as mass murder by vaccine, will proceed in accordance with the law.

The next step will be meetings in person between representatives of the alliance and those of the Illuminati council. This will take time as travel arrangements etc. need to be made.

The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,

Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.

The KM is also trying to cut a deal because there is a group apparently planning to shut down the entire digital banking system. They claim to represent the US Treasury Department but say they are not connected to supposed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the fake “President” Joe Biden.

This group is currently buying up, or trying to buy up all the physical


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