Monday 4 December 2023


The 3 Top Herbs For Spike Disease

Curcumin, Black Seed and Dandelion

Dr. Syed Haider

Spice It Up with Turmeric and Black Seed Oil | Nature's Blends – Nature's  Blends

Curcumin, Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) and Dandelion are all highly recommended for spike detox by the FLCCC Alliance and many others. 

Curcumin is the primary bioactive compound in the Indian spice turmeric, which has been a pillar of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. 

Black Seed is famously called the cure for all diseases in the Middle East and is heavily used worldwide by herbalists. 

Dandelion is less prominent but has also been used for thousands of years throughout the world, and especially by home gardeners who can often kill two birds with one stone by combining weeding (it grows all over in many grass yards) with stocking their herbal formulary.

The reason all 3 herbs are so helpful is that they have myriad beneficial effects specific to Long Haul illness:

They are all immune balancing and boosting, 





anticoagulant and 



The immune system doesn’t just need non-specific “boosting.” Some parts are overstimulated, which is what inflammation really is - i.e. friendly fire (evidenced by elevated cytokine levels, deranged lymphocyte levels, atypical monocytes) and other arms of the immune system are weakened (seen in low lymphocyte levels, in the worst case manifesting as a spike induced AIDS). 

So these 3 herbs help to strengthen what is weak and suppress the friendly fire. 


Conditions » Allergy New Zealand

A specific aspect of the immune system that is usually severely sensitized is the histaminergic system which is what causes allergic reactions. It seems most people are effectively allergic to the spike protein, so it’s great that all three help to suppress that overactive release of histamine that can trigger nearly every single documented symptom of spike toxicity: anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue, palpitations, chest pain, body aches, tremors, and more.

Thank you for reading Dr. Syed Haider. This post is public so feel free to share it.


This is one reason I recommend everyone I treat at mygotodoc at least experiment with low histamine diets and over the counter antihistamines like the non-sedating H1 blocking antihistamines Zyrtec, Allegra or Claritin along with the acid reflux treating Pepcid which is an H2 blocker. Or trying Benadryl which is a broad spectrum antihistamine combining H1 and H2 blocking effects, but more likely to cause drowsiness. 


Darren Johnson on LinkedIn: Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous  Clots That Lack…

Another prominent feature of spike-induced disease is clotting, especially atypical amyloid fibrin micro-clotting (Resia Pretorius is the world expert on microclots and her 2022 Long COVID Reset Summit interview is where I first learned the basic, but transformational fact that isn’t taught in med school and is mostly unknown even to most physicians treating Long Haulers: D-dimer is not usually elevated when atypical microclots are widespread, because it’s trapped in the clots themselves - a rising D-dimer may actually be a good sign for many people that they are able to break down the clots). 

In fact the microclot test offered at mygotodoc is the single most important test for diagnosing suspected spike illness. 

In the vast majority of symptomatic cases the diagnosis of spike disease is easy to make clinically without testing, but if there is some doubt, or someone has no symptoms and just wants to know if they are affected by shedding, a prior infection or vaccination, then the microclot test is the way to go because I have never seen anyone with spike disease who did not have a microclot level of at least 3/4 on the tests grading scale (much lower levels are seen in some other chronic diseases) and similarly out of thousands of patients in Germany not a single one with clinical spike disease was seen without microclots. 

Patients worry that they are taking too many anticoagulants, but I have never once seen that to be the case in anyone with spike protein disease. Most people will end up needing multiple herbs (these 3!), supplements (Omega 3s, Vit E, K2, Natto, Quantum NAC), over the counter meds like baby aspirin, and prescription drugs like Plavix and Eliquis to rid themselves of these very hard to dissolve clots. 

Even after using all of those some patients need some kind of physical removal like plasma donation or filtering. 

The Ultimate mRNA/Spike Detox?

The mRNA shots deliver toxic lipid nano particles (LNPs), whole spike mRNA, fragments of mRNA and trigger the production of spike protein and antibodies to the same, and possibly fragments of spike protein (see this substack). Furthermore both LNPs and spike protein trigger the creation of microclots in blood vessels.

Read full story

The real concern should be hypercoagulability in everyone with spike in their system.

(Not medical advice, consult your physician before loading up on anticoagulants and be responsible by testing to ensure you need it and aren’t overdoing it) .


Two of these 3 herbs, curcumin and dandelion trigger Autophagy which is helpful for clearing out diseased cells and spike. Dr Mobeen Syed speaks about triggering autophagy with intermittent fasting (which many find very effective) at our free 2023 refresh to the online Long COVID Reset Summit, but as he and FLCCC founder Paul Marik have noted autophagy can also be boosted with herbs including curcumin and dandelion.


These two herbs also block spike interaction with the ACE2 receptor and boost gut microbial diversity which is often severely decreased by spike (at mygotodoc we offer the most advanced and exclusive microbiome testing on the planet in partnership with Sabine Hazan’s lab - it’s the only microbiome test that utilizes technology that creates a replicable fingerprint of each persons individual microbiome and results come with personal recommendations from Dr Hazan, who has been at the forefront of COVID and spike research, having published dozens of papers during the pandemic documenting the beneficial effects of ivermectin and vitamin C for boosting the bifidobacteria levels within 24 hours and providing what I think is the most likely explanation for the tremendous efficacy I’ve personally experienced and seen in my own family with high dose oral vitamin C taken to GI tolerance. 

Black Seed also works synergistically with curcumin and dandelion by suppressing the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut that may be encouraged by spike. 


There is not usually any free floating spike protein. It’s all bound up inmicroclots and tissues where it particularly has an affinity for the ACE-2 receptor. It’s important to disconnect it from where it is bound and prevent it from further binding so it cane expelled from the body in the urine. 

Curcumin, Black Seed and Dandelion all bind to spike protein and prevent it’s binding to ACE2 receptors, so should be particularly helpful for clearing spike protein.

(The one supplement that’s been proven in lab testing to cause urinary excretion of spike is Quantum NAC, a specific augmented form of NAC developed by a collaboration of Italian researchers at Patients and physicians alike are reporting it often has amazing benefits, with Dr Pierre Kory going so far as to call it “earth shattering”. At Pierre Kory’s clinic patients showed rapid improvements as well as drops in their spike antibody levels, which are a secondary marker of spike burden. Because of these reports I am developing a combo Spike Buster supplement including Quantum NAC, natto and other synergistic compounds that should be out soon).


The only place to get these 3 herbs together, let alone in a super premium, hand-packed combo capsule with no additives is at mygotostack(only the price isn’t super premium because we kept margins close to break even rather than choosing a lower quality manufacturer that would have included additives like magnesium stearate and highly processed silicon dioxide (essentially sand, though sometimes hiding on the label under the pseudonym rice hull extract) that Sabine Hazan warns might be harmful for gut and brain health).


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