Sunday 2 October 2022

Russian MIL Simplifying and Disseminating US Biolabs to the Broader Population

Russian MIL Simplifying and Disseminating US Biolabs to the Broader Population

Clandestine Sep 27 380 25

A new video slideshow was released by the Russian Ministry of Defense pertaining to the US Deep State biological network in Ukraine. If you have not seen it, you can see the video link here1

I have not seen an English version yet, so I screenshotted and translated the slides from the show, and we are going to break down what these slides say, and the impact of Russia’s escalating information campaign. I’d advise watching the video first, then see all the slides below. 

Slide 1:

Slide 2:

Slide 3:

Slide 4:

Slide 5:

Slide 6:

Slide 7:

Slide 8:

Slide 9:

Slide 10:

Slide 11:

Slide 12:

Slide 13:

Slide 14:

Slide 15:

Slide 16:

Slide 17:

Slide 18:

Slide 19:

Slide 20:

Slide 21:

Now, if you’ve been following me, none of this is new to you. This is a simplified video synopsis of the Deep State biological network in Ukraine, which we have known about since March. 

It may not be new to us, but it’s new to a whole bunch of people. This rudimentary slide show proves the Russian MIL have passed into the next phase in their dissemination campaign. Targeting a broader audience with small, digestible, visual aides. The Russian MIL are simplifying their discoveries from the Special Military Operation in Ukraine for more effective dissemination to the masses. 

The same process Anons and US MIL use for red-pilling and military PSYOPS (remember PSYOPS go both ways and can be truthful and are used to combat actual disinformation, but can also be used for disinformation).

Regardless of if these allegations are true or not (all the evidence suggests that they are), the reality is, that the People of the Eastern world are being normalized to believe that Biden and the US were creating bioweapons in Ukraine, and the Western People are largely oblivious to the allegations as a whole. 

Also, keep in mind that the Russian Foreign Ministry and Russian Legislators expect a conclusion to their final report to the UN in the “fall”. It’s fall. The timing of this video suggests that things may be coming that the broader public need to be introduced to.

Also, be sure to recognize that Trump has not appeared anywhere near any of the allegations or reports. Russia continue to direct the activity at Biden and the DNC specifically. Russia went out of their way to make sure the word knows Trump is excluded from these allegations. Which, whether these allegations are true or not, proves there is some level of alliance, truce, or agreement of some kind, between Trump and Putin.

This video also proves that the allegations are not going away. Russian MIL have been pushing this heavily for approximately 7 months now. Providing consistent evidence to the UN. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. This isn’t a baseless disinformation campaign. Putin and Russia are serious about this, they were willing to go to war over it, and now Putin claims they are willing to use his entire arsenal to neutralize this global threat.

This problem isn’t going away. If Russia continue to be ignored, they will resort to alternative solutions if diplomacy fails. The world teeters on the brink of nuclear destruction. 

**Enter Trump stage left**



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