Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Analyzing The Insights Of General “Armageddon” Into The State Of Russia’s Special Operation – Andrew Korybko

Analyzing The Insights Of General “Armageddon” Into The State Of Russia’s Special Operation – Andrew Korybko

Analyzing The Insights Of General “Armageddon” Into The State Of Russia’s Special Operation – Andrew Korybko
At this stage of the conflict, a lot is clearly hinging on the outcome of the Kherson counteroffensive, which will in turn determine this proxy war’s forthcoming military-strategic dynamics.

Army General Sergey Surovikin, who was recently appointed as commander of Russia’s special operation, shared some insight about the state of his newly restored world power’s military campaign in Ukraine. RT drew attention to the highlights, which include the following seven points:

1. The situation around Kherson remains tense

2. NATO is pushing Kiev into a suicidal offensive

3. Its troops are inexperienced and scared

4. They’re suffering hundreds of daily casualties

5. Kiev might soon attack the Kakhovka Dam

6. NATO is an enemy of the Ukrainian people

7. Russia wants an independent and friendly Ukraine

Each of these points reveals a lot about the latest military-strategic dynamics of the Ukrainian Conflict. The rest of the present piece will therefore briefly analyze the importance of everything that the man nicknamed “General Armageddon” just shared:

1. Kiev’s Southern Counteroffensive Hasn’t Yet Sputtered Out

Despite initially serving the purpose of a feint to distract from the much more substantive and ultimately successful counteroffensive last month in Kharkov Region, the Kherson one hasn’t yet sputtered out and thus still remains one of the most important fronts in the conflict.

2. The Kherson Front Has Symbolic Importance For The US

NATO is forcing its proxies into suicidal assaults along the Kherson front precisely because of the symbolic importance connected to it, which is related to its proximity to Crimea as well as the ruling Democrats’ desire to show voters that Kiev achieved a victory worthy of the tens of billions it’s received.

3. The Best Of Kiev’s Forces Have Already Been Liquidated

The only reason why Kiev is heavily relying on inexperienced and scared recruits right now is because the best of its forces have already been liquidated across the past nearly eight months of fighting, which thus compels it to resort to human wave tactics out of desperation.

4. Russia’s Still Winning The Numbers Game

Building upon the above, Kiev’s daily casualty count continues to skyrocket while Moscow’s remains comparatively minimal, though the latter’s victory in this numbers game might not really matter all that much so long as its opponent still has seemingly unlimited meat to keep throwing into the grinder.

5. Large-Scale Terrorist Plots Prove Kiev’s Military Desperation

The only reason why Kiev would even contemplate destroying a dam in the same region that it claims as its own is because it’s become so militarily desperate after its human wave tactics failed to achieve anything of significance that it can now only resort to large-scale terrorist plots.

6. NATO’s Grand Strategic Goal Is Against Ukraine’s National Interests

It isn’t in Ukraine’s objective national interests to continue having its people exploited as cannon fodder by NATO as part of that anti-Russian bloc’s attempt to reassert its US leader’s declining unipolar hegemony, yet that former Soviet Republic’s elite have sold out these interests to their foreign patrons.

7. Russia’s Grand Strategic Goal Aligns With Ukraine’s National Interests

By contrast, Russia’s grand strategic goal of ensuring Ukraine’s military neutrality and status as a friendly state with whom it can enter into economically driven and mutually beneficial cooperation fully aligns with that country’s objective national interests, yet the latter’s elite continue gaslighting that it doesn’t.

At this stage of the conflict, a lot is clearly hinging on the outcome of the Kherson counteroffensive, which will in turn determine this proxy war’s forthcoming military-strategic dynamics. Kiev’s failure coupled with a Republican victory in November’s midterms might lead to the resumption of peace talks.

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