Wednesday 19 October 2022

Video: Moderna CEO Admits COVID Is Like Seasonal Flu, Only Vulnerable Need Jabs

Video: Moderna CEO Admits COVID Is Like Seasonal Flu, Only Vulnerable Need Jabs

Younger people “are going to have to decide for themselves what they want to do”


In a rare moment, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted that COVID is akin to a seasonal flu and that only older people and those who have compromised immune systems need to get vaccinated.

Speaking at a finance conference Monday, Bancel noted “I think it’s going to be like the flu. If you’re a 25-year-old, do you need an annual booster every year if you’re healthy?”

“You might want to… but I think it’s going to be similar to flu where it’s going to be people at high-risk, people above 50 years of age, people with comorbidities, people with cancer and other conditions, people with transplants,” the Moderna head added.

Bancel urged that it is “very important to think about” whether or not to get Covid boosters, adding that there are “1.5billion people” on the planet who have vulnerabilities to such diseases, but emphasising that younger people “are going to have to decide for themselves what they want to do”.


Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel compares COVID-19 to the seasonal flu and believes young, healthy people should decide for themselves if they want an annual booster. Bancel maintains, that older people 50+, and those in vulnerable categories should definitely consider a booster shot.

— Rukshan Fernando (@therealrukshan) October 18, 2022

So this begs the question, why is the CDC pushing Moderna and Pfizer boosters for 5 year old kids?

It’s quite a turnaround for Bancel, who just one year ago declared that even younger people will have to get vaccine booster shots at least once every three years for ever if normality is ever to return.


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  • Coronavirus

    Surprise! EcoHealth Landed $1 Million Grant To Work With ‘80% Mouse Death’ Boston University On ‘Future Pandemic Prevention’


    1 hour ago


    19 October, 2022
    HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images

    Monday’s report in the Daily Mail that the University of Boston has engineered a chimeric COVID that has an 80% kill rate in humanized mice has caused quite the stir.

    To review, in an effort to research what makes Omicron so transmissible – and funded in part by grants from the NIH and Anthony Fauci’s NIAID – a team of researchers cobbled the Omicron spike protein to the original strain of Covid-19. The resulting virus was five times more infectious than Omicron. 

    “The Omicron spike (S) protein, with an unusually large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes. We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant,” reads the pre-print.

    The authors speculate that their chimeric strain is unlikely to be as deadly in humans as it was in the mice because the specific breed used in testing are more susceptible to severe Covid.

    Gain of Function?

    The research is a clear example of gain of function research of concern and enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research,” said Dr Richard Ebright, a chemist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, adding “‘It is especially concerning that this new US-government ePPP research – like the previous US-government ePPP research on chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses at Wuhan Institute of Virology that may have caused the pandemic – appears not to have undergone the prior risk-benefit review mandated under US-government policies.”

    Gain of function research was largely restricted in the US until 2017, when the National Institutes of Health began to allow it to take place using government funds.

    Previously it had been halted from 2014 to 2017 over concerns that it could lead to the inadvertent creation of a pandemic. -Daily Mail

    The University of Boston refuted the notion that they were performing GoF research, adding that it was  reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and the Boston Public Health Commission (don’t you feel safer already?).

    “This research mirrors and reinforces the findings of other, similar research performed by other organizations,” said a spokesperson. “Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better, targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics.”

    Peter Daszak again?

    Which leads us to today’s report…

    Just two months before the ‘80% mouse kill rate’ SARS paper was published, EcoHealth Alliance – the NYC-based nonprofit headed by Peter Daszak (and was also funded by the NIH and Fauci’s NIAID to genetically manipulate bat Covid in Wuhan, China) – bragged about a $1 million NSF grant to work with Boston University on a project to ‘work towards predicting and preventing future pandemics.”

    NEW YORK – 30, AUGUST, 2022 – EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), in partnership with Boston University, was awarded a $1 million Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase I (PIPP) grant by the National Science Foundation. The team of scientists will strategize methods of early infectious disease detection and intervention.

    EHA researchers will focus on predictive models of location and likely pathogens. This will be accomplished by first compiling a list of mutagenic RNA viruses with a high risk of spillover based on their ability to spread, cause outbreak, and cause severe illness. Next, the team will identify locations at risk of spillover and localized spreadby assembling a list of animals known to host one or more of the focal viruses. -EHA

    And from Boston University’s press release announcing the partnership:

    A multidisciplinary team of researchers at Boston University will work towards predicting and preventing future pandemics as part of a new $1 million project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Faculty members from the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering, the Center for Information & Systems Engineering (CISE), the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy and Research (CEID), the Bioengineering Technology & Entrepreneurship Center (BTEC), and the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) will work with researchers from EcoHealth Alliance to develop a set of models that can predict disease emergence and spread, and to devise effective pandemic mitigation strategies.

    Of note, several researchers from the EcoHealth-allied National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) were involved in the creation of the 80% mouse death chimeric SARS-CoV-2.

    2) July 11, 2016 — Daszak/EcoHealth Gain-of-Function funding pause is formally lifted — "exempted for unknown reasons" seems to be a better term — by NIH/NIAID.

    They knew w/absolute clarity all along.

    Why was it lifted @NIH ?? And why did Fauci lie to @RandPaul ??

    — Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) November 4, 2021

    Last year we reported that 18 months before the pandemic, scientists in Wuhan, China submitted a proposal to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into the wild in an effort to inoculate them against diseases that could have otherwise jumped to humans, according to The Telegraph, citing leaked grant proposals from 2018.

    The bid was submitted by Daszak, who was hoping to use genetic engineering to cobble “human-specific cleavage sites” onto bat Covid ‘which would make it easier for the virus to enter human cells’ – a method which would coincidentally answer a longstanding question among the scientific community as to how SARS-CoV-2 evolved to become so infectious to humans. 

    Perhaps Daszak is teaching BU scientists about sequencing spike proteins?

    President of EcoHealth Alliance 
    “Peter Daszak” who is also the son 
    of a Nazi war criminal, (a Ukrainian who volunteered to kill Jews and others) admits to the gain of function SARS-CoV-2 🦠 🔬projects at the 🇨🇳Wuhan 🦇 Lab 
    on March 28, 2016!!!

    — Justin Echeverry (@JustinEcheverr9) December 21, 2021

    I'm not a bot and I'm not partisan. Only blue tribe partisans won't admit what's pretty obvious and that is #FauciLied to Congress about funding GOF research in China through Daszak's Ecohealth Alliance.

    This post was originally published at Zero Hedge


    Video: Fauci Proclaims He Had “Nothing To Do With” Closing Schools During Lockdown

    Claims he pushed for keeping schools open


    1 day ago


    18 October, 2022

    Anthony Fauci continued to pathetically attempt to rewrite history Sunday by declaring that schools closing and remaining closed during the pandemic was “nothing to do with” him.

    Fauci made the comments during an interview with ABC’s This Week, with host Jon Karl asking him “Was it a mistake… to see schools closed as long as they were?” 

    Not only did Fauci refuse to take any blame for school closures, he claimed that he actively pushed for schools to stay open.

    “I don’t want to use the word mistake, Jon, because if I do, it gets taken out of the context that you’re asking me the question on,” Fauci asserted, adding “I would say that what we should realize and have realized – that there will be deleterious collateral consequences when you do something like that.”

    “You shouldn’t discount that it does afflict children, so it isn’t without consequences,” he continued, further claiming “If you go back – and I ask anybody to go back – over the number of times I’ve said ‘we gotta everything we can to keep the schools open,’ no one plays that clip,” Fauci said. 

    “They always come back and say, ‘Fauci was responsible for closing schools. I had nothing to do [with it],” he continued, proclaiming that he wasn’t the head of the school board.


    KARL: “Was it a mistake… to see schools closed as long as they were?”

    FAUCI: “I had nothing to do with it!”

    Does the glorified gnome really think people don’t have the ability to research exactly what he’s been saying for nearly 3 years?

    — Suburban Black Man 🇺🇸(@niceblackdude) October 16, 2022

    Did he really say the schools should remain open? No one recalls that because it didn’t happen. When he did mention the possibility of re-opening schools, it was always couched in calls for masking, social distancing and vaccinating kids.

    Unbelievable! Does Fauci NOT know that the Internet lives forever? HERE are the receipts:

    Fauci: "I didn't shut anything down…"
    Oh really? Roll tape!

    — Justin Hart – (@justin_hart) August 23, 2022

    March 6, 2020: 

    Fauci: "If we get community-based cases throughout various parts of the country, you use that information to make the decision if they’re going to do what you said, which is to do the social distancing — that includes teleworking, closing schools, etc."

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    April 7, 2020: Defending closing schools and summer camps, Fauci says he is "optimistic" schools can open again in the fall

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    July 21, 2020: 

    Fauci says we should "try" to re-open schools next fall, but still couches it in the conditional of having to first and foremost protect kids

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    November 29, 2020:

    After schools failed to re-open in the fall, Fauci changes course and says "close the bars and keep the schools open"

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    February 14, 2021:

    Fauci updates his talking points again, this time aligning w/ the Biden Admin on waiting to reopen until Congress passed a big teachers union slush fund (the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan)

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    March 4, 2021:

    Fauci: To re-open schools, Congress should pass funding for new "ventilation systems" and other "resources"

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    July 11, 2021:

    Fauci continues his new talking point that schools that are opening the following Fall should mandate vaccines.

    — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 17, 2022

    In related news…

    CDC Director Rochelle Walensky released guidance to schools across the country for reopening in back in 2021.

    What was not released: advisement came from Democrat backed, Soros funded, left-wing activists just days ahead of the rollout.

    New from me:

    — Olivia Rondeau 🇺🇸(@rondeaulivia) October 15, 2022

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  • Coronavirus

    EU Prosecutor Opens Probe Into COVID Vaccine Purchases


    2 days ago


    17 October, 2022
    Rawf8 / Getty Images

    Two weeks after Pfizer CEO bailed on EU testimony in the wake of a report highlighting a ‘secretive’ vaccine deal between himself and European Commission President Ursula ‘missing texts‘ von der Leyen, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) has opened an investigation into the EU’s Covid-19 vaccine purchases, Politico reports.

    EPPO, and independent EU body, is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes, including fraud, money laundering and corruption, according to the report. In its Friday announcementthe body did not specify who was being investigated, or which contracts were the subject of inquiry.

    That said, two other watchdog agencies have brought attention to the von der Leyen – Bourla deal.

    This exceptional confirmation comes after the extremely high public interest. No further details will be made public at this stage,” said the EPPO.

    In April 2021, the New York Times first reported on text messages exchanged between von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the run-up to the EU’s biggest vaccine procurement contract — for up to 1.8 billion doses of BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. The deal would be worth up to €35 billion if fully exercised, according to leaked vaccine prices.

    In January this year, the EU’s ombudsman charged the Commission with maladministration for failing to look for the text messages in response to a freedom of information request. Without confirming the existence of the texts, the Commission argued in its response that “short-lived, ephemeral documents are not kept.” It said that a search for the text messages hadn’t yielded any results. -Politico

    Last month, the European Court of Auditors published the aforementioned report in which it said the Commission refused transparency regarding details of von der Leyen’s personal role in the Pfizer contract.

    In it, the budget watchdog found that the EU chief went rogue in order to personally hammer out a preliminary deal with Pfizer, instead of relying on joint negotiating teams. While the Commission has been forthcoming with other vaccine contracts, it has refused to provide the court with any documents regarding those preliminary negotiations.

    According to Belgian Socialist MEP Kathleen van Brempt, “several aspects” of the Pfizer contract should be investigated, including “the text messages between the Commission President and the fact that there is no paper trail of the preliminary negotiations in first instance.”

    2/3 We need to know why the biggest contract is the least transparent. We need to understand why the EU is obliged to buy 1.8 billion Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, regardless of the needs, regardless of whether new and better players have entered the market.

    — Kathleen Van Brempt (@kvanbrempt) October 14, 2022

    3/3 Many EU contracts reserved a “right" to buy but with the Pfizer contract we do have an "obligation" to buy. Why did we deviate from the normal procedure for a contract that covers our needs many times, for a period where all would already be vaccinated (2022 and 2023).

    — Kathleen Van Brempt (@kvanbrempt) October 14, 2022

    According to Politico, “The MEP chairs the European Parliament’s special committee on COVID-19,” adding that both the EU’s ombudsman and a member of the European Court of Auditors have made appearances before the panel.

    “The [COVID-19] committee will be following this case with great attention,” said Van Brempt.

    This post was originally published at Zero Hedge

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