Thursday, 20 October 2022

Part 1: Dismantling the the Deceptions of the COVID-19 Story

Part 1: Dismantling the the Deceptions of the COVID-19 Story

The COVID-19 pandemic was not caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus or variants. COVID-19 is a new kind of nanoweapon that is part technology, part biology and intelligent, an Ai bioweapon.

What exactly caused the COVID-19 pandemic? Was it the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus? Well we know the word novel means new, but is also means a long story…. a very long, made-up story

In the case of The COVID-19 Story fact is stranger than fiction. What we were told about the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, variants, the deadly spike proteins, and PCR-tests is more akin to a plot from a movie in the Marvel series.

If the 2020 COVID-19 headlines were honest, accurate and actually non-fiction, they should have read, “The Masters of Evil Terrorize Global Citizens by Spraying Down Cities and Towns with Aerosolized Biosynthetic Ai Nanoweapons called Spike Proteins.”

Wait? But the Masters of Evil never told us that the highly deadly spike protein was actually an Ai magnetic-hydrogel enclosed in lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology used to infect, injure, experiment on and execute humans. 

The Masters of Evil convinced us that the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA virus produces the highly deadly spike protein after the mRNA invades cells inside the body. Except there is one major issue with this claim, there is body of scientific evidence confirming that mRNA is unstable, fragile, and impotent (weak and useless inside the human body).

According to a March 6, 2021, Chemical and Engineering News article, mRNA lab experiments historically failed because the mRNA invention is so fragile and unstable on its own. This C&EN article states, “Enzymes in the environment and in our bodies are quick to chop mRNA into pieces, making lab experiments difficult and the delivery of mRNA to our cells daunting.” Sanofi’s Chief Technology Officer & Global Head of mRNA Research, Frank DeRosa, had this to say about mRNA, People used to say that if you looked at it (mRNA) wrong it would fall apart.

Dr Kathryn Whitehead, head of Chemical and Bioengineering at Carnegie Mellon, expressed her frustration at attempts to conduct mRNA experiments out side of the body and stated, “We don’t even screen (mRNA) in vitroanymore. I find it more informative to test (mRNA) directly inside the animal.” 

Per Nature Biotechnology, 2017 peer-reviewed publication, “Overcoming Cellular Barriers for RNA Therapeutics in RNA,” RNA gene-therapies, including mRNAare unable to infect cells, any cells, due to billions of years of an evolutionary defense mechanism, the lipid bilayer

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