it's the new hate speech
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Al-Qaeda affiliates with a history of receiving western funding have reactivated in Syriaalong with Turkish-backed fighters to recapture significant amounts of territory in the war-ravaged nation.
It’s hard to say exactly what’s happening in the moment, but I will say it’s mighty convenient how Russia being tied up in Ukraine and Hezbollah being decapitated by Israel leaves Syria once again exposed to the longstanding regime change agendas of the same western empire who’s been backing both of those proxy conflicts.
Syria is more complicated and harder to understand than Gaza, but if you look into ityou’ll find mountains of evidence that for many years the US and its allies and partners have been actively fomenting violence, chaos and destruction in that nation to effect regime change. Anyone who denies this is either ignorant or dishonest, as is anyone who calls you a Russian propagandist or an Assad lover for stating this well-evidenced fact.
There are a lot of people who see through the imperial lies about Gaza but still buy into the imperial lies about Syria, largely because the lies about Gaza are so much easier to see through. Immense amounts of propaganda and information ops have gone into framing the violence we’ve been seeing in Syria since 2011 as a completely organic rebellion against a tyrannical dictator who just wants to murder civilians because he is evil. But if you bring the same sincere curiosity and rigorous investigation to this issue that you brought to the plight of the Palestinians, you will discover the same kinds of lies and distortions which you’ve seen the western political/media class promote about Gaza being spun about Syria as well — frequently by the same people.
This is how unpacking the lies of the empire tends to unfold for folks. Your eyes flicker open because of some really obvious plot hole in the official narrative like Vietnam, the Iraq invasion, or Gaza, and then once you’ve seen through those lies you start getting curious about how else you’ve been deceived. You start pulling on other threads and learning more and more, and then after a while you start seeing the big picture about the US-centralized empire inflicting horrific abuses upon humanity all around the world with the goal of dominating the planet.
If you saw through the lies about Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about Iraq, they lied about Libya, they lied about Ukraine, and they’re lying about Syria too. Don’t listen to anyone who tries to dull your curiosity. Ignore anyone who tries to shout you down and shut you up for asking inconvenient questions. Keep waking up from the matrix of empire propaganda until your eyes are truly clear.
Boris Johnson told The Telegraph in a recent interview that the west is “waging a proxy war” in Ukraine, which, while obviously true, was once considered by the western political-media class to be a very taboo thing to say.
“We’re waging a proxy war, but we’re not giving our proxies the ability to do the job,” Johnson said. “For years now, we’ve been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs and it has been cruel.”
For years it was considered Kremlin propaganda to call the war in Ukraine a western proxy war against Russia. Now the line is “Well this is obviously a proxy war so we need to give our proxies more weapons, duh!”
We’re taught that heroes look like western soldiers and cops taking out bad guys, when really heroes look like Palestinian journalists risking everything to tell the truth about genocidal atrocities that are backed by western governments while western journalists make propaganda.
I don’t want the Australian government to ban kids from social media, I want the Australian government to stop supporting Israel’s genocidal atrocities and stop turning this country into a giant US military base in preparation for Washington’s war with China.
It should be illegal to force homeless people to relocate. If a rich neighborhood is the best place to sleep rough then the rich should be forced to look at a daily reminder of the dystopia they live in until the underlying problems which cause homelessness have been fixed. You shouldn’t be allowed to hide such things to make people comfortable.
All the laws designed to criminalize homelessness and force the unhoused to relocate are just one more way our dystopia hides its abuses and contradictions from public view, the same as propaganda and internet censorship and murdering Palestinian journalists. They want the homeless out of sight and out of mind in the same way their wars and genocides are out of sight and out of mind.
They just want the homeless to go “away”, because they can’t fix the injustices and inequality which cause homelessness without upending the power structure they rule. They wish all the symptoms of poverty and injustice in our society could be hidden on the other side of vast oceans like their wars are.
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Mhardeh’s Shadi Shehda, whose three young children, wife and mother were killed by a terrorist missile attack, asks for people to stand with Syrians in their fight against terrorism and for peace.
Mhardeh is a Christian town of 23,000 people. It is also on the front line of confrontation against the Idlib terrorists who have attacked the town and its people for seven years.
MHARDEH, SYRIA — (War Report) On September 7, Mhardeh, a small Christian town in northern Hama, was targeted with nine Grad missiles — six of which were fitted with internationally-prohibited cluster sub-munitions — by al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists roughly four kilometers away from the town center, occupying the northern Hama countryside areas of Ltamenah and surroundings.
Four days later, I went to Mhardeh and took the testimony of a man who lost everything to the terrorist attack: his wife, three young children, and mother were all killed in the initial bombardment.
By September 19, a total of 13 civilians had died as a result of the September 7 terrorist attack, including four who had sustained critical injuries. One of those four was a 15-year-old boy who had received shrapnel to his brain, as reported by Vanessa Beeley, who had visited the then-critically injured teen in hospital on September 9.
According to Mhardeh’s National Defense Forces (NDF), the attackers were Jaysh al-Izza, a group that works directly with al-Qaeda in Syria, as documented by a September 7, 2018 video celebrating the firing of an elephant rocket on northern Hama. Jaysh al-Izza was previously backed by the U.S. and operates in northern Hama and southern Idlib areas.
Also, on September 7, the UN Security Council (UNSC) met to warn Syria’s government “against the use of chemical weapons” in Idlib — something the Syrian government had been repeatedly warning the UN about for weeks prior, specifying that terrorists within Idlib, and the White Helmets propaganda front, had been moving canisters of chlorine around in preparation for a new staged chemical attack. The Syrian and Russian governments warned that children who had been abducted from Idlib and the Aleppo countryside would be used in staged videos, surely to star the fake-rescuers of the White Helmets.
But at the UNSC, the United States continued its hypocritical exceptionalism, again blaming Syria and Russia for alleged attacks not even yet faked by Washington’s terrorist allies in Syria.
On the same day as the massacre in Mhardeh, residents in Ltamenah, one of the northern Hama terrorist bases, held a protestcondemning any reconciliations of armed Syrian militants with the Syrian government. Reconciliations are precisely what would bring an end to the missile tyranny of these terrorists occupying Idlib, north Hama, and parts of Aleppo province.
On September 9, terrorists in Madir Citadel, a northern Hama region, targeted the Christian town of al-Skalbiyye. Beeley, who went there the following day, wrote:
Last night around 6 p.m., 10 Grad Missiles containing cluster bombs were fired into the Christian town of al-Skalbiyye. Thirteen bomblets had been found and detonated, [including] three while I was interviewing two residents — by the same bomb disposal expert as in Mhardeh.
… Madir Citadel is entirely under the control of Al Qaeda (Nusra Front), Ahrar Al Sham and Jaish Al Islam, all working together.”
On September 11, I travelled by rented taxi to Mhardeh to hear first-hand about the massacre and, as it happened, about one man’s life-shattering tragedy.
The commander of Mhardeh’s NDF, Simon al-Wakil, like the hundreds of volunteers in the area’s NDF, chose to defend not only Mhardeh but Syria in general, also fighting terrorism outside of Mhardeh. According to Commander al-Wakil, al-Nusra and Ahrar al-Sham terrorists lie just two kilometres north of Mhardeh’s frontlines, along with the mishmash of other terrorist factions that the West attempts to dub “moderate” but who work alongside al-Qaeda in Syria.
Simon al-Wakil flashes a victory sign. Al-Waki is the commander of the volunteer Mhardeh National Defense Forces. Photo | Eva Bartlett
Mhardeh, he explained, is a Christian town of 23,000 people. It is also on the front line of confrontation against terrorists who have attacked the town and its people for seven years. The line of confrontation extends over twenty kilometres, from Mhardeh to al-Skalbiyye.
Over the years 117 of Mhardeh’s civilians have been martyred in terrorist attacks which also claimed the lives of 52 Syrian soldiers, and injured 150.
On taking up arms to defend his town and country, like so many civilians have all over Syria, al-Wakil said:
We are civilians but, due to the terror attacks, we decided to be steadfast, and to stand with President Bashar al-Assad and our Syrian Arab Army. Indeed, what they have faced, no other army in the world has faced.
For seven years we’ve been subjected to terrorism in Mhardeh. But, again recently we were attacked, and the towns of as-Skaylbeyyeh and Salhab were attacked, with internationally prohibited cluster-bomb rockets, by terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra.”
And yet, no condemnation from the Western powers that are so concerned about civilians in Idlib and the pending move by the Syrians, Russians and allies to liberate that province from al-Qaeda & Co.
One man’s heartbreaking testimony
In Mhardeh I went to the home of Shadi Yousef Shehda, the man whose family were murdered on September 7.
On a street potholed by the missile blast, the walls leading to an inner courtyard were puckered by the impact of shrapnel.
Entering the open-air courtyard, I saw the heartbroken man, and his extended relatives and neighbours, sitting on chairs in an oval, a photo of his dead wife and children and mother pinned by a door.
Shadi Shehda was in his shop in Mhardeh when the terrorist attack occurred. Shortly after, neighbours warned him his area had been targeted, but couldn’t bring themselves to tell him the extent of it. He rushed home to find his family, “sliced to pieces,” from the missiles.
“I sacrificed the [ones] most precious to me ever: my mother, wife and children,” he said.
He flicked through photos on his mobile, pausing to show me a photo of his wife, himself, and their children; then another of his children dressed up for church.
His house, he told me, was targeted three times. Again going through photos on his phone, he showed the damage done the first time a rocket hit his home, a year ago, when his wife, children and mother were home. This rocket impacted the tiles but didn’t explode, landing a few feet from where we sat in the courtyard. The tiles have since been patched but the damage was still visible.
Later, inside the room nearest the impacted courtyard, Shadi Shehda pointed to the shrapnel hole and said, “Last year, the shrapnel didn’t reach my wife, she survived it. But this time, she didn’t.”
His mother’s name was Afifeh. His wife, Rama. His eldest daughter (third grade), Maria. His six-year-old son, Fadi, and his two-year-old daughter, Stefani (whom they also called Susi).
Still visibly torn with the pain of losing the most dear to him, Shadi Shehda took me to see his children’s room, as it was the day they were murdered. Hanging on the large wardrobe at one side of the room, three tiny bathrobes.
“They were martyred just after they took a bath,” Shadi said, pointing to each dead child’s robe, then to their drawings pinned on the wardrobe above, then pointing out the cupboard with his eldest daughter’s drawing, and the toys laid out on a sofa on along wall. He pointed out every detail, lifting each of their backpacks and saying whom they had belonged to.
The family were strong believers and went regularly to church, he told me, repeating again and again how his eldest daughter and son went to church, prayed; how she always wrote, “Jesus is love, God is love;” and how, some days before they were murdered, his son Fadi wanted to take a photo with the church father.
Watch | Shadi Shehda on losing his children, mother, and wife to a terrorist attack
Again, he brought out his mobile and started showing me photos: together in the church; Fadi’s sixth birthday, two days before his death; more photos of his kids in the church; the family on a trip they took to a sacred mountain; his kids at an amusement park; his two-year-old Susi on tiptoes lighting a candle at church; he and his children at a rally for Syria, holding the Syrian flag.
“Every time they went to the church, they lit a candle,” he kept repeating. Unexpectedly, he showed me death photos of his murdered children. “I also have a photo of my son when he was injured: this is my son; those are my son, my daughter and my other daughter, the three of them,” the bodies laid out, lifeless and bloodied.
When there was an appropriate moment to ask, I asked if he had a message for people outside of Syria. Without hesitating, he replied:
I just want them to stand beside us, see what happened to us, to see what we have been through; we are suffering a lot in Mhardeh. We need to get rid of the terrorists, end this terrible situation. It’s been eight years, eight years of shelling. In Mhardeh, there isn’t a house that doesn’t have a martyr or someone injured. Our suffering is indescribable.”
A town terrorized, a community resilient but insistent that Idlib be liberated
Back in the courtyard, one of the neighbours showed me scars on her neck from previous terrorist bombings causing shrapnel that not only lodged in her neck but remains there, removing it being too difficult. Another neighbour, an older man, spoke of his then-23-year-old daughter, Jinan Ratib Zayoud, who had been studying French literature at university. After finishing her final exam some years ago, she came back to Mhardeh. She never reached home. An explosive device planted by terrorists on the road near the entrance to the town took her life.
This tortured man pulled out his mobile, showing me another element of the hell people in Mhardeh, and other towns being targeted, are enduring: the psychological torture of terrorists taunting them by posting videos of their pending attacks on the villages. The video he showed me showed two sneering terrorists standing in front of a number of missiles, mockingly saying good morning, promising to send the missiles at them.
In the NDF headquarters, I also met Salem Haddad, an inventor who works with agricultural equipment. He is also a member of the national committee, a group founded in 2011, comprising 40 Mhardeh men and women whose focus is caring for the community — particularly the poor and families of martyrs — providing food, water and financial support, including especially to the guardians of the town.
Watch | Simon al-Wakeel on Mhardeh’s National Defense Force and civilians under terrorist attack
They work to help repair homes damaged by the years of missile and mortar attacks, as well as medical care for those injured by such attacks.
“For Martyrs, our righteous martyrs, we take responsibility for everything: funerals, financial support to the families,” Haddad explained.
Most I met in Mhardeh, when I asked about the issue of Idlib, insisted only the liberation of Idlib and northern Hama would bring them peace, after so many years of being attacked.
“Mhardeh has been heavily shelled since the beginning of the crisis. We have paid dearly to be able to stay steadfast in our homes and our land,” Haddad said.
Reverend Maan Bitar, of Mhardeh’s Presbyterian church, told me:
We as Syrians, we don’t accept at all any part of Syria to be divided, or any part of it to be taken. Turkey has some kind of dream to take control of Idlib. We don’t accept that; no matter what whoever says about Syria, we don’t accept this. No matter what is the price, we don’t accept to have Idlib removed from the map of Syria. Syria is our land, home and history, and we don’t want Syria to be divided.
Now, a decision has been made, by Russia and Syria: Idlib will be taken back.
The gunmen, the terrorists, they are in all the region of Idlib, not just Idlib city. They are also two kilometres from here (in northern Hama). We’ve received more than 7,000 missiles, rockets, and mortars these past eight years.
Every time the terrorists feel they are in a critical situation, militarily speaking, from the government, they shell civilians. Nobody spoke about that. For eight years, Mhardeh town is being shelled, and civilians killed, but nobody spoke of that.”
Watch |Reverend Maan Bitar on Terrorism Against Mhardeh Civilians, and Need to Liberate Idlib
America’s rhetoric of late was that they would strike Syria if there was some sort of chemical incident. Russia and Syria had for weeks been warning that terrorists together with the White Helmets were planning on staging, indeed already filming, another fake chemical attack story precisely to bring such an American attack on Syria, at a time when Idlib would be liberated.
Then the U.S. upped its rhetoric to specify it would strike not only if there was a chemical incident, but if there is any attack on Idlib, where there are, by a modest estimate, at least 70,000 extremists (or more likely 100,000 terrorists) with heavy weapons, including tens of thousands fully affiliated with al-Qaeda. There are also Ahrar al-Sham, and child-beheading Nour al-Din al-Zenki, under the coalition, the Turkish-backed “National Liberation Front”.
On September 17, Russia and Turkey came to an agreement on a demilitarized zone — which is, in theory, to clear al-Qaeda and its heavy weaponry from the to-be-established DMZ, to avoid mass civilian casualties in the fight to liberate Idlib of al-Qaeda.
As with liberations prior — Aleppo, Ghouta, Daraa and elsewhere in Syria — Russia and Syria have opened humanitarian corridors to enable civilians to leave areas occupied by terrorists, to avoid the coming fighting. And as with prior humanitarian corridors (including one I was standing on in November 2016, before Aleppo was liberated), terrorists have been firing on and shelling the Abu Duhur crossing in eastern Idlib.
Further, as with previous corridors established to enable civilians to flee to safety, they are being forcibly prevented from doing so by the “moderate rebels” inside. That said, numbers of civilians have recently exited via the Abu al-Duhur corridor.
Whatever Western leaders are saying about Idlib, Syrians want Idlib returned without a terrorist presence.
For Shadi Shehda, who lost everything dear to him in the September 7 terrorist bombings, the liberation of Idlib and its environs is a priority:
What’s is important for us now, just one thing, is liberating from outside Mhardeh to Idlib. Idlib has become a serious burden to Syria and a burden most of all to Mhardeh. All that has happened here is because of Idlib.”
A makeshift memorial commemorating the residents of Mhardeh, Syria killed in terrorist attacks. Photo | Eva Bartlett
BettBeat Media
Stop not seeing yourself in them.
Ponder this: Do you genuinely believe that the monstrous dehumanization, the industrial-scale murder of innocents, the systematic torture, the mass imprisonment and rape of an entire population, the calculated policies of famine and disease proliferation, the concerted campaign to erase these victims from the world's media and consciousness - do you really think this state-sanctioned machination of genocidal horrors being visited upon the Palestinian people will simply stop in Palestine?
It is dangerously naïve to cling to the idea that allowing such unfathomable crimes against humanity to occur completely unchecked, live-streamed for the world's morbid entertainment, will not inevitably unleash tidal waves of unimaginable cruelty onto all of us.
If the architects of these atrocities - the Israeli regime, the American military-industrial machine, the European ruling classes, the global corporate/political plutocracy and their legions of abettors - are permitted to emerge entirely unscathed from this bonfire of human civilization, you are fooling yourself if you don't think the same pitiless dark forces will soon come for you and yours as well. The people of Gaza do not suffer in isolation. By abandoning their cause, you merely delay the inevitable threat encircling us all.
The moral and ethical bubbles that presently insulate our comfortable societies from this harrowing reality are lamentably fragile constructs. If we willfully persist in averting our gaze, if we choose the path of least resistance and cling to our bubbles, we only embolden the harbingers of atrocity to infiltrate our own communities. They have already begun their infiltration, beating up students and locking up journalists - the opening salvo in their campaign to normalize such injustice on our soil. For it is precisely the silence of the good people, the abject failure to confront evil unflinchingly, that beckons it through the door.
The choice is yours - to awaken from this sleepwalk into oblivion, or slumber into the abyss encroaching from the horizon. Because if the people of Gaza must suffer alone, we have doomed ourselves to the most horrible future imaginable.
Now listen to her:
- Karim
Seethe with Anger and Rage
The Palestinians are paying the ultimate price for our awakening to reality.
For almost a century an innocent people has been slaughtered like animals with full support of our Western rulers.
The utter evil we witness in Palestine - the unbelievable, naked cruelty inflicted upon an innocent people - may seem unprecedented, almost unique. But what we see is merely what Europeans have perpetrated for roughly 500 years against peoples worldwide: Malaysians, Maoris, First Nations, Algerians, Indonesians, Congolese, Indians, Chinese, Iraqis, South Africans, Guatemalans, Kenyans, and on and on and on.
The difference now is that we can finally bear witness. See it with our own eyes, not through curated school textbooks, but the laid bare reality of white supremacist European settler-colonialism. This is it.
Professor Gerald Horne deems the 16th century the dawning of the "Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism", and rightly so. This European colonial culture, rooted more in the Viking marauders' barbarity than Semitic Christianity's teachings, has plunged the world into indescribable brutality. For too long, textbooks, propaganda films, fraudulent science, and algorithmic biases succeeded in obfuscating the truth.
But the mask has slipped. For 14 months, Western leaders unabashedly endorsed pure, unadulterated savagery - rape, torture, mass killings, starvation, the erasure of infrastructure, ecocide, theft - revealing how easily the European ruling classes revel in violence and depravity against the innocent without a shred of discomfort or guilt.
The Rage
An all-consuming rage seethes within me as I realize the prolonged abuse I endured as a Western citizen. Abused by teachers withholding truth. Abused by state lies fed to me since birth. Abused by the entire bloody system indoctrinating empty values of "human rights", "democracy", "freedom", and "equality" - all the while my genocide-endorsing government hypocritically conscripted us each year into solemn rituals memorializing World War II's "liberation."
These vile, racist, genocidal liars never cared - they couldn't care less about those deemed "non-white", "non-Christian", "non-European".
As someone of mixed heritage raised in an entirely white family and environment, I always sensed the racism - the kind you hear and feel among family and friends who trust you, those you're part of the ingroup with. That underlying current, the normalcy of degrading jokes, the automatic disregard for different phenotypes, the condescending views of other cultures. Yet when I voiced unease, I was dismissed, called paranoid. But I felt it - the deep-seated racist rot pulsing through the very heartbeat of European culture.
Self-Worth By Degrading Others
They thrive on it - European cultures appear to derive existential sustenance, their very sense of self-worth, through the degradation and dehumanization of the "Other." Their fragile positive self-perception endures only by conjuring a demonic, racially-othered embodiment of evil to be subjugated and conquered. An imagined dark monster by which to contrast their idealized, superior but fake self-image.
This pathological need births the endless charade of "greatest threats to mankind" that the Euro-American ruling class keeps manufacturing - Muslims, Chinese, Black people, Indigenous populations... Projected shades of darkness onto which to cast their idealized self-image as a righteous, superior force of light.
Yet they remain blind to the blatant irony - that this very culture rendered European colonizers the embodiment of evil themselves. So utterly dehumanized that they could perpetrate the genocidal slaughter of hundreds of millions of human beings across just half a millennium.
But no more. The mask is off. We see European cultures' rotten core laid bare, their true face unobscured. No high ranked universities, self-aggrandizing Nobel Prizes, nor Hollywood spectacles of white damsels and saviors can conceal this revelation. The truth about European cultures is finally being exposed for all to see. And the Palestinian people are paying the ultimate price for this harsh awakening to reality.
- Karim
CIA-GATE. Secret Life of Deadliest Arms Dealer Operating under CIA Cover in Ukraine
WARNING by Gospa News – The information is so detailed that we believe it is our duty to report their dossiers, even if it is impossible for us to verify them
All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added aftermath for relevance to the topics highlighted
Over recent decades, a clandestine network of weapons tycoons has been silently orchestrating global conflicts, their shadows looming large over world politics and security. Their covert operations, often hidden from public view, have profound impacts on international stability and human lives.
Today, these figures continue to arm warring factions, perpetuating violence and bloodshed. With close ties to intelligence agencies, they operate with near-impunity, shaping political landscapes. Moreover, their collaboration with international criminal networks facilitates access to illicit resources, casting a dark shadow over world order and jeopardizing millions of lives.
In an exclusive investigation, we expose one of the most notorious figures in the illegal arms trade: Jean-Bernard Lasnaud. His extensive network of connections has allowed him to evade justice on at least two occasions, placing himself above the law and international norms.
Jean-Bernard Lasnaud
Born on March 12, 1942, in Neuilly-sur-Sannes, France, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud has carved out a sinister legacy as one of the most infamous figures in the global arms trade.
Known by a myriad of aliases – including François Lasnaudsky and Fransua Laroche – Mr.Lasnaud has amassed a fortune through illicit weapons deals, generating millions and attracting the intense scrutiny of international law enforcement agencies.
One of Lasnaud’s most daring operations involved orchestrating the sale of Argentine arms to Croatia and Ecuador in the 1990s, with transactions valued at over $100 million. These deals brazenly flouted U.N. embargoes and international sanctions, highlighting his disregard for global norms and regulations. According to The New York Times, approximately half of this staggering sum was alleged to have been funneled as bribes to officials, underscoring the deep-rooted corruption entwined with his operations.
In 1997, Argentine authorities took legal action against Lasnaud for arms smuggling, leading Interpol to issue an arrest warrant in his name. His elaborate use of aliases and complex network have presented considerable challenges for law enforcement seeking to bring him to justice.
In 2002, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud was apprehended in Switzerland, kindling hopes that he would finally face justice for his alleged crimes. However, in a surprising turn, Lasnaud was permitted to return to the United States and resume his illicit activities, rather than being turned over to Argentine prosecutors.
Despite repeated extradition requests from Buenos Aires, the U.S. Department of Justice declined to comply, citing insufficient evidence that Lasnaud knew about the contents of his shipments – a decision that sparked outrage and fueled suspicions of high-level corruption.
The move was particularly contentious given that Interpol had issued a “red notice” against Lasnaud, which typically leads to extradition. In this instance, however, an exception was made.
Following his release, Lasnaud successfully evaded authorities for several years. His next high-profile run-in with law enforcement occurred on May 4, 2018, when Spanish police arrested him during a meeting with a Colombian military contractor at a hotel.
The arrest stirred controversy, with some speculating that Lasnaud might once again evade justice. Indeed, the matter was subsequently swept under the rug, allowing the arms dealer to continue his illegal weapons trade undeterred.
Why Jean-Bernard Lasnaud Evaded Justice for So Long?
A crucial element keeping Jean-Bernard Lasnaud one step ahead of the law is his purported safeguard by none other than the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. In a bombshell 2002 report, PBS revealedallegations from a former U.S. intelligence official that Lasnaud had been secretly functioning as a CIA asset since the notorious Iran-Contra affair.
This disclosure was independently confirmed by an anonymous U.S. Customs officer in Miami, lending credence to the clandestine relationship that has allowed Lasnaud to operate with impunity for decades.
In a revealing interview while awaiting potential extradition to Argentina in a Geneva prison, Lasnaud admitted to having worked for both the CIA and U.S. Customs. This disclosure, documented in an article by Le Temps, provided rare insight into his intricate network of alliances and protections.
These connections raise serious questions about the potential involvement of intelligence agencies in shielding individuals engaged in illicit activities, further complicating efforts to bring high-profile arms dealers like Lasnaud to justice.
“From his prison cell, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud made several attempts to seek support from his friends in the United States. Breaking a taboo in the discreet world of arms dealers, this 60-year-old Franco-American, who had never spoken to the press before, asserted that he had been working for years with two U.S. agencies: the CIA and Customs.
“I was legally established in Miami,” he said. “In my line of work, you can only operate if you are in contact with the government. I collaborated with the CIA in South America; I participated in small operations, things involving 100 rifles, not much more.” It was while serving as an instructor in El Salvador during the 1980s that he forged ties with people from “the company.”
“One hand washes the other, that’s the expression used in this milieu. They suggested I settle in the United States.” The man remained discreet about the exact nature of the “operations” carried out for the CIA. According to our sources, he had been active in Colombia, fighting against the FARC (leftist guerrilla), and during the Iran-Contra affair, which saw the CIA sell weapons to Iran to fund the anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua.”
In an article published in The Upstream Journal’s May/June 2008 issue, Alexander, son of Jean-Bernard Lasnaud, alleged that his father had ties to the CIA, facilitating the purchase of Chinese radars for the U.S. military. However, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud later refuted these claims, asserting that no such transaction took place and dismissed his son’s statements as false.
An intriguing detail supporting Lasnaud’s alleged CIA connections is his long-term residence in a secure community in Coral Springs, Florida – a location reportedly favored by individuals with ties to the agency.
Lasnaud has cultivated longstanding connections with the American mafia, notably the infamous Gambino crime family, one of New York’s legendary “Five Families.”
The Gambinos have a storied history in organized crime, with illegal operations spanning labor racketeering, construction, gambling, loan sharking, money laundering, prostitution, fraud, hijacking, and fencing stolen goods.
In the 1990s, Lasnaud capitalized on his Gambino connections to facilitate secret arms shipments from Argentina to Croatia and Ecuador. Despite law enforcement attention, the Gambino clan persists in reaping profits from illicit ventures like underground gambling and loan sharking.
This begs the chilling question: Has the United States become a sanctuary for an international arms dealer entangled in the web of organized crime, all while covertly shielded by the long arm of the CIA?
Remarkably, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud has been granted “honorable” status, further indicating his value to certain government interests and ensuring his immunity from legal consequences. Individuals with such standing are typically shielded from inspection, and their activities are rarely exposed in mainstream media.
However, as an independent voice, we aim to reveal the truth about Lasnaud’s current whereabouts and operations, shining a light on this elusive figure in international arms dealing.
Jean-Bernard Lasnaud’s Current Life
Notably, Jean-Bernard Lasnaud is a registered member of the Republican Party in Florida, with an address at 793 Villa Portofino Cir, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. However, he has primarily resided in France in recent years.
Our investigation also uncovered a probable temporary residence for Lasnaud at 86 Rue de la Plage, Criel-sur-Mer 76910, France. Additionally, he receives mail at 9 Rue Des Gobelins, 95100 Argenteuil, France.
While gathering information about Lasnaud, we discovered a Google group where various “entrepreneurs” offer goods and services, including those for military purposes. Among these listings are advertisements from Lasnaud himself, representing his company General Equipment, which holds a U.S. State Department license (K-5943). In one such advertisement, Lasnaud is seen offering 82 decommissioned Jeep military vehicles for sale.
Lasnaud’s contact details, as found in the letters, include: see CIA Gate original post (link at the bottom of the article)
In addition to his role at General Equipment, a company specializing in the sale of weapons and armored vehicles, Lasnaud has also owned Proserv Int Business LTD since 2017. This British-registered firm is involved in supplying energy infrastructure, showcasing Lasnaud’s diverse business interests.
The information available on the British government website serves as further confirmation that Jean-Bernard Lasnaud resides in France. This revelation adds another layer to the intricate web of his international business dealings.
Lasnaud’s activities extend far beyond simple entrepreneurship. He is also linked to the sale of field hospitals in the Czech Republic, operating under the banner of Proserv Int Business LTD.
Fabio is investigative journalist since 1991. Now geopolitics, intelligence, military, SARS-Cov-2 manmade, NWO expert and Director-founder of Gospa News: a Christian Information Journal.
His articles were published on many international media and website as SouthFront, Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, United Nation Association Westminster, Global Research, Kolozeg and more…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, born on 24/2/1967 in Borgosesia, started working as a reporter when he was only 19 years old in the alpine area of Valsesia, Piedmont, his birth region in Italy. After studying literature and history at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, he became director of the local newspaper Notizia Oggi Vercelli and specialized in judicial reporting.
For about 15 years he is a correspondent from Northern Italy for the Italian newspapers Libero and Il Giornale, also writing important revelations on the Ustica massacre, a report on Freemasonry and organized crime.
With independent investigations, he collaborates with Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza in important investigations that conclude with the arrest of Camorra entrepreneurs or corrupt politicians.
In July 2018 he found the counter-information web media Gospa News focused on geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East, and military intelligence.
In 2020 published the book, in Italian only, WUHAN-GATES – The New World Order Plot on SARS-Cov-2 manmade focused on the cycle of investigations Wuhan-Gates
His investigations was quoted also by The Gateway Pundit, Tasnim and others
He worked for many years for the magazine Art & Wine as an art critic and curator.
$280+ BILLION US TAXPAYER DOLLARS INVESTED since 1948 in US/Israeli Ethnic Cleansing and Occupation Operation 150B direct "aid" and $ 130B in "Offense" contracts Source: Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C. and US Department of State.
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