Wednesday 3 July 2024


Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence

Photomontage (source)

by InTrust WeDoubt and The Grayzone, reposted from The GrayZone, June 27, 2024

Alleged “confessions” by two Palestinians in Israeli custody filmed seemingly admitting to multiple rapes, murders, and kidnappings on October 7, do not match the events of that day, are contradicted by copious evidence, and were likely coerced through torture. US and British media are running with the stories regardless.

On May 23, 2024, Britain’s Daily Mail published what it described as “exclusive”interrogation tapes it had been handed by Israeli intelligence. The Murdoch-owned tabloid claimed the supposed confessions exposed a pair of “father and son Hamas rapists” who had admitted “going house to house carrying out sex attacks and murder.” The proof of this apparent bombshell story consisted of two short snippets of heavily edited footage in which a wide-eyed Palestinian father and son are shown confessing to raping, killing, and kidnapping Israeli civilians from Kibbutz Nir Oz in Israel on October 7th.

In the videos, the pair, listed by the Daily Mail as “Shameless Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18,” seemingly admit to heinous crimes including a double homicide, kidnapping a mother and daughter, gangraping and murdering a woman, and kidnapping an Israeli resident.

In an appeal to emotion aimed at making the very questioning of the confessions’ reliability an act of siding with monsters, the Daily Mail writes, “An evil father and son have revealed…] how they killed and raped innocent civilians.” The opening sentence distills the essence of the article as a whole: “These confessions further prove that any attempt to deny the horrors of October 7th… is part of a campaign… to promote the justification of terrorism.”

This investigation will expose the videos, and the Western media coverage of them, as yet another cynical example of Israeli propaganda designed to manufacture support for Tel Aviv’s assault on the Gaza Strip. Indeed, the claims made in the videos are not only uncorroborated by any evidence gathered by Israel, they are contradicted by copious documentation of the deaths which occurred in Nir Oz on October 7.

The co-author of the Daily Mail article promoting the supposed confession videos turns out to have been an obscure Israeli-based writer with little prior experience in investigative journalism, stridently anti-Palestinian views and a Twitter timeline featuring a smiling selfie of herself with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at an official British embassy gala in Tel Aviv.

Israel-based journalist Natalie Lisbona with PM Benjamin Netanyahu, June 8, 2022
Israel-based journalist Natalie Lisbona with PM Benjamin Netanyahu, June 8, 2022 (photo)

Named Natalie Lisbona, the Daily Mail writer has become a key conduit for Israeli propaganda related to sexual violence allegations against Palestinians. Two weeks before October 7, Lisbona was publishing hard-hitting reports for the BBC on protein-packed gummies made from locusts. Days after the Hamas attack, she took to social media to rant against journalists who questioned Israeli claims that “babies were beheaded and burned alive by Hamas,” and to boast of her own plans to propagate the lurid Israeli claims.

Two weeks before October 7, Lisbona was publishing hard-hitting reports for the BBC on protein-packed gummies made from locusts.
Two weeks before October 7, Lisbona was publishing hard-hitting reports for the BBC on protein-packed gummies made from locusts. (source)

“For the last three weeks, I’ve been speaking to the witnesses and families of hostages,” including those who “witnessed the remains of a pregnant woman whose baby was pulled out of her and beheaded,” Lisbona wrote on October 28.

The Daily Mail writer has become a key conduit for Israeli propaganda
The Daily Mail writer has become a key conduit for Israeli propaganda (source)

Though this claim and nearly all allegations like it have been soundly discredited, including in Israeli news outlets, Lisbona claimed without evidence this March that “Hamas and gangs from GAZA raped CORPSES. RAPED CHILDREN.”

This claim and nearly all allegations like it have been soundly discredited
This claim and nearly all allegations like it have been soundly discredited (source)

Like the Daily Mail, the New York Times relied on a young Israeli freelancer with little journalistic experience and strongly anti-Palestinian views to gather testimony for its scandalous and comprehensively debunked“Screams Without Words” feature alleging mass sexual violence on October 7. That Times writer, Anat Schwartz, has since been fired,officially due to her liking of Twitter posts which expressed support for the mass slaughter of Palestinians. However, the Mail’s Lisbona remains one of Tel Aviv’s most reliable publicists in Western media, regularly pumping out speciously sourced reports accusing Palestinian militants of sexual violence.

The dubious and apparently coerced confessions promoted by Lisbona in her May 23 Daily Mail feature have received front page treatment in the New York Post, a US tabloid also owned by the Murdoch family, as well as in virtually every English-language Israeli outlet.

As we demonstrate in this investigation, none of the alleged crimes described in the supposed confessions align with any known details of actual October 7 victims, or how they died. Other portions of the videos contain significant contradictions which, absent further explanations or evidence from Israel, make it extremely unlikely the confessions are true.

Here is a summary of the most significant findings in this investigation:

  • The father claims he found a couple in their forties alone in a house in Nir Oz and killed them, but no such couple was killed.
  • The father claims he found a mother and daughter alone in a house and kidnapped them, but no mother and daughter were taken in such circumstances.
  • The father and son confess to raping and killing a woman in her thirties, but no woman in that age range was killed in Nir Oz in circumstances matching the confessions.
  • The location from which an Israeli man was supposedly kidnapped contradicts his final text messages and his mother’s testimony.
  • The timeline seems impossible. If, as described by the son, they arrived at Nir Oz at “about 10” AM, the acts described in the confessions (10 murders, 19-21 kidnappings, breaking into more than 7 houses, and the rape of 2 women) would have to have been committed in about eight minutes if they were to have kidnapped the Israeli man, who wrote that his captors were “trying to get in” at 10:08.

Three major contradictions between the confessions were found:

  • The kidnapping of the Israeli man did not happen, according to the father’s confession.
  • The ‘rape victim’ was murdered only in the son’s confession.
  • According to the father, the supposed rape victims was accompanied by 3-4 other men from Gaza when approached by the pair. In the son’s telling, the victim was with an Israeli man, who the father killed.
  • No corroborating evidence for any of the alleged crimes has been presented, as Israel has released no videos documenting the father and son’s presence in Nir Oz and has not named the victims described in the confessions.
  • The confessions were very likely extracted via torture, which is known to produce extremely high rates of false confessions.
  • While the interrogations likely lasted days or more, only 20 minutes have been released and those too are heavily edited with many edits in critical places.
  • The confessions describe extremely rare crimes, such as a gang rape by father, son, and uncle. Over-the-top crimes like these are common in atrocity propaganda but are extremely rare in real life. This is not impossible, but as the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

The missing ‘double murder’ victims

In his taped confession, the father, Jamal Radi, tells an interrogator from Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence agency that after entering Nir Oz with his son and brother that morning, the first crime he committed was a double homicide, which supposedly occurred inside a home in the settlement. “In the first house I found a woman and her husband, and we hit them with fire and killed them,” he can be seen saying. “They were in their late 40s,” he adds.

Per Israeli officials, a total of 113 people were killed in or kidnapped from Nir Oz on October 7, but a woman in her 40s is not listed among them. The only two women between the ages of 30 and 60 who were killed in the Kibbutz or who remain in Hamas custody are Tamar Kedem Siman Tov (35) and Maya Goren (56).

According to Goren’s sons, she was not at home during the attack, and was alone in the kibbutz’s nursery instead. They testified that she was captured or killed at around 9:55 AM,and that her husband was still alive an hour later, before he was killed outside the safe room in their home. The only other woman anywhere near the age range described, Tamar Kedem Siman Tov, was killed in her safe room,along with her husband, three children, and her mother-in-law. Neither victim fits with the father and son’s supposed admission of killing a man and a woman.

The kidnapping of a mysterious mother and daughter

After dispatching the phantom couple, the father, Radi, claimed to have moved onto another house. “I found a woman and her daughter and gave them to [Hamas’ military wing] Al-Qassam,” he states in the confession.

But efforts to cross-reference the database of people kidnapped or killed in Nir Oz, with a special focus on mother-daughter combinations, were similarly fruitless. There are no descriptions of victims in Nir Oz that fit with the senior Radi’s description of a mother and daughter alone being taken from the same house. The closest matches include:

Barring any explanations or new evidence from Israel, the second confession of the kidnapping of a mother and daughter in Nir Oz does not match any of the victims in the Kibbutz.

The rape claims

In the supposed confession footage, Jamal and his son, Abdallah, are seen separately, and each claims to have taken turns raping a woman.

According to the elder Radi’s alleged confession, the supposed gangrape occurred in a house where he saw “a woman in shorts in the living room with a few other men,” who he claimed were from Gaza. The video shows Jamal saying he took the woman to a different room and raped her at gunpoint, while the would-be victim cried.

Initially, Jamal states that he was the only one who participated, but he is contradicted by the interrogator, who insists that he’s lying and informs him that his son confessed to the rape. At this point, the father changes his story, and claims his brother and son raped her as well. Jamal goes on to assert that he personally assaulted the woman for about 15 minutes, and tells his Israeli interrogator that his brother and son spent an additional 10-15 minutes raping the supposed victim, before the entire trio left and returned to Gaza.

After their departure, Jamal says, “I don’t know what happened to her, I was there for fifteen minutes and then I left.”

Though Jamal told his Israeli interrogator that he does not know what happened to the woman after they left, Abdallah maintains that she was murdered by his father, telling his captors: “My father killed the woman after we finished.” If Jamal’s confession were legitimate, he would have little incentive to omit this final crime, given the extensive list of crimes he had already confessed to.

There are numerous other glaring inconsistencies in the tales told by the pair, including the details of the alleged crime, with the son describing an Israeli man being present, who was also “killed” by his father. In the father’s retelling, there is no Israeli man — instead, he’s been replaced by “three or four” men from Gaza.

According to the son’s confession, the woman they raped was “about thirty years old” or “in her early 30s,” an age range which limits possible victims to Tamar Kedem Siman Tov (35), Arbel Yehud (28), Shiri Bibas (32).

By sheer process of elimination, it can be concluded that Jamal could not have killed any woman in her thirties in Nir Oz on October 7th.

The kidnapping of “Matan”

According to Jamal’s interrogation tape, this was their last crime committed on October 7. But the son, Abdallah, testifies that the pair went on to participate in the kidnapping of a high-profile Israeli abductee after the alleged assault.

According to Israeli officials, the man in question was Matan Zangauker, who was taken on October 7th and is reportedly still held by Hamas today. Zangauker’s kidnapping is the only crime described in the confessions that can be associated with a specific victim.

In the video, Abdallah says he “caught” Matan after he found him hiding among the trees in the settlement. But the son claims that he attempted to protect Zangauker from mistreatment by other Palestinians, beginning with his uncle and ending with a group of supposed Hamas operatives.

But once again, Abdallah’s story is completely contradicted by the available evidence. During a December 2023 rally calling on the Israeli government to negotiate for the release of the Israeli abductees, Zangauker’s mother revealed that her “son, Matan, and his girlfriend, Ilana, were kidnapped together from Kibbutz Nir Oz, from the bedroom inside the safe room where they slept on the eve of Shabbat.”

Footage published by Israeli state media, which showed the last text messages Zangauker sent to his mother on October 7, also indicates that rather than being seized while hiding alone in the trees, Matan was actually taken from a safe room inside a house, and was taken alongside his girlfriend, Ilana Gritzewsky.

In the screenshot from Matan’s mother’s phone below, Matan’s parents can be seen telling him to “shut the window,” to which Matan replies: “Everything is closed.”

The last text messages Zangauker sent to his mother on October 7
The last text messages Zangauker sent to his mother on October 7 (source)

At 9:45 AM, Zangauker responds: “Wait. There are people here. I am holding the door. I can’t write”. His parents urge him to pass along the phone number of his girlfriend, who is with him in the secure room.

23 minutes later, at 10:08, Matan writes his final message: “They are trying to get in.”

When asked how long they were in the kibbutz, Abdallah informs his interrogator that “We arrived at about 10 am, [or] something like that,” and “left at 12:30.”

Ultimately, the timeline of Matan’s messages and the timeline of his kidnapping as described in the confession simply do not line up.

According to the text messages, the Gazans who kidnapped Matan were already inside his house at 9:45 am and were on the verge of kidnapping him at 10:08. When combined with the timeline provided by the father, this chain of events is impossible. Here are the parts of the father’s confession relating to the sequence of events, and the amount of time each crime took:

Interrogator: Tell me what happened in the first house.

Father: In the first house I was surprised by a woman and her husband and I shot them. […] After that there was another house. Hassan went inside one house and I went into another. […] I found a woman and her daughter and gave them to [Hamas’ military wing] Al-Qassam.

Interrogator: When you talked with Hamas, where were they?

Father: They were walking around [the kibbutz].

Interrogator: OK. And the third house?

Father: The third house, it’s a house with also a man and his wife, in their 50s, and I handed them over to Al-Qassam.


Interrogator: OK. You went to the fourth house and what happened?

Father: No, we found a group of settlers, between 10 and 12 people, men, children, and women. We surrounded them and handed them over to Al-Qassam. […] After that, while I was walking I saw five guys, boys and girls, that tried to run away so we shot them. […] and then I went to the house where the woman was. […] I took her to the next room and I […] raped her. […] I laid on top of her, kissed her and put myself inside her, and came. It took about 15 minutes.


Interrogator: And you say that [your son] Abdallah and [your brother] Ahmad stayed in the house. […] How long were they in the house? .

Father: Between 10 and 15 minutes. […] We finished [raping her], left, and went home.

Contradictions between the confessions

The first inconsistency that becomes apparent is that the father makes no mention of having found a man alone or kidnapping him. According to Jamal, after the alleged rape, they went home. This contrasts dramatically with the story recounted by the son, who told his interrogator that “When I left [the house] I saw a settler hiding between the trees, so I caught him,” and noted that “This happened when Hasan and my father arrived.”

Even if this extreme discrepancy is disregarded, the timeline still does not fit. According to the father, they shot a couple in the first house, then split up and went into two other houses, kidnapped 5 people, and gave them to Al-Qassam. They then proceeded to another house, kidnapped two more people, and gave them to Al-Qassam. Next, they found a group of 10-12 people, kidnapped them and gave them to Al-Qassam. Then, while walking, they saw a group of 5 people who ran from them, who they shot and killed. Then, and only then, did they arrive at the house where they raped the woman for about 30 minutes, after which — according to the son’s confession — they found Matan hiding in the trees.

So this entire chain of events, which entails multiple assaults on houses, dozens of kidnappings and murders, and three acts of rape that purportedly took over 30 minutes, needed to have happened between their arrival time at “about 10” and 10:08, which is when Matan wrote, “they’re trying to get in.” Such a scenario is simply impossible.

Attempts to reconcile the timeline with the son’s confession prove similarly fruitless. According to Abdallah, he killed two people, raped two women (one of which was the 30-minute rape with the father), and broke into five houses, from which they kidnapped people. Again, all of this needed to have happened between their arrival time at “about 10” and 10:08. This, too, is plainly false.

Where is the video?

Further questions about the authenticity of the confessions are raised by the lack of video evidence of the father and son’s supposed crime spree in the kibbutz.

The Israeli government has hundreds of hours of video documenting the attacks on October 7, and has shown itself perfectly willing to release it when politically useful — as is the case with a taped confession by two Hamas members,which Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence agency published after adding security camera footage from Kibbutz Alumim.

The Israeli government has hundreds of hours of video documenting the attacks on October 7
The Israeli government has hundreds of hours of video documenting the attacks on October 7 (source)

Though Israel has had two months to investigate the confessions, and possesses comprehensive video documentation of October 7th in Kibbutz Nir Oz, no such videos have been presented.

Unless Israel is able to produce further explanations or evidence, there is every reason to conclude that these confessions were false, and coerced through torture. As with already debunked propaganda hoaxes spun out by Israel’s international propaganda apparatus, such as claims of babies beheaded and burned in ovens by Hamas, lurid Western media reports of the murder and gang-rape spree by a Palestinian father and son appear to have been orchestrated by an intelligence service notorious for its use of deception to generate further justification for the decimation of Gaza.

InTrustWeDoubt is a collective of Israeli researchers who maintain anonymity to avoid harassment by police and fanatics. Follow them on Twitter at @InTrustWeDoubt and on Substack here:

The Grayzone is an online news website dedicated to original investigative journalism, news, and analysis, edited by award-winning journalist Max Blumenthal.



The Gaza Project reveals how Israel has targeted the press – in 3 stories

Ameed Shehade can still hear the sound of the bullet grazing past his head. The Al Araby TV correspondent and his cameraman, Rabi Al-Munayer, found themselves under Israeli forces fire while on assignment on a gently sloping hill, offering clear visibility. Their unmistakable identification as journalists – press vests, helmets, tripods, camera and microphone – wasn’t enough to protect them.

The journalist received at least three bullets that were fired in their direction, two of which struck their camera. According to Shehade, the camera was positioned approximately half a meter from him, and no more than 30 centimeters away from Al-Munayer.

“This is a message they are sending to us,” Shehade told Forbidden Stories, slipping out of the confident voice he uses on TV. His interpretation of the incident comes from 14 years of experience working as a reporter in the occupied West Bank.

“Please record what I say in case anything bad happens,” he said. “We as reporters who are working in the West Bank feel now more than ever that we could go for a report and never come back.”

In the early hours of May 4, Shehade and Al-Munayer headed to Deir al-Ghusun, northeast of the city of Tulkarm, in Palestine’s occupied West Bank, to cover an Israeli raid that had been ongoing over 12 hours. According to the Israel Police Spokesperson’s Unit, the operation involved counterterrorism forces from the Israel Police, IDF, and Shin Bet, guided by intelligence from the Shin Bet and the Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN), aiming to “thwart a terrorist cell.”

Israeli forces leveled with a bulldozer a two-story house allegedly belonging to members of Hamas –designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, and Israel in particular. Five Palestinians had been killed overnight, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israeli forces; Hamas confirmed that four of them were members of its al-Qassam armed wing.

According to six journalists present on the ground that day – along with Shehade and Al-Munayer – who spoke to Forbidden Stories and its partners, there was no military activity, upheaval, or even stone throwing in their immediate vicinity. The closest fighting would have taken place around the targeted house, approximately 290 meters away from them.

Upon arrival, the crew set up on top of a nearby hill for a better view of the events at the house, they told the consortium.

According to Shehade, the soldiers were aware of their presence as reporters; they were clearly identified as such and didn’t change location between the time they arrived on the hill, at approximately 8 a.m., and the moment of the shooting, at 10:30 a.m., (Forbidden Stories was able to extract the metadata from a picture taken at 9:28 AM, where both journalists can be seen in the same location and wearing press vests.)…[more]

By Mariana Abreu, reposted from Forbidden Stories: The Gaza Project

On the afternoon of January 22, four journalists climbed a small hill in Tal Al-Zaatar, in northern Gaza. Anas Al-Sharif, Mahmoud Shalha, Emad Ghaboun and Mahmoud Sabbah – some of the few remaining journalists in the region – had been reporting on the famine that has gripped Gaza since the Israeli offensive began last fall, following Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attacks on Israeli soil. They were searching for an internet signal to transmit videos to their editors when a blast knocked the group to the ground.

In a cloud of smoke, Al-Sharif, who was wearing a press vest and suffered minor injuries to his back, bolted toward his colleagues, now lying in the blood-stained rubble. Ghaboun had to be carried to a nearby hospital in the scoop of a bulldozer. (A civilian lost his life in the same attack.)

Journalists present said they recall a “surveillance drone” targeting them; although we were unable to obtain real-time footage of the strike, a video Al-Sharif took in the aftermath of the attack, which was analyzed by experts, corroborates the presence of a drone.

For four months, a team of 50 journalists coordinated by Forbidden Stories investigated the wounding and killing by Israeli forces of more than 100 media personnel in Gaza. While the Israeli military claims that it doesn’t deliberately target journalists, our findings suggest that at least 18 media workers were reportedly killed or wounded by precision strikes likely launched from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in violation of the laws of war. Four were wearing press vests and were identifiable as journalists. Tal Al-Zaatar is just one case in what appears to be part of a pattern.

Under international humanitarian law, armies must distinguish between combatants and noncombatants, and direct attacks only at military targets. Intentionally targeting civilians, including reporters, is a war crime. Even if a military objective is legitimate, the attack must not cause excessive civilian casualties, injuries, or damage out of proportion with the expected military gain.

Drones, experts agree, have the technological capabilities to minimize casualties. During an 11-day Israeli military campaign against Hamas in 2021, for example, UAVs enabled “real-time cancellation” of air strikes that endangered civilian lives, according to an analysis published by Israeli military researcher Dr. Liran Antebi in 2022. The current pattern, therefore, raises a central question: how could so many journalists be killed by UAVs?

More precisely, he said, it’s a “prop engine, low flying, slow-moving” vehicle. Bryant’s assessment was backed by a German drone and defense researcher, who spoke to the consortium anonymously. “The sound in the background does resemble the one made by UAVs using piston engines, or turboprops.”

Forbidden Stories worked with audio research agency Earshot to conduct forensic audio analyses of videos collected by the consortium; our findings indicate that the Israeli military currently uses both turboprop and piston engine drones in Gaza for reconnaissance and strikes…[more]

by Léa Peruchon, excerpt reposted from Forbidden Stories: The Gaza Project

In the end, the building was spared that day, but an Israeli strike a few hundred meters away killed three Palestinian journalists who had come to cover the expected attack. The Israeli military called Marc Jourdier back later that night to say that the premises were now classified as “not to be targeted.”

This is not the first time journalists have been ordered to evacuate their offices in Gaza due to the threat of Israeli bombing, Carlos Martinez de la Serna, program director at the Committee to Protect Journalists, said in an interview. “The Israeli military has a history of attacks on media structures,” he explained. In May 2021, a tower housing the Qatari media organization Al Jazeera and the American news agency The Associated Press (AP) was destroyed by three missiles, on the basis, the Israeli military claimed, of an imminent threat posed by Hamas’s presence in the building. When questioned publicly, Israel provided no evidence to support this claim.

Since October 7, 2023, the phenomenon has taken on unprecedented proportions. In response to the Hamas terrorist attack on Israeli soil, the Israeli military has relentlessly bombarded the Gaza Strip, a 365-square-kilometer territory barely larger than Malta. News coverage in the Gaza Strip has become extremely limited.

“When you look at the conflicts around the world … you would usually have the international media on the ground,” said Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. “None of them have been allowed access. Or they’re embedded within the IDF”…[more]



 Khan Younis empties, Netanyahu faces crisis after crisis of leadership – Day 270

A lack of clean water and sanitation in Gaza, combined with the heat of summer, is fuellng the spread of infectious diseases. (screengrab)

With Khan Younis evacuation, 1.9 million Palestinians packed into middle area of Gaza; unexploded bombs; Hind’s father killed; West Bank deaths; report: Israeli prisons shockingly overcrowded, inhumane – Ben Gvir gives his approval; Israeli troops tired, low on munitions, want a truce – Netanyahu fumes; more incidents of Palestinians tied to hood of Israeli vehicles; another Biden appointee resigns, group statement from 12 fellow resignees; Francesca Albanese targeted by smear campaign; The first-ever Knesset-House Parliamentary Friendship Group held its inaugural meeting in Jerusalem , with its US chairman Rep. David Kustoffmore…

By IAK staff, from reports.

Palestinians flee Khan Younis as 1.9 million are crammed into central Gaza:

Associated Press reports: Palestinians are streaming out of eastern Khan Younis, the second-largest city in Gaza, as an Israeli evacuation order affects roughly 250,000 people, the United Nations said Tuesday.

Around 1.9 million people — more than 80% of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip — are now clustered into the territory’s central region.

On Monday, Israel’s military instructed Palestinians to evacuate a wide swath of Khan Younis and nearby areas, and go to the Israeli-declared safe zone, suggesting Israel will launch a new ground assault into the city.

However, an Israeli strike inside the safe zone Tuesday killed at least 12 people,including nine members of the same family. Some of the dead had reportedly just fled Khan Younis hours earlier.

AL JAZEERA ADDS: The Israeli army has instructed people fleeing Khan Younis head to the “al-Mawasi humanitarian zone.”

Though al-Mawasi is described as a “humanitarian zone”, Palestinians have fled the area in recent weeks after Israeli tank fire and air strikes. At least 25 people were killed in two Israeli strikes on June 21, while at least 21 people were killed there in another attack on May 28, according to Gaza officials.

Strike kills 3 generations of a family in “safe zone”:

Associated Press reports: The Hamdan family — around a dozen people from three generations — fled their home in the middle of the night after the Israeli military ordered an evacuation from the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis.

They found refuge with extended relatives in a building further north, inside an Israeli-declared safe zone.

But hours after they arrived, an Israeli airstrike on Tuesday afternoon hit their building in the town of Deir al-Balah, killing nine members of the family and three others.

In all, five children and three women were among the dead, according to hospital records and a relative who survived.

Gaza littered with unexploded bombs, putting children at risk, says UN:

OCHA reports: Explosive remnants of war and unexploded ordnance (UXO) continue to pose significant risks of injury or death to people across the Gaza Strip, with IDPs, people returning to areas that have been bombarded or seen heavy fighting, and children being particularly affected.

On 29 June, a nine-year old girl was reportedly killed, and three others were injured, by UXO in the Qizan An Najjar area, south of Khan Younis.

Earlier on 5 June, six children were reportedly injured when a UXO reportedly exploded near Al Aqsa University in western Khan Younis.

Father of Palestinian girl Hind Rajab killed in Gaza – Report:

The father of six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab – whose killing in an Israeli tank attack in January garnered global attention – has also been reported killed in Gaza.

Hind’s mother found out her husband had been killed by text message after the family was separated under Israel’s ongoing Gaza siege, Scahill said.

The Israeli tank attack that killed Hind also killed her three cousins, her aunt and uncle. Two Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics sent to rescue Hind were also killed.

RECOMMENDED READING: You need to meet this little girl named Hind.

West Bank – Four Palestinians killed in Israeli drone raid:

WAFA reports: The Ministry of Health said that four Palestinians were killed just before midnight on Tuesday in an Israeli drone raid on Nur Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarem, in the northern occupied West Bank.

The killing of the four youths brings the number of Palestinians killed in Tulkarem over the past 24 hours to six.

On Monday, a woman and child were killed during the occupation’s incursion into the city of Tulkarm and the camp of Nur Shams. The woman was killed by shrapnel injuries, and the child was shot and killed by an Israeli forces bullet to the head.

Shin Bet reveals 21,000 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails:

The Cradle reports: The head of Israel’s Shin Bet security service, Ronen Bar, warned in a recent letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir that 21,000 Palestinians are imprisoned in jails across Israel – despite prison capacity allowing for no more than 14,500.

The letter’s contents were revealed in a report by Hebrew news site Ynet on Tuesday.

The conditions and conduct towards Palestinians in these prisons “borders on abuse,” and in some cases violate international law, according to Bar. He called the situation a “time bomb” because the prison issue opens individuals within Israel’s government to prosecution at the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC).

Bar strongly criticized Ben Gvir, who is in charge of the prison system, who has implemented “various measures that harmed the conditions of the prisoners.”

In recent months, Ben Gvir has significantly tightened already brutal and restrictive measures against Palestinian prisoners – including a recent call for the execution of Palestinian prisoners.

It was previously assumed that around 9,000 to 10,000 Palestinians were detained across Israeli prisons.

“This crisis arose despite warnings that were sent to the Ministry of National Security to prepare for this about a year ago,” Bar said in his letter.

He also warned that the incarceration crisis harms Israel’s ability to “counter terrorism.” The security establishment has had to cancel arrests of suspects or of “those who are defined as posing a clear and immediate danger to security.”

“Bottom line, the incarceration crisis creates threats to Israel’s national security.”

AL JAZEERA ADDS: Ben-Gvir has called for the notorious Sde Teiman prison to keep its doors open to Palestinian detainees, despite overcrowding.

“We are overcrowded in prisons, and it is a good thing,” Ben-Gvir was quoted as saying by Israeli media outlets.

“This is not a reason to release [Palestinian detainees], that is how they are supposed to be. These are terrorists, I give them what is required by law – the minimum,” he said.

NOTE: The use of the word “terrorist” for a group that resists occupation and oppression is a political, not fact-based choice. In reality, international law supports the efforts of resistance groups against an occupying power, the UN extending that right to the point of armed resistance.
RECOMMENDED READING: Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans.
Palestinians released from Sde Teiman back into Gaza describe their torture
Palestinians released from Sde Teiman back into Gaza describe their torture (screenshot)

Short on ‘munitions, motivation, and troops,’ Israeli army wants Gaza truce – Report:

New York Times reports: Israel’s top generals want to begin a cease-fire in Gaza even if it keeps Hamas in power for the time being, widening a rift between the military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has opposed a truce that would allow Hamas to survive the war.

The generals think that a truce would be the best way of freeing the roughly 120 Israelis still held, both dead and alive, in Gaza, according to interviews with six current and former security officials.

Until recently, the military publicly maintained that it was possible to simultaneously achieve the government’s two main war goals: defeating Hamas and rescuing the prisoners. Now, the military high command has concluded that the two goals are mutually incompatible, several months after generals began having doubts.

Nearly nine months into a war that Israel did not plan for, its army is short of spare parts, munitions, motivation and even troops, the officials said. In an army largely reliant on reservists, some are on their third tour of duty since October and struggling to balance the fighting with their professional and family commitments.

Fewer reservists are reporting for duty, according to four military officials. And officers are increasingly distrustful of their commanders, amid a crisis of confidence in the military leadership propelled in part by its failure to prevent the Hamas-led attack in October, according to five officers.

"The rate of damage being registered is unlike anything we have studied before. It is much faster and more extensive than anything we have mapped," said Corey Scher, a PhD candidate at the City University of New York, who has been researching satellite imagery of Gaza.
“The rate of damage being registered is unlike anything we have studied before. It is much faster and more extensive than anything we have mapped,” said Corey Scher, a PhD candidate at the City University of New York, who has been researching satellite imagery of Gaza. (screenshot)

Netanyahu slams report saying army wants Gaza truce:

Al Jazeera reports: The Israeli prime minister, in response to the [above] report by the New York Times, says his country will end the war only after achieving all of its goals.

“I don’t know who those unnamed parties are, but I am here to make it unequivocally clear: It won’t happen,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office.

“We will end the war only after we have achieved all of goals, including the elimination of Hamas and the release of all our hostages.”

West Bank – more incidents of Palestinian detainees tied to IDF jeep hoods:

Jerusalem Post reports: Last week, the IDF admitted that a Palestinian resident of Jenin, Mujahed Azmi, had been tied to a jeep hood and had condemned the soldiers involved, opened a criminal probe, and sought to present the episode as an isolated incident.

However, the IDF has now admitted to The Jerusalem Post that at least two other incidents, revealed first by the BBC on Sunday, of tying West Bank Palestinians detainees to car hoods have occurred recently.

Further, the IDF is not 100% sure that the tactic has been completely rooted out of its culture, though it is making efforts to do so.

All three men were unarmed at the time of their capture and quickly released by the Israeli army after identity checks.

Another Biden admin appointee resigns over Biden policy in Gaza:

Andalou Agency reports: Another Biden administration appointee has resigned, joining a chorus of those who have criticized the president’s policy on the war in the Gaza Strip that is being prosecuted by Israel.

Maryam Hassanein, a special assistant at the Interior Department, said Tuesday, “As a Muslim American, I cannot continue working for an administration that ignores the voices of its diverse staff by continuing to fund and enable Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.”

She said she joined the administration with the belief that her voice and diverse perspective would lend a hand in the pursuit of justice, but since the war in Gaza began, “this administration has chosen to uphold the status quo instead of listening to the diverse voices of staff urgently demanding freedom and justice for Palestinians.”

Joint Statement of U.S. Government Officials who have resigned over U.S. policy towards Gaza, Palestine, and Israel (excerpts):

We are former U.S. Government Officials who resigned from our respective positions over the last nine months due to our grave concerns with current U.S. policy towards the crisis in Gaza, and U.S. policies and practices towards Palestine and Israel more broadly. 

We are subject matter experts representing the interagency, and are a multifaith and multiethnic community of professionals and patriots dedicated to the service of the United States of America, its people, and its values. 

Each of us has sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States…we resigned from government not to terminate that oath but to continue to abide by it; not to end our commitment to service, but to extend it. 

[T]oday we stand united in a shared belief that it is our collective responsibility to speak up. 

The Administration’s policy in Gaza is a failure and a threat to U.S. national security. America’s diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to, Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza. 

This is not only morally reprehensible and in clear violation of international humanitarian law and U.S. laws, but it has also put a target on America’s back.

Despite this, the Administration’s choices have continued to threaten U.S. interests throughout the region. Our nation’s political and economic interests across the region have also been significantly harmed, while U.S. credibility has been deeply undermined worldwide.

In this Statement, we describe the current crisis, explain what we have seen, and address the Biden Administration with policy proposals that we, based on our extensive experience in government, believe must be adopted, including to ensure that catastrophic policy failure like this can never happen again. 

(Read the full statement here.)

Israeli airstrikes in Gaza claimed the lives of at least 40 Palestinians across different parts of the Gaza Strip on Saturday. In the southwest, tanks targeted displaced civilians in designated safe zones. Additionally, ground operations in Al Mawasi neighborhood resulted in widespread destruction and casualties.
Israeli airstrikes in Gaza claimed the lives of at least 40 Palestinians across different parts of the Gaza Strip on Saturday. In the southwest, tanks targeted displaced civilians in designated safe zones. Additionally, ground operations in Al Mawasi neighborhood resulted in widespread destruction and casualties. (screengrab)

‘You do this, and I’m out’ – Biden warned Netanyahu against Iran strike:

New York Times reports: Aides present in the Situation Room the night that Iran hurled a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel portrayed a president in commanding form, lecturing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone to avoid a retaliatory escalation that would have inflamed the Middle East. “Let me be crystal clear,” Mr. Biden said. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.”

Mr. Netanyahu pushed back hard, citing the need to respond in kind to deter future attacks. “You do this,” Mr. Biden said forcefully, “and I’m out.” Ultimately, the aides noted, Mr. Netanyahu scaled back his response.

Israel and it’s American advocates has targeted Iran for decades.

Anti-Iran ad in NY Times
New York Times advertisement demonizing Iran with the list of groups that paid for it.

UN rapporteur for Palestine is targeted by smear campaign:

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has been accused by the pro-Israel group UN Watch of improperly using $20,000 “from pro-Hamas groups” to pay for a trip to Australia; the organization revealed that it had filed papers with the UN to “terminate her mandate.”

UN Watch is an NGO with the stated purpose of monitoring the performance of the UN, and has accused the world body of having an anti-Israel bias.

UN Watch, according to Albanese, falsely claimed that the UN had opened an investigation against her. She said she welcomed a review of her mandate as she “never had, and will never have, anything to hide”.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has describedU.N. Watch as a pro-Israel organization.

Campaign at UN Watch
Campaign at UN Watch (source)

Knesset, House launch parliamentary friendship group to strengthen U.S.-Israel ties

Jewish Insider reports: The first-ever Knesset-House Parliamentary Friendship Group held its inaugural meeting in Jerusalem on Tuesday.” Its American chairman is Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN). 

Kustoff noted the bipartisan effort behind the parliamentary friendship group’s founding, which began with former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and continued with current Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) with the support of House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).


IMEMC Daily Reports.
The Nation: “I Heard a Machine Gun Being Loaded”: A Harrowing Escape From Gaza.
Responsible Statecraft: Biden’s mixed messages to Israel are coming home to roost.
Al Jazeera: ‘Agony and pain’: US health professionals reflect on the Gaza war.
Mondoweiss: The Toronto Jewish community has a genocide problem.
Electronic Intifada: Israeli spy still working for Labour during UK election campaign.


Palestinian death toll from October 7 – July 2: at least 38,509* (37,953 in Gaza* – 11,445 women (30%), 15,747 children as of June 17.

This is expected to be a significant undercount since thousands of those killed have yet to be identified – and at least 556 in the West Bank (~134 children). This does not include an estimated 10,000 more still buried under rubble (4,900 women and children). Euro-Med Monitor reports 45,223 Palestinian deaths. (Ralph Nader has estimated 200,000 Palestinians may have been killed in Gaza.)

  • At least 45 Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons (27 from Gaza, 18 from West Bank).
  • At least 40 Palestinians have died due to malnutrition**.
  • About 1.7 million, or 75% of Gaza’s population are currently displaced.
  • 2.15 million (out of total population of 2.3 million) are projected to face Crisis or worse levels of food insecurity.

Palestinian injuries from October 7 – July 2: at least 92,636 (including at least 87,266 in Gaza and 5,370 in the West Bank, including 830 children).

[It remains unknown how many Americans are among the casualties in Gaza.]

Reported Israeli death toll from October 7 – July 2: ~1,474 (~1,139 on October 7, 2023, of which ~32 were Americans, and ~36 were children); 319 military forces since the ground invasion began in Gaza; 16 in the West Bank) and~8,730 injured.

Times of Israel reports: The IDF listed 41 soldiers killed due to friendly fire in Gaza and other military-related accidents – nearly 16%.

NOTE: It is unknown at this time how many of the deaths and injuries in Israel on October 7 were caused by Israeli soldiers.

*Previously, IAK did not include 471 Gazans killed in the Al Ahli hospital blast since the source of the projectile was being disputed. However, given that much evidence points to Israel as the culprit, Israel had previously bombed the hospital and has attacked many others, Israel is prohibiting outside experts from investigating the scene, and since the UN and other agencies are including the deaths from the attack in their cumulative totals, if Americans knew is now also doing so.**

Euro-Med Monitor reports that Gaza’s elderly are dying at an alarmingly high rate. The majority die at home and are buried either close to their residences or in makeshift graves dispersed across the Strip. There are currently more than 140 such cemeteries. Additionally, according to Euromed, thousands have died from starvation, malnourishment, and inadequate medical care; these are considered indirect victims as they were not registered in hospitals. 

† For most of the conflict, women and children accounted for about 70% of deaths in Gaza, with children making up a little over 40% of those killed, according to official statistics.

Find previous daily casualty figures and daily news updates here.

Hover over each bar for exact numbers.

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