Monday 26 February 2024


Malone has smeared & slandered the leader of the COVID anti-lockdown & anti-COVID mRNA vaccine Dr. Peter McCullough & we ask why? When I was part of the Freedom Movement, we had weekly meet

-ings & yes, you saw me on stage with mRNA Malone, BEFORE I understood his greed & con & lies & he was beside himself how come he was not the leader of the anti-COVID & why it was McCullough?

Thats the little one sitting behind me on the Lincoln Memorial speech (btw, that day when we were in the holding tent, I overheard Malone telling someone he will be President of the United States one day, needless to say, I grew to understand the psycopathy that day that someone linked to the very mRNA technology that is in the mRNA vaccine that kills us, in that his work has Trump trapped now for he has to come out and say the vaccine is harmful, thinks that the voting public is that stupid):

This Malone just does not get it, we understand the con, and there is a reason I will leave to McCullough to tell you, his supporters in his time, why McCullough will NEVER ever step foot on a stage where Malone is. Malone knows the distasteful wickedness he pulled.

I mean, why would he Malone attack Dr. Mike Yeadon? 

Dr. Malone’s limited tolerance for criticism, along with his emphatic responses, has led to an increasing number of individuals and organizations subjected to his public denunciation.

The list below, derived from Dr. Malone’s past X and Substack posts, details these entities:

• Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin

• Dr. Mike Yeadon

• Sasha Latypova

• Karen Kingston

• Matthew Crawford

• Dr. Ben Marble

• Dr. Judy Mikovitz

• George Webb

• Sage Hana on Substack

• America Out Loud

• Dr. Jane Ruby

• Red Voice Media

• Stew Peters

• Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report)

• J. J. Couey

• Mary Holland (President of Children’s Health Defense)

• The Wellness Company and its founder Foster Coulson

• Dr. Kaitlin Kariko

• Dr. Paul Alexander

The Washington Post

• Alex Berenson

• Dr. Peter McCullough

• And more. “The list goes on and on,” Dr. Malone has stated.

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