Friday 19 January 2024


The Smoking Glove

If the glove fits... There was a human culprit. Not a Bat, Raccoon Dog or Pangolin.

Today, US Right To Know’s Emily Koppreleased her bombshell story below. 

Look at the headline and the date. It’s 2024. We are still talking about this 4 years after Pradhan released his “Uncanny Similarity” paper that showed that the SARS-Cov-2 virus was lab made and reiterated in our article from December 2021.

Emily Kopp’s bombshell article describing the purchase of a specific endonuclease by EcoHealth. This endonuclease was the enzyme needed to splice genes to create the “COVID” virus [archive]. 

What does it mean?

There is just one take takeway from Emily’s article which I will explain in summary form and then lay language so bear with me. 

Ecohealth, the people who were accused of making the Wuhan virus, were found to have ordered a very specific splicing enzyme that was identified in a publication in 2022 that showed that whoever had used this enzyme to splice viruses likely created the COVID (SARS-CoV-2) virus.

So to explain. 

A “restriction endonuclease” is an enzyme (a biological agent that makes a chemical reaction happen that otherwise wouldn’t) that chops up DNA strands at specific points in its code. 

Here’s an example for BamHI (they don’t have trendy names, sorry) which cuts strands of DNA in this pattern “between the two adjacent G’s on a strand with the code GGATC”. 

Molecular Scissors Restriction Endonucleases | Types and Applications
Image credit:

The opposite strand is the mirror image but you can see that reading in the opposite direction fulfils the same criteria for the cut so that’s where the cut happens - on both strands thus completely severing the DNA. Often (but not always) this leaves an irregular overhand between strands (remember DNA has two opposite or complementary strands of code, RNA usually only has one strand) which are called “sticky ends'“ and allow the DNA ends to recombine readily with whatever you are planning to throw in the mix. 

Of course this is a lab thing rather than a nature thing. And it’s a method that is used all the time to add bits of DNA into a segment of DNA. Think of it like splicing a tape cassette in the old days. 

RoXdon TS-4 Cassette Tape Splicing Set + Cassette Shell

From the DNA the lab peeps then create RNA viruses. And yes, you can create whole infectious RNA viruses from a DNA clone. They have been doing this for influenza for over 20 years (🤔) as well as for SARS and SARS-Cov-2(COVID) more recently.

Yes, to reiterate so you can bring your jaw off the floor, multiple labs around the world make “infectious clones” (essentially moulds) from which they can produce fully functional viruses at the drop of a hat in large quantities and have been doing it for at least 20 years. 

So, that’s one of the ways to make a virus. And it may or may not have been the way they made this virus but it certainly happened in a lab. 

How do we know? 

Well of course we have talked about this before… here

and here

BUT, today’s story is an independent corroboration of the story above (which relies on the fact that the genome sequence of the virus is so unique it is impossible to have emerged from nature). 

The corroboration comes from the fact that a paper was published in 2022 showing that the “endonuclease fingerprint” demonstrated, beyond a reasonable level of doubt, that the SARS-Cov-2 COVID virus was man made because it had an unusual level of restriction sites for specific endonucleases that could have not happened by chance

Within the findings of the study were two facts that stood out 

  1. The endonuclease BsmBI was necessary to make the specific cuts needed to splice this particular virus

  2. The BsmBI “cut sites” occur in a few coronaviruses but NOT in the two coronaviruses (which were likely fake anyway) that the scientific establishment claimed were closely enough related to COVID that it could have emerged from them. 

In other words, if a lab was found to have been using the BsmBI enzyme in conjunction with coronavirus research it is the “smoking glove” (those of you old enough to remember the OJ Simpson trial will know what this means) that confirms independently that that lab made the virus. 

“If the gloves don’t fit you must acquit aka “The Chewbacca defence

So what happened yesterday?

What happened yesterday was equivalent to finding a glove that perfectly fit the hands of Zengli Shi and Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, the group implicated at the very beginning of this charade as being the makers of the coronavirus. After a freedom of information request, US right to know got a copy of an order form for R0580L, which is the BsmBI restriction enzyme.

So what? It’s a lab product?

Sure. But this was under the heading of the DEFUSE proposal for creating bat coronaviruses that EcoHealth Alliance and the Department of Defence denied went ahead. They said it had been cancelled. Yet they ordered reagents for the project. 

“Just coincidence” right?

Of course. This is circumstantial evidence. But in this case there is so much circumstantial evidence it becomes impossible to ignore and the reason for a massive cover up becomes the focus of attention. 

And what else should happen today, just to cement this “nothingburger” as likely to be, in fact, a very meaty meaty burger?

Well on twitter there is a war raging to distract everybody who could possibly highlight, expose, share, understand and talk about this story. These events are designed to waste everybody’s time and divide and conquer dissident groups. They are age old techniques used by tyrannical regimes to stop the people talking to each other, because we can’t have that can we?

So please, remember to do the exact opposite of what these people want.

Learn to read these stories. 
Try to understand them. 
Please share them. 
If the person you are sharing with doesn’t understand them, try and help them. 

Which will be the prefect time to end today’s article and hand over to the excellent Jessica Rose to give you a slightly different view of the same story. 

Please share and discuss whichever of these works for and resonates with you, because this story (and the attached stories) are important. 

Remember as well that our voices are being silenced on a daily basis by techniques of intimidation and censorship

Even when those fail, and they always will, the people trying to silence us will just shout and make noise. Our articles are there to help you to see through the noise, and give you the resources to shout back. 

Make your own noise. 


“Restriction map” for SARS-COV-2. Somewhat like forensic DNA fingerprinting the places where specific enzymes cut the DNA of a clone is specific to the clone itself. The map shows the specific sites where particular enzymes cut the viral sequence. 


Full FOI release:

Defuse 2021 006245 Combined Records Redacted

71MB ∙ PDF file


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