Tuesday, 23 January 2024


Good News: The UK's membership of the WHO seems to be unlawful and legal action is pending

This detailed research document underpinning the case is authored by The Peoples Lawyers. You can find out more about their case here. I am publishing the document here in full to inform lawyers in other countries wishing to take a similar actions. I will publish a summary in due course.

The UK is Unlawfully in the WHO

by The Peoples Lawyers

We are constantly hearing about how the United Kingdom and the other alleged Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) will soon be subject to medical and political tyranny under the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) amendments and the so called ‘Pandemic Treaty’. However, there is really good news as our new research has shown that the UK is unlawfully in the WHO and we have the evidence to prove it. It is likely that all the other countries are also unlawfully in the WHO especially as the alleged circumstances of the establishment of the WHO is exposed as being a fraud. 

It was claimed that China and Brazil wanted the WHO and put forward a joint ‘resolution’ and ‘declaration’ for it at the 1945 San Francisco UN Charter conference when really this came from US government/ Rockefeller Foundation ‘plant’ Dr Szeming Sze a Chinese/ American who then went on to help force the WHO into place by manipulation and scheming and was well rewarded for his efforts. This is in addition to many other unlawful actions that were carried out to the detriment of the UK and the other alleged member states as detailed below. 

Legal action

We are now launching a new legal action for an Injunction to reject the current IHR 2005 and proposed amendments, any future ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and any and all dictates from the WHO now and in the future being imposed upon us. We will also be seeking to prevent any further funds (the UK is currently one of the largest contributors to the WHO) now or in the future being sent by the UK government to the WHO or any other related organisation such as GAVI or CEPI. Also we will be seeking to leave the WHO on the basis that we are unlawfully in it and have been since the start in 1946. 

The Facts Behind Alleged UK Membership of the WHO 

(Tess’ note: it’s a long and detailed story so make some tea for yourself and get comfy before reading!)

1. It is claimed that the WHO was formed in 1948, however this is an outright lie as the Constitution of the WHO was signed by the UK and other nations in 1946 when people, including Parliament, were distracted with the aftermath of the War. The WHO had already been agreed and planned in 1945 when finalising the UN Charter so even this was just working out the finer details. There was then an ‘Interim Commission’ of the WHO from 1946 that just went seamlessly into the permanent WHO in 1948 after the alleged ‘ratification’ of this ‘Constitution’ by the alleged Member States. 

2. The myth of the WHO is that it was suddenly proposed at the San Francisco at the UN Charter conference in April – June 1945 as it was alleged that health had not even been thought about. But two top public health doctors from Brazil and China (and another from Norway) just happened to be there as hangers-on (this lie is exposed from just this as why would these top public health doctors even be there if health had been forgotten!) and proposed a global health organisation. Further research into these 2 doctors exposes them both of having extensive Rockefeller Foundation links and loyalties. Dr Geraldo H de Paula Souza of Brazil is also exposed as being an ardent eugenicist who wrote a major paper on eugenics (‘Eugenics and Immigration’) in 1928. Dr Szeming Sze is exposed as working in a top job for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in 1945 based in 
Washington DC, who went on to be rewarded with a Rockefeller Fellowship and a top job at the UN. In fact BOTH Sze and Souza were great friends working together in 1945 for the UNRRA in Washington and were clearly happy to collude with both each other and the US government/ Rockefeller Foundation and make everyone believe their respective countries wanted the WHO not just them as they were bought and paid for by Rockefeller money. 

3. Another driving force behind the ‘WHO proposals’ at San Francisco was Dr Karl Evang, the Director General of Public Health of Norway another US/ Rockefeller ‘plant’ and a controversial figure who was urgently dispatched back to Norway on 8th May (in case he ruined the plans) after it was claimed he got Sze and the Chinese Delegation onside with the covert Rockefeller/ US plans for the WHO. 

4. Evang was at the Hot Springs, USA conference in 1943, the formation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (F.A.O). when plans for a new international health organisation were first openly discussed and decided upon. He was then a member of the WHO Technical Preparatory Committee (along with Sze and Souza) finalising the WHO Constitution prior to the June – July 1946 Conference which of course he, Sze and Souza participated in. Evang then went on to have a top well paid job with the WHO in addition to securing Rockefeller Foundation funding for Norway. 

5. At Hot Springs the fraud of the ‘Interim Commission’ was first used in 1943 which is how all the organisations including the UN and the WHO came into existence after the ploy worked so well with the FAO. Once these organisations were set up exactly as they wanted and christened “Interim Commissions” it was then impossible for others with no involvement in the ‘expert’ proceedings to later reject them. This was even more the case with the distractions of war and the aftermath of war. It is also an example of using powerful psychological manipulation techniques which the US government spent the 1930s and 1940s perfecting. 

6. The WHO proudly has an article of a 1989 interview with Sze labelled “The Birth of WHO” on its website where it claims the WHO was dreamed up over a “medical lunch” at San Francisco on 2/5/45 completely out of the blue: https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/45224/WH-1989-May-p28-29-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y The contradictions between this version of events and the reality are obvious when compared with Sze’s own diary. 

7. In the article Sze claimed that he was at San Francisco as a “private secretary” of the head of the Chinese Delegation mainly to translate his speeches into English. His diary reveals that he wrote not translated just one speech not even for the conference. He also jetted off to Washington and New York during the conference and left very early back to the UNRRA in Washington once he had done what he was really there to do. A complete fabrication and hardly the behaviour of a “private secretary” there for translation purposes, because he was not! Also, why would a top US government/ UNRRA public health doctor agree to be a mere secretary for the Chinese Delegation if there was not an ulterior motive? How would he even get the opportunity if it was not all deliberately set up for him? He was then a Delegate for many future conferences and a signatory for China (also Souza on behalf of Brazil) of the WHO ‘constitution’, further proof that he was a ‘plant’. Of course the fact that he was instrumental in forcing the formation of the WHO did not appear in the article just that he ‘accidentally’ came up with the concept! 


8. Sze’s diary details how he consulted the Dunbarton Oaks (a 1944 meeting where all the future UN plans were made) proposals and Hot Springs resolutions on a new international health organisation immediately to plan a “Health Interim Commission” and demonstrates this was merely obtaining the WHO by stealth without prior notice or notification to the nation states and putting it in over the existing organisations in an underhanded way that would have otherwise been opposed by many countries especially if they knew the US government and Rockefeller Foundation were behind everything. His diary also details extensive US plans, planned location, potential Director-Generals and even reveals that a US written first draft of the WHO Constitution was already in wide circulation by 4th October 1945. It also reveals that he actually was “on leave” from the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) so he clearly worked for the WHO predecessor under the health division. Sze names his UNRRA bosses as Sawyer and Crabtree and UNRRA records reveal them to be Dr Wilbur Sawyer, Director, International Health Division, Rockefeller Foundation and Dr James Crabtree, Executive Assistant to the US Surgeon-General. 

9. The UNRRA was a temporary organisation originally planned to be disbanded in 1946 so it is likely that Sze had concerns about his lucrative job (the UNRRA paid extremely well). So this was probably a good motivation for his fraudulent deeds as well as the Rockefeller Foundation fellowship he was chasing. He was also probably planning and scheming the top WHO/ UN job he ended up with. The diary exposes that he was clearly working full time in his UNRRA job to force the WHO into existence the entire time. He was also responsible for writing everything that was claimed to be coming from the Chinese and Brazilian governments regarding ‘their’ desires for the WHO. 

10. Sze left the conference for Washington on 6th May 1945 and in Washington “his” draft resolution forming the “Interim Commission” was then approved by Sawyer, Crabtree, Dr Ludwik Rajchman (the Rockefeller sponsored former Director of the League of Nations Health Organisation then also working for the US government based in Washington and whom Sze credited as helping him write the Chinese/ Brazilian ‘Resolution’), the Rockefeller influenced US Surgeon-General, the Rockefeller influenced US Public Health Service and the Rockefeller influenced UK Health Service. In his diary Sze stated “there was general agreement that it represented substantially what all wanted.” 

11. Sze’s diary also details how the Chinese and Brazilian delegates had to be primed and cajoled to pull off the WHO narrative and to introduce it as coming from their governments. He also detailed how he wrote many letters and telegrams to many people to this end. 

12. Sze’s diaries further reveal that the Rockefeller Foundation controlled US Surgeon-General, Thomas Parran, had promised help to the Chinese government via the US Public Health Service, which came under his control, in return for their co-operation in establishing the WHO. 

13. Sze’s diary states that Souza’s university in Brazil received a very large grant after the San Francisco conference and he had a big promotion waiting for him after his UNRRA (and covertly setting up the WHO) work with Sze in Washington finished. 

14. Sze’s diary also reveals that the UK government under the Rockefeller controlled Chief Medical Officer, Sir Wilson Jameson, played a large part in this obvious fraud. 


15. It was claimed that the Economic and Social Council (ESC) in February 1946 ‘convened’ the conference but this was just rubber stamping what was already happening. After the March – April 1946 ‘Technical Preparatory Committee of Experts’ (stuffed full of Rockefeller/ US government controlled people including Sze, Souza, Evang, Parran, Mackenzie and Jameson) the ESC then issued a Resolution on 11/6/46 endorsing the Committee’s Report. From a mere ‘declaration’ at the 1945 conference the whole WHO was then put in place by the US government and Rockefeller Foundation and the 1946 conference with its little ‘committees’ and ‘constitution’ signing was nothing more than a formality of what had already been agreed and set in stone, a public show and an excuse for many lavish lunches, dinners, cocktail parties and socialising. 

16. It was clear that the whole Evang/ Souza/ Sze/ China/ Brazil manipulation to impose the WHO on the countries of the world was a fraud set up using these three allegedly representing their countries as stooges of the Rockefeller Foundation and US government. See Sze’s handwritten/ typed 46 page diary from 2/5/45 - 28/12/45 here: 

17. The WHO Constitution was signed in 1946 on behalf of the UK by two mere government advisors not even delegates let alone the elected representatives that should have signed such an important document binding the UK indefinitely to this organisation that right from the start was seeking to control sovereign nations. 

18. A delegation went off to New York City, United States on 23rd May 1946 (see page 12 of below UN archive document) headed up by a Minister the two signatories of the WHO Constitution Dr M Mackenzie and Mr G E Yates are clearly listed as ‘advisors’ see page 14: https://search.archives.un.org/uploads/r/united-nations-

19. The delegation that went in May 1946 was to attend the UN Economic and Social Council and there was no mention of any health matters let alone signing the UK up to a so-called World Health Organization directly afterwards. Hansard from May 1946 has no mention of any of it. 

20. According to the list sent to the UN the Minister in charge of the delegation from 7th June 1946, Hector McNeil, was supposed to be in New York and yet Hansard evidences him as speaking in Parliament on this day in a debate that started at 2.20pm. https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/commons/1946/jun/07/unrra 

21. This is completely at odds with a Western Union telegram (see page 13 of the delegation document above) which claims that McNeil left RAF Northolt on 6th June 1946 at 14.00 arriving in Newark, USA on 7th June 1946 at 07.00. So, the same man was in two different places at the same time according to official records. We believe Hansard and do not think that McNeil ever went to the UN Economic and Social Council so that he could not be involved in the establishing of the WHO less than 2 weeks later. After the 7th June there were no more Commons sittings until July so it is not possible to check after the 7th but it seems clear that he did not attend the meeting in New York or was not planning to from his speeches on this day. 

22. Meetings of the International Health Conference took place in New York between 19th June 1946 and 22nd July 1946. Ending with the WHO Constitution being signed by these two ‘advisors’ on behalf of the UK. See page 117 of official WHO record below for signatures noting the fact that Sir Wilson Jameson the Chief Medical Officer who appeared from the start of the ‘Conference’ on 19th June 1946 despite not being in the original delegation did not sign the WHO Constitution. Also note how at page 10 Mackenzie and Yates are suddenly promoted to ‘delegates’ despite being previously notified to the UN as ‘advisors’. Further note there are no Ministers present despite one or perhaps two being in New York only a short time before. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/85573/Official_record2_eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 

23. Mackenzie apparently had for some unknown reason the privilege of being a plenipotentiary ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plenipotentiary) which is permission for a ‘diplomat’ to sign a treaty on behalf of a government. This is supposed to be for emergencies only on a temporary basis until correct procedure could be followed but instead was used to permanently bypass the People and Parliament’s consent as the Nazis had previously done with this method. As the world was now at peace there was no excuse for Mackenzie to sign this Constitution in the place of an elected Minister especially regarding the massive financial and regulatory implications and the fact that it was ad infinitum, further it cannot be claimed that Mackenzie was a ‘diplomat’. Mackenzie had also been key in the drafting of the WHO Constitution, had 
been central to the League of Nations Health Organisation (LNHO) for 15 years and went on to enjoy top posts in the WHO including on the Executive Board see his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melville_Mackenzie 

24. Mackenzie during his time in the LNHO personally imposed tyranny upon the people of Greece in 1928 including imposing massive fines upon them for not following his ‘regulations’ (Coming to Terms with World Health – Iris Borowy and Peter Lang p301). So there can be no doubt that Mackenzie knew that the intention of the WHO was to control the world population under the pretence of ‘health’ in ways that were never possible for the LNHO. 

25. Also, why did Yates, a mere administrator, sign the Constitution instead of the Chief Medical Officer Jameson? There is no record that Yates was also a plenipotentiary but it is on record that Jameson was also a lawyer, having trained for the Bar in addition to being a doctor, so no doubt was covering his own back by not being a signatory in case the big deception was discovered. Jameson had massive Rockefeller connections and was also relentless in his “germs are worse than Germans” propaganda and peddling ‘vaccines’. 

26. There were only 2 nations that signed the WHO Constitution without any form of ratification or referendum required for membership. One nation was China and the other was the UK. From an extensive search of Hansard between May 1946 and July 1946 it is obvious that only a very few MPs even knew about the UN Security Council meetings in New York and no-one at all knew about the International Health Conference Meetings and the signing of the WHO Constitution that followed. 

27. This even extended to the Health Minister himself, Aneurin Bevan, who stated in a Cabinet meeting on 7th November 1946 that IF a World Health Organisation was set up he would not want it based in the US instead favouring London. This was over three months AFTER the UK had already been signed up to the WHO by the lowly government advisors Mackenzie and Yates. http://filestore.nationalarchives.gov.uk/pdfs/large/cab-128-6.pdf 

28. All UN/ International organisations, agreements and treaties were supposed to be discussed and agreed to by at least the Cabinet if not Parliament according to Ministerial statements at the time. 

29. It is evidenced that around August 1946 Gilbert Yates, just after he signed the UK up to the WHO, was given a very top job in the UN Secretariat. In 1947 Sze’s diaries show that Yates also gave him a top job at the UN. Yates went on to enjoy a long lucrative UN career and soon became a Director there. 

30. Yates was well rewarded for his efforts and Sze’s diaries reveal that when Mackenzie signed the UK up to the WHO he was hoping to become Director-General of the WHO himself and was annoyed when he did not. 


31. The WHO was not formed by a Treaty and is merely a ‘constitution’ and therefore can be seen as not legally binding on any Member State least of all the UK. This is the originally signed ‘constitution’ for the WHO from the UN Treaty resource https://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/1948/04/19480407%201051%20PM/Ch_IX_01p.pdf as can be observed from the signatures many are just squiggles. This document is not easily found and is clearly hidden away to prevent questions on its legality, legitimacy and validity. It is a legal requirement for names to appear on a legally binding document preferably in capital letters. Further, the positions and authority of the signatories should have been included. The UK signatories were not authorised delegates on behalf of the UK and from scrutiny of photographs of the meetings taken between 19/6/46 and 22/7/46 it is likely that many others also were not. 

32. The WHO was originally The League of Nations Health Organisation (LNHO) which had extensive links and received massive funding from the Rockefeller Foundation from the very start. The Rockefeller Foundation and another funder the Milbank Memorial Fund had extensive eugenics policies and connections. At least 2 employees of the LNHO went on to work for one of these foundations. This included Dr Frank G Boudreau who as Director of the Milbank Memorial Fund signed the WHO ‘constitution’ on behalf of the US. The LNHO itself claimed to not be involved with eugenics at all and yet they came up with blatant eugenics policies in reports such as the mandatory sterilisation of leper adults. The ardent eugenicist Dr Geraldo H de Paula Souza of Brazil (and plotter of the WHO formation!) was also a member of the LNHO. 

33. The LNHO worked with and visited fascist Italy on numerous occasions. 

34. The LNHO worked with Spain’s Franco regime even during the war knowing that they were also working with the Nazis. The Rockefeller Foundation also founded and funded Spain’s public health institutions directly including during the war, again with full knowledge of the Nazi collaboration. 

35. The LNHO worked with Nazi Germany during the war and freely supplied them with epidemiological information and further allowed a German former employee Dr Otto Osler, a Nazi party member, all throughout the war to sell current data to the Nazis and by January 1942 alone he had sold a massive 38 packages of information to the Nazis. This was done with the blessing of the acting director, Yves Biraud, who passed on his regards to the Nazis and noted that the letters from Osler that went with the packages were ended with ‘Heil Hitler’. A blind eye to this was also given by the British and US governments and no action was ever taken against Osler or anyone at the LNHO. Osler went on after the war to work for the WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation. 
Also, another German doctor, Dr Fritz Rott, did a lot of work for the LNHO in the 1920s and 1930s including on social hygiene and birth control and he became a member of the Nazi Party in 1933 developing health policies for them including on racial hygiene. This got him elevated to the post of Deputy Director of the new Nazi Imperial Centre for Health Matters. He was also interested in eugenics and actively participated in the process of bringing all strands of public activity under Nazi control (known as Gleichschaltung) including the “cleansing” of institutions of Jewish members. After the war he was not punished for his Nazi activities and became a medical practitioner in exclusive Baden Baden. https://www.academia.edu/418299/In_the_Shadow_of_Grotjahn_German_Social_Hygienists_in_the_International_Health_Scene?email_work_card=view-paper 

36. Although responsible for the creation of the LNHO, the British government was opposed to LNHO overreach and encroachment upon national sovereignty from the start and throughout. It was also opposed to LNHO dominance of personal agendas/ politics and Rockefeller influence. This situation changed after LNHO and Rockefeller actors Mackenzie and Jameson ended up in the top UK government health jobs during the war. 

37. In 1946 the LNHO was incorporated into the WHO. Yves Biraud (former wartime head of LNHO) was put in a top position and all LNHO staff were hired by the WHO and almost everything the LNHO ever did was simply continued by the WHO with the benefit of much more power and money behind it. 

38. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was set up by US President Roosevelt (and notionally other nations) in 1943 with massive US funding. The claim was it was to help refugees and displaced persons but based upon only six words in its constitution (“aid in the prevention of pestilence”) it was able to become a WHO predecessor with an epidemiology and surveillance service (taken over from the LNHO), massive public health powers and were able to mandatory vaccinate anyone they wanted to. They also imposed the International Sanitary Conventions of 1944 on the entire world. 

39. Once the US government/ Rockefeller Foundation had seized control of ‘health’ and ‘public health’ they did not want to surrender it and it was important to force the creation of the WHO as soon as possible. The reasons being the UNRRA had a limited life and the International Sanitary Conventions of 1944, a source of great power and control urgently needed a new vehicle to be transferred to. They were also keen to eliminate all other rival long established world-wide ‘health’ organisations and continue the process they had already started with the UNRRA of bringing it under the United Nations’ control. 

40. Evidence shows that the WHO ‘Interim Commission’ was funded in 1946 with $1.5 million from the UNRRA (and indirectly the US people of course), the very organisation it was replacing. 

41. The UNRRA seamlessly morphed into the WHO in 1946-48 with a cool $100 million surplus funds which was handed over to the previous head of the LNHO, Dr Ludwik Rajchman, in his new role as head of UNICEF.

42. It is inconceivable that the UK could have unlawfully been signed up to membership of the WHO and subject to major regulatory and financial burdens without Parliament even knowing about it let alone being able to potentially reject it. It is also inconceivable that the Prime Minister, Foreign or Health Secretaries were not involved or did not even appear to know about it in 1946 or if they did they were deceiving Parliament by not disclosing anything about it for the Parliamentary record between May and July 1946. 

43. It cannot be claimed that the seemingly idealistic, positive, health improving WHO of 1946 is the same as the WHO of 2023 which has gone down the dark path of fraud, corruption and medical tyranny since it started. This US Social Security bulletin from 1946 states “For the first time, emphasis was laid not on quarantine and checking epidemics and other defensive measures, but on positive, aggressive action toward health in its broadest sense.” This is exactly opposite to what the WHO is trying to do with its IHR amendments and ‘Pandemic Treaty’. This bulletin also states that the UK signatures were “without reservation” whilst other countries at least in theory had to pay some lip service to ratification. 

44. The signatories of the WHO constitution would be horrified at how the WHO has ended up and would retract the signatures, particularly US signatory Dr Martha M Eliot who devoted her entire career to the care of children, mothers and babies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_May_Eliot 

45. This is further horrific when you consider the evil and sinister origins of the LNHO that the WHO evolved from of eugenics, Nazi and fascist collaboration, Rockefeller and Big Pharma control and the need to control the world’s population based upon the excuse of ‘health’ and ‘public health’. 

46. There is no doubt that powerful psychological techniques were used on the participants of the International Health Conference between June and July 1946. This included the relentlessly promoted fear of ‘disease’ and ‘contagion’. The Constitution was already pre-written mainly by the US government and just small details were decided by groups using peer pressure and consensus. The ‘Constitution’ was forced upon the delegates who were under the illusion that it would be properly considered, ratified and could be rejected by their own governments. In reality of course this did not happen and in the UK no form of review or ratification at all was sought. 


47. Participants of these 1945 and 1946 conferences told of the abundance of top quality food and drink and the numerous cocktail parties and socialising involved. To people used to war time shortages this was a form of bribery to just go along with what their US hosts wanted. Many of the participants also went on to enjoy top very well paid UN or WHO jobs or to receive Rockefeller Foundation or US government grants, funds or benefits. 

48. The People and Parliament of the UK have been totally bypassed and deceived regarding the unlawful origins of membership of the WHO from 1946 to the present day which as of the 22nd July 2023 has been for 77 years. 

49. Regarding the facts above we consider that the UK was unlawfully signed up to the WHO Constitution and is therefore not legitimately a Member State of the WHO and should not be subject to the International Health Regulations 2005, the recent amendments thereof and any ‘Pandemic Treaty’. Further the UK should not be subject to any dictates from the WHO or should have to make any further financial contributions to the WHO or any associated organisations. It could also be said that the ‘contributions’ paid in the past should now be refunded as the WHO knowingly allowed Mackenzie and Yates to unlawfully sign the Constitution and without ratification. 

50. Other alleged WHO ‘member states’ should now examine this fraud and how they ended up in the WHO despite alleged ratification or a referendum being necessary as it is very suspicious that no member state subsequently rejected WHO membership when it is clear that the adverse implications of membership were massively against the freedoms of the People. 

Value exchange

This week the UK government congratulated the WHO and its Director General on its many successes in 2023. 

If you are UK-based, please sign this petition for a parliamentary debate on exiting the WHO. Please also consider helping to fund The People’s Lawyers case

If you find value in these articles and podcasts, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. All proceeds go towards the humanitarian work of the World Council for Health.

Thank you for your support!

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