Monday 15 January 2024

"It's just pretending, to get people to take poison, thinking that it's medicine..."

Katherine Watt lays out the seizure of power to enact Biomedical Fascism in the USA. The Covid-19 Operation in plain English: Interview with Peter and Ginger Breggin excerpts

It’s really a Constitutional Crisis

KW - So, the heart of it, in my view, is that what's being presented as a public health emergency, and as a pharmaceutical product, is actually not either of those things.

It's really a constitutional crisis. And it's been a constitutional crisis since long before it sort-of emerged on the scene in the beginning of 2020. Because the constitutional crisis is based in changes in US law that make it possible for the federal government to carry out biological attacks on the population, through the states, through biological products, like vaccines, and through emergency conditions and emergency orders, like the ones that came out during COVID.

Because really, what they're trying to do is injure and kill a lot of people here and around the world without getting caught, without getting stopped, without people seeing that that's what it is.

And what their overarching goal is to do is to concentrate power first in the federal executive branch in the United States, and then pass it over to the United Nations, the World Health Organization and whatever successor globalist organizations and institutions they develop.

They're pretending through propaganda campaigns to make people scared about fake pandemics.

KW - Well, one thing that I would say is that a lot of it is deception-based. The constitution is still there, and the geopolitical authority of the people and the states and the Congress, and the courts are still there. But they have been — the people who actually could use those mechanisms have been deceived into thinking that they don't have the power that is still sitting there.

Because as, I would agree with what you said about the metaphysical aspect of things, and the — Satan's most useful method of getting control over people is to deceive them into thinking that things that are good are evil and thinking that things that are evil are good, and not understanding the right relationship between the human being and God.

And so that's the thing I would emphasize, is that it's a deception process.

And because I look at it that way, there is an opening every time people find the courage to actually look at what's happening and actually think it through and actually take steps to respond with their own power. There's ways to punch holes in it. And there's ways to weaken the power that the deceivers want us to think that they have and recognize that they don't actually have that power.

They're pretending. They're pretending through fake laws. They're pretending through fake regulatory processes. They're pretending through propaganda campaigns to make people scared about fake pandemics.

The whole thing is a big mask over reality that can be pulled away.

So it's a joint project, joint deception project, between military leaders, FDA leaders, CDC leaders and corporate 

KW - We don't actually know what's in any of the injections, because the way that the laws were rewritten, they never had to disclose the ingredients. And they never had to allow independent testing to confirm whatever they wanted to claim was in the ingredients.

So, I think some of the studies that have been done trying to, like, reverse engineer it and examine it, from people who diverted product out of the military supply chain and investigated [found], yes, there are mRNA components. There are LNP [lipid nanoparticle] components. There are lots of other components that we don't actually know. And there is no standardization among them.

And I would also say that it's not that the FDA is doing nothing. The FDA is an active complicitor [accomplice] in the performance that's being done. And without their participation, it would not have been able to move forward, because they had to be there pretending that there is a regulatory structure that applies to these products and pretending that they were applying it, so that people would think that the products were regulated and take them.

If they [FDA] had not been involved at all, if Pfizer had just come out by itself and said "We've made this thing. We're not going to tell you what's in it. We want you to take it. It's free," people would not have done it in the way that they did because the FDA was involved in the fraudulent way that it was involved.

So it's a joint project, joint deception project, between military leaders, FDA leaders, CDC leaders and corporate — Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, all of the other subcontractors and contractors that have produced components of countermeasures, or actual countermeasures.

And Sasha Latypova is somebody that I work with a lot, because our two analyses go together in the sense that she has a strong, long background in regulatory procedures and product development.

Just like Mike Yeadon is another person whose work dovetails with mine and hers.

And so, when she was looking at it early on, she was trying to figure out why the regulatory things that were apparently being done did not match her own experience with how it should look.

Brook Jackson is another one who couldn't understand why the clinical trials process didn't look like it was supposed to look, because she had experienced in what that was supposed to be.

And I had experience with what legal challenges were supposed to look like, and how you're supposed to be able to get to the point where you can present evidence to a court, and you can have a confrontational, adversarial process to figure out what's true and what's false. And that process was cut off at the knees every time it started.

And the basic finding is that, yes, the laws, the PREP Act [Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act], especially, in 2005, and the Project Bioshield Act in 2004, and then all of the implementing regulations for those programs, the things that came before and things came after, have made it so that what the FDA is doing is just pretending.

It's just pretending, to get people to take poison, thinking that it's medicine...

Once those conditions are in place, the use of the product doesn't require informed consent.

One of them I found relatively early, a couple of years ago, that's 21 US Code 360bbb-3(k). And that's the one that says "use" of the EUA products "shall not constitute clinical investigation."

And so that's the law that basically said, under these specific conditions of public health emergencies, which are declared by the HHS Secretary unilaterally, they're not reviewable. They're not reversible by anyone other than the HHS Secretary [42 USC 247d-6d], to the extent that states and courts defer to these illegal laws.

Once those conditions are in place, the use of the product doesn't require informed consent. It doesn't involve real institutional review boards. There are no real review procedures at the FDA. Everything they do is just a pretense. Because the use is really for this other purpose, which is to injure and kill people without people finding out, or without people stopping it, without people being held criminally or civilly liable.

And that's the piece that came in with the PREP Act in 2005 [and Project Bioshield Act in 2004].

And then, the other one that I found much more recently relates more to the biological product licenses, "biologics license applications," called BLA. And that program dates back to some major revisions. It started in 1944, with the whole Public Health Service Act. There were some major revisions in 1973.

And then, just before they were about to launch this covert attack, using biological products that are unregulated -- that are actually poisons, but calling them medicines, through the Federal Register [84 FR 12505, April 2, 2019], making revisions to regulations [21 CFR 600.20, 21 CFR 600.21, 21 CFR 600.22] that are related to 42 US Code 262, which is the biological products section, they set it up so that there would be no specific time intervals for inspections of production facilities making biological products. There would be no specific enumerated duties for inspectors to visit the plants, take samples of the products, test the samples, apply regulatory enforcement actions.

And so that piece is a piece that becomes more relevant when you look at the things that other people talk about, as far as [claiming] "FDA did license Comirnaty in August of 2021."

Actually, they did not. Because that whole biologics license application or BLA process was corrupted just as the emergency use authorized program was corrupted.

They're written to make it possible to market and use poisons, calling them medicines...

And the bottom line for OTA contracts is that it takes them out of normal financial oversight functions of Congress and takes them out of normal contract law provisions. 

KW - It's called Other Transaction Authority [10 USC 4022], OTA. It applies to several different agencies. HHS is only one of the agencies that can use it. And the bottom line for OTA contracts is that it takes them out of normal financial oversight functions of Congress and takes them out of normal contract law provisions. Which, the Defense Production Act also has provisions that take it out of normal contract law applicability, and also out of anti-trust law applicability [50 USC 4558].

And that's another thing where I haven't looked into it a lot. But there is a very good argument to be made, that what is happening is similar to trusts, that the anti-trust laws were put in place to stop. In the sense that multiple, high, or very large corporations, in cooperation with the Government, are controlling the market and controlling the anti-competitive kind of situations so that they can work together to smoothly get this product out. Without any interference from either, like, other competitors, who might be, like, wanting to analyze the product and say, "This is not a good product. Therefore, we're going to come up with another product."

So there are many, many different legal mechanisms that they're using to control the narrative and to control the production and distribution and use of these poisons. And the Other Transaction Authority is one of those mechanisms, but it's not the only one.

…if it were possible for a new pathogen to suddenly wipe out most of the world, it would have happened already

KW - ...Sasha and I have both tried to figure it out a bit where the coordination happens, because it isn't — it's clearly a joint project.

And the two primary agencies are the Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense, along with the Department of Homeland Security.Because one of the ways that they kind of smuggled the whole program through is to make the claim that it's a national defense issue, that there are big, scary, dangerous pathogens in the world that can kill a lot of people and get out of control. And therefore you need a biodefense industry and a biodefense strategy. And it needs to be federally-directed, and it needs to be federally-funded, because companies won't do it on their own. They won't develop these products on their own.

All of that is a lie. As Sasha talks about, and I talk about, because of the way that human biology works, and pathogens and immune systems, if there, if it were possible for a new pathogen to suddenly wipe out most of the world, it would have happened already. But because immune systems are set up the way they are, if it's very communicable, it's not very deadly. And if it's very deadly, it's not very communicable. And this is part of the beauty of how God has set up this world.

But the organization that we think are, I think, think she agrees with this, is called the Public Health Emergencies Medical Countermeasures Enterprise [42 USC 300hh-10a.] And it's a similar structure to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and other government-sponsored enterprises in that it's partly private, and it's partly public.

And the people who sit on it are people like the HHS Secretary, the Defense Secretary, Secretary of the Veterans Administration. I think there's a representation from Secretary of State, there's people there from NIH, from CDC. Fauci was on it. Fauci, I think, was probably the person who coordinated the meetings of it.

And their function is to keep all of the different agencies aligned. Probably their function is also to silo information so that people, it's harder for lower-level people to put the pieces together. And to distribute the money, to aggregate the money from Congress and from private sources, and then to distribute it out to the weapons manufacturers that they want to hire to produce the weapons.

So that organization is called the Public Health Emergencies Medical Countermeasures Enterprise. And it was, they set it up by themselves sort-of in, at the same time that BARDA was being set up [2006]. And then Congress went ahead [in 2013] and passed a law saying, "Sure, this can exist and we will put it into the statutes."

Medical CBRN Defense Consortium

KW - It's the Public Health Emergencies Medical Countermeasures Enterprise. I don't know the names of individual private corporate representatives who might be on there.

But the main coordinating sort of middleman organization is the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium. That's the MCDC. And CBRN stands for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear. So that consortium is a group of I think, roughly 300, at this point, private companies like Pfizer and other pharmaceutical and weapons contractors, and also university research departments.

And they are kind of managed by another company called ATI, which is Advanced Technologies International ... They're based in South Carolina. They are the counterparty on the Pfizer contracts, the Moderna contracts, almost all of the, I shouldn't say almost all, many of the countermeasures contracts.

ATI is the counterparty that stands between the Department of Defense and the private corporations. Because what they do is manage the contracts. That's their function as, like, a third-party contract management organization. And as far as I can tell, ATI coordinates with the MCDC. So the organizations that get to bid on or apply for the money pots to make these weapons, go through the MCDC. They sign up, they get to be a member of the consortium, and then they get the request for proposals sent out through ATI to them and then they send back their proposal for what they're going to do and ATI works with the military to choose the contractors that are going to get each contract…

Full Podcast here:

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