Monday 15 January 2024


Excess Deaths Accelerate Worldwide Following Covid-19 ‘Vaccine’ Roll-Out

Unlike the pandemic, … excess deaths are striking down people in the prime of life but no one seems to care. - Andrew Bridgen, MP

We’ve experienced more excess deaths since July 2021 than in the whole of 2020. 
Unlike the pandemic, … excess deaths are striking down people in the prime of life 
but no-one seems to care. - 
Andrew Bridgen, MP

On 16 January 2024, Andrew Bridgen MP is due to lead a three-hour Parliamentary Debate in the UK House of Commons on the increase in Excess Deaths experienced in the UK since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines. 

The World Council for Health (WCH) takes this opportunity to issue the following Statement.

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The contrast between Government and Media interest in Covid-19 cases during 2020, and their lack of acknowledgement of the current global phenomenon of Excess Deaths, could not be more stark. Compared with the deluge of statistics tracking every Covid-related test, hospitalisation and death during the pandemic, a deafening silence surrounds the tragedy of the loss of an estimated 17 million souls since the rollout of the Covid injections. Despite all the obfuscation, however, the truth will out. This number of deaths cannot be hidden, and those lost will not have died in vain. 


Since the Covid injections started to be rolled out in early 2021, rather than death rates declining as was expected, most countriesrecorded increases in all-cause mortality, with the highest post-vaccination mortality being observed in the most highly vaccinated regions. And while Covid-19 was considered a respiratory disease, since 2021 many deaths have been due to cardiovascular issues including strokes, as well as covid, anaphylaxis, cancer, and neurological conditions.

In addition to organisations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the UK, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), life insurance companies have also been reporting on excess deaths. This is because, unlike Covid-19, which affected mainly the elderly and infirm, since 2021 many young, fit, employed people with group life insurance have been dying unexpectedly. 

To help us appreciate the magnitude of the problem, and the human tragedy that is unfolding, let us have a look at excess death numbers from a handful of countries.

United Kingdom

Data for England and Wales released by the ONS on 9 January 2024 revealed that, compared with 2019, more than 54,000 excess deaths had been registered between Weeks 1 and 52 of 2023 (see Table below). This represents an 10% increase, or about 148 additional people dying per day. More than 17% of deaths during the reporting period were among people younger than 64 years. This follows a 44% increase in excess deaths from cardiovascular disease in UK citizens aged 15 to 44 during 2022. 

While an additional 54,000 deaths in one year is shocking, when the figures for Scotland and Northern Ireland are added, Total Excess Deaths for the UK in 2023 amounted to 11,120 souls more than UK civilians during the Second World War.

This is a catastrophe! This figure is almost 20% more than ALL the UK civilians who died during the six years of the Second World War (1939-1945). 

Tragically, as pointed out by analyst Ed Dowd, after the Covid vaccines were made available to 12 to 15-year-olds in September 2021, and to 5 to 11-year-olds in April 2022, deaths among children – which had been lower than predicted in 2020 and 2021 – spiked to 16% more than anticipated in 2022 (see Graph below). As stated by Dr Mike Yeadon, “… you have to try really hard not to see what is going on and to arrive at the most likely explanation.”

This movie reveals something of the tragedy of these completely pointless losses of young people.

For those who are still unable to acknowledge the link between the rollout of the Covid vaccines and boosters, and excess deaths, the Graph (below) of deaths by vaccination statusin 2022, based on ONS records, shows that this trend has been apparent for some time.

OECD Countries

Dr John Campbell, in one of many videos in which he has been tracking the development of the Covid phenomenon, provided a summary of the OECD’s excess death records. Although not complete, this selection of countries (in which excess deaths exceeded ten percent of the five-year average) points to the widespread and devastating impact of the Covid shots.

Remember that the numbers in this Table represent human beings who, according to previous trends in mortality, were not expected to die in 2022 or 2023. 

To help us understand the magnitude of these losses, consider this: The USA lost a total of 58,220 soldiers during the 20-year Vietnam War. According to this Table, excess deaths in the USA since 2021 have accounted for ten times as many US citizens. And insurance company reports reveal that during the first nine months of 2023 as many young Americans died as in all the American wars from Vietnam to the present day. Where are the protests?

Southern Hemisphere & Equatorial Countries

In 2023, an in-depth analysis was carried out by Dr Denis Rancourt and colleagues of 17 countries on four continents: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay. In nine of these countries, prior to the vaccine programme there was no detectable increase in all-cause mortality a year after the pandemic was declared. However, uncharacteristically, peaks in all-cause mortality occurred in the summer of 2022, coinciding with the rollout of the boosters. 

Extrapolating from the results of this study, Rancourt and colleagues estimated that the Covid-19 vaccine programme represented “a mass iatrogenic event” (p. 132) that has been responsible for the deaths of approximately 17 million people worldwide in less than three years. This equates to the death of one in 470 living persons, or approximately one death per 800 injections. They concluded that “Causality in excess mortality is amply demonstrated” (p. 131), while emphasising that the vaccine programme had not measurably prevented any deaths.


Australia represents the perfect control group in the Covid vaccine experiment, having experienced very few Covid-19 cases before the injections were rolled out. Yet between January 2022 and Week 34 of 2023, a total of 44,448 excess deaths were recorded. As illustrated in this Graph, most of these were among people younger than 45 years. And most were cardiac deaths.

The Philippines, Malaysia, and Japan

During a World Council for Health Asiameeting on 7 January 2024, feedback from Country Council representatives confirmed the trends mentioned above.

  • In the Philippines, mortality rates in 2020 after Covid was declared were no different from those in 2019, at just less than 500,000. After the rollout of the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine, rates increased by 10% to nearly 550,000 in 2021 and to nearly 600,000 in 2022.

  • In Malaysia, cumulative excess mortality remained negative through 2020 until mid-2021. It then rose rapidly to a peak of 8% in 2022, after which it declined to 6.3% cumulative mortality. In total there have been nearly 40,000 excess deaths since 2020.

  • Prior to the Spring of 2021, Japan (where people are known for their healthy diets and strong natural immunity) had experienced hardly any Covid deaths. But after the start of the vaccination campaign this changed, with excess deaths rising to 30,000 in 2021/2. Currently with over 90% of Japan’s population having been injected, there have been about 50,000 excess deaths. Sharp increases in mortality were noticed after each of the boosters. 


Excess mortality in the Philippines stands at 296,045 people. 
This is equivalent to 809 Boeing 747s crashing, with all the passengers lost! 
These people should still be here to celebrate the New Year with their loved ones!


It should be clear to anyone who takes a moment to consider these few examples of excess deaths since 2021 that, as Andrew Bridgen MP has stated, “No-one seems to care!” Millions of individuals who represent international organisations, national governments, corporations, philanthropies, professional bodies, regulators, legacy and social media, and professions like medicine, science, and education, continue to wilfully ignore, deny, censor, and obfuscate the truth about the role of the Covid vaccines in what amounts to a cruel and cynical decimation of human beings.

At the World Council for Health, we say “Enough!” 

As a worldwide network of people committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of all, we call for a return to the Values that make us fully and gloriously Human: Freedom, Community, Integrity, Transparency, and Empowerment. We invite our public representatives around the world to turn away from the sordidness of manipulation, divisiveness, deception, secrecy, and domination, and to become part of a Better Way. 


Many people are saying, “Enough!” and charting a new and better course. May these initiatives from around the world inspire and encourage further actions:

  • We salute Andrew Bridgen MP for his tenacity. Despite 20 refusals, he continued requesting a Parliamentary Debate on Excess Deaths for nine months and was eventually allowed sixty minutes of a scheduled ninety-minute session on 20 October 2023. And now he has been granted a full three-hour Debate in the House of Commons on 16 January 2024. If you live in the UK, please write to your MP, remind them that they work for you, and demand that they attend the debate:

  • Philippine government committee has voted to launch an investigation into over 327,000 ‘unexplained’ excess deaths between 2021 and 2022 once Congress resumes in late January.

  • Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr Joseph Ladapo, is calling for a halt to the use of all Covid-19 mRNA injections, citing safety concerns after the discovery of billions of DNA fragments per dose in these vaccines. 

  • Five Scandinavian countries have either banned or discouraged the use of the Moderna vaccine by young adults and teens due to the increased risk of myocarditis.

  • We celebrate the dramatic decline in the uptake of Covid boosters, and the millions of doses that remain unused. It is clear that these products are both unsafe and ineffectual, and very few people are now willing to roll up their sleeves. 

A Better Way is calling. The World Council for Health invites you to join us in the honourable work of building communities and societies that value each individual human life and recognise the deeply holistic nature of good health. 


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