Saturday 5 November 2022

Southern Transitional Council hints openly at plans to overthrow Saudi-backed puppet government

Southern Transitional Council hints openly at plans to overthrow Saudi-backed puppet government

A leader in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia has hinted at a plan to topple the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council, which is based in Yemen’s occupied southern port city of Aden.

“The last days of the leadership council have arrived,” the commander of the so-called “Southern Resistance” Abdul Nasser al-Ba’wa Abu Hammam said in a post on his Twitter account

He added: “The leadership council will soon disintegrate and the legitimacy will be only for the transitional council.”

The threats of the leader of the separatist militia come in conjunction with the deployment of “Southern Resistance” militants several districts of Aden, in civilian clothes in preparation for the assault on Saudi forces.

The escalation of the pro-STC side against Saudi forces in Aden, comes in response to Riyadh’s decision to prevent the return of prominent South Yemeni separatist Aidarous al-Zubaidi.

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